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GitHub Repository: jackfrued/Python-100-Days
Path: blob/master/番外篇/Python参考书籍.md
Views: 729



  1. 《Python基础教程》(Beginning Python From Novice to Professional

  2. 《Python学习手册》(Learning Python

  3. 《Python编程》(Programming Python

  4. 《Python Cookbook》

  5. 《Python程序设计》(Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

  6. 《Modern Python Cookbook》


  1. 《Python核心编程》(Core Python Applications Programming

  2. 《流畅的Python》(Fluent Python

  3. 《Effective Python:编写高质量Python代码的59个有效方法》(Effective Python 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python

  4. 《Python设计模式》(Learning Python Design Patterns

  5. 《Python高级编程》(Expert Python Programming

  6. 《Python性能分析与优化》(Mastering Python High Performance


  1. 《Django基础教程》(Tango with Django

  2. 《轻量级Django》(Lightweight Django

  3. 《Python Web开发:测试驱动方法》(Test-Driven Development with Python

  4. 《Web Development with Django Cookbook》

  5. 《Test-Driven Development with Django》

  6. 《Django Project Blueprints 》

  7. 《Flask Web开发:基于Python的Web应用开发实战》(Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python

  8. 《深入理解Flask》(Mastering Flask


  1. 《用Python写网络爬虫》(Web Scraping with Python

  2. 《精通Python爬虫框架Scrapy》(Learning Scrapy

  3. 《Python网络数据采集》(Web Scraping with Python

  4. 《Python爬虫开发与项目实战》

  5. 《Python 3网络爬虫开发实战》


  1. 《利用Python进行数据分析》(Python for Data Analysis

  2. 《Python数据科学手册》(Python Data Science Handbook

  3. 《Python金融大数据分析》(Python for Finance

  4. 《Python数据可视化编程实战》(Python Data Visualization Cookbook

  5. 《Python数据处理》(Data Wrangling with Python


  1. 《Python机器学习基础教程》(Introduction to Machine Learning with Python

  2. 《Python机器学习实践指南》(Python Machine Learning Blueprints

  3. 《Python Machine Learning Case Studies》

  4. 《Python机器学习实践:测试驱动的开发方法》(Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python A Test Driven Approach

  5. 《Python机器学习经典实例》(Python Machine Learning Cookbook

  6. 《TensorFlow:实战Google深度学习框架》