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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
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Views: 466317############################################################################# ## #W GAP group library Frank Celler #W & Heiko Theißen #W & Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland ## ############################################################################# ## #M SymplecticGroupCons( <IsMatrixGroup>, <d>, <q> ) ## InstallMethod( SymplecticGroupCons, "matrix group for dimension and finite field size", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( filter, d, q ) local g, f, z, o, mat1, mat2, i, size, qi, c; # the dimension must be even if d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "the dimension <d> must be even" ); fi; f := GF(q); z := PrimitiveRoot( f ); o := One( f ); #T introduce variable d_2 = d/2 ? # if the dimension is two it is a special linear group if d = 2 then g := SL( 2, q ); #T no form for SL(2,q) if constructed like this? #T better add the form in the SL(2,q) call # construct the generators else # SP(4,2) if d = 4 and q = 2 then mat1 := [ [1,0,1,1], [1,0,0,1], [0,1,0,1], [1,1,1,1] ] * o; mat2 := [ [0,0,1,0], [1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,1,0,0] ] * o; # SP(d,q) else mat1 := IdentityMat( d, f ); mat2 := List( 0 * mat1, ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 2 .. d/2 ] do mat2[i][i-1]:= o; od; for i in [ d/2+1 .. d-1 ] do mat2[i][i+1]:= o; od; if q mod 2 = 1 then mat1[ 1][ 1] := z; mat1[ d][ d] := z^-1; mat2[ 1][ 1] := o; mat2[ 1][d/2+1] := o; mat2[d-1][ d/2] := o; mat2[ d][ d/2] := -o; elif q <> 2 then mat1[ 1][ 1] := z; mat1[ d/2][ d/2] := z; mat1[d/2+1][d/2+1] := z^-1; mat1[ d][ d] := z^-1; mat2[ 1][d/2-1] := o; mat2[ 1][ d/2] := o; mat2[ 1][d/2+1] := o; mat2[d/2+1][ d/2] := o; mat2[ d][ d/2] := o; else mat1[ 1][ d/2] := o; mat1[ 1][ d] := o; mat1[d/2+1][ d] := o; mat2[ 1][d/2+1] := o; mat2[ d][ d/2] := o; fi; fi; mat1:=ImmutableMatrix(f,mat1,true); mat2:=ImmutableMatrix(f,mat2,true); # avoid to call 'Group' because this would check invertibility ... g := GroupWithGenerators( [ mat1, mat2 ] ); SetName( g, Concatenation("Sp(",String(d),",",String(q),")") ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, Length( mat1 ) ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # add the size size := 1; qi := 1; for i in [ 1 .. d/2 ] do qi := qi * q^2; size := size * (qi-1); od; SetSize( g, q^((d/2)^2) * size ); fi; # construct the form c := List( 0 * One( g ), ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 1 .. d/2 ] do c[i][d-i+1] := o; c[d/2+i][d/2-i+1] := -o; od; SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, c, true ) ) ); SetIsFullSubgroupGLorSLRespectingBilinearForm(g,true); SetIsSubgroupSL(g,true); # and return return g; end ); InstallMethod( SymplecticGroupCons, "matrix group for dimension and finite field", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsPosInt, IsField and IsFinite ], function(filt,n,f) return SymplecticGroupCons(filt,n,Size(f)); end); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneralUnitaryGroupCons( <IsMatrixGroup>, <n>, <q> ) ## InstallMethod( GeneralUnitaryGroupCons, "matrix group for dimension and finite field size", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( filter, n, q ) local g, i, e, f, z, o, mat1, mat2, size, qi, eps, c; f:= GF( q^2 ); # Handle the trivial case first. if n = 1 then g:= GroupWithGenerators( [ [ [ PrimitiveRoot( f ) ^ (q-1) ] ] ] ); SetName( g, Concatenation("GU(1,",String(q),")") ); #T no form? return g; fi; # Construct the generators. z:= PrimitiveRoot( f ); o:= One( f ); mat1:= IdentityMat( n, f ); mat2:= List( 0 * mat1, ShallowCopy ); if n = 2 then # We use the isomorphism of 'SU(2,q)' and 'SL(2,q)': # 'e' is mapped to '-e' under the Frobenius mapping. e:= Z(q^2) - Z(q^2)^q; if q = 2 then mat1[1][1]:= z; mat1[2][2]:= z; mat1[1][2]:= z; mat2[1][2]:= o; mat2[2][1]:= o; else mat1[1][1]:= z; mat1[2][2]:= z^-q; mat2[1][1]:= -o; mat2[1][2]:= e; mat2[2][1]:= -e^-1; fi; elif n mod 2 = 0 then if q mod 2 = 1 then e:= z^( (q+1)/2 ); else e:= o; fi; mat1[1][1]:= z; mat1[n][n]:= z^-q; for i in [ 2 .. n/2 ] do mat2[ i ][ i-1 ]:= o; od; for i in [ n/2+1 .. n-1 ] do mat2[ i ][ i+1 ]:= o; od; mat2[ 1 ][ 1 ]:= o; mat2[1][n/2+1]:= e; mat2[n-1][n/2]:= e^-1; mat2[n][ n/2 ]:= -e^-1; else mat1[(n-1)/2][(n-1)/2]:= z; mat1[(n-1)/2+2][(n-1)/2+2]:= z^-q; for i in [ 1 .. (n-1)/2-1 ] do mat2[ i ][ i+1 ]:= o; od; for i in [ (n-1)/2+3 .. n ] do mat2[ i ][ i-1 ]:= o; od; mat2[(n-1)/2][ 1 ]:= -(1+z^q/z)^-1; mat2[(n-1)/2][(n-1)/2+1]:= -o; mat2[(n-1)/2][ n ]:= o; mat2[(n-1)/2+1][ 1 ]:= -o; mat2[(n-1)/2+1][(n-1)/2+1]:= -o; mat2[(n-1)/2+2][ 1 ]:= o; fi; mat1:=ImmutableMatrix(f,mat1,true); mat2:=ImmutableMatrix(f,mat2,true); # Avoid to call 'Group' because this would check invertibility ... g:= GroupWithGenerators( [ mat1, mat2 ] ); SetName( g, Concatenation("GU(",String(n),",",String(q),")") ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, Length( mat1 ) ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # Add the size. size := q+1; qi := q; eps := 1; for i in [ 2 .. n ] do qi := qi * q; eps := -eps; size := size * (qi+eps); od; SetSize( g, q^(n*(n-1)/2) * size ); # construct the form c := Reversed( One( g ) ); SetInvariantSesquilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, c, true ) ) ); SetIsFullSubgroupGLorSLRespectingSesquilinearForm(g,true); # Return the group. return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M SpecialUnitaryGroupCons( <IsMatrixGroup>, <n>, <q> ) ## InstallMethod( SpecialUnitaryGroupCons, "matrix group for dimension and finite field size", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( filter, n, q ) local g, i, e, f, z, o, mat1, mat2, size, qi, eps, c; f:= GF( q^2 ); # Handle the trivial case first. if n = 1 then g:= GroupWithGenerators( [ [ [ One( f ) ] ] ] ); SetName( g, Concatenation("SL(1,",String(q),")") ); #T no form? return g; fi; # Construct the generators. z:= PrimitiveRoot( f ); o:= One( f ); if n = 3 and q = 2 then mat1:= [ [o,z,z], [0,o,z^2], [0,0,o] ] * o; mat2:= [ [z,o,o], [o,o, 0 ], [o,0,0] ] * o; else mat1:= IdentityMat( n, f ); mat2:= List( 0 * mat1, ShallowCopy ); if n = 2 then # We use the isomorphism of 'SU(2,q)' and 'SL(2,q)': # 'e' is mapped to '-e' under the Frobenius mapping. e:= Z(q^2) - Z(q^2)^q; if q <= 3 then mat1[1][2]:= e; mat2[1][2]:= e; mat2[2][1]:= -e^-1; else