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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Jens Wagemaker Theory of unique factorization domains. @TODO: setup the complete lattice structure on `factor_set`. -/ import algebra.gcd_domain variables {α : Type*} local infix ` ~ᵤ ` : 50 := associated /-- Unique factorization domains. In a unique factorization domain each element (except zero) is uniquely represented as a multiset of irreducible factors. Uniqueness is only up to associated elements. This is equivalent to defining a unique factorization domain as a domain in which each element (except zero) is non-uniquely represented as a multiset of prime factors. This definition is used. To define a UFD using the traditional definition in terms of multisets of irreducible factors, use the definition `of_unique_irreducible_factorization` -/ class unique_factorization_domain (α : Type*) [integral_domain α] := (factors : α → multiset α) (factors_prod : ∀{a : α}, a ≠ 0 → (factors a).prod ~ᵤ a) (prime_factors : ∀{a : α}, a ≠ 0 → ∀x∈factors a, prime x) namespace unique_factorization_domain variables [integral_domain α] [unique_factorization_domain α] @[elab_as_eliminator] lemma induction_on_prime {P : α → Prop} (a : α) (h₁ : P 0) (h₂ : ∀ x : α, is_unit x → P x) (h₃ : ∀ a p : α, a ≠ 0 → prime p → P a → P (p * a)) : P a := by haveI := classical.dec_eq α; exact if ha0 : a = 0 then ha0.symm ▸ h₁ else @multiset.induction_on _ (λ s : multiset α, ∀ (a : α), a ≠ 0 → ~ᵤ a → (∀ p ∈ s, prime p) → P a) (factors a) (λ _ _ h _, h₂ _ ((is_unit_iff_of_associated h.symm).2 is_unit_one)) (λ p s ih a ha0 ⟨u, hu⟩ hsp, have ha : a = (p * u) *, by simp [hu.symm, mul_comm, mul_assoc], have hs0 : ≠ 0, from λ _ : = 0, by simp * at *, ha.symm ▸ h₃ _ _ hs0 (prime_of_associated ⟨u, rfl⟩ (hsp p (multiset.mem_cons_self _ _))) (ih _ hs0 (by refl) (λ p hp, hsp p (multiset.mem_cons.2 (or.inr hp))))) _ ha0 (factors_prod ha0) (prime_factors ha0) lemma factors_irreducible {a : α} (ha : irreducible a) : ∃ p, a ~ᵤ p ∧ factors a = p :: 0 := by haveI := classical.dec_eq α; exact multiset.induction_on (factors a) (λ h, (ha.1 (associated_one_iff_is_unit.1 h.symm)).elim) (λ p s _ hp hs, let ⟨u, hu⟩ := hp in ⟨p, have hs0 : s = 0, from classical.by_contradiction (λ hs0, let ⟨q, hq⟩ := multiset.exists_mem_of_ne_zero hs0 in (hs q (by simp [hq])).2.1 $ (ha.2 ((p * u) * (s.erase q).prod) _ (by rw [mul_right_comm _ _ q, mul_assoc, ← multiset.prod_cons, multiset.cons_erase hq]; simp [hu.symm, mul_comm, mul_assoc])).resolve_left $ mt is_unit_of_mul_is_unit_left $ mt is_unit_of_mul_is_unit_left (hs p (multiset.mem_cons_self _ _)).2.1), ⟨associated.symm (by clear _let_match; simp * at *), hs0 ▸ rfl⟩⟩) (factors_prod ha.ne_zero) (prime_factors ha.ne_zero) lemma irreducible_iff_prime {p : α} : irreducible p ↔ prime p := by letI := classical.dec_eq α; exact if hp0 : p = 0 then by simp [hp0] else ⟨λ h, let ⟨q, hq⟩ := factors_irreducible h in have prime q, from hq.2 ▸ prime_factors hp0 _ (by simp [hq.2]), suffices prime (factors p).prod, from prime_of_associated (factors_prod hp0) this, hq.2.symm ▸ by simp [this], irreducible_of_prime⟩ lemma irreducible_factors : ∀{a : α}, a ≠ 0 → ∀x∈factors a, irreducible x := by simp only [irreducible_iff_prime]; exact @prime_factors _ _ _ lemma unique : ∀{f g : multiset α}, (∀x∈f, irreducible x) → (∀x∈g, irreducible x) → ~ᵤ → multiset.rel