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Try doing some basic maths questions in the Lean Theorem Prover. Functions, real numbers, equivalence relations and groups. Click on and then on "Open in CoCalc with one click".

Project: Xena
Views: 18536
License: APACHE
Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro, Patrick Massot

Theory of topological groups.

import data.equiv.algebra
import algebra.pointwise order.filter.pointwise
import group_theory.quotient_group
import topology.algebra.monoid topology.homeomorph

open classical set lattice filter topological_space
open_locale classical topological_space

universes u v w
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}

section topological_group

section prio
set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority]
/-- A topological (additive) group is a group in which the addition and negation operations are
continuous. -/
class topological_add_group (α : Type u) [topological_space α] [add_group α]
  extends topological_add_monoid α : Prop :=
(continuous_neg : continuous (λa:α, -a))

/-- A topological group is a group in which the multiplication and inversion operations are
continuous. -/
@[to_additive topological_add_group]
class topological_group (α : Type*) [topological_space α] [group α]
  extends topological_monoid α : Prop :=
(continuous_inv : continuous (λa:α, a⁻¹))
end prio

variables [topological_space α] [group α]

lemma continuous_inv [topological_group α] : continuous (λx:α, x⁻¹) :=
topological_group.continuous_inv α

lemma continuous.inv [topological_group α] [topological_space β] {f : β → α}
  (hf : continuous f) : continuous (λx, (f x)⁻¹) :=
continuous_inv.comp hf

lemma continuous_on.inv [topological_group α] [topological_space β] {f : β → α} {s : set β}
  (hf : continuous_on f s) : continuous_on (λx, (f x)⁻¹) s :=
continuous_inv.comp_continuous_on hf

/-- If a function converges to a value in a multiplicative topological group, then its inverse
converges to the inverse of this value. For the version in normed fields assuming additionally
that the limit is nonzero, use `tendsto.inv'`. -/
lemma filter.tendsto.inv [topological_group α] {f : β → α} {x : filter β} {a : α}
  (hf : tendsto f x (𝓝 a)) : tendsto (λx, (f x)⁻¹) x (𝓝 a⁻¹) :=
tendsto.comp ( (topological_group.continuous_inv α) a) hf

lemma continuous_at.inv [topological_group α] [topological_space β] {f : β → α} {x : β}
  (hf : continuous_at f x) : continuous_at (λx, (f x)⁻¹) x :=

lemma continuous_within_at.inv [topological_group α] [topological_space β] {f : β → α}
  {s : set β} {x : β} (hf : continuous_within_at f s x) :
  continuous_within_at (λx, (f x)⁻¹) s x :=

@[to_additive topological_add_group]
instance [topological_group α] [topological_space β] [group β] [topological_group β] :
  topological_group (α × β) :=
{ continuous_inv := continuous_fst.inv.prod_mk continuous_snd.inv }

attribute [instance] prod.topological_add_group

protected def homeomorph.mul_left [topological_group α] (a : α) : α ≃ₜ α :=
{ continuous_to_fun  := continuous_const.mul continuous_id,
  continuous_inv_fun := continuous_const.mul continuous_id,
  .. equiv.mul_left a }

lemma is_open_map_mul_left [topological_group α] (a : α) : is_open_map (λ x, a * x) :=
(homeomorph.mul_left a).is_open_map

lemma is_closed_map_mul_left [topological_group α] (a : α) : is_closed_map (λ x, a * x) :=
(homeomorph.mul_left a).is_closed_map

protected def homeomorph.mul_right
  {α : Type*} [topological_space α] [group α] [topological_group α] (a : α) :
  α ≃ₜ α :=
{ continuous_to_fun  := continuous_id.mul continuous_const,
  continuous_inv_fun := continuous_id.mul continuous_const,
  .. equiv.mul_right a }

lemma is_open_map_mul_right [topological_group α] (a : α) : is_open_map (λ x, x * a) :=
(homeomorph.mul_right a).is_open_map

lemma is_closed_map_mul_right [topological_group α] (a : α) : is_closed_map (λ x, x * a) :=
(homeomorph.mul_right a).is_closed_map

protected def homeomorph.inv (α : Type*) [topological_space α] [group α] [topological_group α] :
  α ≃ₜ α :=
{ continuous_to_fun  := continuous_inv,
  continuous_inv_fun := continuous_inv,
  .. equiv.inv α }