mat1[1][1]:= z^(q+1); mat1[2][2]:= z^(-q-1); mat2[1][1]:= -o; mat2[1][2]:= e; mat2[2][1]:= -e^-1; fi; elif n mod 2 = 0 then mat1[1][1]:= z; mat1[n][n]:= z^-q; mat1[2][2]:= z^-1; mat1[ n-1 ][ n-1 ]:= z^q; if q mod 2 = 1 then e:= z^( (q+1)/2 ); else e:= o; fi; for i in [ 2 .. n/2 ] do mat2[ i ][ i-1 ]:= o; od; for i in [ n/2+1 .. n-1 ] do mat2[ i ][ i+1 ]:= o; od; mat2[ 1 ][ 1 ]:= o; mat2[1][n/2+1]:= e; mat2[n-1][n/2]:= e^-1; mat2[n][ n/2 ]:= -e^-1; else mat1[ (n-1)/2 ][ (n-1)/2 ]:= z; mat1[ (n-1)/2+1 ][ (n-1)/2+1 ]:= z^q/z; mat1[ (n-1)/2+2 ][ (n-1)/2+2 ]:= z^-q; for i in [ 1 .. (n-1)/2-1 ] do mat2[ i ][ i+1 ]:= o; od; for i in [ (n-1)/2+3 .. n ] do mat2[ i ][ i-1 ]:= o; od; mat2[(n-1)/2][ 1 ]:= -(1+z^q/z)^-1; mat2[(n-1)/2][(n-1)/2+1]:= -o; mat2[(n-1)/2][ n ]:= o; mat2[(n-1)/2+1][ 1 ]:= -o; mat2[(n-1)/2+1][(n-1)/2+1]:= -o; mat2[(n-1)/2+2][ 1 ]:= o; fi; fi; mat1:=ImmutableMatrix(f,mat1,true); mat2:=ImmutableMatrix(f,mat2,true); # Avoid to call 'Group' because this would check invertibility ... g:= GroupWithGenerators( [ mat1, mat2 ] ); SetName( g, Concatenation("SU(",String(n),",",String(q),")") ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, Length( mat1 ) ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # Add the size. size := 1; qi := q; eps := 1; for i in [ 2 .. n ] do qi := qi * q; eps := -eps; size := size * (qi+eps); od; SetSize( g, q^(n*(n-1)/2) * size ); # construct the form c := Reversed( One( g ) ); SetInvariantSesquilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, c, true ) ) ); SetIsFullSubgroupGLorSLRespectingSesquilinearForm(g,true); SetIsSubgroupSL(g,true); # Return the group. return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F EichlerTransformation( <g>, <u>, <x> ) . . eichler trans of <u> and <x> ## BindGlobal( "EichlerTransformation", function( g, u, x ) local e, b, i; # construct matrix of eichler transformation in <e> e := []; # loop over the standard vectors for b in One( g ) do i := b + (b*InvariantBilinearForm(g).matrix*x)*u - (b*InvariantBilinearForm(g).matrix*u)*x - (b*InvariantBilinearForm(g).matrix*u) *((x*InvariantQuadraticForm( g ) )*x)*u; Add( e, i ); od; # and return return e; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Oplus45() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O+_4(5) ## BindGlobal( "Oplus45", function() local f, id, tau2, tau, phi, delta, eichler, g; # identity matrix over <f> f := GF(5); id := Immutable( IdentityMat( 4, f ) ); # construct TAU2: tau(x1-x2) tau2 := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); tau2[1][1] := One( f ); tau2[2][2] := One( f ); tau2[3][4] := One( f ); tau2[4][3] := One( f ); # construct TAU: tau(x1+x2) tau := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); tau[1][1] := One( f ); tau[2][2] := One( f ); tau[3][4] := -One( f ); tau[4][3] := -One( f ); # construct PHI: phi(2) phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := 2*One( f ); phi[2][2] := 3*One( f ); # construct DELTA: u <-> v delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct eichler transformation eichler := [[1,0,0,0],[-1,1,-1,0],[2,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]*One( f ); # construct the group without calling 'Group' g := [ phi*tau2, tau*eichler*delta ]; g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i),true); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, 4 ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # set the size SetSize( g, 28800 ); # construct the form SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,2,0],[0,0,0,2]] * One( f ), true ) ) ); # and the quadratic form SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]] * One( f ), true ) ) ); # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Opm3( <s>, <d> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O+-_<d>(3) ## ## <q> must be 3, <d> at least 6, beta is 2 ## BindGlobal( "Opm3", function( s, d ) local f, id, theta, i, theta2, phi, eichler, g, delta; # identity matrix over <f> f := GF(3); id := Immutable( IdentityMat( d, f ) ); # construct DELTA: u <-> v, x -> x delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct THETA: x2 -> ... -> xk -> x2 theta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); theta[1][1] := One( f ); theta[2][2] := One( f ); theta[3][3] := One( f ); for i in [ 4 .. d-1 ] do theta[i][i+1] := One( f ); od; theta[d][4] := One( f ); # construct THETA2: x2 -> x1 -> x3 -> x2 theta2 := List( id, ShallowCopy ); theta2{[3..5]}{[3..5]} := [[0,1,1],[-1,-1,1],[1,-1,1]]*One( f ); # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := 2*One( f ); phi[2][2] := (2*One( f ))^-1; # construct the eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler[2][1] := -One( f ); eichler[2][4] := -One( f ); eichler[4][1] := 2*One( f ); # construct the group without calling 'Group' g := [ phi*theta2, theta*eichler*delta ]; g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # construct the form delta := List( 2*id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); delta[3][3] := 2*One( f )*2; SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # construct quadratic form delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[0,0]]*One( f ); delta[3][3] := One( f )*2; SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # set the size delta := 1; theta := 1; theta2 := 3^2; for i in [ 1 .. d/2-1 ] do theta := theta * theta2; delta := delta * (theta-1); od; SetSize( g, 2*3^(d/2*(d/2-1))*(3^(d/2)-s)*delta ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OpmSmall( <s>, <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O+-_<d>(<q>) ## ## <q> must be 3 or 5, <d> at least 6, beta is 1 ## BindGlobal( "OpmSmall", function( s, d, q ) local f, id, theta, i, theta2, phi, eichler, g, delta; # identity matrix over <f> f := GF(q); id := Immutable( IdentityMat( d, f ) ); # construct DELTA: u <-> v, x -> x delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct THETA: x2 -> ... -> xk -> x2 theta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); theta[1][1] := One( f ); theta[2][2] := One( f ); theta[3][3] := One( f ); for i in [ 4 .. d-1 ] do theta[i][i+1] := One( f ); od; theta[d][4] := One( f ); # construct THETA2: x2 -> x1 -> x3 -> x2 theta2 := List( id, ShallowCopy ); theta2{[3..5]}{[3..5]} := [[0,0,1],[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]*One( f ); # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := 2*One( f ); phi[2][2] := (2*One( f ))^-1; # construct the eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler[2][1] := -One( f ); eichler[2][4] := -One( f ); eichler[4][1] := 2*One( f ); # construct the group without calling 'Group' g := [ phi*theta2, theta*eichler*delta ]; g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # construct the form delta := List( 2*id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); delta[3][3] := 2*One( f ); SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # construct quadratic form delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[0,0]]*One( f ); delta[3][3] := One( f ); SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # set the size delta := 1; theta := 1; theta2 := q^2; for i in [ 1 .. d/2-1 ] do theta := theta * theta2; delta := delta * (theta-1); od; SetSize( g, 2*q^(d/2*(d/2-1))*(q^(d/2)-s)*delta ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OpmOdd( <s>, <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O<s>_<d>(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "OpmOdd", function( s, d, q ) local f, w, beta, epsilon, id, eb1, tau, theta, i, phi, delta, eichler, g; # <d> must be at least 4 if d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<d> must be even" ); fi; if d < 4 then Error( "<d> must be at least 4" ); fi; # beta is either 1 or a generator of the field f := GF(q); w := LogFFE( -1*2^(d-2)*One( f ), PrimitiveRoot( f ) ) mod 2 = 0; beta := One( f ); if s = +1 and (d*(q-1)/4) mod 2 = 0 then if not w then beta := PrimitiveRoot( f ); fi; elif s = +1 and (d*(q-1)/4) mod 2 = 1 then if w then beta := PrimitiveRoot( f ); fi; elif s = -1 and (d*(q-1)/4) mod 2 = 1 then if not w then beta := PrimitiveRoot( f ); fi; elif s = -1 and (d*(q-1)/4) mod 2 = 0 then if w then beta := PrimitiveRoot( f ); fi; else Error( "<s> must be -1 or +1" ); fi; # special cases if q = 3 and d = 4 and s = +1 then g := GroupWithGenerators( [ [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,2,1],[2,0,2,0],[1,0,0,1]]*One( f ), [[0,2,2,2],[0,1,1,2],[1,0,2,0],[1,2,2,0]]*One( f ) ] ); SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,2]]*One( f ), true ) ) ); SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,2,0],[0,0,0,1]]*One( f ), true ) ) ); SetSize( g, 1152 ); return g; elif q = 3 and d = 4 and s = -1 then g := GroupWithGenerators( [ [[0,2,0,0],[2,1,0,1],[0,2,0,1],[0,0,1,0]]*One( f ), [[2,0,0,0],[1,2,0,2],[1,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]]*One( f ) ] ); SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,2,0],[0,0,0,2]]*One( f ), true ) ) ); SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]*One( f ), true ) ) ); SetSize( g, 1440 ); return g; elif q = 5 and d = 4 and s = +1 then return Oplus45(); elif ( q = 3 or q = 5 ) and 4 < d and beta = One( f ) then return OpmSmall( s, d, q ); elif q = 3 and 4 < d and beta <> One( f ) then return Opm3( s, d ); fi; # find an epsilon such that (epsilon^2*beta)^2 <> 1 if beta = PrimitiveRoot( f ) then epsilon := One( f ); else epsilon := PrimitiveRoot( f ); fi; # identity matrix over <f> id := Immutable( IdentityMat( d, f ) ); # construct the reflection TAU_epsilon*x1+x2 eb1 := epsilon^2*beta+1; tau := List( id, ShallowCopy ); tau[3][3] := 1-2*beta*epsilon^2/eb1; tau[3][4] := -2*beta*epsilon/eb1; tau[4][3] := -2*epsilon/eb1; tau[4][4] := 1-2/eb1; # construct THETA theta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); theta[1][1] := One( f ); theta[2][2] := One( f ); theta[3][3] := One( f ); for i in [ 4 .. d-1 ] do theta[i][i+1] := One( f ); od; theta[d][4] := -One( f ); # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := PrimitiveRoot( f ); phi[2][2] := PrimitiveRoot( f )^-1; # construct DELTA: u <-> v, x -> x delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct the eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler[2][1] := -One( f ); eichler[2][4] := -One( f ); eichler[4][1] := 2*One( f ); # construct the group without calling 'Group' g := [ phi, theta*tau*eichler*delta ]; g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # construct the form delta := List( 2*id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); delta[3][3] := 2*beta; SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # construct quadratic form delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[0,0]]*One( f ); delta[3][3] := beta; SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # set the size delta := 1; theta := 1; tau := q^2; for i in [ 1 .. d/2-1 ] do theta := theta * tau; delta := delta * (theta-1); od; SetSize( g, 2*q^(d/2*(d/2-1))*(q^(d/2)-s)*delta ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Oplus2( <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O+_2(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "Oplus2", function( q ) local z, f, m1, m2, g; # a field generator z := Z(q); f := GF(q); # a matrix of order q-1 m1 := [ [ z, 0*z ], [ 0*z, z^-1 ] ]; # a matrix of order 2 m2 := [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ] ] * z^0; m1:= ImmutableMatrix( f, m1, true ); m2:= ImmutableMatrix( f, m2, true ); # construct the group, set the order, and return g := GroupWithGenerators( [ m1, m2 ] ); SetInvariantBilinearForm(g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, m2, true ) ) ); SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] * z^0, true ) ) ); SetSize( g, 2*(q-1) ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Oplus4Even( <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O+_4(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "Oplus4Even", function( q ) local f, id, rho, delta, phi, eichler, g; # <q> must be even if q mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<q> must be even" ); fi; f := GF(q); # identity matrix over <f> id := Immutable( IdentityMat( 4, f ) ); # construct RHO: x1 <-> y1 rho := List( id, ShallowCopy ); rho{[3,4]}{[3,4]} := [[0,1],[1,0]] * One( f ); # construct DELTA: u <-> v delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := PrimitiveRoot( f ); phi[2][2] := PrimitiveRoot( f )^-1; # construct eichler transformation eichler := [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,-1,0],[0,0,1,0],[1,0,0,1]] * One( f ); # construct the group without calling 'Group' g := [ phi*rho, rho*eichler*delta ]; g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, 4 ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # set the size SetSize( g, 2*q^2*(q^2-1)^2 ); # construct the form SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]] * One( f ), true ) ) ); # and the quadratic form SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,0,0]] * One( f ), true ) ) ); # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OplusEven( <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O+_<d>(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "OplusEven", function( d, q ) local f, id, k, phi, delta, theta, i, delta2, eichler, rho, g; # <d> and <q> must be even if d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<d> must be even" ); fi; if d < 6 then Error( "<d> must be at least 6" ); fi; if q mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<q> must be even" ); fi; f := GF(q); # identity matrix over <f> id := Immutable( IdentityMat( d, f ) ); # V = H | H_1 | ... | H_k k := (d-2) / 2; # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := PrimitiveRoot( f ); phi[2][2] := PrimitiveRoot( f )^-1; # construct DELTA: u <-> v, x -> x delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct THETA: x_2 -> x_3 -> .. -> x_k -> y_2 -> .. -> y_k -> x_2 theta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 1 .. 