Bálint Kaszás and George Haller, 'Capturing the Edge of Chaos as a Spectral Submanifold in Pipe Flows ', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, submitted, Figure 5 key words: spectral submanifold, reduced-order model, edge of chaos, pipe flow
Spectral analysis of the laminar flow and the lower branch traveling wave
In this notebook we present calculations related to the spectrum of the two fixed point solutions, the lower branch traveling wave and the laminar flow. The eigenvalues are obtained using the Newton-Krylov algorithm built into Openpipeflow (developed by Ashley Willis, https://openpipeflow.org/).
We show the leading eigenvalues of the lower branch traveling wave and check that the nonresonance conditions required by results of Haller et al. 2023 hold.
We show the calculations necessary to explicitly compute the analytic (primary) slow SSM of the laminar flow
Check for resonances in the spectrum of the lower branch traveling wave
In [1]:
In [2]:
The existence results for the mixed-mode SSM apply if Sternberg's linearization theorem applies. Let us denote the eigenvalues as λi and ordering them according to descending real part. We then require that there is no resonance among eigenvalues, i.e
We select the leading 15 eigenvalues, but this corresponds to 24 eigenvalues in total, due to the complex-conjugate pairs.
r,phi,z,t=sy.symbols('r \\varphi z t')ur=sy.Function('u_r')(r,phi,z,t)uphi=sy.Function('u_\\varphi')(r,phi,z,t)uz=sy.Function('u_z')(r,phi,z,t)p=sy.Function('p')(r,phi,z,t)nu=sy.symbols('\\nu')