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Copyright (c) 2019 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved.
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Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel

import data.equiv.local_equiv topology.continuous_on topology.homeomorph

# Local homeomorphisms

This file defines homeomorphisms between open subsets of topological spaces. An element `e` of
`local_homeomorph α β` is an extension of `local_equiv α β`, i.e., it is a pair of functions
`e.to_fun` and `e.inv_fun`, inverse of each other on the sets `e.source` and ``.
Additionally, we require that these sets are open, and that the functions are continuous on them.
Equivalently, they are homeomorphisms there.

Contrary to equivs, we do not register the coercion to functions and we use explicitly to_fun and
inv_fun: coercions create unification problems for manifolds.

## Main definitions

`homeomorph.to_local_homeomorph`: associating a local homeomorphism to a homeomorphism, with
                                  source = target = univ
`local_homeomorph.symm`  : the inverse of a local homeomorphism
`local_homeomorph.trans` : the composition of two local homeomorphisms
`local_homeomorph.refl`  : the identity local homeomorphism
`local_homeomorph.of_set`: the identity on a set `s`
`eq_on_source`           : equivalence relation describing the "right" notion of equality for local

## Implementation notes

Most statements are copied from their local_equiv versions, although some care is required
especially when restricting to subsets, as these should be open subsets.

For design notes, see `local_equiv.lean`.

open function set
open_locale topological_space

variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*} {δ : Type*}
[topological_space α] [topological_space β] [topological_space γ] [topological_space δ]

/-- local homeomorphisms, defined on open subsets of the space -/
structure local_homeomorph (α : Type*) (β : Type*) [topological_space α] [topological_space β]
  extends local_equiv α β :=
(open_source        : is_open source)
(open_target        : is_open target)
(continuous_to_fun  : continuous_on to_fun source)
(continuous_inv_fun : continuous_on inv_fun target)

/-- A homeomorphism induces a local homeomorphism on the whole space -/
def homeomorph.to_local_homeomorph (e : homeomorph α β) :
  local_homeomorph α β :=
{ open_source        := is_open_univ,
  open_target        := is_open_univ,
  continuous_to_fun  := by { erw ← continuous_iff_continuous_on_univ, exact e.continuous_to_fun },
  continuous_inv_fun := by { erw ← continuous_iff_continuous_on_univ, exact e.continuous_inv_fun },
  ..e.to_equiv.to_local_equiv }

namespace local_homeomorph

variables (e : local_homeomorph α β) (e' : local_homeomorph β γ)

lemma eq_of_local_equiv_eq {e e' : local_homeomorph α β}
  (h : e.to_local_equiv = e'.to_local_equiv) : e = e' :=
  cases e, cases e',
  dsimp at *,
  induction h,

/-- Two local homeomorphisms are equal when they have equal to_fun, inv_fun and source. It is not
sufficient to have equal to_fun and source, as this only determines inv_fun on the target. This
would only be true for a weaker notion of equality, arguably the right one, called `eq_on_source`. -/
protected lemma ext (e' : local_homeomorph α β) (h : ∀x, e.to_fun x = e'.to_fun x)
  (hinv: ∀x, e.inv_fun x = e'.inv_fun x) (hs : e.source = e'.source) : e = e' :=
eq_of_local_equiv_eq (local_equiv.ext e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv h hinv hs)

/-- The inverse of a local homeomorphism -/
protected def symm : local_homeomorph β α :=
{ open_source        := e.open_target,
  open_target        := e.open_source,
  continuous_to_fun  := e.continuous_inv_fun,
  continuous_inv_fun := e.continuous_to_fun,
  ..e.to_local_equiv.symm }

@[simp] lemma symm_to_local_equiv : e.symm.to_local_equiv = e.to_local_equiv.symm := rfl
@[simp] lemma symm_to_fun : e.symm.to_fun = e.inv_fun := rfl
@[simp] lemma symm_inv_fun : e.symm.inv_fun = e.to_fun := rfl
@[simp] lemma symm_source : e.symm.source = := rfl
@[simp] lemma symm_target : = e.source := rfl
@[simp] lemma symm_symm : e.symm.symm = e := eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ by simp

/-- A local homeomorphism is continuous at any point of its source -/
lemma continuous_at_to_fun {x : α} (h : x ∈ e.source) : continuous_at e.to_fun x :=
(e.continuous_to_fun x h).continuous_at (mem_nhds_sets e.open_source h)