4 ] do theta[i][i] := One( f ); od; for i in [ 2 .. k-1 ] do theta[1+2*i][3+2*i] := One( f ); theta[2+2*i][4+2*i] := One( f ); od; theta[1+2*k][6] := One( f ); theta[2+2*k][5] := One( f ); # (k even) construct DELTA2: x_i <-> y_i, 1 <= i <= k-1 if k mod 2 = 0 then delta2 := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); delta2{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[1,0],[0,1]] * One( f ); for i in [ 1 .. k ] do delta2[1+2*i][2+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[2+2*i][1+2*i] := One( f ); od; # (k odd) construct DELTA2: x_1 <-> y_1, x_i <-> x_i+1, y_i <-> y_i+1 else delta2 := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); delta2{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[1,0],[0,1]] * One( f ); delta2{[3,4]}{[3,4]} := [[0,1],[1,0]] * One( f ); for i in [ 2, 4 .. k-1 ] do delta2[1+2*i][3+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[3+2*i][1+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[2+2*i][4+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[4+2*i][2+2*i] := One( f ); od; fi; # construct eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler[4][6] := One( f ); eichler[5][3] := -One( f ); # construct RHO = THETA * EICHLER rho := theta*eichler; # construct second eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler[2][5] := -One( f ); eichler[6][1] := One( f ); # there seems to be something wrong in I/E for p=2 if k mod 2 = 0 then if q = 2 then g := [ phi*delta2, rho, eichler, delta ]; else g := [ phi*delta2, rho*eichler*delta, delta ]; fi; elif q = 2 then g := [ phi*delta2, rho*eichler*delta, rho*delta ]; else g := [ phi*delta2, rho*eichler*delta ]; fi; # construct the group without calling 'Group' g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # construct the form delta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 1 .. d/2 ] do delta[2*i-1][2*i] := One( f ); delta[2*i][2*i-1] := One( f ); od; SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # construct quadratic form delta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 1 .. d/2 ] do delta[2*i-1][2*i] := One( f ); od; SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # set the size delta := 1; theta := 1; rho := q^2; for i in [ 1 .. d/2-1 ] do theta := theta * rho; delta := delta * (theta-1); od; SetSize( g, 2*q^(d/2*(d/2-1))*(q^(d/2)-1)*delta ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Ominus2( <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-_2(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "Ominus2", function( q ) local z, f, R, x, t, n, e, bc, m2, m1, g; # construct the root z := Z(q); # find $x^2+x+t$ that is irreducible over GF(`q') f:= GF( q ); R:= PolynomialRing( f ); x:= Indeterminate( f ); t:= z^First( [ 0 .. q-2 ], u -> Length( Factors( R, x^2+x+z^u ) ) = 1 ); # get roots in GF(q^2) n := List( Factors( PolynomialRing( GF( q^2 ) ), x^2+x+t ), x -> - CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( x )[1][1] ); e := 4*t-1; # construct base change bc := [ [ n[1]/e, 1/e ], [ n[2], z^0 ] ]; # matrix of order 2 m2 := [ [ -1, 0 ], [ -1, 1 ] ] * z^0; # matrix of order q+1 (this will lie in $GF(q)^{d \times d}$) z := Z(q^2)^(q-1); m1 := bc^-1 * [[z,0*z],[0*z,z^-1]] * bc; # and return the group m1:=ImmutableMatrix(GF(q),m1,true); m2:=ImmutableMatrix(GF(q),m2,true); g := GroupWithGenerators( [ m1, m2 ] ); SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [ 2, 1 ], [ 1, 2*t ] ] * z^0, true ) ) ); SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, t ] ] * z^0, true ) ) ); SetSize( g, 2*(q+1) ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Ominus4Even( <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-_4(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "Ominus4Even", function( q ) local f, id, rho, delta, phi, R, x, t, eichler, g; # <q> must be even if q mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<q> must be even" ); fi; f := GF(q); # identity matrix over <f> id := Immutable( IdentityMat( 4, f ) ); # construct RHO: x1 <-> y1 rho := List( id, ShallowCopy ); rho{[3,4]}{[3,4]} := [[0,1],[1,0]] * One( f ); # construct DELTA: u <-> v delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := PrimitiveRoot( f ); phi[2][2] := PrimitiveRoot( f )^-1; # find x^2+x+t that is irreducible over <f> R:= PolynomialRing( f, 1 ); x:= Indeterminate( f ); t:= First( [ 0 .. q-2 ], u -> Length( Factors( R, x^2+x+PrimitiveRoot( f )^u ) ) = 1 ); # compute square root of <t> t := t/2 mod (q-1); t := PrimitiveRoot( f )^t; # construct eichler transformation eichler := [[1,0,0,0],[-t,1,-1,0],[0,0,1,0],[1,0,0,1]] * One( f ); # construct the group without calling 'Group' g := [ phi*rho, rho*eichler*delta ]; g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, 4 ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # set the size SetSize( g, 2*q^2*(q^2+1)*(q^2-1) ); # construct the form SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]] * One( f ), true ) ) ); # and the quadratic form SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,t,1],[0,0,0,t]] * One( f ), true ) ) ); # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OminusEven( <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O-_<d>(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "OminusEven", function( d, q ) local f, id, k, phi, delta, theta, i, delta2, eichler, rho, g, t, R, x; # <d> and <q> must be odd if d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<d> must be even" ); elif d < 6 then Error( "<d> must be at least 6" ); elif q mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<q> must be even" ); fi; f := GF(q); # identity matrix over <f> id := Immutable( IdentityMat( d, f ) ); # V = H | H_1 | ... | H_k k := (d-2) / 2; # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := PrimitiveRoot( f ); phi[2][2] := PrimitiveRoot( f )^-1; # construct DELTA: u <-> v, x -> x delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct THETA: x_2 -> x_3 -> .. -> x_k -> y_2 -> .. -> y_k -> x_2 theta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 1 .. 