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/- Copyright (c) 2018 Patrick Massot. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Patrick Massot, Johannes Hölzl Uniform structure on topological groups: * `topological_add_group.to_uniform_space` and `topological_add_group_is_uniform` can be used to construct a canonical uniformity for a topological add group. * extension of ℤ-bilinear maps to complete groups (useful for ring completions) * `add_group_with_zero_nhd`: construct the topological structure from a group with a neighbourhood around zero. Then with `topological_add_group.to_uniform_space` one can derive a `uniform_space`. -/ import topology.uniform_space.uniform_embedding topology.uniform_space.complete_separated import noncomputable theory open_locale classical uniformity topological_space section uniform_add_group open filter set variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} /-- A uniform (additive) group is a group in which the addition and negation are uniformly continuous. -/ class uniform_add_group (α : Type*) [uniform_space α] [add_group α] : Prop := (uniform_continuous_sub : uniform_continuous (λp:α×α, p.1 - p.2)) theorem' {α} [uniform_space α] [add_group α] (h₁ : uniform_continuous (λp:α×α, p.1 + p.2)) (h₂ : uniform_continuous (λp:α, -p)) : uniform_add_group α := ⟨h₁.comp (uniform_continuous_fst.prod_mk (h₂.comp uniform_continuous_snd))⟩ variables [uniform_space α] [add_group α] [uniform_add_group α] lemma uniform_continuous_sub : uniform_continuous (λp:α×α, p.1 - p.2) := uniform_add_group.uniform_continuous_sub α lemma uniform_continuous.sub [uniform_space β] {f : β → α} {g : β → α} (hf : uniform_continuous f) (hg : uniform_continuous g) : uniform_continuous (λx, f x - g x) := uniform_continuous_sub.comp (hf.prod_mk hg) lemma uniform_continuous.neg [uniform_space β] {f : β → α} (hf : uniform_continuous f) : uniform_continuous (λx, - f x) := have uniform_continuous (λx, 0 - f x), from uniform_continuous_const.sub hf, by simp * at * lemma uniform_continuous_neg : uniform_continuous (λx:α, - x) := uniform_continuous_id.neg lemma uniform_continuous.add [uniform_space β] {f : β → α} {g : β → α} (hf : uniform_continuous f) (hg : uniform_continuous g) : uniform_continuous (λx, f x + g x) := have uniform_continuous (λx, f x - - g x), from hf.sub hg.neg, by simp * at * lemma uniform_continuous_add : uniform_continuous (λp:α×α, p.1 + p.2) := uniform_continuous_fst.add uniform_continuous_snd @[priority 10] instance uniform_add_group.to_topological_add_group : topological_add_group α := { continuous_add := uniform_continuous_add.continuous, continuous_neg := uniform_continuous_neg.continuous } instance [uniform_space β] [add_group β] [uniform_add_group β] : uniform_add_group (α × β) := ⟨((uniform_continuous_fst.comp uniform_continuous_fst).sub (uniform_continuous_fst.comp uniform_continuous_snd)).prod_mk ((uniform_continuous_snd.comp uniform_continuous_fst).sub (uniform_continuous_snd.comp uniform_continuous_snd))⟩ lemma uniformity_translate (a : α) : (𝓤 α).map (λx:α×α, (x.1 + a, x.2 + a)) = 𝓤 α := le_antisymm (uniform_continuous_id.add uniform_continuous_const) (calc 𝓤 α = ((𝓤 α).map (λx:α×α, (x.1 + -a, x.2 + -a))).map (λx:α×α, (x.1 + a, x.2 + a)) : by simp [filter.map_map, (∘)]; exact filter.map_id.symm ... ≤ (𝓤 α).map (λx:α×α, (x.1 + a, x.2 + a)) : filter.map_mono (uniform_continuous_id.add uniform_continuous_const)) lemma uniform_embedding_translate (a : α) : uniform_embedding (λx:α, x + a) := { comap_uniformity := begin rw [← uniformity_translate a, comap_map] {occs := occurrences.pos [1]}, rintros ⟨p₁, p₂⟩ ⟨q₁, q₂⟩, simp [prod.eq_iff_fst_eq_snd_eq] {contextual := tt} end, inj := assume x y, eq_of_add_eq_add_right } section variables (α) lemma uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero : 𝓤 α = comap (λx:α×α, x.2 - x.1) (𝓝 (0:α)) := begin rw [nhds_eq_comap_uniformity, filter.comap_comap_comp], refine le_antisymm (filter.map_le_iff_le_comap.1 _) _, { assume s hs, rcases mem_uniformity_of_uniform_continuous_invariant uniform_continuous_sub hs with ⟨t, ht, hts⟩, refine mem_map.2 (mem_sets_of_superset ht _), rintros ⟨a, b⟩, simpa [subset_def] using hts a b a }, { assume s hs, rcases mem_uniformity_of_uniform_continuous_invariant uniform_continuous_add hs with ⟨t, ht, hts⟩, refine ⟨_, ht, _⟩, rintros ⟨a, b⟩, simpa [subset_def] using hts 0 (b - a) a } end end lemma group_separation_rel (x y : α) : (x, y) ∈ separation_rel α ↔ x - y ∈ closure ({0} : set α) := have embedding (λa, a + (y - x)), from (uniform_embedding_translate (y - x)).embedding, show (x, y) ∈ ⋂₀ (𝓤 α).sets ↔ x - y ∈ closure ({0} : set α), begin rw [this.closure_eq_preimage_closure_image, uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero α, sInter_comap_sets], simp [mem_closure_iff_nhds, inter_singleton_nonempty] end lemma uniform_continuous_of_tendsto_zero [uniform_space β] [add_group β] [uniform_add_group β] {f : α → β} [is_add_group_hom f] (h : tendsto f (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0)) : uniform_continuous f := begin have : ((λx:β×β, x.2 - x.1) ∘ (λx:α×α, (f x.1, f x.2))) = (λx:α×α, f (x.2 - x.1)), { simp only [is_add_group_hom.map_sub f] }, rw [uniform_continuous, uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero α, uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero β, tendsto_comap_iff, this], exact tendsto.comp h tendsto_comap end lemma uniform_continuous_of_continuous [uniform_space β] [add_group β] [uniform_add_group β] {f : α → β} [is_add_group_hom f] (h : continuous f) : uniform_continuous f := uniform_continuous_of_tendsto_zero $ suffices tendsto f (𝓝 0) (𝓝 (f 0)), by rwa [is_add_group_hom.map_zero f] at this, h.tendsto 0 end uniform_add_group section topological_add_comm_group universes u v w x open filter variables {G : Type u} [add_comm_group G] [topological_space G] [topological_add_group G] variable (G) def topological_add_group.to_uniform_space : uniform_space G := { uniformity := comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 0), refl := by refine map_le_iff_le_comap.1 (le_trans _ (pure_le_nhds 0)); simp [set.subset_def] {contextual := tt}, symm := begin suffices : tendsto ((λp, -p) ∘ (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1)) (comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 0)) (𝓝 (-0)), { simpa [(∘), tendsto_comap_iff] }, exact tendsto.comp (tendsto.neg tendsto_id) tendsto_comap end, comp := begin intros D H, rw mem_lift'_sets, { rcases H with ⟨U, U_nhds, U_sub⟩, rcases exists_nhds_half U_nhds with ⟨V, ⟨V_nhds, V_sum⟩⟩, existsi ((λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V), have H : (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V ∈ comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 (0 : G)), by existsi [V, V_nhds] ; refl, existsi H, have comp_rel_sub : comp_rel ((λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V) ((λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' V) ⊆ (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) ⁻¹' U, begin intros p p_comp_rel, rcases p_comp_rel with ⟨z, ⟨Hz1, Hz2⟩⟩, simpa using V_sum _ _ Hz1 Hz2 end, exact set.subset.trans comp_rel_sub U_sub }, { exact monotone_comp_rel monotone_id monotone_id } end, is_open_uniformity := begin intro S, let S' := λ x, {p : G × G | p.1 = x → p.2 ∈ S}, show is_open S ↔ ∀ (x : G), x ∈ S → S' x ∈ comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 (0 : G)), rw [is_open_iff_mem_nhds], refine forall_congr (assume a, forall_congr (assume ha, _)), rw [← nhds_translation a, mem_comap_sets, mem_comap_sets], refine exists_congr (assume t, exists_congr (assume ht, _)), show (λ (y : G), y - a) ⁻¹' t ⊆ S ↔ (λ (p : G × G), p.snd - p.fst) ⁻¹' t ⊆ S' a, split, { rintros h ⟨x, y⟩ hx rfl, exact h hx }, { rintros h x hx, exact @h (a, x) hx rfl } end } section local attribute [instance] topological_add_group.to_uniform_space lemma uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero' : 𝓤 G = comap (λp:G×G, p.2 - p.1) (𝓝 (0 : G)) := rfl variable {G} lemma topological_add_group_is_uniform : uniform_add_group G := have tendsto ((λp:(G×G), p.1 - p.2) ∘ (λp:(G×G)×(G×G), (p.1.2 - p.1.1, p.2.2 - p.2.1))) (comap (λp:(G×G)×(G×G), (p.1.2 - p.1.1, p.2.2 - p.2.1)) ((𝓝 0).prod (𝓝 0))) (𝓝 (0 - 0)) := (tendsto_fst.sub tendsto_snd).comp tendsto_comap, begin constructor, rw [uniform_continuous, uniformity_prod_eq_prod, tendsto_map'_iff, uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero' G, tendsto_comap_iff, prod_comap_comap_eq], simpa [(∘)] end end lemma to_uniform_space_eq {α : Type*} [u : uniform_space α] [add_comm_group α] [uniform_add_group α]: topological_add_group.to_uniform_space α = u := begin ext : 1, show @uniformity α (topological_add_group.to_uniform_space α) = 𝓤 α, rw [uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero' α, uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero α] end end topological_add_comm_group namespace add_comm_group section Z_bilin variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {δ : Type*} variables [add_comm_group α] [add_comm_group β] [add_comm_group γ] /- TODO: when modules are changed to have more explicit base ring, then change replace `is_Z_bilin` by using `is_bilinear_map ℤ` from `tensor_product`. -/ class is_Z_bilin (f : α × β → γ) : Prop := (add_left : ∀ a a' b, f (a + a', b) = f (a, b) + f (a', b)) (add_right : ∀ a b b', f (a, b + b') = f (a, b) + f (a, b')) variables (f : α × β → γ) [is_Z_bilin f] instance is_Z_bilin.comp_hom {g : γ → δ} [add_comm_group δ] [is_add_group_hom g] : is_Z_bilin (g ∘ f) := by constructor; simp [(∘), is_Z_bilin.add_left f, is_Z_bilin.add_right f, is_add_hom.map_add g] instance is_Z_bilin.comp_swap : is_Z_bilin (f ∘ prod.swap) := ⟨λ a a' b, is_Z_bilin.add_right f b a a', λ a b b', is_Z_bilin.add_left f b b' a⟩ lemma is_Z_bilin.zero_left : ∀ b, f (0, b) = 0 := begin intro b, apply add_self_iff_eq_zero.1, rw ←is_Z_bilin.add_left f, simp end lemma is_Z_bilin.zero_right : ∀ a, f (a, 0) = 0 := is_Z_bilin.zero_left (f ∘ prod.swap) lemma : f (0, 0) = 0 := is_Z_bilin.zero_left f 0 lemma is_Z_bilin.neg_left : ∀ a b, f (-a, b) = -f (a, b) := begin intros a b, apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, rw [sub_eq_add_neg, neg_neg, ←is_Z_bilin.add_left f, neg_add_self, is_Z_bilin.zero_left f] end lemma is_Z_bilin.neg_right : ∀ a b, f (a, -b) = -f (a, b) := assume a b, is_Z_bilin.neg_left (f ∘ prod.swap) b a lemma is_Z_bilin.sub_left : ∀ a a' b, f (a - a', b) = f (a, b) - f (a', b) := begin intros, dsimp [algebra.sub], rw [is_Z_bilin.add_left f, is_Z_bilin.neg_left f] end lemma is_Z_bilin.sub_right : ∀ a b b', f (a, b - b') = f (a, b) - f (a,b') := assume a b b', is_Z_bilin.sub_left (f ∘ prod.swap) b b' a end Z_bilin end add_comm_group open add_comm_group filter set function section variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {δ : Type*} -- α, β and G are abelian topological groups, G is a uniform space variables [topological_space α] [add_comm_group α] variables [topological_space β] [add_comm_group β] variables {G : Type*} [uniform_space G] [add_comm_group G] variables {ψ : α × β → G} (hψ : continuous ψ) [ψbilin : is_Z_bilin ψ] include hψ ψbilin lemma is_Z_bilin.tendsto_zero_left (x₁ : α) : tendsto ψ (𝓝 (x₁, 0)) (𝓝 0) := begin have := hψ.tendsto (x₁, 0), rwa [is_Z_bilin.zero_right ψ] at this end lemma is_Z_bilin.tendsto_zero_right (y₁ : β) : tendsto ψ (𝓝 (0, y₁)) (𝓝 0) := begin have := hψ.tendsto (0, y₁), rwa [is_Z_bilin.zero_left ψ] at this end end section variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} variables [topological_space α] [add_comm_group α] [topological_add_group α] -- β is a dense subgroup of α, inclusion is denoted by e variables [topological_space β] [add_comm_group β] variables {e : β → α} [is_add_group_hom e] (de : dense_inducing e) include de lemma tendsto_sub_comap_self (x₀ : α) : tendsto (λt:β×β, t.2 - t.1) (comap (λp:β×β, (e p.1, e p.2)) $ 𝓝 (x₀, x₀)) (𝓝 0) := begin have comm : (λx:α×α, x.2-x.1) ∘ (λt:β×β, (e t.1, e t.2)) = e ∘ (λt:β×β, t.2 - t.1), { ext t, change e t.2 - e t.1 = e (t.2 - t.1), rwa ← is_add_group_hom.map_sub e t.2 t.1 }, have lim : tendsto (λ x : α × α, x.2-x.1) (𝓝 (x₀, x₀)) (𝓝 (e 0)), { have := (continuous_sub.comp continuous_swap).tendsto (x₀, x₀), simpa [-sub_eq_add_neg, sub_self, eq.symm (is_add_group_hom.map_zero e)] using this }, have := de.tendsto_comap_nhds_nhds lim comm, simp [-sub_eq_add_neg, this] end end namespace dense_inducing variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {δ : Type*} variables {G : Type*} -- β is a dense subgroup of α, inclusion is denoted by e -- δ is a dense subgroup of γ, inclusion is denoted by f variables [topological_space α] [add_comm_group α] [topological_add_group α] variables [topological_space β] [add_comm_group β] [topological_add_group β] variables [topological_space γ] [add_comm_group γ] [topological_add_group γ] variables [topological_space δ] [add_comm_group δ] [topological_add_group δ] variables [uniform_space G] [add_comm_group G] [uniform_add_group G] [separated G] [complete_space G] variables {e : β → α} [is_add_group_hom e] (de : dense_inducing e) variables {f : δ → γ} [is_add_group_hom f] (df : dense_inducing f) variables {φ : β × δ → G} (hφ : continuous φ) [bilin : is_Z_bilin φ] include de df hφ bilin variables {W' : set G} (W'_nhd : W' ∈ 𝓝 (0 : G)) include W'_nhd private lemma extend_Z_bilin_aux (x₀ : α) (y₁ : δ) : ∃ U₂ ∈ comap e (𝓝 x₀), ∀ x x' ∈ U₂, φ (x' - x, y₁) ∈ W' := begin let Nx := 𝓝 x₀, let ee := λ u : β × β, (e u.1, e u.2), have lim1 : tendsto (λ a : β × β, (a.2 - a.1, y₁)) ( (comap e Nx) (comap e Nx)) (𝓝 (0, y₁)), { have := tendsto.prod_mk (tendsto_sub_comap_self de x₀) (tendsto_const_nhds : tendsto (λ (p : β × β), y₁) (comap ee $ 𝓝 (x₀, x₀)) (𝓝 y₁)), rw [nhds_prod_eq, prod_comap_comap_eq, ←nhds_prod_eq], exact (this : _) }, have lim := tendsto.comp (is_Z_bilin.tendsto_zero_right hφ y₁) lim1, rw tendsto_prod_self_iff at lim, exact lim W' W'_nhd, end private lemma extend_Z_bilin_key (x₀ : α) (y₀ : γ) : ∃ U ∈ comap e (𝓝 x₀), ∃ V ∈ comap f (𝓝 y₀), ∀ x x' ∈ U, ∀ y y' ∈ V, φ (x', y') - φ (x, y) ∈ W' := begin let Nx := 𝓝 x₀, let Ny := 𝓝 y₀, let dp := de df, let ee := λ u : β × β, (e u.1, e u.2), let ff := λ u : δ × δ, (f u.1, f u.2), have lim_φ : filter.tendsto φ (𝓝 (0, 0)) (𝓝 0), { have := hφ.tendsto (0, 0), rwa [ φ] at this }, have lim_φ_sub_sub : tendsto (λ (p : (β × β) × (δ × δ)), φ (p.1.2 - p.1.1, p.2.2 - p.2.1)) ( (comap ee $ 𝓝 (x₀, x₀)) (comap ff $ 𝓝 (y₀, y₀))) (𝓝 0), { have lim_sub_sub : tendsto (λ (p : (β × β) × δ × δ), (p.1.2 - p.1.1, p.2.2 - p.2.1)) ( (comap ee (𝓝 (x₀, x₀))) (comap ff (𝓝 (y₀, y₀)))) ( (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0)), { have := filter.prod_mono (tendsto_sub_comap_self de x₀) (tendsto_sub_comap_self df y₀), rwa prod_map_map_eq at this }, rw ← nhds_prod_eq at lim_sub_sub, exact tendsto.comp lim_φ lim_sub_sub }, rcases exists_nhds_quarter W'_nhd with ⟨W, W_nhd, W4⟩, have : ∃ U₁ ∈ comap e (𝓝 