/-- A local homeomorphism inverse is continuous at any point of its target -/
lemma continuous_at_inv_fun {x : β} (h : x ∈ : continuous_at e.inv_fun x :=
e.symm.continuous_at_to_fun h

/-- Preimage of interior or interior of preimage coincide for local homeomorphisms, when restricted
to the source. -/
lemma preimage_interior (s : set β) :
  e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' (interior s) = e.source ∩ interior (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s) :=
  apply subset.antisymm,
  { exact e.continuous_to_fun.preimage_interior_subset_interior_preimage e.open_source },
  { calc e.source ∩ interior (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s)
    = (e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' ∩ interior (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s) : begin
        apply (inter_eq_self_of_subset_left _).symm,
        apply e.to_local_equiv.source_subset_preimage_target,
    ... = (e.source ∩ interior (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s)) ∩ (e.to_fun ⁻¹' :
      by simp [inter_comm, inter_assoc]
    ... = (e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' (e.inv_fun ⁻¹' (interior (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s)))) ∩ (e.to_fun ⁻¹' :
      by rw e.to_local_equiv.source_inter_preimage_inv_preimage
    ... = e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' ( ∩ e.inv_fun ⁻¹' (interior (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s))) :
       by rw [inter_comm, preimage_inter, inter_assoc]
    ... ⊆ e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' ( ∩ interior (e.inv_fun ⁻¹' (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s))) : begin
        apply inter_subset_inter (subset.refl _) (preimage_mono _),
        exact e.continuous_inv_fun.preimage_interior_subset_interior_preimage e.open_target
    ... = e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' (interior ( ∩ e.inv_fun ⁻¹' (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s))) :
      by rw [interior_inter, interior_eq_of_open e.open_target]
    ... = e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' (interior ( ∩ s)) :
      by rw e.to_local_equiv.target_inter_inv_preimage_preimage
    ... = e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' (interior s) :
      by rw [interior_inter, preimage_inter, interior_eq_of_open e.open_target, inter_assoc]
    ... = e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' (interior s) : begin
        apply inter_eq_self_of_subset_left,
        apply e.to_local_equiv.source_subset_preimage_target
      end }

/-- The image of an open set in the source is open. -/
lemma image_open_of_open {s : set α} (hs : is_open s) (h : s ⊆ e.source) : is_open (e.to_fun '' s) :=
  have : e.to_fun '' s = ∩ e.inv_fun ⁻¹' s :=
    e.to_local_equiv.image_eq_target_inter_inv_preimage h,
  rw this,
  exact e.continuous_inv_fun.preimage_open_of_open e.open_target hs

/-- Restricting a local homeomorphism `e` to `e.source ∩ s` when `s` is open. This is sometimes hard
to use because of the openness assumption, but it has the advantage that when it can
be used then its local_equiv is defeq to local_equiv.restr -/
protected def restr_open (s : set α) (hs : is_open s) :
  local_homeomorph α β :=
{ open_source := is_open_inter e.open_source hs,
  open_target := (continuous_on_open_iff e.open_target).1 e.continuous_inv_fun s hs,
  continuous_to_fun  := e.continuous_to_fun.mono (inter_subset_left _ _),
  continuous_inv_fun := e.continuous_inv_fun.mono (inter_subset_left _ _),
  ..e.to_local_equiv.restr s}

@[simp] lemma restr_open_source (s : set α) (hs : is_open s) :
  (e.restr_open s hs).source = e.source ∩ s := rfl

@[simp] lemma restr_open_to_local_equiv (s : set α) (hs : is_open s) :
  (e.restr_open s hs).to_local_equiv = e.to_local_equiv.restr s := rfl

/-- Restricting a local homeomorphism `e` to `e.source ∩ interior s`. We use the interior to make
sure that the restriction is well defined whatever the set s, since local homeomorphisms are by
definition defined on open sets. In applications where `s` is open, this coincides with the
restriction of local equivalences -/
protected def restr (s : set α) : local_homeomorph α β :=
e.restr_open (interior s) is_open_interior