@[to_additive exists_nhds_half]
lemma exists_nhds_split [topological_group α] {s : set α} (hs : s ∈ 𝓝 (1 : α)) :
  ∃ V ∈ 𝓝 (1 : α), ∀ v w ∈ V, v * w ∈ s :=
  have : ((λa:α×α, a.1 * a.2) ⁻¹' s) ∈ 𝓝 ((1, 1) : α × α) :=
    tendsto_mul (by simpa using hs),
  rw nhds_prod_eq at this,
  rcases mem_prod_iff.1 this with ⟨V₁, H₁, V₂, H₂, H⟩,
  exact ⟨V₁ ∩ V₂, inter_mem_sets H₁ H₂, assume v w ⟨hv, _⟩ ⟨_, hw⟩, @H (v, w) ⟨hv, hw⟩⟩

@[to_additive exists_nhds_half_neg]
lemma exists_nhds_split_inv [topological_group α] {s : set α} (hs : s ∈ 𝓝 (1 : α)) :
  ∃ V ∈ 𝓝 (1 : α), ∀ v w ∈ V, v * w⁻¹ ∈ s :=
  have : tendsto (λa:α×α, a.1 * (a.2)⁻¹) ((𝓝 (1:α)).prod (𝓝 (1:α))) (𝓝 1),
  { simpa using (@tendsto_fst α α (𝓝 1) (𝓝 1)).mul tendsto_snd.inv },
  have : ((λa:α×α, a.1 * (a.2)⁻¹) ⁻¹' s) ∈ (𝓝 (1:α)).prod (𝓝 (1:α)) :=
    this (by simpa using hs),
  rcases mem_prod_iff.1 this with ⟨V₁, H₁, V₂, H₂, H⟩,
  exact ⟨V₁ ∩ V₂, inter_mem_sets H₁ H₂, assume v w ⟨hv, _⟩ ⟨_, hw⟩, @H (v, w) ⟨hv, hw⟩⟩

@[to_additive exists_nhds_quarter]
lemma exists_nhds_split4 [topological_group α] {u : set α} (hu : u ∈ 𝓝 (1 : α)) :
  ∃ V ∈ 𝓝 (1 : α), ∀ {v w s t}, v ∈ V → w ∈ V → s ∈ V → t ∈ V → v * w * s * t ∈ u :=
  rcases exists_nhds_split hu with ⟨W, W_nhd, h⟩,
  rcases exists_nhds_split W_nhd with ⟨V, V_nhd, h'⟩,
  existsi [V, V_nhd],
  intros v w s t v_in w_in s_in t_in,
  simpa [mul_assoc] using h _ _ (h' v w v_in w_in) (h' s t s_in t_in)

variable (α)
lemma nhds_one_symm [topological_group α] : comap (λr:α, r⁻¹) (𝓝 (1 : α)) = 𝓝 (1 : α) :=
  have lim : tendsto (λr:α, r⁻¹) (𝓝 1) (𝓝 1),
  { simpa using (@tendsto_id α (𝓝 1)).inv },
  refine comap_eq_of_inverse _ _ lim lim,
  { funext x, simp },

lemma nhds_translation_mul_inv [topological_group α] (x : α) :
  comap (λy:α, y * x⁻¹) (𝓝 1) = 𝓝 x :=
  refine comap_eq_of_inverse (λy:α, y * x) _ _ _,
  { funext x; simp },
  { suffices : tendsto (λy:α, y * x⁻¹) (𝓝 x) (𝓝 (x * x⁻¹)), { simpa },
    exact tendsto_id.mul tendsto_const_nhds },
  { suffices : tendsto (λy:α, y * x) (𝓝 1) (𝓝 (1 * x)), { simpa },
    exact tendsto_id.mul tendsto_const_nhds }

lemma topological_group.ext {G : Type*} [group G] {t t' : topological_space G}
  (tg : @topological_group G t _) (tg' : @topological_group G t' _)
  (h : @nhds G t 1 = @nhds G t' 1) : t = t' :=
eq_of_nhds_eq_nhds $ λ x, by
  rw [← @nhds_translation_mul_inv G t _ _ x , ← @nhds_translation_mul_inv G t' _ _ x , ← h]
end topological_group