associated f g := by haveI := classical.dec_eq α; exact λ f, multiset.induction_on f (λ g _ hg h, multiset.rel_zero_left.2 $ multiset.eq_zero_of_forall_not_mem (λ x hx, have is_unit, by simpa [associated_one_iff_is_unit] using h.symm, (hg x hx).1 (is_unit_iff_dvd_one.2 (dvd.trans (multiset.dvd_prod hx) (is_unit_iff_dvd_one.1 this))))) (λ p f ih g hf hg hfg, let ⟨b, hbg, hb⟩ := exists_associated_mem_of_dvd_prod (irreducible_iff_prime.1 (hf p (by simp))) (λ q hq, irreducible_iff_prime.1 (hg _ hq)) $ (dvd_iff_dvd_of_rel_right hfg).1 (show p ∣ (p :: f).prod, by simp) in begin rw ← multiset.cons_erase hbg, exact multiset.rel.cons hb (ih (λ q hq, hf _ (by simp [hq])) (λ q (hq : q ∈ g.erase b), hg q (multiset.mem_of_mem_erase hq)) (associated_mul_left_cancel (by rwa [← multiset.prod_cons, ← multiset.prod_cons, multiset.cons_erase hbg]) hb (hf p (by simp)).ne_zero)) end) end unique_factorization_domain structure unique_irreducible_factorization (α : Type*) [integral_domain α] := (factors : α → multiset α) (factors_prod : ∀{a : α}, a ≠ 0 → (factors a).prod ~ᵤ a) (irreducible_factors : ∀{a : α}, a ≠ 0 → ∀x∈factors a, irreducible x) (unique : ∀{f g : multiset α}, (∀x∈f, irreducible x) → (∀x∈g, irreducible x) → ~ᵤ → multiset.rel associated f g) namespace unique_factorization_domain open unique_factorization_domain associated lattice variables [integral_domain α] [unique_factorization_domain α] [decidable_eq (associates α)] lemma exists_mem_factors_of_dvd {a p : α} (ha0 : a ≠ 0) (hp : irreducible p) : p ∣ a → ∃ q ∈ factors a, p ~ᵤ q := λ ⟨b, hb⟩, have hb0 : b ≠ 0, from λ hb0, by simp * at *, have multiset.rel associated (p :: factors b) (factors a), from unique (λ x hx, (multiset.mem_cons.1 hx).elim (λ h, h.symm ▸ hp) (irreducible_factors hb0 _)) (irreducible_factors ha0) (associated.symm $ calc (factors a) ~ᵤ a : factors_prod ha0 ... = p * b : hb ... ~ᵤ (p :: factors b) : by rw multiset.prod_cons; exact associated_mul_mul (associated.refl _) (associated.symm (factors_prod hb0))), multiset.exists_mem_of_rel_of_mem this (by simp) def of_unique_irreducible_factorization {α : Type*} [integral_domain α] (o : unique_irreducible_factorization α) : unique_factorization_domain α := by letI := classical.dec_eq α; exact { prime_factors := λ a h p (hpa : p ∈ o.factors a), have hpi : irreducible p, from o.irreducible_factors h _ hpa, ⟨hpi.ne_zero, hpi.1, λ a b ⟨x, hx⟩, if hab0 : a * b = 0 then (eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero hab0).elim (λ ha0, by simp [ha0]) (λ hb0, by simp [hb0]) else have hx0 : x ≠ 0, from λ hx0, by simp * at *, have ha0 : a ≠ 0, from ne_zero_of_mul_ne_zero_right hab0, have hb0 : b ≠ 0, from ne_zero_of_mul_ne_zero_left hab0, have multiset.rel associated (p :: o.factors x) (o.factors a + o.factors b), from o.unique (λ i hi, (multiset.mem_cons.1 hi).elim (λ hip, hip.symm ▸ hpi) (o.irreducible_factors hx0 _)) (show ∀ x ∈ o.factors a + o.factors b, irreducible x, from λ x hx, (multiset.mem_add.1 hx).elim (o.irreducible_factors (ne_zero_of_mul_ne_zero_right hab0) _) (o.irreducible_factors (ne_zero_of_mul_ne_zero_left hab0) _)) $ calc (p :: o.factors x) ~ᵤ a * b : by rw [hx, multiset.prod_cons]; exact associated_mul_mul (by refl) (o.factors_prod hx0) ... ~ᵤ (o.factors a).prod * (o.factors b).prod : associated_mul_mul (o.factors_prod ha0).symm (o.factors_prod hb0).symm ... = _ : by rw multiset.prod_add, let ⟨q, hqf, hq⟩ := multiset.exists_mem_of_rel_of_mem this (multiset.mem_cons_self p _) in (multiset.mem_add.1 hqf).elim (λ hqa, or.inl $ (dvd_iff_dvd_of_rel_left hq).2 $ (dvd_iff_dvd_of_rel_right (o.factors_prod ha0)).1 (multiset.dvd_prod hqa)) (λ hqb, or.inr $ (dvd_iff_dvd_of_rel_left hq).2 $ (dvd_iff_dvd_of_rel_right (o.factors_prod hb0)).1 (multiset.dvd_prod hqb))⟩, ..o } end unique_factorization_domain namespace associates open unique_factorization_domain associated lattice variables [integral_domain α] [unique_factorization_domain α] [decidable_eq (associates α)] /-- `factor_set α` representation elements of unique factorization domain as multisets. `multiset α` produced by `factors` are only unique up to associated elements, while the multisets in `factor_set α` are unqiue by equality and restricted to irreducible elements. This gives us a representation of each element as a unique multisets (or the added ⊤ for 0), which has a complete lattice struture. Infimum is the greatest common divisor and supremum is the least common multiple. -/ @[reducible] def {u} factor_set (α : Type u) [integral_domain α] [unique_factorization_domain α] : Type u := with_top (multiset { a : associates α // irreducible a }) local attribute [instance] associated.setoid theorem unique' {p q : multiset (associates α)} : (∀a∈p, irreducible a) → (∀a∈q, irreducible a) → = → p = q := begin apply multiset.induction_on_multiset_quot p, apply multiset.induction_on_multiset_quot q, assume s t hs ht eq, refine multiset.map_mk_eq_map_mk_of_rel (unique_factorization_domain.unique _ _ _), { exact assume a ha, ((irreducible_mk_iff _).1 $ hs _ $ multiset.mem_map_of_mem _ ha) }, { exact assume a ha, ((irreducible_mk_iff _).1 $ ht _ $ multiset.mem_map_of_mem _ ha) }, simpa [quot_mk_eq_mk, prod_mk, mk_eq_mk_iff_associated] using eq end private theorem forall_map_mk_factors_irreducible (x : α) (hx : x ≠ 0) : ∀(a : associates α), a ∈ (factors x) → irreducible a := begin assume a ha, rcases multiset.mem_map.1 ha with ⟨c, hc, rfl⟩, exact (irreducible_mk_iff c).2 (irreducible_factors hx _ hc) end theorem prod_le_prod_iff_le {p q : multiset (associates α)} (hp : ∀a∈p, irreducible a) (hq : ∀a∈q, irreducible a) : ≤ ↔ p ≤ q := iff.intro begin rintros ⟨⟨c⟩, eq⟩, have : c ≠ 0, from (mt mk_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero.2 $ assume (hc : setoid.r c = 0), have (0 : associates α) ∈ q, from prod_eq_zero_iff.1 $ eq ▸ hc.symm ▸ mul_zero _, not_irreducible_zero ((irreducible_mk_iff 0).1 $ hq _ this)), have : (factors c).prod = setoid.r c, from mk_eq_mk_iff_associated.2 (factors_prod this), refine le_iff_exists_add.2 ⟨(factors c).map, unique' hq _ _⟩, { assume x hx, rcases multiset.mem_add.1 hx with h | h, exact hp x h, exact forall_map_mk_factors_irreducible c ‹c ≠ 0› _ h }, { simp [multiset.prod_add, prod_mk, *] at * } end prod_le_prod @[simp] theorem factor_set.coe_add {a b : multiset { a : associates α // irreducible a }} : (↑a + ↑b : factor_set α) = ↑(a + b) := with_top.coe_add lemma factor_set.sup_add_inf_eq_add : ∀(a b : factor_set α), a ⊔ b + a ⊓ b = a + b | none b := show ⊤ ⊔ b + ⊤ ⊓ b = ⊤ + b, by simp | a none := show a ⊔ ⊤ + a ⊓ ⊤ = a + ⊤, by simp | (some a) (some b) := show (a : factor_set α) ⊔ b + a ⊓ b = a + b, from begin rw [← with_top.coe_sup, ← with_top.coe_inf, ← with_top.coe_add, ← with_top.coe_add, with_top.coe_eq_coe], exact multiset.union_add_inter _ _ end def factors' (a : α) (ha : a ≠ 0) : multiset { a : associates α // irreducible a } := (factors a).pmap (λa ha, ⟨ a, (irreducible_mk_iff _).2 ha⟩) (irreducible_factors $ ha) @[simp] theorem map_subtype_val_factors' {a : α} (ha : a ≠ 0) : (factors' a ha).map subtype.val = (factors a).map := by simp [factors', multiset.map_pmap, multiset.pmap_eq_map] theorem factors'_cong {a b : α} (ha : a ≠ 0) (hb : b ≠ 0) (h : a ~ᵤ b) : factors' a ha = factors' b hb := have multiset.rel associated (factors a) (factors b), from unique (irreducible_factors ha) (irreducible_factors hb) ((factors_prod ha).trans $ h.trans $ (factors_prod hb).symm), by simpa [(multiset.map_eq_map subtype.val_injective).symm, rel_associated_iff_map_eq_map.symm] def factors (a : associates α) : factor_set α := begin refine (if h : a = 0 then ⊤ else quotient.hrec_on a (λx h, some $ factors' x (mt mk_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero.2 h)) _ h), assume a b hab, apply function.hfunext, { have : a ~ᵤ 0 ↔ b ~ᵤ 0, from iff.intro (assume ha0, hab.symm.trans ha0) (assume hb0, hab.trans hb0), simp [quotient_mk_eq_mk, mk_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero, (associated_zero_iff_eq_zero _).symm, this] }, exact (assume ha hb eq, heq_of_eq $ congr_arg some $ factors'_cong _ _ hab) end @[simp] theorem factors_0 : (0 : associates α).factors = ⊤ := dif_pos rfl @[simp] theorem factors_mk (a : α) (h : a ≠ 0) : ( a).factors = factors' a h := dif_neg (mt mk_eq_zero_iff_eq_zero.1 h) def : factor_set α → associates α | none := 0 | (some s) := ( subtype.val).prod @[simp] theorem prod_top : (⊤ : factor_set α).prod = 0 := rfl @[simp] theorem prod_coe {s : multiset { a : associates α // irreducible a }} : (s : factor_set α).prod = ( subtype.val).prod := rfl theorem prod_factors : ∀(s : factor_set α), = s | none := by simp []; refl | (some s) := begin unfold, generalize eq_a : ( subtype.val).prod = a, rcases a with ⟨a⟩, rw quot_mk_eq_mk at *, have : ( subtype.val).prod ≠ 0, from assume ha, let ⟨⟨a, ha⟩, h, eq⟩ := multiset.mem_map.1 (prod_eq_zero_iff.1 ha) in have irreducible (0 : associates α), from eq ▸ ha, not_irreducible_zero ((irreducible_mk_iff _).1 this), have ha : a ≠ 0, by simp [*] at *, suffices : (unique_factorization_domain.factors a).map = subtype.val, { rw [factors_mk a ha], apply congr_arg some _, simpa [(multiset.map_eq_map subtype.val_injective).symm] }, refine unique' (forall_map_mk_factors_irreducible _ ha) (assume a ha, let ⟨⟨x, hx⟩, ha, eq⟩ := multiset.mem_map.1 ha in eq ▸ hx) _, rw [prod_mk, eq_a, mk_eq_mk_iff_associated], exact factors_prod ha end theorem factors_prod (a : associates α) : = a := quotient.induction_on a $ assume a, decidable.by_cases (assume : a = 0, by simp [quotient_mk_eq_mk, this]) (assume : a ≠ 0, have a ≠ 0, by simp * at *, by simp [this, quotient_mk_eq_mk, prod_mk, mk_eq_mk_iff_associated.2 (factors_prod this)]) theorem eq_of_factors_eq_factors {a b : associates α} (h : a.factors = b.factors) : a = b := have =, by rw h, by rwa [factors_prod, factors_prod] at this theorem eq_of_prod_eq_prod {a b : factor_set α} (h : = : a = b := have =, by rw h, by rwa [prod_factors, prod_factors] at this @[simp] theorem prod_add : ∀(a b : factor_set α), (a + b).prod = * | none b := show (⊤ + b).prod = (⊤:factor_set α).prod *, by simp | a none := show (a + ⊤).prod = * (⊤:factor_set α).prod, by simp | (some a) (some