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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kenny Lau Ring-theoretic supplement of data.polynomial. Main result: Hilbert basis theorem, that if a ring is noetherian then so is its polynomial ring. -/ import data.polynomial data.mv_polynomial import ring_theory.subring import ring_theory.ideals ring_theory.noetherian noncomputable theory local attribute [instance, priority 100] classical.prop_decidable universes u v w namespace polynomial variables (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] /-- The `R`-submodule of `R[X]` consisting of polynomials of degree ≤ `n`. -/ def degree_le (n : with_bot ℕ) : submodule R (polynomial R) := ⨅ k : ℕ, ⨅ h : ↑k > n, (lcoeff R k).ker variable {R} theorem mem_degree_le {n : with_bot ℕ} {f : polynomial R} : f ∈ degree_le R n ↔ degree f ≤ n := by simp only [degree_le, submodule.mem_infi, degree_le_iff_coeff_zero, linear_map.mem_ker]; refl theorem degree_le_mono {m n : with_bot ℕ} (H : m ≤ n) : degree_le R m ≤ degree_le R n := λ f hf, mem_degree_le.2 (le_trans (mem_degree_le.1 hf) H) theorem degree_le_eq_span_X_pow {n : ℕ} : degree_le R n = submodule.span R ↑((finset.range (n+1)).image (λ n, X^n) : finset (polynomial R)) := begin apply le_antisymm, { intros p hp, replace hp := mem_degree_le.1 hp, rw [← finsupp.sum_single p, finsupp.sum, submodule.mem_coe], refine submodule.sum_mem _ (λ k hk, _), have := with_bot.coe_le_coe.1 (finset.sup_le_iff.1 hp k hk), rw [single_eq_C_mul_X, C_mul'], refine submodule.smul_mem _ _ (submodule.subset_span $ finset.mem_coe.2 $ finset.mem_image.2 ⟨_, finset.mem_range.2 (nat.lt_succ_of_le this), rfl⟩) }, rw [submodule.span_le, finset.coe_image, set.image_subset_iff], intros k hk, apply mem_degree_le.2, apply le_trans (degree_X_pow_le _) (with_bot.coe_le_coe.2 $ nat.le_of_lt_succ $ finset.mem_range.1 hk) end /-- Given a polynomial, return the polynomial whose coefficients are in the ring closure of the original coefficients. -/ def restriction (p : polynomial R) : polynomial (ring.closure (↑p.frange : set R)) := ⟨, λ i, ⟨p.to_fun i, if H : p.to_fun i = 0 then H.symm ▸ is_add_submonoid.zero_mem _ else ring.subset_closure $ finsupp.mem_frange.2 ⟨H, i, rfl⟩⟩, λ i, finsupp.mem_support_iff.trans (not_iff_not_of_iff ⟨λ H, subtype.eq H,⟩)⟩ @[simp] theorem coeff_restriction {p : polynomial R} {n : ℕ} : ↑(coeff (restriction p) n) = coeff p n := rfl @[simp] theorem coeff_restriction' {p : polynomial R} {n : ℕ} : (coeff (restriction p) n).1 = coeff p n := rfl @[simp] theorem degree_restriction {p : polynomial R} : (restriction p).degree = := rfl @[simp] theorem nat_degree_restriction {p : polynomial R} : (restriction p).nat_degree = p.nat_degree := rfl @[simp] theorem monic_restriction {p : polynomial R} : monic (restriction p) ↔ monic p := ⟨λ H, congr_arg subtype.val H, λ H, subtype.eq H⟩ @[simp] theorem restriction_zero : restriction (0 : polynomial R) = 0 := rfl @[simp] theorem restriction_one : restriction (1 : polynomial R) = 1 := ext $ λ i, subtype.eq $ by rw [coeff_restriction', coeff_one, coeff_one]; split_ifs; refl variables {S : Type v} [comm_ring S] {f : R → S} {x : S} theorem eval₂_restriction {p : polynomial R} : eval₂ f x p = eval₂ (f ∘ subtype.val) x p.restriction := rfl section to_subring