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Views: 466313############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Stefan Kohl #W Alexander Hulpke ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 2011 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains the functionality for constructing clasical groups over ## residue class rings. ## ############################################################################# ## #F SizeOfGLdZmodmZ( <d>, <m> ) . . . . . . Size of the group GL(<d>,Z/<m>Z) ## ## Computes the order of the group `GL( <d>, Integers mod <m> )' for ## positive integers <d> and <m> > 1. ## InstallGlobalFunction( SizeOfGLdZmodmZ, function ( d, m ) local size, pow, p, q, k, i; if not (IsPosInt(d) and IsInt(m) and m > 1) then Error("GL(",d,",Integers mod ",m,") is not a well-defined group, ", "resp. not supported.\n"); fi; size := 1; for pow in Collected(Factors(m)) do p := pow[1]; k := pow[2]; q := p^k; size := size * Product([d*k - d .. d*k - 1], i -> q^d - p^i); od; return size; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M SpecialLinearGroupCons( IsNaturalSL, <d>, Integers mod <m> ) ## InstallMethod( SpecialLinearGroupCons, "natural SL for dimension and residue class ring", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsPosInt, IsRing and IsFinite and IsZmodnZObjNonprimeCollection ], function ( filter, d, R ) local G, gens, g, m, T; m := Size(R); if R <> Integers mod m or m = 1 then TryNextMethod(); fi; if IsPrime(m) then return SpecialLinearGroupCons(IsMatrixGroup,d,m); fi; if d = 1 then gens := [IdentityMat(d,R)]; else gens := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(SymmetricGroup(d)), g -> PermutationMat(g,d) * One(R)); for g in gens do if DeterminantMat(g) <> One(R) then g[1] := -g[1]; fi; od; T := IdentityMat(d,R); T[1][2] := One(R); Add(gens,T); fi; G := GroupByGenerators(gens); SetName(G,Concatenation("SL(",String(d),",Z/",String(m),"Z)")); SetIsNaturalSL(G,true); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup(G,d); SetIsFinite(G,true); SetSize(G,SizeOfGLdZmodmZ(d,m)/Phi(m)); return G; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneralLinearGroupCons( IsNaturalGL, <d>, Integers mod <m> ) ## InstallMethod( GeneralLinearGroupCons, "natural GL for dimension and residue class ring", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsPosInt, IsRing and IsFinite and IsZmodnZObjNonprimeCollection ], function ( filter, d, R ) local G, gens, g, m, T, D; m := Size(R); if R <> Integers mod m or m = 1 then TryNextMethod(); fi; if IsPrime(m) then return GeneralLinearGroupCons(IsMatrixGroup,d,m); fi; if d = 1 then gens := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(Units(R)), g -> [[g]]); else gens := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(SymmetricGroup(d)), g -> PermutationMat(g,d) * One(R)); T := IdentityMat(d,R); T[1][2] := One(R); Add(gens,T); for g in GeneratorsOfGroup(Units(R)) do D := IdentityMat(d,R); D[1][1] := g; Add(gens,D); od; fi; G := GroupByGenerators(gens); SetName(G,Concatenation("GL(",String(d),",Z/",String(m),"Z)")); SetIsNaturalGL(G,true); SetDimensionOfMatrixGroup(G,d); SetIsFinite(G,true); SetSize(G,SizeOfGLdZmodmZ(d,m)); return G; end ); BindGlobal("OrderMatrixIntegerResidue",function(p,a,M) local f,M2,o,e,MM,i; MM:=M; f:=GF(p); M2:=ImmutableMatrix(f,List(M,x->List(x,y->Int(y)*One(f)))); o:=Order(M2); M:=M^o; e:=p; i:=1; while i<a do i:=i+1; e:=e*p; M2:=M-M^0; if ForAny(M2,x->ForAny(x,x->Int(x) mod e<>0)) then o:=o*p; M:=M^p; fi; od; Assert(1,IsOne(M)); return o; end); BindGlobal("SPRingGeneric",function(n,ring) local t,geni,m,slmats,gens,f,rels,i,j,k,l,mat,mat1,mats,id,nh; nh:=n; n:=2*n; t:=function(i,j) return slmats[geni[i][j]]; end; geni:=List([1..n],x->[]); mats:=[]; slmats:=[]; id:=IdentityMat(n,One(ring)); m:=0; for i in [1..nh] do #t_{i,n+i} mat:=List(id,ShallowCopy); mat[i][nh+i]:=One(ring); Add(slmats,mat); #t_{n+i,i} mat:=List(id,ShallowCopy); mat[nh+i][i]:=One(ring); Add(slmats,mat); od; for