b) := show (↑a + ↑b:factor_set α).prod = (↑a:factor_set α).prod * (↑b:factor_set α).prod, by rw [factor_set.coe_add, prod_coe, prod_coe, prod_coe, multiset.map_add, multiset.prod_add] theorem prod_mono : ∀{a b : factor_set α}, a ≤ b → ≤ | none b h := have b = ⊤, from top_unique h, by rw [this, prod_top]; exact le_refl _ | a none h := show ≤ (⊤ : factor_set α).prod, by simp; exact le_top | (some a) (some b) h := prod_le_prod $ multiset.map_le_map $ with_top.coe_le_coe.1 $ h @[simp] theorem factors_mul (a b : associates α) : (a * b).factors = a.factors + b.factors := eq_of_prod_eq_prod $ eq_of_factors_eq_factors $ by rw [prod_add, factors_prod, factors_prod, factors_prod] theorem factors_mono : ∀{a b : associates α}, a ≤ b → a.factors ≤ b.factors | s t ⟨d, rfl⟩ := by rw [factors_mul] ; exact le_add_of_nonneg_right' bot_le theorem factors_le {a b : associates α} : a.factors ≤ b.factors ↔ a ≤ b := iff.intro (assume h, have ≤, from prod_mono h, by rwa [factors_prod, factors_prod] at this) factors_mono theorem prod_le {a b : factor_set α} : ≤ ↔ a ≤ b := iff.intro (assume h, have ≤, from factors_mono h, by rwa [prod_factors, prod_factors] at this) prod_mono instance : has_sup (associates α) := ⟨λa b, (a.factors ⊔ b.factors).prod⟩ instance : has_inf (associates α) := ⟨λa b, (a.factors ⊓ b.factors).prod⟩ instance : bounded_lattice (associates α) := { sup := (⊔), inf := (⊓), sup_le := assume a b c hac hbc, factors_prod c ▸ prod_mono (sup_le (factors_mono hac) (factors_mono hbc)), le_sup_left := assume a b, le_trans (le_of_eq (factors_prod a).symm) $ prod_mono $ le_sup_left, le_sup_right := assume a b, le_trans (le_of_eq (factors_prod b).symm) $ prod_mono $ le_sup_right, le_inf := assume a b c hac hbc, factors_prod a ▸ prod_mono (le_inf (factors_mono hac) (factors_mono hbc)), inf_le_left := assume a b, le_trans (prod_mono inf_le_left) (le_of_eq (factors_prod a)), inf_le_right := assume a b, le_trans (prod_mono inf_le_right) (le_of_eq (factors_prod b)), .. associates.partial_order, .. associates.lattice.order_top, .. associates.lattice.order_bot } lemma sup_mul_inf (a b : associates α) : (a ⊔ b) * (a ⊓ b) = a * b := show (a.factors ⊔ b.factors).prod * (a.factors ⊓ b.factors).prod = a * b, begin refine eq_of_factors_eq_factors _, rw [← prod_add, prod_factors, factors_mul, factor_set.sup_add_inf_eq_add] end end associates section open associates unique_factorization_domain lattice /-- `to_gcd_domain` constructs a GCD domain out of a unique factorization domain over a normalization domain. -/ def unique_factorization_domain.to_gcd_domain (α : Type*) [normalization_domain α] [unique_factorization_domain α] [decidable_eq (associates α)] : gcd_domain α := { gcd := λa b, ( a ⊓ b).out, lcm := λa b, ( a ⊔ b).out, gcd_dvd_left := assume a b, (out_dvd_iff a ( a ⊓ b)).2 $ inf_le_left, gcd_dvd_right := assume a b, (out_dvd_iff b ( a ⊓ b)).2 $ inf_le_right, dvd_gcd := assume a b c hac hab, show a ∣ ( c ⊓ b).out, by rw [dvd_out_iff, le_inf_iff, mk_le_mk_iff_dvd_iff, mk_le_mk_iff_dvd_iff]; exact ⟨hac, hab⟩, lcm_zero_left := assume a, show (⊤ ⊔ a).out = 0, by simp, lcm_zero_right := assume a, show ( a ⊔ ⊤).out = 0, by simp, gcd_mul_lcm := assume a b, show ( a ⊓ b).out * ( a ⊔ b).out = normalize (a * b), by rw [← out_mk, ← out_mul, mul_comm, sup_mul_inf]; refl, normalize_gcd := assume a b, by convert normalize_out _, .. ‹normalization_domain α› } end