@[simp] lemma restr_to_fun (s : set α)  : (e.restr s).to_fun = e.to_fun := rfl
@[simp] lemma restr_inv_fun (s : set α) : (e.restr s).inv_fun = e.inv_fun := rfl
@[simp] lemma restr_source (s : set α)  : (e.restr s).source = e.source ∩ interior s := rfl
@[simp] lemma restr_target (s : set α) :
  (e.restr s).target = ∩ e.inv_fun ⁻¹' (interior s) := rfl
@[simp] lemma restr_to_local_equiv (s : set α) :
  (e.restr s).to_local_equiv = (e.to_local_equiv).restr (interior s) := rfl

lemma restr_source' (s : set α) (hs : is_open s) : (e.restr s).source = e.source ∩ s :=
by rw [e.restr_source, interior_eq_of_open hs]

lemma restr_to_local_equiv' (s : set α) (hs : is_open s):
  (e.restr s).to_local_equiv = e.to_local_equiv.restr s :=
by rw [e.restr_to_local_equiv, interior_eq_of_open hs]

lemma restr_eq_of_source_subset {e : local_homeomorph α β} {s : set α} (h : e.source ⊆ s) :
  e.restr s = e :=
  apply eq_of_local_equiv_eq,
  rw restr_to_local_equiv,
  apply local_equiv.restr_eq_of_source_subset,
  have := interior_mono h,
  rwa interior_eq_of_open (e.open_source) at this

@[simp] lemma restr_univ {e : local_homeomorph α β} : e.restr univ = e :=
restr_eq_of_source_subset (subset_univ _)

lemma restr_source_inter (s : set α) : e.restr (e.source ∩ s) = e.restr s :=
  refine local_homeomorph.ext _ _ (λx, rfl) (λx, rfl) _,
  simp [interior_eq_of_open e.open_source],
  rw [← inter_assoc, inter_self]

/-- The identity on the whole space as a local homeomorphism. -/
protected def refl (α : Type*) [topological_space α] : local_homeomorph α α :=
(homeomorph.refl α).to_local_homeomorph

@[simp] lemma refl_source  : (local_homeomorph.refl α).source = univ := rfl
@[simp] lemma refl_target  : (local_homeomorph.refl α).target = univ := rfl
@[simp] lemma refl_symm    : (local_homeomorph.refl α).symm = local_homeomorph.refl α := rfl
@[simp] lemma refl_to_fun  : (local_homeomorph.refl α).to_fun = id := rfl
@[simp] lemma refl_inv_fun : (local_homeomorph.refl α).inv_fun = id := rfl
@[simp] lemma refl_local_equiv : (local_homeomorph.refl α).to_local_equiv = local_equiv.refl α := rfl

variables {s : set α} (hs : is_open s)

/-- The identity local equiv on a set `s` -/
def of_set (s : set α) (hs : is_open s) : local_homeomorph α α :=
{ open_source        := hs,
  open_target        := hs,
  continuous_to_fun  := continuous_id.continuous_on,
  continuous_inv_fun := continuous_id.continuous_on,
  ..local_equiv.of_set s }

@[simp] lemma of_set_source  : (of_set s hs).source = s := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_set_target  : (of_set s hs).target = s := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_set_to_fun  : (of_set s hs).to_fun = id := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_set_inv_fun : (of_set s hs).inv_fun = id := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_set_symm    : (of_set s hs).symm = of_set s hs := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_set_to_local_equiv : (of_set s hs).to_local_equiv = local_equiv.of_set s := rfl


/-- Composition of two local homeomorphisms when the target of the first and the source of
the second coincide. -/
protected def trans' (h : = e'.source) : local_homeomorph α γ :=
{ open_source       := e.open_source,
  open_target       := e'.open_target,
  continuous_to_fun := begin
    apply continuous_on.comp e'.continuous_to_fun e.continuous_to_fun,
    rw ← h,
    exact e.to_local_equiv.source_subset_preimage_target
  continuous_inv_fun := begin
    apply continuous_on.comp e.continuous_inv_fun e'.continuous_inv_fun,
    rw h,
    exact e'.to_local_equiv.target_subset_preimage_source
  ..local_equiv.trans' e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv h }

/-- Composing two local homeomorphisms, by restricting to the maximal domain where their
composition is well defined. -/
protected def trans : local_homeomorph α γ :=
  local_homeomorph.trans' (e.symm.restr_open e'.source e'.open_source).symm
    (e'.restr_open e.open_target) (by simp [inter_comm])