4 ] do theta[i][i] := One( f ); od; for i in [ 2 .. k-1 ] do theta[1+2*i][3+2*i] := One( f ); theta[2+2*i][4+2*i] := One( f ); od; theta[1+2*k][6] := One( f ); theta[2+2*k][5] := One( f ); # (k even) construct DELTA2: x_i <-> y_i, 1 <= i <= k-1 if k mod 2 = 0 then delta2 := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); delta2{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[1,0],[0,1]] * One( f ); for i in [ 1 .. k ] do delta2[1+2*i][2+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[2+2*i][1+2*i] := One( f ); od; # (k odd) construct DELTA2: x_1 <-> y_1, x_i <-> x_i+1, y_i <-> y_i+1 else delta2 := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); delta2{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[1,0],[0,1]] * One( f ); delta2{[3,4]}{[3,4]} := [[0,1],[1,0]] * One( f ); for i in [ 2, 4 .. k-1 ] do delta2[1+2*i][3+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[3+2*i][1+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[2+2*i][4+2*i] := One( f ); delta2[4+2*i][2+2*i] := One( f ); od; fi; # find x^2+x+t that is irreducible over GF(`q') R:= PolynomialRing( f ); x:= Indeterminate( f ); t:= First( [ 0 .. q-2 ], u -> Length( Factors( R, x^2+x+PrimitiveRoot( f )^u ) ) = 1 ); # compute square root of <t> t := t/2 mod (q-1); t := PrimitiveRoot( f )^t; # construct Eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler[4][6] := One( f ); eichler[5][3] := -One( f ); eichler[5][6] := -t; # construct RHO = THETA * EICHLER rho := theta*eichler; # construct second eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler[2][5] := -One( f ); eichler[6][1] := One( f ); # there seems to be something wrong in I/E for p=2 if k mod 2 = 0 then if q = 2 then g := [ phi*delta2, rho, eichler, delta ]; else g := [ phi*delta2, rho*eichler*delta, delta ]; fi; elif q = 2 then g := [ phi*delta2, rho*eichler*delta, rho*delta ]; else g := [ phi*delta2, rho*eichler*delta ]; fi; # construct the group without calling 'Group' g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # construct the form delta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 1 .. d/2 ] do delta[2*i-1][2*i] := One( f ); delta[2*i][2*i-1] := One( f ); od; SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # construct quadratic form delta := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 1 .. d/2 ] do delta[2*i-1][2*i] := One( f ); od; delta[3][3] := t; delta[4][4] := t; SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, delta, true ) ) ); # set the size delta := 1; theta := 1; rho := q^2; for i in [ 1 .. d/2-1 ] do theta := theta * rho; delta := delta * (theta-1); od; SetSize( g, 2*q^(d/2*(d/2-1))*(q^(d/2)+1)*delta ); return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OzeroOdd( <d>, <q>, <b> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O0_<d>(<q>) ## ## 'OzeroOdd' construct the orthogonal group in odd dimension and odd ## characteristic. The discriminant of the quadratic form is -(2<b>)^(<d>-2) ## BindGlobal( "OzeroOdd", function( d, q, b ) local id, phi, delta, rho, i, eichler, g, s, f, q2, q2i; # <d> and <q> must be odd if d mod 2 = 0 then Error( "<d> must be odd" ); elif d < 3 then Error( "<d> must be at least 3" ); elif q mod 2 = 0 then Error( "<q> must be odd" ); fi; f := GF(q); # identity matrix over <f> id := Immutable( IdentityMat( d, f ) ); # construct PHI: u -> au, v -> a^-1v, x -> x phi := List( id, ShallowCopy ); phi[1][1] := PrimitiveRoot( f ); phi[2][2] := PrimitiveRoot( f )^-1; # construct DELTA: u <-> v, x -> x delta := List( id, ShallowCopy ); delta{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); # construct RHO: u -> u, v -> v, x_i -> x_i+1 rho := List( 0*id, ShallowCopy ); rho[1][1] := One( f ); rho[2][2] := One( f ); for i in [ 3 .. d-1 ] do rho[i][i+1] := One( f ); od; rho[d][3] := One( f ); # construct eichler transformation eichler := List( id, ShallowCopy ); eichler{[1..3]}{[1..3]} := [[1,0,0],[-b,1,-1],[2*b,0,1]] * One( f ); # construct the group without calling 'Group' g := [ phi, rho*eichler*delta ]; g:=List(g,i->ImmutableMatrix(f,i,true)); g := GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # and set its size s := 1; q2 := q^2; q2i := 1; for i in [ 1 .. (d-1)/2 ] do q2i := q2 * q2i; s := s * (q2i-1); od; SetSize( g, 2 * q^((d-1)^2/4) * s ); # construct the form s := List( 2*b*id, ShallowCopy ); s{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[1,0]]*One( f ); SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, s, true ) ) ); # and the quadratic form s := List( b*id, ShallowCopy ); s{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,1],[0,0]]*One( f ); SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, s, true ) ) ); # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OzeroEven( <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O0_<d>(<q>) ## ## 'OzeroEven' constructs the orthogonal group in odd dimension and even ## characteristic. ## The generators are constructed via the isomorphism with the symplectic ## group in dimension $<d>-1$ over the field with <q> elements. ## ## Removing the first row and the first column from the matrices defines the ## isomorphism to the symplectic group. ## This group is *not* equal to the symplectic group constructed with the ## function `Sp', ## since the bilinear form of the orthogonal group is the one used in the ## book of Carter and not the one used for `SP'. ## (Note that our matrices are transposed, relative to the ones given by ## Carter, because the group shall act on a *row* space.) ## ## The generators of the orthogonal groups can be computed as those matrices ## that project onto the generators of the symplectic group and satisfy the ## quadratic form ## $f(x) = x_0^2 + x_1 x_{-1} + x_2 x_{-2} + \cdots + x_l x_{-l}$. ## This condition results in a quadratic equation system that can be ## interpreted as a linear equation system because taking square roots is ## one-to-one in characteristic $2$. ## BindGlobal( "OzeroEven", function( d, q ) local f, z, o, n, mat1, mat2, i, g, size, qi, c, s; # <d> must be