section quotient_topological_group
variables [topological_space α] [group α] [topological_group α] (N : set α) [normal_subgroup N]

instance {α : Type u} [group α] [topological_space α] (N : set α) [normal_subgroup N] :
  topological_space (quotient_group.quotient N) :=
by dunfold quotient_group.quotient; apply_instance

open quotient_group
@[to_additive quotient_add_group_saturate]
lemma quotient_group_saturate {α : Type u} [group α] (N : set α) [normal_subgroup N] (s : set α) :
  (coe : α → quotient N) ⁻¹' ((coe : α → quotient N) '' s) = (⋃ x : N, (λ y, y*x.1) '' s) :=
  ext x,
  simp only [mem_preimage, mem_image, mem_Union, quotient_group.eq],
  { exact assume ⟨a, a_in, h⟩, ⟨⟨_, h⟩, a, a_in, mul_inv_cancel_left _ _⟩ },
  { exact assume ⟨⟨i, hi⟩, a, ha, eq⟩,
      ⟨a, ha, by simp only [eq.symm, (mul_assoc _ _ _).symm, inv_mul_cancel_left, hi]⟩ }

lemma quotient_group.open_coe : is_open_map (coe : α →  quotient N) :=
  intros s s_op,
  change is_open ((coe : α →  quotient N) ⁻¹' (coe '' s)),
  rw quotient_group_saturate N s,
  apply is_open_Union,
  rintro ⟨n, _⟩,
  exact is_open_map_mul_right n s s_op

@[to_additive topological_add_group_quotient]
instance topological_group_quotient : topological_group (quotient N) :=
{ continuous_mul := begin
    have cont : continuous ((coe : α → quotient N) ∘ (λ (p : α × α), p.fst * p.snd)) :=
      continuous_quot_mk.comp continuous_mul,
    have quot : quotient_map (λ p : α × α, ((p.1:quotient N), (p.2:quotient N))),
    { apply is_open_map.to_quotient_map,
      { exact (quotient_group.open_coe N) (quotient_group.open_coe N) },
      { exact (continuous_quot_mk.comp continuous_fst).prod_mk
              (continuous_quot_mk.comp continuous_snd) },
      { rintro ⟨⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩⟩,
        exact ⟨(x, y), rfl⟩ } },
    exact (quotient_map.continuous_iff quot).2 cont,
  continuous_inv := begin
    apply continuous_quotient_lift,
    change continuous ((coe : α → quotient N) ∘ (λ (a : α), a⁻¹)),
    exact continuous_quot_mk.comp continuous_inv
  end }

attribute [instance] topological_add_group_quotient

end quotient_topological_group

section topological_add_group
variables [topological_space α] [add_group α]

lemma continuous.sub [topological_add_group α] [topological_space β] {f : β → α} {g : β → α}
  (hf : continuous f) (hg : continuous g) : continuous (λx, f x - g x) :=
by simp; exact hf.add hg.neg

lemma continuous_sub [topological_add_group α] : continuous (λp:α×α, p.1 - p.2) :=
continuous_fst.sub continuous_snd

lemma continuous_on.sub [topological_add_group α] [topological_space β] {f : β → α} {g : β → α} {s : set β}
  (hf : continuous_on f s) (hg : continuous_on g s) : continuous_on (λx, f x - g x) s :=
continuous_sub.comp_continuous_on ( hg)

lemma filter.tendsto.sub [topological_add_group α] {f : β → α} {g : β → α} {x : filter β} {a b : α}
  (hf : tendsto f x (𝓝 a)) (hg : tendsto g x (𝓝 b)) : tendsto (λx, f x - g x) x (𝓝 (a - b)) :=
by simp; exact hf.add hg.neg

lemma nhds_translation [topological_add_group α] (x : α) : comap (λy:α, y - x) (𝓝 0) = 𝓝 x :=
nhds_translation_add_neg x

end topological_add_group

section prio
set_option default_priority 100 -- see Note [default priority]
/-- additive group with a neighbourhood around 0.
Only used to construct a topology and uniform space.

