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/- Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Mario Carneiro Subtype of open subsets in a topological space. -/ import topology.bases topology.separation open filter lattice variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [topological_space α] [topological_space β] namespace topological_space variable (α) /-- The type of open subsets of a topological space. -/ def opens := {s : set α // _root_.is_open s} /-- The type of closed subsets of a topological space. -/ def closeds := {s : set α // is_closed s} /-- The type of non-empty compact subsets of a topological space. The non-emptiness will be useful in metric spaces, as we will be able to put a distance (and not merely an edistance) on this space. -/ def nonempty_compacts := {s : set α // s.nonempty ∧ compact s} section nonempty_compacts open topological_space set variable {α} instance nonempty_compacts.to_compact_space {p : nonempty_compacts α} : compact_space p.val := ⟨compact_iff_compact_univ.1⟩ instance nonempty_compacts.to_nonempty {p : nonempty_compacts α} : nonempty p.val := /-- Associate to a nonempty compact subset the corresponding closed subset -/ def nonempty_compacts.to_closeds [t2_space α] (s : nonempty_compacts α) : closeds α := ⟨s.val, closed_of_compact _⟩ end nonempty_compacts variable {α} namespace opens instance : has_coe (opens α) (set α) := { coe := subtype.val } instance : has_subset (opens α) := { subset := λ U V, U.val ⊆ V.val } instance : has_mem α (opens α) := { mem := λ a U, a ∈ U.val } @[ext] lemma ext {U V : opens α} (h : U.val = V.val) : U = V := subtype.ext.mpr h instance : partial_order (opens α) := subtype.partial_order _ def interior (s : set α) : opens α := ⟨interior s, is_open_interior⟩ lemma gc : galois_connection (subtype.val : opens α → set α) interior := λ U s, ⟨λ h, interior_maximal h, λ h, le_trans h interior_subset⟩ def gi : @galois_insertion (order_dual (set α)) (order_dual (opens α)) _ _ interior (subtype.val) := { choice := λ s hs, ⟨s, $ le_antisymm interior_subset hs⟩, gc := gc.dual, le_l_u := λ _, interior_subset, choice_eq := λ s hs, le_antisymm interior_subset hs } @[simp] lemma gi_choice_val {s : order_dual (set α)} {hs} : (gi.choice s hs).val = s := rfl instance : complete_lattice (opens α) := complete_lattice.copy (@order_dual.lattice.complete_lattice _ (@galois_insertion.lift_complete_lattice (order_dual (set α)) (order_dual (opens α)) _ interior (subtype.val : opens α → set α) _ gi)) /- le -/ (λ U V, U.1 ⊆ V.1) rfl /- top -/ ⟨set.univ, _root_.is_open_univ⟩ (subtype.ext.mpr interior_univ.symm) /- bot -/ ⟨∅, is_open_empty⟩ rfl /- sup -/ (λ U V, ⟨U.1 ∪ V.1, _root_.is_open_union U.2 V.2⟩) rfl /- inf -/ (λ U V, ⟨U.1 ∩ V.1, _root_.is_open_inter U.2 V.2⟩) begin funext, apply subtype.ext.mpr, symmetry, apply interior_eq_of_open, exact (_root_.is_open_inter U.2 V.2), end /- Sup -/ (λ Us, ⟨⋃₀ (subtype.val '' Us), _root_.is_open_sUnion $ λ U hU, by { rcases hU with ⟨⟨V, hV⟩, h, h'⟩, dsimp at h', subst h', exact hV}⟩) begin funext, apply subtype.ext.mpr, simp [Sup_range], refl, end /- Inf -/ _ rfl instance : has_inter (opens α) := ⟨λ U V, U ⊓ V⟩ instance : has_union (opens α) := ⟨λ U V, U ⊔ V⟩ instance : has_emptyc (opens α) := ⟨⊥⟩ instance : inhabited (opens α) := ⟨∅⟩ @[simp] lemma inter_eq (U V : opens α) : U ∩ V = U ⊓ V := rfl @[simp] lemma union_eq (U V : opens α) : U ∪ V = U ⊔ V := rfl @[simp] lemma empty_eq : (∅ : opens α) = ⊥ := rfl @[simp] lemma Sup_s {Us : set (opens α)} : (Sup Us).val = ⋃₀ (subtype.val '' Us) := begin rw [@galois_connection.l_Sup (opens α) (set α) _ _ (subtype.val : opens α → set α) interior gc Us, set.sUnion_image], congr end def is_basis (B : set (opens α)) : Prop := is_topological_basis (subtype.val '' B) lemma is_basis_iff_nbhd {B : set (opens α)} : is_basis B ↔ ∀ {U : opens α} {x}, x ∈ U → ∃ U' ∈ B, x ∈ U' ∧ U' ⊆ U := begin split; intro h, { rintros ⟨sU, hU⟩ x hx, rcases (mem_nhds_of_is_topological_basis h).mp (mem_nhds_sets hU hx) with ⟨sV, ⟨⟨V, H₁, H₂⟩, hsV⟩⟩, refine ⟨V, H₁, _⟩, cases V, dsimp at H₂, subst H₂, exact hsV }, { refine is_topological_basis_of_open_of_nhds _ _, { rintros sU ⟨U, ⟨H₁, H₂⟩⟩, subst H₂, exact }, { intros x sU hx hsU, rcases @h (⟨sU, hsU⟩ : opens α) x hx with ⟨V, hV, H⟩, exact ⟨V, ⟨V, hV, rfl⟩, H⟩ } } end lemma is_basis_iff_cover {B : set (opens α)} : is_basis B ↔ ∀ U : opens α, ∃ Us ⊆ B, U = Sup Us := begin split, { intros hB U, rcases sUnion_basis_of_is_open hB with ⟨sUs, H, hU⟩, existsi {U : opens α | U ∈ B ∧ U.val ∈ sUs}, split, { intros U hU, exact hU.left }, { apply ext, rw [Sup_s, hU], congr, ext s; split; intro hs, { rcases H hs with ⟨V, hV⟩, rw ← hV.right at hs, refine ⟨V, ⟨⟨hV.left, hs⟩, hV.right⟩⟩ }, { rcases hs with ⟨V, ⟨⟨H₁, H₂⟩, H₃⟩⟩, subst H₃, exact H₂ } } }, { intro h, rw is_basis_iff_nbhd, intros U x hx, rcases h U with ⟨Us, hUs, H⟩, replace H := congr_arg subtype.val H, rw Sup_s at H, change x ∈ U.val at hx, rw H at hx, rcases hx with ⟨sV, ⟨⟨V, H₁, H₂⟩, hsV⟩⟩, refine ⟨V,hUs H₁,_⟩, cases V with V hV, dsimp at H₂, subst H₂, refine ⟨hsV,_⟩, change V ⊆ U.val, rw H, exact set.subset_sUnion_of_mem ⟨⟨V, _⟩, ⟨H₁, rfl⟩⟩ } end end opens end topological_space namespace continuous open topological_space def comap {f : α → β} (hf : continuous f) (V : opens β) : opens α := ⟨f ⁻¹' V.1, hf V.1 V.2⟩ @[simp] lemma comap_id (U : opens α) : (continuous_id).comap U = U := by { ext, refl } lemma comap_mono {f : α → β} (hf : continuous f) {V W : opens β} (hVW : V ⊆ W) : hf.comap V ⊆ hf.comap W := λ _ h, hVW h end continuous