@[simp] lemma trans_to_local_equiv :
  (e.trans e').to_local_equiv = e.to_local_equiv.trans e'.to_local_equiv := rfl

@[simp] lemma trans_to_fun : (e.trans e').to_fun = e'.to_fun ∘ e.to_fun := rfl
@[simp] lemma trans_inv_fun : (e.trans e').inv_fun = e.inv_fun ∘ e'.inv_fun := rfl

lemma trans_symm_eq_symm_trans_symm : (e.trans e').symm = e'.symm.trans e.symm :=
by cases e; cases e'; refl

/- This could be considered as a simp lemma, but there are many situations where it makes something
simple into something more complicated. -/
lemma trans_source : (e.trans e').source = e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' e'.source :=
local_equiv.trans_source e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv

lemma trans_source' : (e.trans e').source = e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' ( ∩ e'.source) :=
local_equiv.trans_source' e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv

lemma trans_source'' : (e.trans e').source = e.inv_fun '' ( ∩ e'.source) :=
local_equiv.trans_source'' e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv

lemma image_trans_source : e.to_fun '' (e.trans e').source = ∩ e'.source :=
local_equiv.image_trans_source e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv

lemma trans_target : (e.trans e').target = e'.target ∩ e'.inv_fun ⁻¹' := rfl

lemma trans_target' : (e.trans e').target = e'.target ∩ e'.inv_fun ⁻¹' (e'.source ∩ :=
trans_source' e'.symm e.symm

lemma trans_target'' : (e.trans e').target = e'.to_fun '' (e'.source ∩ :=
trans_source'' e'.symm e.symm

lemma inv_image_trans_target : e'.inv_fun '' (e.trans e').target = e'.source ∩ :=
image_trans_source e'.symm e.symm

lemma trans_assoc (e'' : local_homeomorph γ δ) :
  (e.trans e').trans e'' = e.trans (e'.trans e'') :=
eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ local_equiv.trans_assoc e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv e''.to_local_equiv

@[simp] lemma trans_refl : e.trans (local_homeomorph.refl β) = e :=
eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ local_equiv.trans_refl e.to_local_equiv

@[simp] lemma refl_trans : (local_homeomorph.refl α).trans e = e :=
eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ local_equiv.refl_trans e.to_local_equiv

lemma trans_of_set {s : set β} (hs : is_open s) :
  e.trans (of_set s hs) = e.restr (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s) :=
local_homeomorph.ext _ _ (λx, rfl) (λx, rfl) $
  by simp [local_equiv.trans_source, (e.preimage_interior _).symm, interior_eq_of_open hs]

lemma trans_of_set' {s : set β} (hs : is_open s) :
  e.trans (of_set s hs) = e.restr (e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' s) :=
by rw [trans_of_set, restr_source_inter]

lemma of_set_trans {s : set α} (hs : is_open s) :
  (of_set s hs).trans e = e.restr s :=
local_homeomorph.ext _ _ (λx, rfl) (λx, rfl) $
  by simp [local_equiv.trans_source, interior_eq_of_open hs, inter_comm]

lemma of_set_trans' {s : set α} (hs : is_open s) :
  (of_set s hs).trans e = e.restr (e.source ∩ s) :=
by rw [of_set_trans, restr_source_inter]

lemma restr_trans (s : set α) :
  (e.restr s).trans e' = (e.trans e').restr s :=
eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ local_equiv.restr_trans e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv (interior s)

/-- `eq_on_source e e'` means that `e` and `e'` have the same source, and coincide there. They
should really be considered the same local equiv. -/
def eq_on_source (e e' : local_homeomorph α β) : Prop :=
e.source = e'.source ∧ (∀x ∈ e.source, e.to_fun x = e'.to_fun x)

lemma eq_on_source_iff (e e' : local_homeomorph α β) :
eq_on_source e e' ↔ local_equiv.eq_on_source e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv :=
by refl