This is currently only available for commutative groups, but it can be extended to
non-commutative groups too.
class add_group_with_zero_nhd (α : Type u) extends add_comm_group α :=
(Z : filter α)
(zero_Z {} : pure 0 ≤ Z)
(sub_Z {} : tendsto (λp:α×α, p.1 - p.2) ( Z) Z)
end prio

namespace add_group_with_zero_nhd
variables (α) [add_group_with_zero_nhd α]

local notation `Z` := add_group_with_zero_nhd.Z

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance : topological_space α :=
topological_space.mk_of_nhds $ λa, map (λx, x + a) (Z α)

variables {α}

lemma neg_Z : tendsto (λa:α, - a) (Z α) (Z α) :=
have tendsto (λa, (0:α)) (Z α) (Z α),
  by refine le_trans (assume h, _) zero_Z; simp [univ_mem_sets'] {contextual := tt},
have tendsto (λa:α, 0 - a) (Z α) (Z α), from
  sub_Z.comp (tendsto.prod_mk this tendsto_id),
by simpa

lemma add_Z : tendsto (λp:α×α, p.1 + p.2) ((Z α).prod (Z α)) (Z α) :=
suffices tendsto (λp:α×α, p.1 - -p.2) ((Z α).prod (Z α)) (Z α),
  by simpa,
sub_Z.comp (tendsto.prod_mk tendsto_fst (neg_Z.comp tendsto_snd))

lemma exists_Z_half {s : set α} (hs : s ∈ Z α) : ∃ V ∈ Z α, ∀ v w ∈ V, v + w ∈ s :=
  have : ((λa:α×α, a.1 + a.2) ⁻¹' s) ∈ (Z α).prod (Z α) := add_Z (by simpa using hs),
  rcases mem_prod_iff.1 this with ⟨V₁, H₁, V₂, H₂, H⟩,
  exact ⟨V₁ ∩ V₂, inter_mem_sets H₁ H₂, assume v w ⟨hv, _⟩ ⟨_, hw⟩, @H (v, w) ⟨hv, hw⟩⟩

lemma nhds_eq (a : α) : 𝓝 a = map (λx, x + a) (Z α) :=
topological_space.nhds_mk_of_nhds _ _
  (assume a, calc pure a = map (λx, x + a) (pure 0) : by simp
    ... ≤ _ : map_mono zero_Z)
  (assume b s hs,
    let ⟨t, ht, eqt⟩ := exists_Z_half hs in
    have t0 : (0:α) ∈ t, by simpa using zero_Z ht,
      refine ⟨(λx:α, x + b) '' t, image_mem_map ht, _, _⟩,
      { refine set.image_subset_iff.2 (assume b hbt, _),
        simpa using eqt 0 b t0 hbt },
      { rintros _ ⟨c, hb, rfl⟩,
        refine (Z α).sets_of_superset ht (assume x hxt, _),
        simpa using eqt _ _ hxt hb }

lemma nhds_zero_eq_Z : 𝓝 0 = Z α := by simp [nhds_eq]; exact filter.map_id

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance : topological_add_monoid α :=
⟨ continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ assume ⟨a, b⟩,
    rw [continuous_at, nhds_prod_eq, nhds_eq, nhds_eq, nhds_eq, filter.prod_map_map_eq,
    suffices :  tendsto ((λx:α, (a + b) + x) ∘ (λp:α×α,p.1 + p.2)) ( (Z α) (Z α))
      (map (λx:α, (a + b) + x) (Z α)),
    { simpa [(∘)] },
    exact tendsto_map.comp add_Z

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance : topological_add_group α :=
⟨continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ assume a,
    rw [continuous_at, nhds_eq, nhds_eq, tendsto_map'_iff],
    suffices : tendsto ((λx:α, x - a) ∘ (λx:α, -x)) (Z α) (map (λx:α, x - a) (Z α)),
    { simpa [(∘)] },
    exact tendsto_map.comp neg_Z

end add_group_with_zero_nhd

section filter_mul
local attribute [instance]
  set.pointwise_one set.pointwise_mul set.pointwise_add filter.pointwise_mul filter.pointwise_add

variables [topological_space α] [group α] [topological_group α]