variables (p : polynomial R) (T : set R) [is_subring T] /-- Given a polynomial `p` and a subring `T` that contains the coefficients of `p`, return the corresponding polynomial whose coefficients are in `T. -/ def to_subring (hp : ↑p.frange ⊆ T) : polynomial T := ⟨, λ i, ⟨p.to_fun i, if H : p.to_fun i = 0 then H.symm ▸ is_add_submonoid.zero_mem _ else hp $ finsupp.mem_frange.2 ⟨H, i, rfl⟩⟩, λ i, finsupp.mem_support_iff.trans (not_iff_not_of_iff ⟨λ H, subtype.eq H,⟩)⟩ variables (hp : ↑p.frange ⊆ T) include hp @[simp] theorem coeff_to_subring {n : ℕ} : ↑(coeff (to_subring p T hp) n) = coeff p n := rfl @[simp] theorem coeff_to_subring' {n : ℕ} : (coeff (to_subring p T hp) n).1 = coeff p n := rfl @[simp] theorem degree_to_subring : (to_subring p T hp).degree = := rfl @[simp] theorem nat_degree_to_subring : (to_subring p T hp).nat_degree = p.nat_degree := rfl @[simp] theorem monic_to_subring : monic (to_subring p T hp) ↔ monic p := ⟨λ H, congr_arg subtype.val H, λ H, subtype.eq H⟩ omit hp @[simp] theorem to_subring_zero : to_subring (0 : polynomial R) T (set.empty_subset _) = 0 := rfl @[simp] theorem to_subring_one : to_subring (1 : polynomial R) T (set.subset.trans (finset.coe_subset.2 finsupp.frange_single) (set.singleton_subset_iff.2 (is_submonoid.one_mem _))) = 1 := ext $ λ i, subtype.eq $ by rw [coeff_to_subring', coeff_one, coeff_one]; split_ifs; refl end to_subring variables (T : set R) [is_subring T] /-- Given a polynomial whose coefficients are in some subring, return the corresponding polynomial whose coefificents are in the ambient ring. -/ def of_subring (p : polynomial T) : polynomial R := ⟨, subtype.val ∘ p.to_fun, λ n, finsupp.mem_support_iff.trans (not_iff_not_of_iff ⟨λ h, congr_arg subtype.val h, λ h, subtype.eq h⟩)⟩ @[simp] theorem frange_of_subring {p : polynomial T} : ↑(p.of_subring T).frange ⊆ T := λ y H, let ⟨hy, x, hx⟩ := finsupp.mem_frange.1 H in hx ▸ (p.to_fun x).2 end polynomial variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] namespace ideal open polynomial /-- Transport an ideal of `R[X]` to an `R`-submodule of `R[X]`. -/ def of_polynomial (I : ideal (polynomial R)) : submodule R (polynomial R) := { carrier := I.carrier, zero := I.zero_mem, add := λ _ _, I.add_mem, smul := λ c x H, by rw [← C_mul']; exact submodule.smul_mem _ _ H } variables {I : ideal (polynomial R)} theorem mem_of_polynomial (x) : x ∈ I.of_polynomial ↔ x ∈ I := iff.rfl variables (I) /-- Given an ideal `I` of `R[X]`, make the `R`-submodule of `I` consisting of polynomials of degree ≤ `n`. -/ def degree_le (n : with_bot ℕ) : submodule R (polynomial R) := degree_le R n ⊓ I.of_polynomial /-- Given an ideal `I` of `R[X]`, make the ideal in `R` of leading coefficients of polynomials in `I` with degree ≤ `n`. -/ def leading_coeff_nth (n : ℕ) : ideal R := (I.degree_le n).map $ lcoeff R n theorem mem_leading_coeff_nth (n : ℕ) (x) : x ∈ I.leading_coeff_nth n ↔ ∃ p ∈ I, degree p ≤ n ∧ leading_coeff p = x := begin simp only [leading_coeff_nth, degree_le, submodule.mem_map, lcoeff_apply, submodule.mem_inf, mem_degree_le], split, { rintro ⟨p, ⟨hpdeg, hpI⟩, rfl⟩, cases lt_or_eq_of_le hpdeg with hpdeg hpdeg, { refine ⟨0, I.zero_mem, lattice.bot_le, _⟩, rw [leading_coeff_zero, eq_comm], exact coeff_eq_zero_of_degree_lt hpdeg }, { refine ⟨p, hpI, le_of_eq hpdeg, _⟩, rw [leading_coeff, nat_degree, hpdeg], refl } }, { rintro ⟨p, hpI, hpdeg, rfl⟩, have : nat_degree p + (n - nat_degree p) = n, { exact nat.add_sub_cancel' (nat_degree_le_of_degree_le hpdeg) }, refine ⟨p * X ^ (n - nat_degree p), ⟨_, I.mul_mem_right hpI⟩, _⟩, { apply le_trans (degree_mul_le _ _) _, apply le_trans (add_le_add' (degree_le_nat_degree) (degree_X_pow_le _)) _, rw [← with_bot.coe_add, this], exact le_refl _ }, { rw [leading_coeff, ← coeff_mul_X_pow p (n - nat_degree p), this] } } end theorem mem_leading_coeff_nth_zero (x) : x ∈ I.leading_coeff_nth 0 ↔ C x ∈ I := (mem_leading_coeff_nth _ _ _).trans ⟨λ ⟨p, hpI, hpdeg, hpx⟩, by rwa [← hpx, leading_coeff, nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero (nat_degree_le_of_degree_le hpdeg), ← eq_C_of_degree_le_zero hpdeg], λ hx, ⟨C x, hx, degree_C_le, leading_coeff_C x⟩⟩ theorem leading_coeff_nth_mono {m n : ℕ} (H : m ≤ n) : I.leading_coeff_nth m ≤ I.leading_coeff_nth n := begin intros r hr, simp only [submodule.mem_coe, mem_leading_coeff_nth] at hr ⊢, rcases hr with ⟨p, hpI, hpdeg, rfl⟩, refine ⟨p * X ^ (n - m), I.mul_mem_right hpI, _, leading_coeff_mul_X_pow⟩, refine le_trans (degree_mul_le _ _) _, refine le_trans (add_le_add' hpdeg (degree_X_pow_le _)) _, rw [← with_bot.coe_add, nat.add_sub_cancel' H], exact le_refl _ end /-- Given an ideal `I` in `R[X]`, make the ideal in `R` of the leading coefficients in `I`. -/ def leading_coeff : ideal R := ⨆ n : ℕ, I.leading_coeff_nth n theorem mem_leading_coeff (x) : x ∈ I.leading_coeff ↔ ∃ p ∈ I, polynomial.leading_coeff p = x := begin rw [leading_coeff, submodule.mem_supr_of_directed], simp only [mem_leading_coeff_nth], { split, { rintro ⟨i, p, hpI, hpdeg, rfl⟩, exact ⟨p, hpI, rfl⟩ }, rintro ⟨p, hpI, rfl⟩, exact ⟨nat_degree p, p, hpI, degree_le_nat_degree, rfl⟩ }, { exact ⟨0⟩ }, intros i j, exact ⟨i + j, I.leading_coeff_nth_mono (nat.le_add_right _ _), I.leading_coeff_nth_mono (nat.le_add_left _ _)⟩ end theorem is_fg_degree_le [is_noetherian_ring R] (n : ℕ) : submodule.fg (I.degree_le n) := is_noetherian_submodule_left.1 (is_noetherian_of_fg_of_noetherian _ ⟨_, degree_le_eq_span_X_pow.symm⟩) _ end ideal /-- Hilbert basis theorem. -/ theorem is_noetherian_ring_polynomial [is_noetherian_ring R] : is_noetherian_ring (polynomial R) := ⟨assume I : ideal (polynomial R), let L := I.leading_coeff in let M := well_founded.min (is_noetherian_iff_well_founded.1 (by apply_instance)) (set.range I.leading_coeff_nth) ⟨_, ⟨0, rfl⟩⟩ in have hm : M ∈ set.range I.leading_coeff_nth := well_founded.min_mem _ _ _, let ⟨N, HN⟩ := hm, ⟨s, hs⟩ := I.is_fg_degree_le N in have hm2 : ∀ k, I.leading_coeff_nth k ≤ M := λ k, or.cases_on (le_or_lt k N) (λ h, HN ▸ I.leading_coeff_nth_mono h) (λ h x hx, classical.by_contradiction $ λ hxm, have ¬M < I.leading_coeff_nth k, by refine well_founded.not_lt_min (well_founded_submodule_gt _ _) _ _ _; exact ⟨k, rfl⟩, this ⟨HN ▸ I.leading_coeff_nth_mono (le_of_lt h), λ H, hxm (H hx)⟩), have hs2 : ∀ {x}, x ∈ I.degree_le N → x ∈ ideal.span (↑s : set (polynomial R)), from hs ▸ λ x hx, submodule.span_induction hx (λ _ hx, ideal.subset_span hx) (ideal.zero_mem _) (λ _ _, ideal.add_mem _) (λ c f hf, f.C_mul' c ▸ ideal.mul_mem_left _ hf), ⟨s, le_antisymm (ideal.span_le.2 $ λ x hx, have x ∈ I.degree_le N, from hs ▸ submodule.subset_span hx, this.2) $ begin change I ≤ ideal.span ↑s, intros p hp, generalize hn : p.nat_degree = k, induction k using nat.strong_induction_on with k ih generalizing p, cases le_or_lt k N, { subst k, refine hs2 ⟨polynomial.mem_degree_le.2 (le_trans polynomial.degree_le_nat_degree $ with_bot.coe_le_coe.2 h), hp⟩ }, { have hp0 : p ≠ 0, { rintro rfl, cases hn, exact nat.not_lt_zero _ h }, have : (0 : R) ≠ 1, { intro h, apply hp0, ext i, refine (mul_one _).symm.trans _, rw [← h, mul_zero], refl }, letI : nonzero_comm_ring R := { zero_ne_one := this, ..(infer_instance : comm_ring R) }, have : p.leading_coeff ∈ I.leading_coeff_nth N, { rw HN, exact hm2 k ((I.mem_leading_coeff_nth _ _).2 ⟨_, hp, hn ▸ polynomial.degree_le_nat_degree, rfl⟩) }, rw I.mem_leading_coeff_nth at this, rcases this with ⟨q, hq, hdq, hlqp⟩, have hq0 : q ≠ 0, { intro H, rw [← polynomial.leading_coeff_eq_zero] at H, rw [hlqp, polynomial.leading_coeff_eq_zero] at H, exact hp0 H }, have h1 : = (q * polynomial.X ^ (k - q.nat_degree)).degree, { rw [polynomial.degree_mul_eq', polynomial.degree_X_pow], rw [polynomial.degree_eq_nat_degree hp0, polynomial.degree_eq_nat_degree hq0], rw [← with_bot.coe_add, nat.add_sub_cancel', hn], { refine le_trans (polynomial.nat_degree_le_of_degree_le hdq) (le_of_lt h) }, rw [polynomial.leading_coeff_X_pow, mul_one], exact mt polynomial.leading_coeff_eq_zero.1 hq0 }, have h2 : p.leading_coeff = (q * polynomial.X ^ (k - q.nat_degree)).leading_coeff, { rw [← hlqp, polynomial.leading_coeff_mul_X_pow] }, have := polynomial.degree_sub_lt h1 hp0 h2, rw [polynomial.degree_eq_nat_degree hp0] at this, rw ← sub_add_cancel p (q * polynomial.X ^ (k - q.nat_degree)), refine (ideal.span ↑s).add_mem _ ((ideal.span ↑s).mul_mem_right _), { by_cases hpq : p - q * polynomial.X ^ (k - q.nat_degree) = 0, { rw hpq, exact ideal.zero_mem _ }, refine ih _ _ (I.sub_mem hp (I.mul_mem_right hq)) rfl, rwa [polynomial.degree_eq_nat_degree hpq, with_bot.coe_lt_coe, hn] at this }, exact hs2 ⟨polynomial.mem_degree_le.2 hdq, hq⟩ } end⟩⟩ theorem is_noetherian_ring_mv_polynomial_fin {n : ℕ} [is_noetherian_ring R] : is_noetherian_ring (mv_polynomial (fin n) R) := begin induction n with n ih, { exact is_noetherian_ring_of_ring_equiv R ((mv_polynomial.pempty_ring_equiv R).symm.trans $ mv_polynomial.ring_equiv_of_equiv _ ⟨pempty.elim, fin.elim0, λ x, pempty.elim x, λ x, fin.elim0 x⟩) }, exact @is_noetherian_ring_of_ring_equiv (polynomial (mv_polynomial (fin n) R)) _ (mv_polynomial (fin (n+1)) R) _ ((mv_polynomial.option_equiv_left _ _).symm.trans (mv_polynomial.ring_equiv_of_equiv _ ⟨λ x, option.rec_on x 0 fin.succ, λ x, fin.cases none some x, by rintro ⟨none | x⟩; [refl, exact fin.cases_succ _], λ x, fin.cases rfl (λ i, show (option.rec_on (fin.cases none some (fin.succ i) : option (fin n)) 0 fin.succ : fin n.succ) = _, by rw fin.cases_succ) x⟩)) (@@is_noetherian_ring_polynomial _ ih) end theorem is_noetherian_ring_mv_polynomial_of_fintype {σ : Type v} [fintype σ] [is_noetherian_ring R] : is_noetherian_ring (mv_polynomial σ R) := trunc.induction_on (fintype.equiv_fin σ) $ λ e, @is_noetherian_ring_of_ring_equiv (mv_polynomial (fin (fintype.card σ)) R) _ _ _ (mv_polynomial.ring_equiv_of_equiv _ e.symm) is_noetherian_ring_mv_polynomial_fin