/-- `eq_on_source` is an equivalence relation -/
instance : setoid (local_homeomorph α β) :=
{ r     := eq_on_source,
  iseqv := ⟨
    λe, (@local_equiv.eq_on_source_setoid α β).iseqv.1 e.to_local_equiv,
    λe e' h, (@local_equiv.eq_on_source_setoid α β).iseqv.2.1 ((eq_on_source_iff e e').1 h),
    λe e' e'' h h', (@local_equiv.eq_on_source_setoid α β).iseqv.2.2
      ((eq_on_source_iff e e').1 h) ((eq_on_source_iff e' e'').1 h')⟩ }

lemma eq_on_source_refl : e ≈ e := setoid.refl _

/-- If two local homeomorphisms are equivalent, so are their inverses -/
lemma eq_on_source_symm {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.symm ≈ e'.symm :=
local_equiv.eq_on_source_symm h

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have the same source -/
lemma source_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.source = e'.source :=

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have the same target -/
lemma target_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : = e'.target :=
(eq_on_source_symm h).1

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have coinciding `to_fun` on the source -/
lemma apply_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') {x : α} (hx : x ∈ e.source) :
  e.to_fun x = e'.to_fun x :=
h.2 x hx

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have coinciding `inv_fun` on the target -/
lemma inv_apply_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') {x : β} (hx : x ∈ :
  e.inv_fun x = e'.inv_fun x :=
(eq_on_source_symm h).2 x hx

/-- Composition of local homeomorphisms respects equivalence -/
lemma eq_on_source_trans {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} {f f' : local_homeomorph β γ}
  (he : e ≈ e') (hf : f ≈ f') : e.trans f ≈ e'.trans f' :=
  change local_equiv.eq_on_source (e.trans f).to_local_equiv (e'.trans f').to_local_equiv,
  simp only [trans_to_local_equiv],
  apply local_equiv.eq_on_source_trans,
  exact he,
  exact hf

/-- Restriction of local homeomorphisms respects equivalence -/
lemma eq_on_source_restr {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (he : e ≈ e') (s : set α) :
  e.restr s ≈ e'.restr s :=
local_equiv.eq_on_source_restr he _

/-- Composition of a local homeomorphism and its inverse is equivalent to the restriction of the
identity to the source -/
lemma trans_self_symm :
  e.trans e.symm ≈ local_homeomorph.of_set e.source e.open_source :=
local_equiv.trans_self_symm _

lemma trans_symm_self :
  e.symm.trans e ≈ local_homeomorph.of_set e.open_target :=

lemma eq_of_eq_on_source_univ {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e')
  (s : e.source = univ) (t : = univ) : e = e' :=
eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ local_equiv.eq_of_eq_on_source_univ _ _ h s t

section prod

/-- The product of two local homeomorphisms, as a local homeomorphism on the product space. -/
def prod (e : local_homeomorph α β) (e' : local_homeomorph γ δ) : local_homeomorph (α × γ) (β × δ) :=
{ open_source := is_open_prod e.open_source e'.open_source,
  open_target := is_open_prod e.open_target e'.open_target,
  continuous_to_fun :=
    (continuous_on.comp e.continuous_to_fun continuous_fst.continuous_on (prod_subset_preimage_fst _ _))
    (continuous_on.comp e'.continuous_to_fun continuous_snd.continuous_on (prod_subset_preimage_snd _ _)),
  continuous_inv_fun :=
    (continuous_on.comp e.continuous_inv_fun continuous_fst.continuous_on (prod_subset_preimage_fst _ _))
    (continuous_on.comp e'.continuous_inv_fun continuous_snd.continuous_on (prod_subset_preimage_snd _ _)), e'.to_local_equiv }

@[simp] lemma prod_to_local_equiv (e : local_homeomorph α β) (e' : local_homeomorph γ δ) :
  ( e').to_local_equiv = e'.to_local_equiv := rfl

@[simp] lemma prod_source (e : local_homeomorph α β) (e' : local_homeomorph γ δ) :
  ( e').source = e.source e'.source := rfl

@[simp] lemma prod_target (e : local_homeomorph α β) (e' : local_homeomorph γ δ) :
  ( e').target = e'.target := rfl

@[simp] lemma prod_to_fun (e : local_homeomorph α β) (e' : local_homeomorph γ δ) :
  ( e').to_fun = (λp, (e.to_fun p.1, e'.to_fun p.2)) := rfl

