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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Willem de Graaf ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains functions to construct semisimple Lie algebras of type ## $A_n$, $B_n$, $C_n$, $D_n$, $E_6$, $E_7$, $E_8$, $F_4$, $G_2$, ## as s.c. algebras. Also there are the restricted Lie algebras ## of types W,H,K,S. ## ## The algorithm used for types $A-G$ is the one described in ## Kac, Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras, and de Graaf, Lie Algebras: ## Theory and Algorithms. ## ## ############################################################################## ## #F AddendumSCTable( <T>, <i>, <j>, <k>, <val> ) ## ## This function adds the structure constant c_{ij}^k to the table 'T'. ## If 'T[i][j]' contains already some constants, then 'k' and 'val' have ## to be inserted at the right position. ## AddendumSCTable := function( T, i, j, k, val ) local pos,m,r,inds,cfs; pos:= Position( T[i][j][1], k ); if pos = fail then if T[i][j][1] = [] then SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j, [ val, k ] ); else m:=T[i][j][1][1]; r:=1; inds:=[]; cfs:=[]; while m<k do Add(inds,m); Add(cfs,T[i][j][2][r]); r:=r+1; if r > Length(T[i][j][1]) then m:= k; else m:= T[i][j][1][r]; fi; od; Add(inds,k); Add(cfs,val); while r <= Length(T[i][j][1]) do Add(inds,T[i][j][1][r]); Add(cfs,T[i][j][2][r]); r:=r+1; od; T[i][j]:= [inds,cfs]; T[j][i]:= [inds,-cfs]; fi; else cfs:= ShallowCopy( T[i][j][2] ); cfs[pos]:= cfs[pos]+val; T[i][j]:= [T[i][j][1], cfs]; cfs:= ShallowCopy( T[j][i][2] ); cfs[pos]:= cfs[pos]-val; T[j][i]:= [T[j][i][1], cfs]; fi; end; SimpleLieAlgebraTypeA_G:= function( type, n, F ) local T, # The table of the Lie algebra constructed. i,j,k,l, # Loop variables. lst, # A list. R, # Positive roots cc, # List of coefficients. lenR, # length of 'R' Rij, # The sum of two roots from 'R'. eps, # The so-called "epsilon"-function. epsmat, # A matrix used to calculate the eps-function. dim, # The dimension of the Lie algebra. C, # Cartan matrix L, # Lie algebra, result vectors, # vectors spanning a Cartan subalgebra CSA, # List of indices of the basis vectors of a Cartan # subalgebra. e, inds, # List of indices. r,r1,r2, # Roots. roots, # List of roots. primes, # List of lists of corresponding roots. B, # Basis of a vector space. cfs, # List of coefficient lists. d, # Order of the diagram automorphism. found, # Boolean. a, q, perm, # Permutation representing the diagram automorphism. shorts, posR, # Positive roots. CartanMatrixToPositiveRoots; # Function for determining the # positive roots. CartanMatrixToPositiveRoots:= function( C ) local rank, posr, ready, ind, le, i, a, j, ej, r, b, q; rank:= Length( C ); # `posr' will be a list of the positive roots. We start with the # simple roots, which are simply unit vectors. posr:= IdentityMat( rank ); ready:= false; ind:= 1; le:= rank; while ind <= le do # We loop over those elements of `posR' that have been found in # the previous round, i.e., those at positions ranging from # `ind' to `le'. le:= Length( posr ); for i in [ind..le] do a:= posr[i]; # We determine whether a+ej is a root (where ej is the j-th # simple root. for j in [1..rank] do ej:= posr[j]; # We determine the maximum number `r' such that a-r*ej is # a root. r:= -1; b:= ShallowCopy( a ); while b in posr do b:= b-ej; r:=r+1; od; q:= r-LinearCombination( TransposedMat( C )[j], a ); if q>0 and (not a+ej in posr ) then Add( posr, a+ej ); fi; od; od; ind:= le+1; le:= Length( posr ); od; return posr; end; # The following function is the so-called epsilon function. eps:= function( a, b, epm ) local rk; rk:= Length( epm ); return Product( [1..rk],i -> Product( [1..rk], j -> epm[i][j] ^ ( a[i]*b[j] ) ) ); end; if type in [ "A", "D", "E" ] then # We are in the simply-laced case. Here we construct the root # system and the matrix of the epsilon function. Then we can # fill the multiplication table directly. C:= 2*IdentityMat( n ); if type = "A" then for i in [1..n-1] do C[i][i+1]:= -1; C[i+1][i]:= -1; od; elif type = "D" then if n < 4 then Error("<n> must be >= 4"); fi; for i in [1..n-2] do C[i][i+1]:= -1; C[i+1][i]:= -1; od; C[n-2][n]:=-1; C[n][n-2]:= -1; else C:= [ [ 2, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 2, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -1, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 2 ] ]; if n = 6 then C:= C{ [ 1 .. 6 ] }{ [ 1 .. 6 ] }; elif n = 7 then C:= C{ [ 1 .. 7 ] }{ [ 1 .. 