x₀), ∃ V₁ ∈ comap f (𝓝 y₀), ∀ x x' ∈ U₁, ∀ y y' ∈ V₁, φ (x'-x, y'-y) ∈ W, { have := tendsto_prod_iff.1 lim_φ_sub_sub W W_nhd, repeat { rw [nhds_prod_eq, ←prod_comap_comap_eq] at this }, rcases this with ⟨U, U_in, V, V_in, H⟩, rw [mem_prod_same_iff] at U_in V_in, rcases U_in with ⟨U₁, U₁_in, HU₁⟩, rcases V_in with ⟨V₁, V₁_in, HV₁⟩, existsi [U₁, U₁_in, V₁, V₁_in], intros x x' x_in x'_in y y' y_in y'_in, exact H _ _ (HU₁ (mk_mem_prod x_in x'_in)) (HV₁ (mk_mem_prod y_in y'_in)) }, rcases this with ⟨U₁, U₁_nhd, V₁, V₁_nhd, H⟩, obtain ⟨x₁, x₁_in⟩ : U₁.nonempty := (forall_sets_nonempty_iff_ne_bot.2 de.comap_nhds_ne_bot U₁ U₁_nhd), obtain ⟨y₁, y₁_in⟩ : V₁.nonempty := (forall_sets_nonempty_iff_ne_bot.2 df.comap_nhds_ne_bot V₁ V₁_nhd), rcases (extend_Z_bilin_aux de df hφ W_nhd x₀ y₁) with ⟨U₂, U₂_nhd, HU⟩, rcases (extend_Z_bilin_aux df de (hφ.comp continuous_swap) W_nhd y₀ x₁) with ⟨V₂, V₂_nhd, HV⟩, existsi [U₁ ∩ U₂, inter_mem_sets U₁_nhd U₂_nhd, V₁ ∩ V₂, inter_mem_sets V₁_nhd V₂_nhd], rintros x x' ⟨xU₁, xU₂⟩ ⟨x'U₁, x'U₂⟩ y y' ⟨yV₁, yV₂⟩ ⟨y'V₁, y'V₂⟩, have key_formula : φ(x', y') - φ(x, y) = φ(x' - x, y₁) + φ(x' - x, y' - y₁) + φ(x₁, y' - y) + φ(x - x₁, y' - y), { repeat { rw is_Z_bilin.sub_left φ }, repeat { rw is_Z_bilin.sub_right φ }, apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, simp }, rw key_formula, have h₁ := HU x x' xU₂ x'U₂, have h₂ := H x x' xU₁ x'U₁ y₁ y' y₁_in y'V₁, have h₃ := HV y y' yV₂ y'V₂, have h₄ := H x₁ x x₁_in xU₁ y y' yV₁ y'V₁, exact W4 h₁ h₂ h₃ h₄ end omit W'_nhd open dense_inducing /-- Bourbaki GT III.6.5 Theorem I: ℤ-bilinear continuous maps from dense images into a complete Hausdorff group extend by continuity. Note: Bourbaki assumes that α and β are also complete Hausdorff, but this is not necessary. -/ theorem extend_Z_bilin : continuous (extend ( df) φ) := begin refine continuous_extend_of_cauchy _ _, rintro ⟨x₀, y₀⟩, split, { apply map_ne_bot, apply comap_ne_bot, intros U h, rcases mem_closure_iff_nhds.1 (( df).dense (x₀, y₀)) U h with ⟨x, x_in, ⟨z, z_x⟩⟩, existsi z, cc }, { suffices : map (λ (p : (β × δ) × (β × δ)), φ p.2 - φ p.1) (comap (λ (p : (β × δ) × β × δ), ((e p.1.1, f p.1.2), (e p.2.1, f p.2.2))) ( (𝓝 (x₀, y₀)) (𝓝 (x₀, y₀)))) ≤ 𝓝 0, by rwa [uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero G, prod_map_map_eq, ←map_le_iff_le_comap, filter.map_map, prod_comap_comap_eq], intros W' W'_nhd, have key := extend_Z_bilin_key de df hφ W'_nhd x₀ y₀, rcases key with ⟨U, U_nhd, V, V_nhd, h⟩, rw mem_comap_sets at U_nhd, rcases U_nhd with ⟨U', U'_nhd, U'_sub⟩, rw mem_comap_sets at V_nhd, rcases V_nhd with ⟨V', V'_nhd, V'_sub⟩, rw [mem_map, mem_comap_sets, nhds_prod_eq], existsi ( U' V') ( U' V'), rw mem_prod_same_iff, simp only [exists_prop], split, { change U' ∈ 𝓝 x₀ at U'_nhd, change V' ∈ 𝓝 y₀ at V'_nhd, have := prod_mem_prod U'_nhd V'_nhd, tauto }, { intros p h', simp only [set.mem_preimage, set.prod_mk_mem_set_prod_eq] at h', rcases p with ⟨⟨x, y⟩, ⟨x', y'⟩⟩, apply h ; tauto } } end end dense_inducing