lemma is_open_pointwise_mul_left {s t : set α} : is_open t → is_open (s * t) := λ ht,
  have : ∀a, is_open ((λ (x : α), a * x) '' t),
    assume a, apply is_open_map_mul_left, exact ht,
  rw pointwise_mul_eq_Union_mul_left,
  exact is_open_Union (λa, is_open_Union $ λha, this _),

lemma is_open_pointwise_mul_right {s t : set α} : is_open s → is_open (s * t) := λ hs,
  have : ∀a, is_open ((λ (x : α), x * a) '' s),
    assume a, apply is_open_map_mul_right, exact hs,
  rw pointwise_mul_eq_Union_mul_right,
  exact is_open_Union (λa, is_open_Union $ λha, this _),

variables (α)

lemma topological_group.t1_space (h : @is_closed α _ {1}) : t1_space α :=
⟨assume x, by { convert is_closed_map_mul_right x _ h, simp }⟩

lemma topological_group.regular_space [t1_space α] : regular_space α :=
⟨assume s a hs ha,
 let f := λ p : α × α, p.1 * (p.2)⁻¹ in
 have hf : continuous f :=
   continuous_mul.comp (continuous_fst.prod_mk (continuous_inv.comp continuous_snd)),
 -- a ∈ -s implies f (a, 1) ∈ -s, and so (a, 1) ∈ f⁻¹' (-s);
 -- and so can find t₁ t₂ open such that a ∈ t₁ × t₂ ⊆ f⁻¹' (-s)
 let ⟨t₁, t₂, ht₁, ht₂, a_mem_t₁, one_mem_t₂, t_subset⟩ :=
   is_open_prod_iff.1 (hf _ (is_open_compl_iff.2 hs)) a (1:α) (by simpa [f]) in
   use s * t₂,
   use is_open_pointwise_mul_left ht₂,
   use λ x hx, ⟨x, hx, 1, one_mem_t₂, (mul_one _).symm⟩,
   apply inf_principal_eq_bot,
   rw mem_nhds_sets_iff,
   refine ⟨t₁, _, ht₁, a_mem_t₁⟩,
   rintros x hx ⟨y, hy, z, hz, yz⟩,
   have : x * z⁻¹ ∈ -s := (prod_subset_iff.1 t_subset) x hx z hz,
   have : x * z⁻¹ ∈ s, rw yz, simpa,

local attribute [instance] topological_group.regular_space

lemma topological_group.t2_space [t1_space α] : t2_space α := regular_space.t2_space α


variables [topological_space α] [comm_group α] [topological_group α]

lemma nhds_pointwise_mul (x y : α) : 𝓝 (x * y) = 𝓝 x * 𝓝 y :=
filter_eq $ set.ext $ assume s,
  rw [← nhds_translation_mul_inv x, ← nhds_translation_mul_inv y, ← nhds_translation_mul_inv (x*y)],
  { rintros ⟨t, ht, ts⟩,
    rcases exists_nhds_split ht with ⟨V, V_mem, h⟩,
    refine ⟨(λa, a * x⁻¹) ⁻¹' V, ⟨V, V_mem, subset.refl _⟩,
            (λa, a * y⁻¹) ⁻¹' V, ⟨V, V_mem, subset.refl _⟩, _⟩,
    rintros a ⟨v, v_mem, w, w_mem, rfl⟩,
    apply ts,
    simpa [mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_left_comm] using h (v * x⁻¹) (w * y⁻¹) v_mem w_mem },
  { rintros ⟨a, ⟨b, hb, ba⟩, c, ⟨d, hd, dc⟩, ac⟩,
    refine ⟨b ∩ d, inter_mem_sets hb hd, assume v, _⟩,
    simp only [preimage_subset_iff, mul_inv_rev, mem_preimage] at *,
    rintros ⟨vb, vd⟩,
    refine ac ⟨v * y⁻¹, _, y, _, _⟩,
    { rw ← mul_assoc _ _ _ at vb, exact ba _ vb },
    { apply dc y, rw mul_right_inv, exact mem_of_nhds hd },
    { simp only [inv_mul_cancel_right] } }

lemma nhds_is_mul_hom : is_mul_hom (λx:α, 𝓝 x) := ⟨λ_ _, nhds_pointwise_mul _ _⟩


end filter_mul