7 ] }; elif n < 6 or 8 < n then Error( "<n> must be one of 6, 7, 8" ); fi; fi; R:= CartanMatrixToPositiveRoots( C ); # We conctruct `epsmat', which satisfies # / # |-1 if i=j, # epsmat[i][j] = |-1 if i and j are connected, and i>j # | 1 if i and j are not connected or i<j. # \ # (where `connected' means connected in the Dynkin diagram. epsmat:= []; for i in [ 1 .. n ] do epsmat[i]:= []; for j in [ 1 .. i-1 ] do epsmat[i][j]:= 1; od; epsmat[i][i]:= -1; for j in [ i+1 .. n ] do epsmat[i][j]:= (-1)^C[i][j]; od; od; lenR:= Length( R ); dim:= 2*lenR + n; posR:= List( R, r -> Zero(F)*r ); # Initialize the s.c. table T:= EmptySCTable( dim, Zero(F), "antisymmetric" ); lst:= [ 1 .. n ] + 2 * lenR; for i in [1..lenR] do for j in [i..lenR] do Rij:= R[i]+R[j]; if Rij in R then k:= Position(R,Rij); e:= eps(R[i],R[j],epsmat)*One(F); SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j, [ e, k ] ); SetEntrySCTable( T, i+lenR, j+lenR, [ -e, k+lenR ] ); fi; if i = j and T[i][j+lenR] = [[],[]] then # We form the product x_{\alpha_i}*x_{-\alpha_i}, which # will be an element of the Cartan subalgebra. inds:= Filtered( [1..n], x -> R[i][x] <> 0 ); T[i][j+lenR]:= [ lst{inds}, R[i]{inds}*One(F) ]; T[j+lenR][i]:= [ lst{inds}, -R[i]{inds}*One(F) ]; fi; od; od; for i in [1..lenR] do for j in [1..lenR] do Rij:= R[i]-R[j]; if Rij in R then k:= Position(R,Rij); SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j+lenR, [-One(F)*eps(R[i],-R[j],epsmat),k] ); elif -Rij in R then k:= Position(R,-Rij); SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j+lenR, [One(F)*eps(R[i],-R[j],epsmat),k+lenR] ); fi; od; for j in [1..n] do # We take care of the comutation relations of the form # [h_j,x_{\beta_i}]= < \beta_i, \alpha_j > x_{\beta_i}. cc:= LinearCombination( R[i], C[j] ); if cc <> 0*cc then posR[i][j]:= One(F)*cc; T[2*lenR+j][i]:=[[i],[One(F)*cc]]; T[i][2*lenR+j]:=[[i],[-One(F)*cc]]; T[2*lenR+j][i+lenR]:=[[i+lenR],[-One(F)*cc]]; T[i+lenR][2*lenR+j]:=[[i+lenR],[One(F)*cc]]; fi; od; od; L:= LieAlgebraByStructureConstants( F, T ); # A Cartan subalgebra is spanned by the last 'n' basis elements. CSA:= [ dim-n+1 .. dim ]; vectors:= BasisVectors( CanonicalBasis( L ) ){ CSA }; SetCartanSubalgebra( L, SubalgebraNC( L, vectors, "basis" ) ); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( L, Characteristic( F ) > 0 ); elif type in [ "B", "C", "F", "G" ] then # Now we are in the non simply laced case. In each case we construct # a simply laced root system, which has a diagram automorphism. # We take an epsilon function which is invariant under the diagram # automorphism. Furthermore, the permutation `perm' will represent # the diagram aotomorphism as acting on the roots (so that # Permuted( r, perm ) is the result of applying the diagram # automorphism to the root r). if type = "B" then # In this case we construct D_{n+1}. if n <= 1 then Error( "<n> must be >= 2"); fi; C:= 2*IdentityMat( n+1 ); for i in [1..n-1] do C[i][i+1]:= -1; C[i+1][i]:= -1; od; C[n-1][n+1]:=-1; C[n+1][n-1]:= -1; R:= CartanMatrixToPositiveRoots( C ); epsmat:= NullMat( n+1, n+1 ) + 1; for i in [ 1 .. n-1 ] do epsmat[i+1][i]:= -1; epsmat[i][i]:= -1; od; epsmat[n+1][n-1]:= -1; epsmat[n][n]:= -1; epsmat[n+1][n+1]:= -1; perm:= (n,n+1); d:= 2; elif type = "C" then # In this case we construct A_{2n-1}. if n < 2 then Error( "<n> must be >= 3"); fi; C:= 2*IdentityMat( 2*n-1 ); for i in [1..2*n-2] do C[i][i+1]:= -1; C[i+1][i]:= -1; od; R:= CartanMatrixToPositiveRoots( C ); epsmat:= NullMat( 2*n-1, 2*n-1 ) + 1; for i in [ 1 .. n-1 ] do epsmat[i][i+1]:= -1; epsmat[i][i]:= -1; od; for i in [n..2*n-2] do epsmat[i+1][i]:= -1; epsmat[i][i]:= -1; od; epsmat[2*n-1][2*n-1]:= -1; perm:= (); for i in [1..n-1] do perm:= perm*(i,2*n-i); od; d:= 2; elif type = "F" then # In this case we construct E_6. if n <> 4 then Error( "<n> must be equal to 4"); fi; C:= IdentityMat( 6 ); C[1][3]:=-1; C[2][4]:=-1; C[3][4]:=-1; C[4][5]:=-1; C[5][6]:=-1; C:= C+TransposedMat( C ); R:= CartanMatrixToPositiveRoots( C ); epsmat:= NullMat( 6, 6 ) + 1; for i in [1..6] do epsmat[i][i]:= -1; od; epsmat[1][3]:=-1; epsmat[3][4]:=-1; epsmat[5][4]:=-1; epsmat[6][5]:=-1; epsmat[2][4]:=-1; perm:= (1,6)*(3,5); d:= 2; elif type = "G" then # In this case we conctruct D_4. if n <> 2 then Error( "<n> must be equal to 2"); fi; C:= IdentityMat( 4 ); C[1][2]:=-1; C[2][3]:=-1; C[2][4]:=-1; C:= C+TransposedMat( C ); R:= CartanMatrixToPositiveRoots( C ); epsmat:= NullMat( 4, 4 ) + 1; for i in [1..4] do epsmat[i][i]:= -1; od; epsmat[1][2]:=-1; epsmat[4][2]:=-1; epsmat[3][2]:=-1; perm:= (1,3,4); d:= 3; fi; # Now `roots' will be the list of positive roots of the resulting Lie # algebra. They are formed from the roots in `R' by applying the # diagram automorphism. If a r\in R is invariant under the # automorphism, then it is added to `roots' (and its prime is # the root itself). Otherwise we add \frac{1}{d}(r+\phi(r)+\cdots # + \phi^{d-1}(r)), where \phi is the diagram automorphism. # In this case the prime of the root are all \phi^i(r). if d = 2 then roots:= [ ]; primes:= [ ]; for r in R do r1:= Permuted( r, perm ); if r = r1 then Add( roots, r ); Add( primes, [ r ] ); else if not (r+r1)/2 in roots then Add( roots, (r+r1)/2 ); Add( primes, [ r, r1 ] ); fi; fi; od; B:= Basis( VectorSpace( Rationals, roots{[1..n]} ),roots{[1..n]}); cfs:= List( roots, x -> Coefficients( B, x ) ); elif d = 3 then roots:= [ ]; primes:= [ ]; for r in R do r1:= Permuted( r, perm ); if r = r1 then Add( roots, r ); Add( primes, [ r ] ); else r2:= (r+r1+Permuted(r1,perm))/3; if not r2 in roots then Add( roots, r2 ); Add( primes, [ r, r1, Permuted( r1, perm ) ] ); fi; fi; od; B:= Basis( VectorSpace( Rationals, roots{[1..n]} ),roots{[1..n]}); cfs:= List( roots, x -> Coefficients( B, x ) ); fi; # `shorts' will be a list of indices indicating where the # short simple roots are. The coefficients on those places # in `cfs' need to be divided by `d'. shorts:= Filtered( [1..n], ii -> Length( primes[ii] ) > 1 ); for i in [1..Length(cfs)] do for j in shorts do cfs[i][j]:= cfs[i][j]/d; od; od; Append( R, -R ); lenR:= Length( roots ); dim:= 2*lenR + n; posR:= List( [1..lenR], ii -> List( [1..n], jj -> Zero( F ) ) ); # Initialize the s.c. table T:= EmptySCTable( dim, Zero(F), "antisymmetric" ); lst:= [ 1 .. n ] + 2 * lenR; for i in [1..lenR] do for j in [i..lenR] do Rij:= roots[i]+roots[j]; if Rij in roots then # We look for `r' in `primes[i]' and `r1' in `primes[j]' # such that `r+r1' lies in `R'. found:= false; for k in [1..Length(primes[i])] do if found then break; fi; r:= primes[i][k]; for l in [1..Length(primes[j])] do r1:= primes[j][l]; if r+r1 in R then found := true; break; fi; od; od; # `q' will be the maximal integer such that `roots[i]- # roots[j]' is a root. k:= Position( roots, Rij ); q:=0; a:= roots[i] - roots[j]; while a in roots or -a in roots do q:=q+1; a:= a-roots[j]; od; e:= eps(r,r1,epsmat)*(q+1)*One(F); SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j, [ e, k ] ); SetEntrySCTable( T, i+lenR, j+lenR, [ -e, k+lenR ] ); fi; if i = j and T[i][j+lenR] = [[],[]] then # We form the product x_{\alpha_i}*x_{-\alpha_i}, which # will be an element of the Cartan subalgebra. inds:= Filtered( [1..n], x -> cfs[i][x] <> 0 ); if Length( primes[i] ) = 1 then T[i][j+lenR]:= [ lst{inds}, cfs[i]{inds}*One(F) ]; T[j+lenR][i]:= [ lst{inds}, -cfs[i]{inds}*One(F) ]; else T[i][j+lenR]:= [ lst{inds}, cfs[i]{inds}*d*One(F) ]; T[j+lenR][i]:= [ lst{inds}, -cfs[i]{inds}*d*One(F) ]; fi; fi; od; od; for i in [1..lenR] do for j in [1..lenR] do Rij:= roots[i]-roots[j]; if Rij in roots then found:= false; for k in [1..Length(primes[i])] do if found then break; fi; r:= primes[i][k]; for l in [1..Length(primes[j])] do r1:= primes[j][l]; if r-r1 in R then found := true; break; fi; od; od; k:= Position( roots, Rij ); q:=0; a:= roots[i] + roots[j]; while a in roots or -a in roots do q:=q+1; a:= a+roots[j]; od; SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j+lenR, [-One(F)*(q+1)*eps(r,-r1,epsmat),k] ); elif -Rij in roots then found:= false; for k in [1..Length(primes[i])] do if found then break; fi; r:= primes[i][k]; for l in [1..Length(primes[j])] do r1:= primes[j][l]; if r-r1 in R then found := true; break; fi; od; od; k:= Position( roots, -Rij ); q:=0; a:= roots[i] + roots[j]; while a in roots or -a in roots do q:=q+1; a:= a+roots[j]; od; SetEntrySCTable( T, i, j+lenR, [One(F)*(q+1)*eps(r,-r1,epsmat),k+lenR] ); fi; od; for j in [1..n] do # Now we take care of the relations [h,x_{\beta}].... cc:= LinearCombination( roots[i], C[j] ); if Length( primes[j] ) > 1 then # i.e., `roots[j]' is "short". cc:= d*cc; fi; if cc <> 0*cc then posR[i][j]:= One(F)*cc; T[2*lenR+j][i]:=[[i],[One(F)*cc]]; T[i][2*lenR+j]:=[[i],[-One(F)*cc]]; T[2*lenR+j][i+lenR]:=[[i+lenR],[-One(F)*cc]]; T[i+lenR][2*lenR+j]:=[[i+lenR],[One(F)*cc]]; fi; od; od; L:= LieAlgebraByStructureConstants( F, T ); # A Cartan subalgebra is spanned by the last 'n' basis elements. CSA:= [ dim-n+1 .. dim ]; vectors:= BasisVectors( CanonicalBasis( L ) ){ CSA }; SetCartanSubalgebra( L, SubalgebraNC( L, vectors, "basis" ) ); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( L, Characteristic( F ) > 0 ); fi; R:= Objectify( NewType( NewFamily( "RootSystemFam", IsObject ), IsAttributeStoringRep and IsRootSystemFromLieAlgebra ), rec() ); SetUnderlyingLieAlgebra( R, L ); SetPositiveRoots( R, posR ); SetNegativeRoots( R, -posR ); SetSimpleSystem( R, posR{[1..n]} ); SetCanonicalGenerators( R, [ CanonicalBasis( L ){[1..n]}, CanonicalBasis( L ){[lenR+1..lenR+n]}, vectors ] ); SetPositiveRootVectors( R, CanonicalBasis(L){[1..lenR]} ); SetNegativeRootVectors( R, CanonicalBasis(L){[lenR+1..2*lenR]} ); SetChevalleyBasis( L, [ PositiveRootVectors( R ), NegativeRootVectors( R ), vectors ] ); if not ( Characteristic( F ) in [ 2, 3 ] ) then C:= 2*IdentityMat( n ); for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..n] do if i <> j then q:= 0; r:= posR[i]+posR[j]; while r in posR do q:=q+1; r:= r+posR[j]; od; C[i][j]:= -q; fi; od; od; SetCartanMatrix( R, C ); SetSemiSimpleType( L, Concatenation( type, String( n ) ) ); fi; SetRootSystem( L, R ); if Characteristic( F ) = 0 then SetIsSimpleAlgebra( L, true ); fi; return L; end; ############################################################################## ## #F SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW( <n>, <F> ) ## ## The Witt Lie algebra is constructed. ## ## The Witt algebra can be constructed as a subalgebra of the derivation ## algebra of a certain polynomial algebra. ## (see e.g. R. Farnsteiner and H. Strade, ## Modular Lie Algebras and Their Representations, Dekker, New York, 1988.) ## It is determined by a prime p and list of integers ## n=(n_1...n_m). It is spanned by the elements ## ## x^{\alpha}D_j ## ## where \alpha=(i_1..i_m) is