odd, <q> must be even if d mod 2 = 0 then Error( "<d> must be odd" ); elif d < 3 then Error( "<d> must be at least 3" ); elif q mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<q> must be even" ); fi; f:= GF(q); z:= PrimitiveRoot( f ); o:= One( f ); n:= Zero( f ); if d = 3 then # The isomorphic symplectic group is $SL(2,<q>)$. if q = 2 then mat1:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [o,n,n], [o,o,o], [n,n,o] ],true ); mat2:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [o,n,n], [n,n,o], [n,o,n] ],true ); else mat1:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [o,n,n], [n,z,n], [n,n,z^-1] ],true ); mat2:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [o,n,n], [o,o,o], [n,o,n] ],true ); fi; elif d = 5 and q = 2 then # The isomorphic symplectic group is $SP(4,2)$. mat1:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [o,n,n,n,n], [o,n,o,n,o], [o,n,o,o,o], [n,o,n,n,o], [n,o,o,o,o] ],true ); mat2:= ImmutableMatrix( f, [ [o,n,n,n,n], [n,n,o,n,n], [n,n,n,o,n], [n,n,n,n,o], [n,o,n,n,n] ],true ); else mat1:= IdentityMat( d, f ); mat2:= List( 0 * mat1, ShallowCopy ); mat2[1][1]:= o; mat2[d][2]:= o; for i in [ 2 .. d-1 ] do mat2[i][i+1]:= o; od; if q = 2 then mat1[(d+1)/2][ 1]:= o; mat1[(d+1)/2][ 2]:= o; mat1[(d+1)/2][ d]:= o; mat1[(d+3)/2][ d]:= o; else mat1[ 2][ 2]:= z; mat1[(d+1)/2][(d+1)/2]:= z; mat1[(d+3)/2][(d+3)/2]:= z^-1; mat1[ d][ d]:= z^-1; mat2[(d+1)/2][ 1]:= o; mat2[(d+1)/2][ 2]:= o; mat2[(d+1)/2][ 3]:= o; mat2[(d+3)/2][ 2]:= o; fi; fi; mat1:= ImmutableMatrix( f, mat1,true ); mat2:= ImmutableMatrix( f, mat2,true ); # avoid to call 'Group' because this would check invertibility ... g:= GroupWithGenerators( [ mat1, mat2 ] ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, Length( mat1 ) ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # add the size size := 1; qi := 1; for i in [ 1 .. (d-1)/2 ] do qi := qi * q^2; size := size * (qi-1); od; SetSize( g, q^(((d-1)/2)^2) * size ); # construct the form c := List( 0 * One( g ), ShallowCopy ); for i in [ 2 .. (d+1)/2 ] do c[(d-1)/2+i][i] := o; c[i][(d-1)/2+i] := o; od; SetInvariantBilinearForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, c, true ) ) ); SetIsSubgroupSL( g, true ); # and the quadratic form s := List( 0 * One( g ), ShallowCopy ); s[1][1]:= o; for i in [ 2 .. (d+1)/2 ] do s[(d-1)/2+i][i]:= o; od; SetInvariantQuadraticForm( g, rec( matrix:= ImmutableMatrix( f, s, true ) ) ); # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons( <e>, <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . GO<e>_<d>(<q>) ## InstallMethod( GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons, "matrix group for <e>, dimension, and finite field size", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsInt, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( filter, e, d, q ) local g, i; # <e> must be -1, 0, +1 if e <> -1 and e <> 0 and e <> +1 then Error( "sign <e> must be -1, 0, +1\n" ); fi; # if <e> = 0 then <d> must be odd if e = 0 and d mod 2 = 0 then Error( "sign <e> = 0 but dimension <d> is even\n" ); # if <e> <> 0 then <d> must be even elif e <> 0 and d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "sign <e> <> 0 but dimension <d> is odd\n" ); fi; # construct the various orthogonal groups if e = 0 and q mod 2 <> 0 then g := OzeroOdd( d, q, 1 ); elif e = 0 then g := OzeroEven( d, q ); # O+(2,q) = D_2(q-1) elif e = +1 and d = 2 then g := Oplus2(q); # if <d> = 4 and <q> even use 'Oplus4Even' elif e = +1 and d = 4 and q mod 2 = 0 then g := Oplus4Even(q); # if <q> is even use 'OplusEven' elif e = +1 and q mod 2 = 0 then g := OplusEven( d, q ); # if <q> is odd use 'OpmOdd' elif e = +1 and q mod 2 = 1 then g := OpmOdd( +1, d, q ); # O-(2,q) = D_2(q+1) elif e = -1 and d = 2 then g := Ominus2(q); # if <d> = 4 and <q> even use 'Ominus4Even' elif e = -1 and d = 4 and q mod 2 = 0 then g := Ominus4Even(q); # if <q> is even use 'OminusEven' elif e = -1 and q mod 2 = 0 then g := OminusEven( d, q ); # if <q> is odd use 'OpmOdd' elif e = -1 and q mod 2 = 1 then g := OpmOdd( -1, d, q ); fi; # set name if e = +1 then i := "+"; else i := ""; fi; SetName( g, Concatenation( "GO(", i, String(e), ",", String(d), ",", String(q), ")" ) ); SetIsFullSubgroupGLorSLRespectingQuadraticForm( g, true ); if q mod 2 = 1 then SetIsFullSubgroupGLorSLRespectingBilinearForm( g, true ); #T in which cases does characteristic 2 imply `false'? fi; # and return return g; end ); InstallMethod( GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons, "matrix group for dimension and finite field", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsInt, IsPosInt, IsField and IsFinite ], function(filt,sign,n,f) return GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons(filt,sign,n,Size(f)); end); ############################################################################# ## #M SpecialOrthogonalGroupCons( <e>, <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . GO<e>_<d>(<q>) ## ## SO has index $1$ in GO if the characteristic is even ## and index $2$ if the characteristic is odd. ## ## In the latter case, the generators of GO are $a$ and $b$. ## When GO is constructed with `OzeroOdd', `Oplus2', and `Ominus2' then by ## construction $a$ has determinant $1$, and $b$ has determinant $-1$. ## The group $\langle a, b^{-1} a b, b^2 \rangle$ is therefore equal to SO. ## (Note that it is clearly contained in SO, and each word in terms of $a$ ## and $b$ can be written as a word in terms of the three generators above ## or $b$ times such a word.) ## So the case `OpmOdd' is left, which deals with three exceptions ## $(s,d,q) \in \{ (1,4,3), (-1,4,3), (1,4,5) \}$, two series for small $q$ ## (via `OpmSmall' and `Opm3'), and the generic remainder; ## exactly in the two of the three exceptional cases where $s = 1$ holds, ## the determinant of the first generator is $-1$; in these cases, the ## determinant of the second generator is $1$, so we get the generating set ## $\{ a^2, a^{-1} b a, b \}$. ## InstallMethod( SpecialOrthogonalGroupCons, "matrix group for <e>, dimension, and finite field size", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsInt, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( filter, e, d, q ) local G, gens, U, i; G:= GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons( filter, e, d, q ); if q mod 2 = 1 then # Deal with the special cases. gens:= GeneratorsOfGroup( G ); if e = 1 and d = 4 and q in [ 3, 5 ] then gens:= Reversed( gens ); fi; Assert( 1, Length( gens ) = 2 and