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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Author: Sébastien Gouëzel Construction of a good coupling between nonempty compact metric spaces, minimizing their Hausdorff distance. This construction is instrumental to study the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between nonempty compact metric spaces -/ import topology.bounded_continuous_function topology.metric_space.gluing topology.metric_space.hausdorff_distance noncomputable theory open_locale classical open_locale topological_space universes u v w open classical lattice set function topological_space filter metric quotient open bounded_continuous_function open sum (inl inr) set_option class.instance_max_depth 50 local attribute [instance] metric_space_sum namespace Gromov_Hausdorff section Gromov_Hausdorff_realized /- This section shows that the Gromov-Hausdorff distance is realized. For this, we consider candidate distances on the disjoint union α ⊕ β of two compact nonempty metric spaces, almost realizing the Gromov-Hausdorff distance, and show that they form a compact family by applying Arzela-Ascoli theorem. The existence of a minimizer follows. -/ section definitions variables (α : Type u) (β : Type v) [metric_space α] [compact_space α] [nonempty α] [metric_space β] [compact_space β] [nonempty β] @[reducible] private def prod_space_fun : Type* := ((α ⊕ β) × (α ⊕ β)) → ℝ @[reducible] private def Cb : Type* := bounded_continuous_function ((α ⊕ β) × (α ⊕ β)) ℝ private def max_var : nnreal := 2 * ⟨diam (univ : set α), diam_nonneg⟩ + 1 + 2 * ⟨diam (univ : set β), diam_nonneg⟩ private lemma one_le_max_var : 1 ≤ max_var α β := calc (1 : real) = 2 * 0 + 1 + 2 * 0 : by simp ... ≤ 2 * diam (univ : set α) + 1 + 2 * diam (univ : set β) : by apply_rules [add_le_add, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left, diam_nonneg, diam_nonneg]; norm_num /-- The set of functions on α ⊕ β that are candidates distances to realize the minimum of the Hausdorff distances between α and β in a coupling -/ def candidates : set (prod_space_fun α β) := {f | (((((∀x y : α, f (sum.inl x, sum.inl y) = dist x y) ∧ (∀x y : β, f (sum.inr x, sum.inr y) = dist x y)) ∧ (∀x y, f (x, y) = f (y, x))) ∧ (∀x y z, f (x, z) ≤ f (x, y) + f (y, z))) ∧ (∀x, f (x, x) = 0)) ∧ (∀x y, f (x, y) ≤ max_var α β) } /-- Version of the set of candidates in bounded_continuous_functions, to apply Arzela-Ascoli -/ private def candidates_b : set (Cb α β) := {f : Cb α β | f.val ∈ candidates α β} end definitions --section section constructions variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [metric_space α] [compact_space α] [nonempty α] [metric_space β] [compact_space β] [nonempty β] {f : prod_space_fun α β} {x y z t : α ⊕ β} local attribute [instance, priority 10] inhabited_of_nonempty' private lemma max_var_bound : dist x y ≤ max_var α β := calc dist x y ≤ diam (univ : set (α ⊕ β)) : dist_le_diam_of_mem (bounded_of_compact compact_univ) (mem_univ _) (mem_univ _) ... = diam (inl '' (univ : set α) ∪ inr '' (univ : set β)) : by apply congr_arg; ext x y z; cases x; simp [mem_univ, mem_range_self] ... ≤ diam (inl '' (univ : set α)) + dist (inl (default α)) (inr (default β)) + diam (inr '' (univ : set β)) : diam_union (mem_image_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)) (mem_image_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)) ... = diam (univ : set α) + (dist (default α) (default α) + 1 + dist (default β) (default β)) + diam (univ : set β) : by { rw [isometry.diam_image isometry_on_inl, isometry.diam_image isometry_on_inr], refl } ... = 1 * diam (univ : set α) + 1 + 1 * diam (univ : set β) : by simp ... ≤ 2 * diam (univ : set α) + 1 + 2 * diam (univ : set β) : begin apply_rules [add_le_add, mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right, diam_nonneg, diam_nonneg, le_refl], norm_num, norm_num end private lemma candidates_symm (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : f (x, y) = f (y ,x) := fA. x y private lemma candidates_triangle (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : f (x, z) ≤ f (x, y) + f (y, z) := fA.1.1.2 x y z private lemma candidates_refl (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : f (x, x) = 0 := fA.1.2 x private lemma candidates_nonneg (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : 0 ≤ f (x, y) := begin have : 0 ≤ 2 * f (x, y) := calc 0 = f (x, x) : (candidates_refl fA).symm ... ≤ f (x, y) + f (y, x) : candidates_triangle fA ... = f (x, y) + f (x, y) : by rw [candidates_symm fA] ... = 2 * f (x, y) : by ring, by linarith end private lemma candidates_dist_inl (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) (x y: α) : f (inl x, inl y) = dist x y := fA. x y private lemma candidates_dist_inr (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) (x y : β) : f (inr x, inr y) = dist x y := fA. x y private lemma candidates_le_max_var (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : f (x, y) ≤ max_var α β := fA.2 x y /-- candidates are bounded by max_var α β -/ private lemma candidates_dist_bound (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : ∀ {x y : α ⊕ β}, f (x, y) ≤ max_var α β * dist x y | (inl x) (inl y) := calc f (inl x, inl y) = dist x y : candidates_dist_inl fA x y ... = dist (inl x) (inl y) : by { rw @sum.dist_eq α β, refl } ... = 1 * dist (inl x) (inl y) : by simp ... ≤ max_var α β * dist (inl x) (inl y) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (one_le_max_var α β) dist_nonneg | (inl x) (inr y) := calc f (inl x, inr y) ≤ max_var α β : candidates_le_max_var fA ... = max_var α β * 1 : by simp ... ≤ max_var α β * dist (inl x) (inr y) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left sum.one_dist_le (le_trans (zero_le_one) (one_le_max_var α β)) | (inr x) (inl y) := calc f (inr x, inl y) ≤ max_var α β : candidates_le_max_var fA ... = max_var α β * 1 : by simp ... ≤ max_var α β * dist (inl x) (inr y) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left sum.one_dist_le (le_trans (zero_le_one) (one_le_max_var α β)) | (inr x) (inr y) := calc f (inr x, inr y) = dist x y : candidates_dist_inr fA x y ... = dist (inr x) (inr y) : by { rw @sum.dist_eq α β, refl } ... = 1 * dist (inr x) (inr y) : by simp ... ≤ max_var α β * dist (inr x) (inr y) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (one_le_max_var α β) dist_nonneg /-- Technical lemma to prove that candidates are Lipschitz -/ private lemma candidates_lipschitz_aux (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : f (x, y) - f (z, t) ≤ 2 * max_var α β * dist (x, y) (z, t) := calc f (x, y) - f(z, t) ≤ f (x, t) + f (t, y) - f (z, t) : add_le_add_right (candidates_triangle fA) _ ... ≤ (f (x, z) + f (z, t) + f(t, y)) - f (z, t) : add_le_add_right (add_le_add_right (candidates_triangle fA) _ ) _ ... = f (x, z) + f (t, y) : by simp ... ≤ max_var α β * dist x z + max_var α β * dist t y : add_le_add (candidates_dist_bound fA) (candidates_dist_bound fA) ... ≤ max_var α β * max (dist x z) (dist t y) + max_var α β * max (dist x z) (dist t y) : begin apply add_le_add, apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (le_max_left (dist x z) (dist t y)) (le_trans zero_le_one (one_le_max_var α β)), apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (le_max_right (dist x z) (dist t y)) (le_trans zero_le_one (one_le_max_var α β)), end ... = 2 * max_var α β * max (dist x z) (dist y t) : by { simp [dist_comm], ring } ... = 2 * max_var α β * dist (x, y) (z, t) : by refl /-- Candidates are Lipschitz -/ private lemma candidates_lipschitz (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : lipschitz_with (2 * max_var α β) f := begin rintros ⟨x, y⟩ ⟨z, t⟩, rw real.dist_eq, apply abs_le_of_le_of_neg_le, { exact candidates_lipschitz_aux fA }, { have : -(f (x, y) - f (z, t)) = f (z, t) - f (x, y), by ring, rw [this, dist_comm], exact candidates_lipschitz_aux fA } end /-- candidates give rise to elements of bounded_continuous_functions -/ def candidates_b_of_candidates (f : prod_space_fun α β) (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : Cb α β := bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_compact f (candidates_lipschitz fA).to_continuous lemma candidates_b_of_candidates_mem (f : prod_space_fun α β) (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : candidates_b_of_candidates f fA ∈ candidates_b α β := fA /-- The distance on α ⊕ β is a candidate -/ private lemma dist_mem_candidates : (λp : (α ⊕ β) × (α ⊕ β), dist p.1 p.2) ∈ candidates α β := begin simp only [candidates, dist_comm, forall_const, and_true, add_comm, eq_self_iff_true, and_self, sum.forall, set.mem_set_of_eq, dist_self], repeat { split <|> exact (λa y z, dist_triangle_left _ _ _) <|> exact (λx y, by refl) <|> exact (λx y, max_var_bound) } end def candidates_b_dist (α : Type u) (β : Type v) [metric_space α] [compact_space α] [inhabited α] [metric_space β] [compact_space β] [inhabited β] : Cb α β := candidates_b_of_candidates _ dist_mem_candidates lemma candidates_b_dist_mem_candidates_b : candidates_b_dist α β ∈ candidates_b α β := candidates_b_of_candidates_mem _ _ private lemma candidates_b_nonempty : (candidates_b α β).nonempty := ⟨_, candidates_b_dist_mem_candidates_b⟩ /-- To apply Arzela-Ascoli, we need to check that the set of candidates is closed and equicontinuous. Equicontinuity follows from the Lipschitz control, we check closedness -/ private lemma closed_candidates_b : is_closed (candidates_b α β) := begin have I1 : ∀x y, is_closed {f : Cb α β | f (inl x, inl y) = dist x y} := λx y, is_closed_eq continuous_evalx continuous_const, have I2 : ∀x y, is_closed {f : Cb α β | f (inr x, inr y) = dist x y } := λx y, is_closed_eq continuous_evalx continuous_const, have I3 : ∀x y, is_closed {f : Cb α β | f (x, y) = f (y, x)} := λx y, is_closed_eq continuous_evalx continuous_evalx, have I4 : ∀x y z, is_closed {f : Cb α β | f (x, z) ≤ f (x, y) + f (y, z)} := λx y z, is_closed_le continuous_evalx (continuous_evalx.add continuous_evalx), have I5 : ∀x, is_closed {f : Cb α β | f (x, x) = 0} := λx, is_closed_eq continuous_evalx continuous_const, have I6 : ∀x y, is_closed {f : Cb α β | f (x, y) ≤ max_var α β} := λx y, is_closed_le continuous_evalx continuous_const, have : candidates_b α β = (⋂x y, {f : Cb α β | f ((@inl α β x), (@inl α β y)) = dist x y}) ∩ (⋂x y, {f : Cb α β | f ((@inr α β x), (@inr α β y)) = dist x y}) ∩ (⋂x y, {f : Cb α β | f (x, y) = f (y, x)}) ∩ (⋂x y z, {f : Cb α β | f (x, z) ≤ f (x, y) + f (y, z)}) ∩ (⋂x, {f : Cb α β | f (x, x) = 0}) ∩ (⋂x y, {f : Cb α β | f (x, y) ≤ max_var α β}) := begin ext, unfold candidates_b, unfold candidates, simp [-sum.forall], refl end, rw this, repeat { apply is_closed_inter _ _ <|> apply is_closed_Inter _ <|> apply I1 _ _ <|> apply I2 _ _ <|> apply I3 _ _ <|> apply I4 _ _ _ <|> apply I5 _ <|> apply I6 _ _ <|> assume x }, end /-- Compactness of candidates (in bounded_continuous_functions) follows -/ private lemma compact_candidates_b : compact (candidates_b α β) := begin refine arzela_ascoli₂ (Icc 0 (max_var α β)) compact_Icc (candidates_b α β) closed_candidates_b _ _, { rintros f ⟨x1, x2⟩ hf, simp only [set.mem_Icc], exact ⟨candidates_nonneg hf, candidates_le_max_var hf⟩ }, { refine equicontinuous_of_continuity_modulus (λt, 2 * max_var α β * t) _ _ _, { have : tendsto (λ (t : ℝ), 2 * (max_var α β : ℝ) * t) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 (2 * max_var α β * 0)) := tendsto_const_nhds.mul tendsto_id, simpa using this }, { assume x y f hf, exact candidates_lipschitz hf _ _ } } end /-- We will then choose the candidate minimizing the Hausdorff distance. Except that we are not in a metric space setting, so we need to define our custom version of Hausdorff distance, called HD, and prove its basic properties. -/ def HD (f : Cb α β) := max (supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, f (inl x, inr y)))) (supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, f (inl x, inr y)))) /- We will show that HD is continuous on bounded_continuous_functions, to deduce that its minimum on the compact set candidates_b is attained. Since it is defined in terms of infimum and supremum on ℝ, which is only conditionnally complete, we will need all the time to check that the defining sets are bounded below or above. This is done in the next few technical lemmas -/ lemma HD_below_aux1 {f : Cb α β} (C : ℝ) {x : α} : bdd_below (range (λ (y : β), f (inl x, inr y) + C)) := let ⟨cf, hcf⟩ := (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).1 in ⟨cf + C, forall_range_iff.2 (λi, add_le_add_right ((λx, hcf (mem_range_self x)) _) _)⟩ private lemma HD_bound_aux1 (f : Cb α β) (C : ℝ) : bdd_above (range (λ (x : α), infi (λy:β, f (inl x, inr y) + C))) := begin rcases (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).2 with ⟨Cf, hCf⟩, refine ⟨Cf + C, forall_range_iff.2 (λx, _)⟩, calc infi (λy:β, f (inl x, inr y) + C) ≤ f (inl x, inr (default β)) + C : cinfi_le (HD_below_aux1 C) ... ≤ Cf + C : add_le_add ((λx, hCf (mem_range_self x)) _) (le_refl _) end lemma HD_below_aux2 {f : Cb α β} (C : ℝ) {y : β} : bdd_below (range (λ (x : α), f (inl x, inr y) + C)) := let ⟨cf, hcf⟩ := (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).1 in ⟨cf + C, forall_range_iff.2 (λi, add_le_add_right ((λx, hcf (mem_range_self x)) _) _)⟩ private lemma HD_bound_aux2 (f : Cb α β) (C : ℝ) : bdd_above (range (λ (y : β), infi (λx:α, f (inl x, inr y) + C))) := begin rcases (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).2 with ⟨Cf, hCf⟩, refine ⟨Cf + C, forall_range_iff.2 (λy, _)⟩, calc infi (λx:α, f (inl x, inr y) + C) ≤ f (inl (default α), inr y) + C : cinfi_le (HD_below_aux2 C) ... ≤ Cf + C : add_le_add ((λx, hCf (mem_range_self x)) _) (le_refl _) end /-- Explicit bound on HD (dist). This means that when looking for minimizers it will be sufficient to look for functions with HD(f) bounded by this bound. -/ lemma HD_candidates_b_dist_le : HD (candidates_b_dist α β) ≤ diam (univ : set α) + 1 + diam (univ : set β) := begin refine max_le (csupr_le (λx, _)) (csupr_le (λy, _)), { have A : infi (λy:β, candidates_b_dist α β (inl x, inr y)) ≤ candidates_b_dist α β (inl x, inr (default β)) := cinfi_le (by simpa using HD_below_aux1 0), have B : dist (inl x) (inr (default β)) ≤ diam (univ : set α) + 1 + diam (univ : set β) := calc dist (inl x) (inr (default β)) = dist x (default α) + 1 + dist (default β) (default β) : rfl ... ≤ diam (univ : set α) + 1 + diam (univ : set β) : begin apply add_le_add (add_le_add _ (le_refl _)), exact dist_le_diam_of_mem (bounded_of_compact (compact_univ)) (mem_univ _) (mem_univ _), exact dist_le_diam_of_mem (bounded_of_compact (compact_univ)) (mem_univ _) (mem_univ _) end, exact le_trans A B }, { have A : infi (λx:α, candidates_b_dist α β (inl x, inr y)) ≤ candidates_b_dist α β (inl (default α), inr y) := cinfi_le (by simpa using HD_below_aux2 0), have B : dist (inl (default α)) (inr y) ≤ diam (univ : set α) + 1 + diam (univ : set β) := calc dist (inl (default α)) (inr y) = dist (default α) (default α) + 1 + dist (default β) y : rfl ... ≤ diam (univ : set α) + 1 + diam (univ : set β) : begin apply add_le_add (add_le_add _ (le_refl _)), exact dist_le_diam_of_mem (bounded_of_compact (compact_univ)) (mem_univ _) (mem_univ _), exact dist_le_diam_of_mem (bounded_of_compact (compact_univ)) (mem_univ _) (mem_univ _) end, exact le_trans A B }, end /- To check that HD is continuous, we check that it is Lipschitz. As HD is a max, we prove separately inequalities controlling the two terms (relying too heavily on copy-paste...) -/ private lemma HD_lipschitz_aux1 (f g : Cb α β) : supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, f (inl x, inr y))) ≤ supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, g (inl x, inr y))) + dist f g := begin rcases (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).1 with ⟨cg, hcg⟩, have Hcg : ∀x, cg ≤ g x := λx, hcg (mem_range_self x), rcases (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).1 with ⟨cf, hcf⟩, have Hcf : ∀x, cf ≤ f x := λx, hcf (mem_range_self x), -- prove the inequality but with `dist f g` inside, by using inequalities comparing -- supr to supr and infi to infi have Z : supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, f (inl x, inr y))) ≤ supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, g (inl x, inr y) + dist f g)) := csupr_le_csupr (HD_bound_aux1 _ (dist f g)) (λx, cinfi_le_cinfi ⟨cf, forall_range_iff.2(λi, Hcf _)⟩ (λy, coe_le_coe_add_dist)), -- move the `dist f g` out of the infimum and the supremum, arguing that continuous monotone maps -- (here the addition of `dist f g`) preserve infimum and supremum have E1 : ∀x, infi (λy:β, g (inl x, inr y)) + dist f g = infi ((λz, z + dist f g) ∘ (λy:β, (g (inl x, inr y)))), { assume x, refine cinfi_of_cinfi_of_monotone_of_continuous (_ : continuous (λ (z : ℝ), z + dist f g)) _ _, { exact continuous_id.add continuous_const }, { assume x y hx, simpa }, { show bdd_below (range (λ (y : β), g (inl x, inr y))), from ⟨cg, forall_range_iff.2(λi, Hcg _)⟩ } }, have E2 : supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, g (inl x, inr y))) + dist f g = supr ((λz, z + dist f g) ∘ (λx:α, infi (λy:β, g (inl x, inr y)))), { refine csupr_of_csupr_of_monotone_of_continuous (_ : continuous (λ (z : ℝ), z + dist f g)) _ _, { exact continuous_id.add continuous_const }, { assume x y hx, simpa }, { by simpa using HD_bound_aux1 _ 0 } }, -- deduce the result from the above two steps simp only [add_comm] at Z, simpa [E2, E1, function.comp] end private lemma HD_lipschitz_aux2 (f g : Cb α β) : supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, f (inl x, inr y))) ≤ supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, g (inl x, inr y))) + dist f g := begin rcases (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).1 with ⟨cg, hcg⟩, have Hcg : ∀x, cg ≤ g x := λx, hcg (mem_range_self x), rcases (real.bounded_iff_bdd_below_bdd_above.1 bounded_range).1 with ⟨cf, hcf⟩, have Hcf : ∀x, cf ≤ f x := λx, hcf (mem_range_self x), -- prove the inequality but with `dist f g` inside, by using inequalities comparing -- supr to supr and infi to infi have Z : supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, f (inl x, inr y))) ≤ supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, g (inl x, inr y) + dist f g)) := csupr_le_csupr (HD_bound_aux2 _ (dist f g)) (λy, cinfi_le_cinfi ⟨cf, forall_range_iff.2(λi, Hcf _)⟩ (λy, coe_le_coe_add_dist)), -- move the `dist f g` out of the infimum and the supremum, arguing that continuous monotone maps -- (here the addition of `dist f g`) preserve infimum and supremum