a multi index such that 0 <= i_k < p^{n_k}-1 ## and 1 <= j <=m. The Lie multiplication is given by ## ## [x^{\alpha}D_i,x^{\beta}D_j]={(\alpha+\beta-\epsilon_i)\choose (\alpha)}* ## x^{\alpha+\beta-\epsilon_i}D_j-{(\alpha+\beta-\epsilon_j)\choose(\beta)}* ## x^{\alpha+\beta-\epsilon_j}D_i. ## ## (We refer to the above mentioned book for the notation.) ## SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW := function( n, F ) local p, # The characteristic of 'F'. pn, dim, # The dimension of the resulting Lie algebra. eltlist, # A list of basis elements of the Lie algebra. i,j,k, # Loop variables. u,noa, # Integers. a, # A list of integers. T, # Multiplication table. x1,x2, # Elements from 'eltlist'. ex, # Multi index. no, # Integer (position in a list). cf, # Coefficient (element from 'F'). L; # The Lie algebra. if not IsList( n ) then Error( "<n> must be a list of nonnegative integers" ); fi; p:= Characteristic( F ); if p = 0 then Error( "<F> must be a field of nonzero characteristic" ); fi; pn:=p^Sum( n ); dim:= Length( n )*pn; eltlist:=[]; # First we construct a list of basis elements. A basis element is given by # a multi index and an integer u such that 1 <= u <=m. for i in [0..dim-1] do # calculate the multi-index a and the derivation D_u belonging to i u:= EuclideanQuotient( i, pn )+1; noa:= i mod pn; # Now we calculate the multi index belonging to noa. # The relation between multi index and number is given as follows: # if (i_1...i_m) is the multi index then to that index belongs a number # noa given by # # noa = i_1 + p^n[1]( i_2 + p^n[2]( i_3 + .......)) # a:=[]; for k in [1..Length( n )-1] do a[k]:= noa mod p^n[k]; noa:= (noa-a[k])/(p^n[k]); od; Add( a, noa ); eltlist[i+1]:=[a,u]; od; # Initialising the table. T:=EmptySCTable( dim, Zero( F ), "antisymmetric" ); # Filling the table. for i in [1..dim] do for j in [i+1..dim] do # We calculate [x_i,x_j]. This product is a sum of two elements. x1:= eltlist[i]; x2:= eltlist[j]; if x2[1][x1[2]] > 0 then ex:= ShallowCopy( x1[1]+x2[1] ); ex[x1[2]]:=ex[x1[2]]-1; cf:=One(F); for k in [1..Length( n )] do cf:= Binomial( ex[k], x1[1][k] ) * cf; od; if cf<>Zero(F) then no:=Position(eltlist,[ex,x2[2]]); AddendumSCTable( T, i, j, no, cf ); fi; fi; if x1[1][x2[2]] > 0 then ex:= ShallowCopy( x1[1]+x2[1] ); ex[x2[2]]:=ex[x2[2]]-1; cf:=One(F); for k in [1..Length( n )] do cf:= Binomial( ex[k], x2[1][k] ) * cf; od; if cf<>Zero(F) then no:=Position(eltlist,[ex,x1[2]]); AddendumSCTable( T, i, j, no, -cf ); fi; fi; od; od; L:= LieAlgebraByStructureConstants( F, T ); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( L, ForAll( n, x -> x=1 ) ); # We also return the list of basis elements of 'L', because this is needed # in the functions for the Lie algebras of type 'S' and 'H'. return [ L, eltlist ]; end; ############################################################################## ## #F SimpleLieAlgebraTypeS( <n>, <F> ) ## ## The "special" Lie algebra is constructed as a subalgebra of the ## Witt Lie algebra. It is spanned by all elements x\in W such that ## div(x)=0, where W is the Witt algebra. ## We refer to the book cited in the comments to the function ## 'SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW' for the details. ## SimpleLieAlgebraTypeS:= function( n, F ) local dim, # The dimension of the Witt algebra. i,j, # Loop variables. WW, # The output of 'SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW'. eqs, # The equation system for a basis of the Lie algebra. divlist, # A list of elements of the Witt algebra. x, # Element from 'divlist'. dones, # A list of the elements of 'divlist' that have already # been processed. eq, # An equation (to be added to 'eqs'). bas, # Basis vectors of the solution space. L; # The Lie algebra. WW:=SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW( n, F ); dim:= Dimension( WW[1] ); divlist:= WW[2]; for i in [1..dim] do #Apply the operator "div" to the elements of divlist. divlist[i][1][divlist[i][2]]:=divlist[i][1][divlist[i][2]]-1; od; # At some positions of 'divlist' there will be the same element. An equation # will then be a vector of 1's and 0's such that a 1 appears at every # position where there is a copy of a particular element. After this we # do not need to consider this element again, so we add it to 'dones'. eqs:=[]; dones:=[]; i:=1; while i <= dim do eq:=List([1..dim],x->Zero(F)); x:=divlist[i]; if not x in dones then Add(dones,x); if x[1][x[2]]>=0 then eq[i]:= One( F ); for j in [i+1..dim] do if divlist[j][1]=x[1] then eq[j]:=One( F ); fi; od; Add(eqs,eq); fi; fi; i:=i+1; od; bas:= NullspaceMat( TransposedMat( eqs ) ); bas:= List( bas, v -> LinearCombination( Basis( WW[1] ), v ) ); L:= LieDerivedSubalgebra( Subalgebra( WW[1], bas, "basis" ) ); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( L, ForAll( n, x -> x=1 ) ); return L; end; ############################################################################## ## #F SimpleLieAlgebraTypeH( <n>, <F> ) ## ## Just like the special algebra, the Hamiltonian algebra is constructed as ## a subalgebra of the Witt Lie