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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W GAP Library Frank Celler ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1996, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## This file contains the methods for the construction of the basic pc group ## types. ## ############################################################################# ## #M TrivialGroupCons( <IsPcGroup> ) ## InstallMethod( TrivialGroupCons, "pc group", [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite ], function( filter ) filter:= CyclicGroup( IsPcGroup, 1 ); SetIsTrivial( filter, true ); return filter; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AbelianGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <ints> ) ## InstallMethod( AbelianGroupCons, "pc group", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsList ], 0, function( filter, ints ) local pis, f, g, r, k, pi, i, geni, j, name, ps; if not ForAll( ints, IsInt ) then Error( "<ints> must be a list of integers" ); fi; if not ForAll( ints, x -> 0 < x ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; if ForAll(ints,i->i=1) then # the stupid trivial group case return CyclicGroup( IsPcGroup, 1 ); fi; pis := List( ints, Factors ); f := FreeGroup( IsSyllableWordsFamily, Sum( List(pis{Filtered([1..Length(pis)],i->ints[i]>1)}, Length ) ) ); g := GeneratorsOfGroup(f); r := []; k := 1; geni:=[]; for pi in pis do if pi[1]=1 then Add(geni,0); else Add(geni,k); for i in [ 1 .. Length(pi)-1 ] do Add( r, g[k]^pi[i] / g[k+1] ); k := k + 1; od; Add( r, g[k]^pi[Length(pi)] ); k := k + 1; fi; od; f := PolycyclicFactorGroup( f, r ); SetSize( f, Product(ints) ); SetIsAbelian( f, true ); k:=[]; g:=GeneratorsOfGroup(f); for i in geni do if i=0 then Add(k,One(f)); else Add(k,g[i]); fi; od; k:=GroupWithGenerators(k,One(f)); SetSize(k,Size(f)); SetIsAbelian( k, true ); if Size(Set(Filtered(Flat(pis),p->p<>1))) = 1 then SetIsPGroup( k, true ); SetPrimePGroup( k, First(Flat(pis),p -> p<>1) ); fi; pis := [ ]; ps := [ ]; for i in ints do pi := PrimePowersInt( i ); for j in [ 1, 3 .. Length( pi ) - 1 ] do if pi[ j ] in ps then SetIsCyclic( k, false ); fi; AddSet( ps, pi[ j ] ); Add( pis, pi[ j ] ^ pi[ j + 1 ] ); od; od; if not HasIsCyclic( k ) then SetIsCyclic( k, true ); SetNameIsomorphismClass( k, Concatenation( "c", String( Size( f )))); return k; fi; Sort( pis ); SetAbelianInvariants( k, pis ); pis := Collected( pis ); name := ""; for i in pis do Append( name, String( i[ 1 ] ) ); if i[ 2 ] > 1 then name := Concatenation( name, "^", String( i[ 2 ] ) ); fi; Append( name, "x" ); od; Unbind( name[ Length( name ) ] ); SetNameIsomorphismClass( k, name ); return k; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AlternatingGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <deg> ) ## InstallMethod( AlternatingGroupCons, "pc group with degree", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsInt and IsPosRat ], 0, function( filter, deg ) local alt; if 4 < deg then Error( "<deg> must be at most 4" ); fi; alt := GroupByPcgs(Pcgs(AlternatingGroupCons(IsPermGroup,[1..deg]))); SetIsAlternatingGroup( alt, true ); return alt; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CyclicGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <n> ) ## InstallMethod( CyclicGroupCons, "pc group", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsInt and IsPosRat ], 0, function( filter, n ) local pi, f, g, r, i; # Catch the case n = 1. if n = 1 then f := GroupByRws( SingleCollector( FreeGroup( 0 ), [] ) ); SetMinimalGeneratingSet (f, []); else pi := Factors( n ); f := FreeGroup( IsSyllableWordsFamily, Length(pi) ); g := GeneratorsOfGroup(f); r := []; for i in [ 1 .. Length(g)-1 ] do Add( r, g[i]^pi[i] / g[i+1] ); od; Add( r, g[Length(g)] ^ pi[Length(g)] ); f := PolycyclicFactorGroup( f, r ); if Size(Set(pi)) = 1 then SetIsPGroup( f, true ); SetPrimePGroup( f, pi[1] ); fi; SetMinimalGeneratingSet (f, [f.1]); fi; SetSize( f, n ); SetIsCyclic( f, true ); SetNameIsomorphismClass( f, Concatenation( "c", String( n ) ) ); return f; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M DihedralGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <n> ) ## InstallMethod( DihedralGroupCons, "pc group", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsInt and IsPosRat ], 0, function( filter, n ) local pi, f, g, r, i; if n mod 2 = 1 then TryNextMethod(); elif n = 2 then return CyclicGroup( IsPcGroup, 2 ); fi; pi := Factors(n/2); f := FreeGroup( IsSyllableWordsFamily, Length(pi)+1 ); g := GeneratorsOfGroup(f); r := []; for i in [ 2 .. Length(g)-1 ] do Add( r, g[i]^pi[i-1] / g[i+1] ); od; Add( r, g[Length(g)] ^ pi[Length(g)-1] ); Add( r, g[1]^2 ); for i in [ 2 .. Length(g) ] do Add( r, g[i]^g[1] * g[i] ); od; f := PolycyclicFactorGroup( f, r ); SetSize( f, n ); if n = 2^LogInt(n,2) then SetIsPGroup( f, true ); SetPrimePGroup( f, 2 ); fi; return f; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M QuaternionGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <n> ) ## InstallMethod( QuaternionGroupCons, "pc group", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsInt and IsPosRat ], 0, function( filter, n ) local k, d, relords, powers, gens, f, rels, pow; if 0 <> n mod 4 then TryNextMethod(); fi; # Hard to get a confluent RWS for a cyclic group on 2 independent generators if n = 4 then return CyclicGroup( filter, n ); fi; k := n/4; d := Factors( k ); relords := [2]; Append(relords, d); Add( relords, 2 ); powers := [0]; Append( powers, List( [0..Size(d)], i -> Product( d{[1..i]} ) ) ); gens := Concatenation( [ "x", "y" ], List( powers{[3..Size(powers)]}, d -> Concatenation( "y", String(d) ) ) ); f := FreeGroup( IsSyllableWordsFamily, gens ); pow := function( i ) local e, j; i := i mod (n/2); e := [0]; for j in [2..Size(relords)] do e[j] := i mod relords[j]; i := Int( i / relords[j] ); od; return Product([1..Size(e)],i->f.(i)^e[i]); end; rels := [ [ f.1^2, f.(Size(gens)) ], [ f.(Size(gens))^2, One(f) ] ]; Append( rels, List( [2..Size(gens)-1], i -> [ f.(i)^relords[i], f.(i+1) ] ) ); Append( rels, List( [2..Size(gens)-1], i -> [ f.(i)^f.1, pow(-powers[i]) ] ) ); Append( rels, List( Combinations( [2..Size(gens)], 2 ), ij -> [ f.(ij[2])^f.(ij[1]), f.(ij[2]) ] ) ); return PcGroupFpGroupNC( f / List( rels, rel -> rel[1]/rel[2] ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ElementaryAbelianGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <n> ) ## InstallMethod( ElementaryAbelianGroupCons, "pc group", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsInt and IsPosRat ], 0, function( filter, n ) if n = 1 then return CyclicGroupCons( IsPcGroup, 1 ); elif not IsPrimePowerInt(n) then Error( "<n> must be a prime power" ); fi; n:= AbelianGroupCons( IsPcGroup, Factors(n) ); SetIsElementaryAbelian( n, true ); return n; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ExtraspecialGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <order>, <exponent> ) ## InstallMethod( ExtraspecialGroupCons, "pc group", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsInt, IsObject ], 0, function( filters, order, exp ) local i, # loop variable p, # divisor of group order n, # the group has order 'p'^(2*'n'+1) eps1, # constant to distinguish odd and even 'p' eps2, # constant to distinguish odd and even 'p' name, # name of generators (default is "e") z, # central element f, # free group r, # relators e; # the group generators p := Factors(order); if Length(p) = 1 or Length(p) mod 2 <> 1 or Length(Set(p)) <> 1 then Error( "order of an extraspecial group is", " a nonprime odd power of a prime" ); fi; n := ( Length(p) - 1 ) / 2; p := p[1]; # determine the required type of the group if p = 2 then if n = 1 then eps1 := 1; else eps1 := 0; fi; # central product of 'n' dihedral groups of order 8 if exp = '+' or exp = "+" then eps2 := 0; # central product of 'n'-1 dihedral groups and a quaternionic group elif exp = '-' or exp = "-" then eps2 := 1; # zap else Error( "<exp> must be '+', '-', \"+\", or \"-\"" ); fi; else if exp = p or exp = '+' or exp = "+" then eps1 := 0; elif exp = p^2 or exp = '-' or exp = "-" then eps1 := 1; else Error( "<exp> must be <p>, <p>^2, '+', '-', \"+\", or \"-\"" ); fi; eps2 := 0; fi; f := FreeGroup( IsSyllableWordsFamily, 2*n+1); e := GeneratorsOfGroup(f); z := e[ 2*n+1 ]; r := []; # power relators Add( r, e[1]^p / z^eps1 ); for i in [ 2 .. 2*n-2 ] do Add( r, e[i]^p ); od; if 1 < n then Add( r, e[2*n-1]^p / z^eps2 ); fi; Add( r, e[2*n]^p / z^eps2 ); Add( r, z^p ); # nontrivial commutator relators for i in [ 1 .. n ] do Add( r, Comm( e[2*i], e[2*i-1] ) * z ); od; # return the pc group f := PolycyclicFactorGroup( f, r ); SetIsPGroup( f, true ); SetPrimePGroup( f, p ); return f; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M SymmetricGroupCons( <IsPcGroup and IsFinite>, <deg> ) ## InstallMethod( SymmetricGroupCons, "pc group with degree", true, [ IsPcGroup and IsFinite, IsInt and IsPosRat ], 0, function( filter, deg ) if 4 < deg then Error( "<deg> must be at most 4" ); fi; return GroupByPcgs(Pcgs(SymmetricGroupCons(IsPermGroup,[1..deg]))); end ); ############################################################################# ## #E