have E1 : ∀y, infi (λx:α, g (inl x, inr y)) + dist f g = infi ((λz, z + dist f g) ∘ (λx:α, (g (inl x, inr y)))), { assume y, refine cinfi_of_cinfi_of_monotone_of_continuous (_ : continuous (λ (z : ℝ), z + dist f g)) _ _, { exact continuous_id.add continuous_const }, { assume x y hx, simpa }, { show bdd_below (range (λx:α, g (inl x, inr y))), from ⟨cg, forall_range_iff.2(λi, Hcg _)⟩ } }, have E2 : supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, g (inl x, inr y))) + dist f g = supr ((λz, z + dist f g) ∘ (λy:β, infi (λx:α, g (inl x, inr y)))), { refine csupr_of_csupr_of_monotone_of_continuous (_ : continuous (λ (z : ℝ), z + dist f g)) _ _, { exact continuous_id.add continuous_const }, { assume x y hx, simpa }, { by simpa using HD_bound_aux2 _ 0 } }, -- deduce the result from the above two steps simp only [add_comm] at Z, simpa [E2, E1, function.comp] end private lemma HD_lipschitz_aux3 (f g : Cb α β) : HD f ≤ HD g + dist f g := max_le (le_trans (HD_lipschitz_aux1 f g) (add_le_add_right (le_max_left _ _) _)) (le_trans (HD_lipschitz_aux2 f g) (add_le_add_right (le_max_right _ _) _)) /-- Conclude that HD, being Lipschitz, is continuous -/ private lemma HD_continuous : continuous (HD : Cb α β → ℝ) := lipschitz_with.to_continuous (lipschitz_with.one_of_le_add HD_lipschitz_aux3) end constructions --section section consequences variables (α : Type u) (β : Type v) [metric_space α] [compact_space α] [nonempty α] [metric_space β] [compact_space β] [nonempty β] /- Now that we have proved that the set of candidates is compact, and that HD is continuous, we can finally select a candidate minimizing HD. This will be the candidate realizing the optimal coupling. -/ private lemma exists_minimizer : ∃f ∈ candidates_b α β, ∀g ∈ candidates_b α β, HD f ≤ HD g := compact_candidates_b.exists_forall_le candidates_b_nonempty HD_continuous.continuous_on private definition optimal_GH_dist : Cb α β := classical.some (exists_minimizer α β) private lemma optimal_GH_dist_mem_candidates_b : optimal_GH_dist α β ∈ candidates_b α β := by cases (classical.some_spec (exists_minimizer α β)); assumption private lemma HD_optimal_GH_dist_le (g : Cb α β) (hg : g ∈ candidates_b α β) : HD (optimal_GH_dist α β) ≤ HD g := let ⟨Z1, Z2⟩ := classical.some_spec (exists_minimizer α β) in Z2 g hg /-- With the optimal candidate, construct a premetric space structure on α ⊕ β, on which the predistance is given by the candidate. Then, we will identify points at 0 predistance to obtain a genuine metric space -/ def premetric_optimal_GH_dist : premetric_space (α ⊕ β) := { dist := λp q, optimal_GH_dist α β (p, q), dist_self := λx, candidates_refl (optimal_GH_dist_mem_candidates_b α β), dist_comm := λx y, candidates_symm (optimal_GH_dist_mem_candidates_b α β), dist_triangle := λx y z, candidates_triangle (optimal_GH_dist_mem_candidates_b α β) } local attribute [instance] premetric_optimal_GH_dist premetric.dist_setoid /-- A metric space which realizes the optimal coupling between α and β -/ @[derive [metric_space]] definition optimal_GH_coupling : Type* := premetric.metric_quot (α ⊕ β) /-- Injection of α in the optimal coupling between α and β -/ def optimal_GH_injl (x : α) : optimal_GH_coupling α β := ⟦inl x⟧ /-- The injection of α in the optimal coupling between α and β is an isometry. -/ lemma isometry_optimal_GH_injl : isometry (optimal_GH_injl α β) := begin refine isometry_emetric_iff_metric.2 (λx y, _), change dist ⟦inl x⟧ ⟦inl y⟧ = dist x y, exact candidates_dist_inl (optimal_GH_dist_mem_candidates_b α β) _ _, end /-- Injection of β in the optimal coupling between α and β -/ def optimal_GH_injr (y : β) : optimal_GH_coupling α β := ⟦inr y⟧ /-- The injection of β in the optimal coupling between