algebra. It is spanned by the image of ## a linear map D_H which maps a special kind of polynomial algebra into ## the Witt algebra. Again we refer to the book cited in the notes to ## 'SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW' for the details. ## SimpleLieAlgebraTypeH := function( n, F ) local p, # Chracteristic of 'F'. m, # The length of 'n'. i,j, # Loop variables. noa, # Integer. a, # List of integers "belonging" to 'noa'. x1,x2, # Multi indices. mons, # List of multi indices (or monomials). WW, # The output of 'SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW'. cf, # List of coefficients of an element of the Witt algebra. pos, # Position in a list. sp, # Vector space. bas, # Basis vectors of the Lie algebra. L; # The Lie algebra. p:= Characteristic( F ); if p = 0 then Error( "<F> must be a field of nonzero characteristic" ); fi; if not IsList( n ) then Error( "<n> must be a list of nonnegative integers" ); fi; m:= Length( n ); if m mod 2 <> 0 then Error( "<n> must be a list of even length" ); fi; # 'mons' will be a list of multi indices [i1...1m] such that # ik < p^n[k] for 1 <= k <= m. The encoding is the same as in # 'SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW'. The last (or "maximal") element is not taken # in the list. 'mons' will correspond to the monomials that span the # algebra which is mapped into the Witt algebra by the map D_H. mons:= []; for i in [0..p^Sum( n ) - 2 ] do a:= [ ]; noa:= i; for j in [1..m-1] do a[j]:= noa mod p^n[j]; noa:= (noa-a[j])/(p^n[j]); od; a[m]:= noa; Add(mons,a); od; WW:= SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW( n, F ); for i in [1..Length(mons)] do # The map D_H is applied to the element 'mons[i]'. x1:= mons[i]; cf:= List( WW[2], e -> Zero(F) ); for j in [1..m/2] do if x1[j] > 0 then x2:= ShallowCopy( x1 ); x2[j]:= x2[j] - 1; pos:= Position( WW[2], [x2,j+m/2] ); cf[pos]:= One( F ); fi; if x1[j+m/2] > 0 then x2:= ShallowCopy( x1 ); x2[j+m/2]:= x2[j+m/2] - 1; pos:= Position( WW[2], [x2,j] ); cf[pos]:= -One( F ); fi; od; if cf <> Zero( F )*cf then if IsBound( sp ) then if not IsContainedInSpan( sp, cf ) then CloseMutableBasis( sp, cf ); fi; else sp:= MutableBasis( F, [ cf ] ); fi; fi; od; bas:= BasisVectors( sp ); bas:= List( bas, x -> LinearCombination( Basis(WW[1]), x ) ); L:= Subalgebra( WW[1], bas, "basis" ); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( L, ForAll( n, x -> x=1 ) ); return L; end; ############################################################################## ## #F SimpleLieAlgebraTypeK( <n>, <F> ) ## ## The kontact algebra has the same underlying vector space as a ## particular kind of polynomial algebra. On this space a Lie bracket ## is defined. We refer to the book cited in the comments to the function ## 'SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW' for the details. ## SimpleLieAlgebraTypeK := function( n, F ) local p, # The characteristic of 'F'. m, # The length of 'n'. pn, # The dimension of the resulting Lie algebra. eltlist, # List of basis elements of the Lie algebra. i,j,k, # Loop variables. noa, # Integer. a, # The multi index "belonging" to 'noa'. T,S, # Tables of structure constants. x1,x2,y1,y2, # Elements from 'eltlist'. r, # Integer. pos, # Position in a list. coef, # Function calculating a product of binomials. v, # A value. vals, # A list of values. ii, # List of indices. cc, # List of coefficients. L; # The Lie algebra. coef:= function( a, b, F ) # Here 'a' and 'b' are two multi indices. This function calculates # the product of the binomial coefficients 'a[i] \choose b[i]'. local cf,i; cf:= One( F ); for i in [1..Length(a)] do cf:= Binomial( a[i], b[i] ) * cf; od; return cf; end; p:= Characteristic( F ); if p = 0 then Error( "<F> must be a field of nonzero characteristic" ); fi; if not IsList( n ) then Error( "<n> must be a list of nonnegative integers" ); fi; m:= Length( n ); if m mod 2 <> 1 or m = 1 then Error( "<n> must be a list of odd length >= 3" ); fi; pn:= p^Sum( n ); r:= ( m - 1 )/2; eltlist:=[]; # First we construct a list of basis elements. for i in [] do noa:= i; a:=[]; for k in [1..m-1] do a[k]:= noa mod p^n[k]; noa:= (noa-a[k])/(p^n[k]); od; a[m]:= noa; eltlist[i+1]:=a; od; # Initialising the table. T:= EmptySCTable( pn, Zero(F), "antisymmetric" ); for i in [] do for j in [] do # We calculate [x_i,x_j]. The coefficients of this element w.r.t. the basis # contained in 'eltlist' will be stored in the vector 'vals'. # The formula for the commutator is quite complicated, and this leads to # many if-statements. (These if-statements are largely due to the fact that # D_i(x^a)=0 if a[i]=0, so that we have to check that this element is not 0.) x1:= eltlist[i]; x2:= eltlist[j]; vals:= List([],i->Zero( F ) ); for k in [1..r] do if x1[k] > 0 then if x2[k+r] > 0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[k]:=y1[k]-1; y2[k+r]:=y2[k+r]-1; v:=coef( y1+y2, y1, F ); if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, y1+y2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos] + v; fi; fi; if x2[ m ] > 0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[k]:=y1[k]-1; y2[ m ]:=y2[ m ]-1; v:=coef(x1+y2,y1,F)*(x2[k]+1); if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, x1+y2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos]-v; fi; fi; fi; if x1[ m ] > 0 then if x2[k+r] > 0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[m]:=y1[m]-1; y2[k+r]:=y2[k+r]-1; v:=coef( y1+x2, y2, F )*(x1[k+r]+1); if v<>Zero( F ) then pos:= Position( eltlist, y1+x2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos] + v; fi; fi; if x2[ m ] > 0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[m]:=y1[m]-1; y2[ m ]:=y2[ m ]-1; y1[k+r]:=y1[k+r]+1; y2[k]:=y2[k]+1; v:=coef(y1+y2,y1,F)*y1[k+r]*y2[k]; if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, y1+y2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos]-v; fi; y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[m]:=y1[m]-1; y2[ m ]:=y2[ m ]-1; y1[k]:=y1[k]+1; y2[k+r]:=y2[k+r]+1; v:=coef(y1+y2,y1,F)*y1[k]*y2[k+r]; if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, y1+y2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos]+v; fi; fi; if x2[k] > 0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[m]:=y1[m]-1; y2[k]:=y2[k]-1; v:=coef( y1+x2, y2, F )*(x1[k]+1); if v <> Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, y1+x2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos] + v; fi; fi; fi; if x1[k+r] > 0 then if x2[k] > 0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[k+r]:=y1[k+r]-1; y2[k]:=y2[k]-1; v:=coef( y1+y2, y1, F ); if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, y1+y2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos] - v; fi; fi; if x2[ m ] > 0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y1[k+r]:=y1[k+r]-1; y2[ m ]:=y2[ m ]-1; v:=coef(x1+y2,y1,F)*(x2[k+r]+1); if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, x1+y2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos]-v; fi; fi; fi; if x1[m]>0 then y1:= ShallowCopy(x1); y1[m]:=y1[m]-1; v:=coef(y1+x2,x2,F); if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, y1+x2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos]-2*v; fi; fi; if x2[m]>0 then y2:= ShallowCopy(x2); y2[m]:=y2[m]-1; v:= coef(x1+y2,x1,F); if v<>Zero(F) then pos:= Position( eltlist, x1+y2 ); vals[pos]:= vals[pos]+2*v; fi; fi; od; # We convert 'vals' to multiplication table format. ii:=[]; cc:=[]; for k in [1..Length(vals)] do if vals[k] <> Zero( F ) then Add(ii,k); Add(cc,vals[k]); fi; od; T[i][j]:=[ii,cc]; T[j][i]:=[ii,-cc]; od; od; if (m + 3) mod p = 0 then # In this case the kontact algebra is somewhat smaller. S:= EmptySCTable( pn-1, Zero(F), "antisymmetric" ); for i in [] do for j in [] do S[i][j]:=T[i][j]; od; od; T:=S; fi; L:= LieAlgebraByStructureConstants( F, T ); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( L, ForAll( n, x -> x=1 ) ); return L; end; ############################################################################## ## #F SimpleLieAlgebraTypeM( <n>, <F> ) ## ## The Melikyan Lie algebra is constructed. ## ## The code is due to Erik Postma. ## ## The Melikyan Lie algebra is most conveniently constructed by ## viewing it as the direct sum of a Witt type Lie algebra and two ## of its modules. This is the presentation described by ## M.I. Kuznetsov, The Melikyan algebras as Lie algebras of the ## type G2, Comm. Algebra 19 (1991). ## ## The Melikyan Lie algebra is parametrized by two positive ## integers, n1 and n2, and can only be defined over fields of ## characteristic 5. It can be decomposed into a 2*5^(n1 + n2)-dimensional ## subalgebra isomorphic to W(n1, n2), having a basis of monomials ## X1^i1 X2^i2 dXk where 0 <= i1 < 5^n1, 0 <= i2 < 5^n2, k in {1, 2}; a ## 5^(n1 + n2)-dimensional module of this subalgebra which we call O, ## having a basis of elements we call X1^i1 X2^i2 (where i1 and i2 are ## within the same boundaries); and a 2*5^(n1 + n2)-dimensional ## module which we call Wtilde, having a basis of elements we ## call X1^i1 X2^i2 dXk^tilde (again with i1 and i2 within the same ## boundaries, and with k in {1, 2}). ## ## The multiplication is described in the above paper and in the code ## below. We use lists of symbolic descriptions for the basis ## elements: [i1, i2] for X1^i1 X2^i2 and [[i1, i2], k] for either ## X1^i1 X2^i2 dXk or X1^i1 X2^i2 dXk^tilde. All valid such ## symbolic descriptions can be found in two lists, OBasis and ## WBasis, respectively. In the basis of the full algebra, we first ## put the elements of W as ordered in WBasis, then the elements of O ## as ordered in OBasis, and finally the elements of Wtilde, again as ## ordered in WBasis. Throughout the function below, we describe ## basis elements using either these symbolic descriptions, or the ## positions in this basis. SimpleLieAlgebraTypeM := function (n, F) local n1, n2, # The parameters. one, zero, # Shortcuts to the field elements. dimO, dimW, # Dimensions of the O and W spaces. OBasis, # A representation of a basis for O. posO, # Function to find the position of a given # OBasis element in the basis. OProduct, # The regular product of two elements of OBasis. WBasis, # A