@[simp] lemma prod_inv_fun (e : local_homeomorph α β) (e' : local_homeomorph γ δ) :
  ( e').inv_fun = (λp, (e.inv_fun p.1, e'.inv_fun p.2)) := rfl

end prod

section continuity

/-- Continuity within a set at a point can be read under right composition with a local
homeomorphism, if the point is in its target -/
lemma continuous_within_at_iff_continuous_within_at_comp_right
  {f : β → γ} {s : set β} {x : β} (h : x ∈ :
  continuous_within_at f s x ↔
  continuous_within_at (f ∘ e.to_fun) (e.to_fun ⁻¹' s) (e.inv_fun x) :=
  { assume f_cont,
    have : e.to_fun (e.inv_fun x) = x := e.right_inv h,
    rw ← this at f_cont,
    have : e.source ∈ 𝓝 (e.inv_fun x) := mem_nhds_sets e.open_source (e.map_target h),
    rw [← continuous_within_at_inter this, inter_comm],
    exact continuous_within_at.comp f_cont
      ((e.continuous_at_to_fun (e.map_target h)).continuous_within_at) (inter_subset_right _ _) },
  { assume fe_cont,
    have : continuous_within_at ((f ∘ e.to_fun) ∘ e.inv_fun) (s ∩ x,
    { apply continuous_within_at.comp fe_cont,
      apply (e.continuous_at_inv_fun h).continuous_within_at,
      assume x hx,
      simp [hx.1, hx.2, e.map_target] },
    have : continuous_within_at f (s ∩ x :=
      continuous_within_at.congr this (λy hy, by simp [hy.2]) (by simp [h]),
    rwa continuous_within_at_inter at this,
    exact mem_nhds_sets e.open_target h }

/-- Continuity at a point can be read under right composition with a local homeomorphism, if the
point is in its target -/
lemma continuous_at_iff_continuous_at_comp_right
  {f : β → γ} {x : β} (h : x ∈ :
  continuous_at f x ↔ continuous_at (f ∘ e.to_fun) (e.inv_fun x) :=
by rw [← continuous_within_at_univ, e.continuous_within_at_iff_continuous_within_at_comp_right h,
       preimage_univ, continuous_within_at_univ]

/-- A function is continuous on a set if and only if its composition with a local homeomorphism
on the right is continuous on the corresponding set. -/
lemma continuous_on_iff_continuous_on_comp_right {f : β → γ} {s : set β} (h : s ⊆ :
  continuous_on f s ↔ continuous_on (f ∘ e.to_fun) (e.source ∩ e.to_fun ⁻¹' s) :=
  { assume f_cont x hx,
    have := e.continuous_within_at_iff_continuous_within_at_comp_right (e.map_source hx.1),
    rw e.left_inv hx.1 at this,
    have A := f_cont _ hx.2,
    rw this at A,
    exact A.mono (inter_subset_right _ _), },
  { assume fe_cont x hx,
    have := e.continuous_within_at_iff_continuous_within_at_comp_right (h hx),
    rw this,
    have : e.source ∈ 𝓝 (e.inv_fun x) := mem_nhds_sets e.open_source (e.map_target (h hx)),
    rw [← continuous_within_at_inter this, inter_comm],
    exact fe_cont _ (by simp [hx, h hx, e.map_target (h hx)]) }

/-- Continuity within a set at a point can be read under left composition with a local
homeomorphism if a neighborhood of the initial point is sent to the source of the local
lemma continuous_within_at_iff_continuous_within_at_comp_left
  {f : γ → α} {s : set γ} {x : γ} (hx : f x ∈ e.source) (h : f ⁻¹' e.source ∈ nhds_within x s) :
  continuous_within_at f s x ↔ continuous_within_at (e.to_fun ∘ f) s x :=
  rw [← continuous_within_at_inter' h, ← continuous_within_at_inter' h],
  { assume f_cont,
    have : e.source ∈ 𝓝 (f x) := mem_nhds_sets e.open_source hx,
    apply continuous_within_at.comp (e.continuous_to_fun (f x) hx) f_cont (inter_subset_right _ _) },
  { assume fe_cont,
    have : continuous_within_at (e.inv_fun ∘ (e.to_fun ∘ f)) (s ∩ f ⁻¹' e.source) x,
    { have : continuous_within_at e.inv_fun univ (e.to_fun (f x))
        := (e.continuous_at_inv_fun (e.map_source hx)).continuous_within_at,
      exact continuous_within_at.comp this fe_cont (subset_univ _) },
    exact this.congr (λy hy, by simp [e.left_inv hy.2]) (by simp [e.left_inv hx]) }