α and β is an isometry. -/ lemma isometry_optimal_GH_injr : isometry (optimal_GH_injr α β) := begin refine isometry_emetric_iff_metric.2 (λx y, _), change dist ⟦inr x⟧ ⟦inr y⟧ = dist x y, exact candidates_dist_inr (optimal_GH_dist_mem_candidates_b α β) _ _, end /-- The optimal coupling between two compact spaces α and β is still a compact space -/ instance compact_space_optimal_GH_coupling : compact_space (optimal_GH_coupling α β) := ⟨begin have : (univ : set (optimal_GH_coupling α β)) = (optimal_GH_injl α β '' univ) ∪ (optimal_GH_injr α β '' univ), { refine subset.antisymm (λxc hxc, _) (subset_univ _), rcases quotient.exists_rep xc with ⟨x, hx⟩, cases x; rw ← hx, { have : ⟦inl x⟧ = optimal_GH_injl α β x := rfl, rw this, exact mem_union_left _ (mem_image_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)) }, { have : ⟦inr x⟧ = optimal_GH_injr α β x := rfl, rw this, exact mem_union_right _ (mem_image_of_mem _ (mem_univ _)) } }, rw this, exact (compact_univ.image (isometry_optimal_GH_injl α β).continuous).union (compact_univ.image (isometry_optimal_GH_injr α β).continuous) end⟩ /-- For any candidate f, HD(f) is larger than or equal to the Hausdorff distance in the optimal coupling. This follows from the fact that HD of the optimal candidate is exactly the Hausdorff distance in the optimal coupling, although we only prove here the inequality we need. -/ lemma Hausdorff_dist_optimal_le_HD {f} (h : f ∈ candidates_b α β) : Hausdorff_dist (range (optimal_GH_injl α β)) (range (optimal_GH_injr α β)) ≤ HD f := begin refine le_trans (le_of_forall_le_of_dense (λr hr, _)) (HD_optimal_GH_dist_le α β f h), have A : ∀ x ∈ range (optimal_GH_injl α β), ∃ y ∈ range (optimal_GH_injr α β), dist x y ≤ r, { assume x hx, rcases mem_range.1 hx with ⟨z, hz⟩, rw ← hz, have I1 : supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl x, inr y))) < r := lt_of_le_of_lt (le_max_left _ _) hr, have I2 : infi (λy:β, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl z, inr y)) ≤ supr (λx:α, infi (λy:β, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl x, inr y))) := le_cSup (by simpa using HD_bound_aux1 _ 0) (mem_range_self _), have I : infi (λy:β, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl z, inr y)) < r := lt_of_le_of_lt I2 I1, rcases exists_lt_of_cInf_lt (range_nonempty _) I with ⟨r', r'range, hr'⟩, rcases mem_range.1 r'range with ⟨z', hz'⟩, existsi [optimal_GH_injr α β z', mem_range_self _], have : (optimal_GH_dist α β) (inl z, inr z') ≤ r := begin rw hz', exact le_of_lt hr' end, exact this }, refine Hausdorff_dist_le_of_mem_dist _ A _, { rcases exists_mem_of_nonempty α with ⟨xα, _⟩, have : optimal_GH_injl α β xα ∈ range (optimal_GH_injl α β) := mem_range_self _, rcases A _ this with ⟨y, yrange, hy⟩, exact le_trans dist_nonneg hy }, { assume y hy, rcases mem_range.1 hy with ⟨z, hz⟩, rw ← hz, have I1 : supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl x, inr y))) < r := lt_of_le_of_lt (le_max_right _ _) hr, have I2 : infi (λx:α, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl x, inr z)) ≤ supr (λy:β, infi (λx:α, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl x, inr y))) := le_cSup (by simpa using HD_bound_aux2 _ 0) (mem_range_self _), have I : infi (λx:α, optimal_GH_dist α β (inl x, inr z)) < r := lt_of_le_of_lt I2 I1, rcases exists_lt_of_cInf_lt (range_nonempty _) I with ⟨r', r'range, hr'⟩, rcases mem_range.1 r'range with ⟨z', hz'⟩, existsi [optimal_GH_injl α β z', mem_range_self _], have : (optimal_GH_dist α β) (inl z', inr z) ≤ r := begin rw hz', exact le_of_lt hr' end, rw dist_comm, exact this } end end consequences /- We are done with the construction of the optimal coupling -/ end Gromov_Hausdorff_realized end Gromov_Hausdorff