representation of a basis for W. div, # The divergence function for elements of WBasis. posW, # Function to find the position of a WBasis # element in the basis. WOProduct, # The action of W on O. WProduct, # The regular product of two elements of WBasis. WBracket, # The commutator of two elements of WBasis # w.r.t. WProduct. degrees, # The list of degrees of different components. GradingFunction, # The function giving the grading components. tildify, clean, # Utility functions. table, i, w1, j, w2, result, term, prod, x2, x1, d; # Temporary results and counters. if not (IsList (n) and Length (n) = 2 and n [1] > 0 and n [2] > 0) then Error ("<n> must be a list of two positive integers"); fi; if Characteristic (F) <> 5 then Error ("<F> must be a field of characteristic 5"); fi; n1 := n [1]; n2 := n [2]; dimO := 5^(n1 + n2); dimW := 2*dimO; one := One (F); zero := Zero (F); # The element [a, b] of OBasis represents the element # X1^a X2^b / (a! b!) # of the truncated polynomial ring. OBasis := Cartesian ([0 .. 5^n1 - 1], [0 .. 5^n2 - 1]); # The position of an OBasis element in the basis. posO := function (o) return o [2] + 5^n2 * o [1] + 1; end; # Given two OBasis elements x1 and x2, returns a list with a # coefficient coeff and the position pos of a basis element, such # that # x1 * x2 = coeff * OBasis [pos] OProduct := function (x1, x2) local pow; pow := ShallowCopy (x1 + x2); if pow [1] < 5^n1 and pow [2] < 5^n2 then return [Binomial (pow [1], x1 [1]) * (Binomial (pow [2], x1 [2]) * one), posO (pow)]; else return [zero, 1]; fi; end; # The element [[a, b], c] of WBasis represents the element # O dXc # where O is the element of OBasis represented by [a, b]. WBasis := Cartesian (OBasis, [1, 2]); # The divergence: f dX1 + g dX2 -> dX1 (f) + dX2 (g), maps WBasis # elements to OBasis elements. Note: if the result is 0, we return # that instead of the OBasis element. div := function (abc) local ab, pos; if abc [1] [abc [2]] = 0 then return 0; fi; pos := abc [2]; ab := ShallowCopy (abc [1]); ab [pos] := ab [pos] - 1; return ab; end; # The position of the WBasis element [OBasis (o), c] in the basis, # where o is the number of an OBasis element. posW := function (o, c) return 2 * o + c - 2; end; # Given a WBasis element [[a1, b1], c1] and an OBasis element [a2, # b2], representing the usual monomials, this function computes # p = X1^a1 X2^a2 (dXc1 X1^a2 X2^b2), # and returns a list [pos, coeff] with the position in OBasis of # the basis element this is a multiple of, and its coefficient; so # that # p = coeff * OBasis [pos]. WOProduct := function (w1, x2) local pow, prod; if x2 [w1 [2]] > 0 then pow := ShallowCopy (x2); pow [w1 [2]] := pow [w1 [2]] - 1; return OProduct (w1 [1], pow); else return [zero, 1]; fi; end; # Given two WBasis elements [[a1, b1], c1] and [[a2, b2], c2], # representing the usual monomials, this # function computes # p = X1^a1 X2^a2 (dXc1 (X1^a2 X2^b2)) dXc2, # and returns a list [pos, coeff] with the position in WBasis of # the basis element this is a multiple of, and its coefficient; so # that # p = coeff * WBasis [pos]. WProduct := function (x1, x2) local prod; prod := WOProduct (x1, x2 [1]); if prod [1] <> zero then return [prod [1], posW (prod [2], x2 [2])]; else return [zero, 1]; fi; end; # The bracket on W is defined as mapping x1, x2 to their # commutator, where the multiplication is as above. This function # returns a list ls of, alternatingly, coefficients and positions, # such that the bracket of x1 and x2 is equal to # ls [1] * WBasis [ls [2]] + ls [3] * WBasis [ls [4]]. # However, if any coefficient is 0, the corresponding list # elements are omitted. So the list returned has length 4, 2 or 0. WBracket := function (x1, x2) local result, prod; prod := WProduct (x1, x2); if prod [1] <> zero then result := prod; else result := []; fi; prod := WProduct (x2, x1); if prod [1] <> zero then Append (result, [- prod [1], prod [2]]); fi; return result; end; # The order of the basis elements is: first the basis elements of # W, then of O, then of Wtilde. Definitions of W, Wtilde and O can # be found in H. Strade, Simple Lie Algebras over Fields of # Positive Characteristic, Walter de Gruyter - Berlin/New York 2004. # This is the realization found in M.I. Kuznetsov, The Melikian # algebras as Lie algebras of the type G2, Comm. Algebra 19 # (1991), 1281-1312. # tildify adds cst to each even position in ls. It is useful for # mapping a result of WBracket from W to Wtilde, or an OBasis # element to the correct position in the full basis. tildify := function (ls, cst) local i; i := 2; while IsBound (ls [i]) do ls [i] := ls [i] + cst; i := i + 2; od; end; # clean is a function that 'cleans' a list before submission to # SetEntrySCTable. That is, if any positions are the same, the # coefficients are added. clean := function (ls) local ps, i; ps := rec (); i := 2; while IsBound (ls [i]) do if IsBound (ps.(ls [i])) then ls [ps.(ls [i]) - 1] := ls [ps.(ls [i]) - 1] + ls [i - 1]; Unbind (ls [i - 1]); Unbind (ls [i]); else ps.