/-- Continuity at a point can be read under left composition with a local homeomorphism if a
neighborhood of the initial point is sent to the source of the local homeomorphism-/
lemma continuous_at_iff_continuous_at_comp_left
  {f : γ → α} {x : γ} (h : f ⁻¹' e.source ∈ 𝓝 x) :
  continuous_at f x ↔ continuous_at (e.to_fun ∘ f) x :=
  have hx : f x ∈ e.source := (mem_of_nhds h : _),
  have h' : f ⁻¹' e.source ∈ nhds_within x univ, by rwa nhds_within_univ,
  rw [← continuous_within_at_univ, ← continuous_within_at_univ,
      e.continuous_within_at_iff_continuous_within_at_comp_left hx h']

/-- A function is continuous on a set if and only if its composition with a local homeomorphism
on the left is continuous on the corresponding set. -/
lemma continuous_on_iff_continuous_on_comp_left {f : γ → α} {s : set γ} (h : s ⊆ f ⁻¹' e.source) :
  continuous_on f s ↔ continuous_on (e.to_fun ∘ f) s :=
  { assume f_cont,
    exact continuous_on.comp e.continuous_to_fun f_cont h },
  { assume fe_cont,
    have : continuous_on (e.inv_fun ∘ e.to_fun ∘ f) s,
    { apply continuous_on.comp e.continuous_inv_fun fe_cont,
      assume x hx,
      have : f x ∈ e.source := h hx,
      simp [this] },
    refine continuous_on.congr_mono this (λx hx, _) (subset.refl _),
    have : f x ∈ e.source := h hx,
    simp [this] }

end continuity

/-- If a local homeomorphism has source and target equal to univ, then it induces a homeomorphism
between the whole spaces, expressed in this definition. -/
def to_homeomorph_of_source_eq_univ_target_eq_univ (h : e.source = (univ : set α))
  (h' : = univ) : homeomorph α β :=
{ to_fun := e.to_fun,
  inv_fun := e.inv_fun,
  left_inv := λx, e.left_inv $ by { rw h, exact mem_univ _ },
  right_inv := λx, e.right_inv $ by { rw h', exact mem_univ _ },
  continuous_to_fun := begin
    rw [continuous_iff_continuous_on_univ],
    convert e.continuous_to_fun,
    rw h
  continuous_inv_fun := begin
    rw [continuous_iff_continuous_on_univ],
    convert e.continuous_inv_fun,
    rw h'
  end }

@[simp] lemma to_homeomorph_to_fun (h : e.source = (univ : set α)) (h' : = univ) :
  (e.to_homeomorph_of_source_eq_univ_target_eq_univ h h').to_fun = e.to_fun := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_homeomorph_inv_fun (h : e.source = (univ : set α)) (h' : = univ) :
  (e.to_homeomorph_of_source_eq_univ_target_eq_univ h h').inv_fun = e.inv_fun := rfl

end local_homeomorph

namespace homeomorph
variables (e : homeomorph α β) (e' : homeomorph β γ)
/- Register as simp lemmas that the fields of a local homeomorphism built from a homeomorphism
correspond to the fields of the original homeomorphism. -/

@[simp] lemma to_local_homeomorph_source  : e.to_local_homeomorph.source = univ := rfl
@[simp] lemma to_local_homeomorph_target  : = univ := rfl
@[simp] lemma to_local_homeomorph_to_fun  : e.to_local_homeomorph.to_fun = e.to_fun := rfl
@[simp] lemma to_local_homeomorph_inv_fun : e.to_local_homeomorph.inv_fun = e.inv_fun := rfl
@[simp] lemma refl_to_local_homeomorph :
  (homeomorph.refl α).to_local_homeomorph = local_homeomorph.refl α := rfl
@[simp] lemma symm_to_local_homeomorph : e.symm.to_local_homeomorph = e.to_local_homeomorph.symm := rfl
@[simp] lemma trans_to_local_homeomorph :
  (e.trans e').to_local_homeomorph = e.to_local_homeomorph.trans e'.to_local_homeomorph :=
local_homeomorph.eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ equiv.trans_to_local_equiv _ _

end homeomorph