i in [1..nh] do for j in [i+1..nh] do # t_{i,n+j} mat:=List(id,ShallowCopy); mat[i][nh+j]:=One(ring); mat1:=mat; # t_{j,n+i} mat:=List(id,ShallowCopy); mat[j][nh+i]:=One(ring); Add(slmats,mat1*mat); # t_{n+i,j} mat:=List(id,ShallowCopy); mat[nh+i][j]:=One(ring); mat1:=mat; # t_{n+j,i} mat:=List(id,ShallowCopy); mat[nh+j][i]:=One(ring); Add(slmats,mat1*mat); od; od; return Group(slmats); end); InstallGlobalFunction("ConstructFormPreservingGroup",function(arg) local oper,n,R,o,nrit, q,p,field,zero,one,oner,a,f,pp,b,d,fb,btf,eq,r,i,j,e,k,ogens,gens,gensi, bp,sol, g,prev,proper,fp,ho,evrels,hom,bas,basm,em,ngens,addmat,sub,transpose; oper:=arg[1]; R:=arg[Length(arg)]; n:=arg[Length(arg)-1]; q:=Size(R); if not IsPrimePowerInt(q) then TryNextMethod(); fi; p:=Factors(q)[1]; if p=2 then if oper=SP then return SPRingGeneric(n/2,R); else return fail; fi; fi; field:=GF(p); zero:=Zero(field); one:=One(field); if Length(arg)=3 then g:=oper(n,p); else g:=oper(arg[2],n,p); fi; # get the form and get the correct -1's f:=InvariantBilinearForm(g).matrix; transpose:=not ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(g), x->TransposedMat(x)*f*x=f); if transpose then Info(InfoGroup,1,"transpose!"); if HasSize(g) then e:=Size(g); else e:=fail; fi; g:=Group(List(GeneratorsOfGroup(g),TransposedMat)); if e<>fail then SetSize(g,e); fi; fi; #IsomorphismFpGroup(g); # force hom for next steps f:=List(f,r->List(r,Int)); for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..n] do if f[i][j]=p-1 then f[i][j]:=-1; fi; od; od; nrit:=0; pp:=p; # previous p while pp<q do nrit:=nrit+1; prev:=g; if HasIsomorphismFpGroup(prev) then hom:=IsomorphismFpGroup(prev); fp:=Range(hom); ogens:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(fp), x->List(PreImagesRepresentative(hom,x))); else fp:=fail; ogens:=GeneratorsOfGroup(prev); fi; ogens:=List(ogens,x->List(x,r->List(r,Int))); gens:=[]; for bp in [1..Length(ogens)+1] do if bp<=Length(ogens) then b:=ogens[bp]; else b:=One(ogens[1]); fi; d:=(TransposedMat(b)*f*b-f)*1/pp; # solve D+E^T*F*B+B^T*F*E=0 fb:=f*b; btf:=TransposedMat(b)*f; eq:=[]; r:=[]; for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..n] do # eq for entry i,j e:=ListWithIdenticalEntries(n^2,zero); for k in [1..n] do e[(k-1)*n+i]:=e[(k-1)*n+i]+fb[k][j]; e[(k-1)*n+j]:=e[(k-1)*n+j]+btf[i][k]; od; Add(eq,e); #RHS is -d entry Add(r,-d[i][j]*one); od; od; eq:=TransposedMat(eq); # columns were corresponding to variables if bp<=Length(ogens) then # lift generator sol:=SolutionMat(eq,r); # matrix from it sol:=List([1..n],x->sol{[(x-1)*n+1..x*n]}); sol:=List(sol,x->List(x,Int)); Add(gens,b+pp*sol); else # we know all gens oner:=One(Integers mod (pp*p)); gens:=List(gens,x->x*oner); g:=Group(gens); # d will be zero, so homogeneous sol:=NullspaceMat(eq); #Info(InfoGroup,1,"extend by dim",Length(sol)); proper:=p^Length(sol)*Size(prev); # proper order of group if ValueOption("avoidkerneltest")<>true then # vector space in kernel that is generated bas:=[]; basm:=[]; sub:=VectorSpace(field,bas,Zero(e)); addmat:=function(em) local c; e:=List(em,r->List(r,Int))-b; e:=1/pp*e; e:=Concatenation(e)*one; if p<257 then ConvertToVectorRep(e,p); fi; if not e in sub then Add(bas,e); Add(basm,em); sub:=VectorSpace(field,bas); fi; end; if fp<>fail then # evaluate relators evrels:=RelatorsOfFpGroup(fp); i:=1; while i<=Length(evrels) and Length(bas)<Length(sol) do em:=MappedWord(evrels[i],FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup(fp),gens); addmat(em); i:=i+1; od; else evrels:=Source(EpimorphismFromFreeGroup(prev)); repeat j:=PseudoRandom(evrels:radius:=10); k:=MappedWord(j,GeneratorsOfGroup(evrels),GeneratorsOfGroup(prev)); o:=OrderMatrixIntegerResidue(p,nrit,k); k:=MappedWord(j,GeneratorsOfGroup(evrels),gens)^o; until not IsOne(k); addmat(k); fi; # close under action gensi:=List(gens,Inverse); i:=1; while i<=Length(basm) and Length(bas)<Length(sol) do for j in [1..Length(gens)] do #em:=basm[i]^j; em:=gensi[j]*basm[i]*gens[j]; addmat(em); od; i:=i+1; od; if Length(bas)=Length(sol) then Info(InfoGroup,1,"kernel generated ",Length(bas)); else Info(InfoGroup,1,"kernel partially generated ",Length(bas)); ngens:=ShallowCopy(gens); i:=Iterator(sol); # just run through basis as linear while Length(bas)<Length(sol) do e:=NextIterator(i); e:=List(e,Int); e:=b+pp*List([1..n],x->e{[(x-1)*n+1..x*n]}); addmat(e); if e=basm[Length(basm)] then # was added Add(ngens,e); g:=Group(ngens); Info(InfoGroup,1,"added generator"); fi; od; fi; if fp <>fail then # extend presentation bas:=Basis(sub,bas); RUN_IN_GGMBI:=true; hom:=GroupGeneralMappingByImagesNC(g,fp,gens,GeneratorsOfGroup(fp)); hom:=LiftFactorFpHom(hom,g,"M",SubgroupNC(g,basm),rec( pcgs:=basm, prime:=p, decomp:=function(em) local e; e:=List(em,r->List(r,Int))-b; e:=1/pp*e; e:=Concatenation(e)*one; return List(Coefficients(bas,e),Int); end )); RUN_IN_GGMBI:=false; #simplify Image to avoid explosion of generator number fp:=Range(hom); if true then # remove redundant generators e:=PresentationFpGroup(fp); TzOptions(e).printLevel:=0; j:=Filtered(Reversed([1..Length(e!.generators)]), x->not MappingGeneratorsImages(hom)[1][x] in ngens); j:=e!.generators{j}; TzInitGeneratorImages(e); for i in j do TzEliminate(e,i); od; fp:=FpGroupPresentation(e); j:=MappingGeneratorsImages(hom); k:=TzPreImagesNewGens(e); k:=List(k,x->j[1][Position(OldGeneratorsOfPresentation(e),x)]); RUN_IN_GGMBI:=true; hom:=GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(g,fp, k, GeneratorsOfGroup(fp)); RUN_IN_GGMBI:=false; fi; SetIsomorphismFpGroup(g,hom); fi; fi; SetSize(g,Size(prev)*Size(field)^Length(sol)); fi; od; pp:=pp*p; od; if transpose then e:=Size(g); g:=Group(List(GeneratorsOfGroup(g),TransposedMat)); SetSize(g,e); fi; SetInvariantBilinearForm(g,rec(matrix:=f*oner)); return g; end); ############################################################################# ## #M SymplecticGroupCons( <IsMatrixGroup>, <d>, Integers mod <q> ) ## InstallOtherMethod( SymplecticGroupCons, "symplectic group for dimension and residue class ring for prime powers", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsPosInt, IsRing and IsFinite and IsZmodnZObjNonprimeCollection ], function ( filter, n, R ) local g; g:=ConstructFormPreservingGroup(SP,n,R); SetName(g,Concatenation("Sp(",String(n),",Z/",String(Size(R)),"Z)")); return g; end); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons ( <IsMatrixGroup>, <d>, Integers mod <q> ) ## InstallOtherMethod( GeneralOrthogonalGroupCons, "GO for dimension and residue class ring for prime powers", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsInt,IsPosInt, IsRing and IsFinite and IsZmodnZObjNonprimeCollection ], function ( filter, sign,n, R ) local g; if sign=0 then g:=ConstructFormPreservingGroup(GO,n,R); SetName(g,Concatenation("GO(",String(n),",Z/",String(Size(R)),"Z)")); else g:=ConstructFormPreservingGroup(GO,sign,n,R); SetName(g,Concatenation("GO(",String(sign),",",String(n), ",Z/",String(Size(R)),"Z)")); fi; return g; end); ############################################################################# ## #M SpecialOrthogonalGroupCons( <IsMatrixGroup>, <d>, Integers mod <q> ) ## InstallOtherMethod( SpecialOrthogonalGroupCons, "GO for dimension and residue class ring for prime powers", [ IsMatrixGroup and IsFinite, IsInt,IsPosInt, IsRing and IsFinite and IsZmodnZObjNonprimeCollection ], function ( filter, sign,n, R ) local g; if sign=0 then g:=ConstructFormPreservingGroup(SO,n,R); if g=fail then TryNextMethod();fi; SetName(g,Concatenation("SO(",String(n),",Z/",String(Size(R)),"Z)")); else g:=ConstructFormPreservingGroup(SO,sign,n,R); if g=fail then TryNextMethod();fi; SetName(g,Concatenation("SO(",String(sign),",",String(n), ",Z/",String(Size(R)),"Z)")); fi; return g; end); ############################################################################# ## #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here