IsOne( DeterminantMat( gens[1] ) ) ); # Construct the group. U:= GroupWithGenerators( [ gens[1], gens[1]^gens[2], gens[2]^2 ] ); # Set the group order. SetSize( U, Size( G ) / 2 ); # Set the name. if e = +1 then i := "+"; else i := ""; fi; SetName( U, Concatenation( "SO(", i, String(e), ",", String(d), ",", String(q), ")" ) ); # Set the invariant quadratic form and the symmetric bilinear form. SetInvariantBilinearForm( U, InvariantBilinearForm( G ) ); SetInvariantQuadraticForm( U, InvariantQuadraticForm( G ) ); SetIsFullSubgroupGLorSLRespectingQuadraticForm( U, true ); if q mod 2 = 1 then SetIsFullSubgroupGLorSLRespectingBilinearForm( U, true ); fi; G:= U; fi; return G; end ); InstallMethod( SpecialOrthogonalGroupCons, "matrix group for dimension and finite field", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsInt, IsPosInt, IsField and IsFinite ], function(filt,sign,n,f) return SpecialOrthogonalGroupCons(filt,sign,n,Size(f)); end); ############################################################################# ## #F WallForm( <form>, <m> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . compute the wall of <m> ## BindGlobal( "WallForm", function( form, m ) local id, w, b, p, i, x, j; # first argument should really be something useful id := One( m ); # compute a base for Image(id-m), use the most stupid algorithm w := id - m; b := []; p := []; for i in [ 1 .. Length(w) ] do if Length(b) = 0 then if w[i] <> 0*w[i] then Add( b, w[i] ); Add( p, i ); fi; elif RankMat(b) <> RankMat(Concatenation(b,[w[i]])) then Add( b, w[i] ); Add( p, i ); fi; od; # compute the form x := List( b, x -> [] ); for i in [ 1 .. Length(b) ] do for j in [ 1 .. Length(b) ] do x[i][j] := id[p[i]] * form * b[j]; od; od; # and return return rec( base := b, pos := p, form := x ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SpinorNorm( <form>, <m> ) . . . . . . . . compute the spinor norm of <m> ## BindGlobal( "SpinorNorm", function( form, m ) if IsOne(m) then return One(m[1][1]); fi; return DeterminantMat( WallForm(form,m).form ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OmegaZero( <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Omega^0_{<d>}(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "OmegaZero", function( d, q ) local f, o, m, mo, n, i, x1, x2, x, g, xi, h, s, q2, q2i; # <d> must be odd if d mod 2 = 0 then Error( "<d> must be odd" ); elif d < 3 then Error( "<d> must be at least 3" ); fi; f:= GF(q); o:= One( f ); m:= ( d-1 ) / 2; if d = 5 and q = 2 then # The matrices given in [RylandsTalor98] generate only A6 not S6. # So we take the isomorphic group SO( 5, 2 ) instead. return SO( 5, 2 ); elif 3 < d then # Omega(0,d,q) for d=2m+1, m >= 2, Section 4.5 if d mod 4 = 3 then mo:= -o; # (-1)^m else mo:= o; fi; n:= NullMat( d, d, f ); n[ m+2 ][1]:= mo; n[m][d]:= mo; n[ m+1 ][ m+1 ]:= -o; for i in [ 1 .. m-1 ] do n[i][i+1]:= o; n[ d+1-i ][ d-i ]:= o; od; if q mod 2 = 0 then # $x = x_{\epsilon_1 - \epsilon_m}(1) x_{-\alpha_1}(1)$ x1:= IdentityMat( d, f ); x1[1][m]:= o; x1[ m+2 ][d]:= o; x2:= IdentityMat( d, f ); x2[ m+1 ][m]:= o; x2[ m+2 ][m]:= o; x:= x1 * x2; else # $x = x_{\alpha_1}(1)$ x:= IdentityMat( d, f ); x[m][ m+1 ]:= 2*o; x[ m+1 ][ m+2 ]:= -o; x[m][ m+2 ]:= -o; fi; if q <= 3 then # the matrices $x$ and $n$ g:= [ x, n ]; else # the matrices $h$ and $x n$ xi:= Z(q); h:= IdentityMat( d, f ); h[1][1]:= xi; h[m][m]:= xi; h[ m+2 ][ m+2 ]:= xi^-1; h[d][d]:= xi^-1; g:= [ h, x*n ]; fi; else # Omega(0,3,q), Section 4.6 if q <= 3 then # the matrices $x$ and $n$ g:= [ [[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[-1,-2,1]], [[0,0,-1],[0,-1,0],[-1,0,0]] ] * o; else # the matrices $n x$ and $h$ xi:= Z(q); g:= [ [[1,2,-1],[-1,-1,0],[-1,0,0]], [[xi^-2,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,xi^2]] ] * o; fi; fi; # construct the group without calling 'Group' g:= List( g, i -> ImmutableMatrix( f, i, true ) ); g:= GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # and set its size s := 1; q2 := q^2; q2i:= 1; for i in [ 1 .. m ] do q2i:= q2 * q2i; s := s * (q2i-1); od; if q mod 2 = 1 then s:= s/2; fi; SetSize( g, q^(m^2) * s ); # construct the bilinear form #T add the form! # and the quadratic form #T add the form! # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OmegaPlus( <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Omega^-_{<d>}(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "OmegaPlus", function( d, q ) local f, o, m, xi, g, a, mo, n, i, x1, x2, x, h, s, q2, q2i; # <d> must be even if d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<d> must be even" ); fi; f:= GF(q); o:= One( f ); m:= d / 2; xi:= Z(q); if m = 1 then # Omega(+1,2,q), Section 4.4 g:= [ [[xi^2,0],[0,xi^-2]] ] * o; elif m = 2 then # Omega(+1,4,q), Section 4.3 xi:= Z(q^2)^(q-1); a:= xi + xi^-1; g:= [ [[0,-1,0,-1],[1,a,-1,a],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,-1,a]], [[0,0,1,-1],[0,0,0,-1],[-1,-1,a,-a],[0,1,0,a]] ] * o; else # Omega(+1,d,q) for d=2m, Sections 4.1 and 4.2 if d mod 4 = 2 then mo:= -o; # (-1)^m else mo:= o; fi; n:= NullMat( d, d, f ); n[ m+2 ][1]:= mo; n[ m-1 ][d]:= mo; n[m][ m+1 ]:= o; n[ m+1 ][m]:= o; for i in [ 1 .. m-2 ] do n[i][ i+1 ]:= o; n[ d+1-i ][ d-i ]:= o; od; if m mod 2 = 0 then x1:= IdentityMat( d, f ); if q = 2 then x1[ m-1 ][ m+1 ]:= -o; x1[m][ m+2 ]:= o; else x1[ m+2 ][m]:= o; x1[ m+1 ][ m-1 ]:= -o; fi; x2:= IdentityMat( d, f ); x2[ m-2 ][ m-1 ]:= o; x2[ m+2 ][ m+3 ]:= -o; x:= x1 * x2; else x:= IdentityMat( d, f ); x[ m-1 ][ m+1 ]:= -o; x[m][ m+2 ]:= o; fi; if ( m mod 2 = 0 and q = 2 ) or ( m mod 2 = 1 and q <= 3 ) then # the matrices $x$ and $n$ g:= [ x, n ]; else # the matrices $h$ and $x n$ h:= IdentityMat( d, f ); h[ m-1 ][ m-1 ]:= xi; h[ m+2 ][ m+2 ]:= xi^-1; if m mod 2 = 0 then h[ m ][ m ]:= xi^-1; h[ m+1 ][ m+1 ]:= xi; else h[ m ][ m ]:= xi; h[ m+1 ][ m+1 ]:= xi^-1; fi; g:= [ h, x*n ]; fi; fi; # construct the group without calling 'Group' g:= List( g, i -> ImmutableMatrix( f, i, true ) ); g:= GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # and set its size s := 1; q2 := q^2; q2i:= 1; for i in [ 1 .. m-1 ] do q2i:= q2 * q2i; s := s * (q2i-1); od; if q mod 2 = 1 then s:= s/2; fi; SetSize( g, q^(m*(m-1)) * (q^m-1) * s ); # construct the bilinear form #T add the form! # and the quadratic form #T add the form! # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OmegaMinus( <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Omega^-_{<d>}(<q>) ## BindGlobal( "OmegaMinus", function( d, q ) local f, o, m, xi, mo, nu, nubar, h, x, n, i, g, s,q2, q2i; # <d> must be even if d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "<d> must be even" ); elif d < 4 then # The construction in the paper does not apply to the case d = 2 Error( "<d> = 2 is not supported" ); fi; f:= GF(q); o:= One( f ); m:= d / 2 - 1; xi:= Z(q); if d mod 4 = 2 then mo:= -o; # (-1)^(m-1) else mo:= o; fi; nu:= Z(q^2); nubar:= nu^q; h:= IdentityMat( d, f ); h[m][m]:= nu * nubar; h[ m+3 ][ m+3 ]:= (nu * nubar)^-1; h{ [ m+1 .. m+2 ] }{ [ m+1 .. m+2 ] }:= [ [-1,nu^-1 + nubar^-1], [-nu-nubar, 1 + nu*nubar^-1 + nu^-1*nubar]] * o; x:= IdentityMat( d, f ); x{ [ m .. m+3 ] }{ [ m .. m+3 ] }:= [[1,1,0,1],[0,1,0,2], [0,0,1,nu+nubar], [0,0,0,1]] * o; n:= NullMat( d, d, f ); n[ m+3 ][1]:= mo; n[m][d]:= mo; n[ m+1 ][ m+1 ]:= -o; n[ m+2 ][ m+1 ]:= -nu - nubar; n[ m+2 ][ m+2 ]:= o; for i in [ 1 .. m-1 ] do n[i][ i+1 ]:= o; n[ d+1-i ][ d-i ]:= o; od; g:= [ h, x*n ]; # construct the group without calling 'Group' g:= List( g, i -> ImmutableMatrix( f, i, true ) ); g:= GroupWithGenerators( g ); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup( g, d ); SetFieldOfMatrixGroup( g, f ); # and set its size m:= d/2; s := 1; q2 := q^2; q2i:= 1; for i in [ 1 .. m-1 ] do q2i:= q2 * q2i; s := s * (q2i-1); od; if q mod 2 = 1 then s:= s/2; fi; SetSize( g, q^(m*(m-1)) * (q^m+1) * s ); # construct the bilinear form #T add the form! # and the quadratic form #T add the form! # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M OmegaCons( <filter>, <e>, <d>, <q> ) . . . . . . . . . orthogonal group ## InstallMethod( OmegaCons, "matrix group for <e>, dimension, and finite field size", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsInt, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( filter, e, d, q ) local g, i; # if <e> = 0 then <d> must be odd if e = 0 and d mod 2 = 0 then Error( "sign <e> = 0 but dimension <d> is even\n" ); # if <e> <> 0 then <d> must be even elif e <> 0 and d mod 2 = 1 then Error( "sign <e> <> 0 but dimension <d> is odd\n" ); fi; # construct the various orthogonal groups if e = 0 then g:= OmegaZero( d, q ); elif e = 1 then g:= OmegaPlus( d, q ); elif e = -1 then g:= OmegaMinus( d, q ); else Error( "sign <e> must be -1, 0, +1" ); fi; # set name if e = +1 then i := "+"; else i := ""; fi; SetName( g, Concatenation( "Omega(", i, String(e), ",", String(d), ",", String(q), ")" ) ); # and return return g; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Omega( [<filt>, ][<e>, ]<d>, <q> ) ## InstallMethod( Omega, [ IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( d, q ) return OmegaCons( IsMatrixGroup, 0, d, q ); end ); InstallMethod( Omega, [ IsInt, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( e, d, q ) return OmegaCons( IsMatrixGroup, e, d, q ); end ); InstallMethod( Omega, [ IsFunction, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], function( filt, d, q ) return OmegaCons( filt, 0, d, q ); end ); InstallMethod( Omega, [ IsFunction, IsInt, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], OmegaCons ); ############################################################################# ## #F WreathProductOfMatrixGroup( <M>, <P> ) . . . . . . . . . wreath product ## BindGlobal( "WreathProductOfMatrixGroup", function( M, P ) local m, d, id, gens, b, ran, raN, mat, gen, G; m := DimensionOfMatrixGroup( M ); d := LargestMovedPoint( P ); id := IdentityMat( m * d, DefaultFieldOfMatrixGroup( M ) ); gens := [ ]; for b in [ 1 .. d ] do ran := ( b - 1 ) * m + [ 1 .. m ]; for mat in GeneratorsOfGroup( M ) do gen := StructuralCopy( id ); gen{ ran }{ ran } := mat; Add( gens, gen ); od; od; for gen in GeneratorsOfGroup( P ) do mat := StructuralCopy( id ); for b in [ 1 .. d ] do ran := ( b - 1 ) * m + [ 1 .. m ]; raN := ( b^gen - 1 ) * m + [ 1 .. m ]; mat{ ran } := id{ raN }; od; Add( gens, mat ); od; G := GroupWithGenerators( gens ); if HasName( M ) and HasName( P ) then SetName( G, Concatenation( Name( M ), " wr ", Name( P ) ) ); fi; return G; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F TensorWreathProductOfMatrixGroup( <M>, <P> ) . . . tensor wreath product ## BindGlobal( "TensorWreathProductOfMatrixGroup", function( M, P ) local m, n, one, id, a, gens, b, ran, mat, gen, list, p, q, adic, i, G; m := DimensionOfMatrixGroup( M ); one := One( FieldOfMatrixGroup( M ) ); a := LargestMovedPoint( P ); n := m ^ a; id := Immutable( IdentityMat( n, one ) ); gens := [ ]; for b in [ 1 .. a ] do for mat in GeneratorsOfGroup( M ) do gen := KroneckerProduct ( IdentityMat( m ^ ( b - 1 ), one ), mat ); gen := KroneckerProduct ( gen, IdentityMat( m ^ ( a - b ), one ) ); Add( gens, gen ); od; od; for gen in GeneratorsOfGroup( SymmetricGroup( a ) ) do list := [ ]; for p in [ 0 .. n - 1 ] do adic := [ ]; for i in [ 0 .. a - 1 ] do adic[ ( a - i ) ^ gen ] := p mod m; p := QuoInt( p, m ); od; q := 0; for i in adic do q := q * m + i; od; Add( list, q ); od; Add( gens, id{ list + 1 } ); od; G := GroupWithGenerators( gens ); if HasName( M ) and HasName( P ) then SetName( G, Concatenation( Name( M ), " twr ", Name( P ) ) ); fi; return G; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F CentralProductOfMatrixGroups( <M>, <N> ) . . . . . . . . central product ## BindGlobal( "CentralProductOfMatrixGroups", function( M, N ) local gens, id, mat, G; gens := [ ]; id := One( N ); for mat in GeneratorsOfGroup( M ) do Add( gens, KroneckerProduct( mat, id ) ); od; id := One( M ); for mat in GeneratorsOfGroup( N ) do Add( gens, KroneckerProduct( id, mat ) ); od; G := GroupWithGenerators( gens ); if HasName( M ) and HasName( N ) then SetName( G, Concatenation( Name( M ), " o ", Name( N ) ) ); fi; return G; end ); # Permutation constructors by using `IsomorphismPermGroup' PermConstructor(GeneralLinearGroupCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); PermConstructor(GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); PermConstructor(GeneralUnitaryGroupCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); PermConstructor(SpecialLinearGroupCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); PermConstructor(SpecialOrthogonalGroupCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); PermConstructor(SpecialUnitaryGroupCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); PermConstructor(SymplecticGroupCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); PermConstructor(OmegaCons,[IsPermGroup,IsInt,IsObject], IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite); ############################################################################# ## #E