(ls [i]) := i; fi; i := i + 2; od; return Compacted (ls); end; table := EmptySCTable (dimO + 2 * dimW, Zero (F), "antisymmetric"); for i in [1 .. dimW] do w1 := WBasis [i]; for j in [1 .. dimW] do w2 := WBasis [j]; if i < j then # Compute the product for w1 and w2 in W. # This is simply [w1, w2]. SetEntrySCTable (table, i, j, clean (WBracket (w1, w2))); # Compute the product for w1 and w2 in WTilde. # This is f1g2 - f2g1 if w1 = f1d1 + f2d2, w2 = g1d1 + # g2d2. if w1 [2] <> w2 [2] then prod := OProduct (w1 [1], w2 [1]); if prod [1] <> zero then SetEntrySCTable (table, i + dimW + dimO, j + dimW + dimO, [(3 - 2 * w1 [2]) * # This is the coefficient # plus or minus one. prod [1], prod [2] + dimW]); fi; fi; fi; # Compute the product for w1 in W, w2 in WTilde. # This is defined as [w1, w2]^tilde + 2 div(w1) w2^tilde # [w1, w2]^tilde: result := WBracket (w1, w2); tildify (result, dimW + dimO); # 2 div(w1) w2^tilde: d := div (w1); if d <> 0 then term := OProduct (d, w2 [1]); if term [1] <> zero then Append (result, [2 * term [1], posW (term [2], w2 [2]) + dimW + dimO]); fi; fi; SetEntrySCTable (table, i, j + dimW + dimO, clean (result)); od; for j in [1 .. dimO] do x2 := OBasis [j]; # Compute the product for w1 in W, x2 in O. # This is w1 (x2) - 2 div (w1) x2. # w1 (x2): result := WOProduct (w1, x2); # - 2 div (w1) x2: d := div (w1); if d <> 0 then term := OProduct (d, x2); if term [1] <> zero then Append (result, [-2 * term [1], term [2]]); fi; fi; tildify (result, dimW); SetEntrySCTable (table, i, j + dimW, clean (result)); # Compute the product for w1 in Wtilde, x2 in O. # This is - x2 w1^un-tilde. # We put it in the table as the product of x2 and w1, so # that we don't have to bother with the minus sign. result := OProduct (x2, w1 [1]); SetEntrySCTable (table, j + dimW, i + dimW + dimO, [result [1], posW (result [2], w1 [2])]); od; od; for i in [1 .. dimO] do x1 := OBasis [i]; for j in [i + 1 .. dimO] do x2 := OBasis [j]; # Compute the product for x1 and x2 in O. # This is 2 (x2 dX2(x1) - x1 dX2(x2))dX1^tilde + 2 (x1 # dX1(x2) - x2 dX1(x1)) dX2^tilde. # 2 x2 dX2(x1) dX1: result := WProduct ([x2, 2], [x1, 1]); result [1] := 2 * result [1]; # - 2 x1 dX2(x2) dX1: term := WProduct ([x1, 2], [x2, 1]); Append (result, [- 2 * term [1], term [2]]); # 2 x1 dX1(x2) dX2: term := WProduct ([x1, 1], [x2, 2]); Append (result, [2 * term [1], term [2]]); # - 2 x2 dX1(x1) dX2: term := WProduct ([x2, 1], [x1, 2]); Append (result, [- 2 * term [1], term [2]]); tildify (result, dimW + dimO); SetEntrySCTable (table, i + dimW, j + dimW, clean (result)); od; od; result := LieAlgebraByStructureConstants (F, table); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra (result, n1 = 1 and n2 = 1); degrees := Concatenation (List (WBasis, lst -> lst [1] * [[2, 1], [1, 2]] + \[\]([[-2, -1], [-1, -2]], lst [2])), List (OBasis, lst -> lst * [[2, 1], [1, 2]] + [-1, -1]), List (WBasis, lst -> lst [1] * [[2, 1], [1, 2]] + \[\]([[-1, 0], [0, -1]], lst [2]))); GradingFunction := d -> Subspace (result, Basis(result) {Positions (degrees, d)}); SetGrading (result, rec( source := FreeLeftModule(Integers, [[1, 0], [0, 1]], "basis"), hom_components := GradingFunction, non_zero_hom_components := Set (degrees))); # GradingFunction := function (d) # local degsum, r, oposns; # r := d[1] + d[2] mod 3; # if r = 0 then # # degsum := (d [1] + d [2] - r) / 3 + 1; # oposns := List ([Maximum (0, degsum - 5^n2 + 1) .. # Minimum (degsum, 5^n1 - 1)], # i -> posO ([i, degsum - i])); # if r = 0 then # return SubspaceNC (result, # Basis (result) {Concatenation ( # List (oposns, p -> posW (p, 1)), # List (oposns, p -> posW (p, 2)))}, # "basis"); # elif r = 1 then # return SubspaceNC (result, # Basis (result) {oposns + dimW}, # "basis"); # else # r = 2 # return SubspaceNC (result, # Basis (result) {3 * dimO + Concatenation ( # List (oposns, p -> posW (p, 1)), # List (oposns, p -> posW (p, 2)))}, # "basis"); # fi; # end; # SetGrading (result, # rec (min_degree := -3, # max_degree := 3 * (5^n1 + 5^n2) - 7, # source := Integers, # hom_components := GradingFunction)); return result; end; ############################################################################## ## #F SimpleLieAlgebra( <type>, <n>, <F> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( SimpleLieAlgebra, function( type, n, F ) local A; # Check the arguments. if not ( IsString( type ) and ( IsInt( n ) or IsList( n ) ) and IsRing( F ) ) then Error( "<type> must be a string, <n> an integer, <F> a ring" ); fi; if type in [ "A","B","C","D","E","F","G" ] then A := SimpleLieAlgebraTypeA_G( type, n, F ); elif type = "W" then A := SimpleLieAlgebraTypeW( n, F )[1]; elif type = "S" then A := SimpleLieAlgebraTypeS( n, F ); elif type = "H" then A := SimpleLieAlgebraTypeH( n, F ); elif type = "K" then A := SimpleLieAlgebraTypeK( n, F ); elif type = "M" then A := SimpleLieAlgebraTypeM( n, F ); else Error( "<type> must be one of \"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"D\", \"E\", ", "\"F\", \"G\", \"H\", \"K\", \"M\", \"S\", \"W\" " ); fi; # store the pth power images in the family (LB) if IsRestrictedLieAlgebra(A) then FamilyObj(Representative(A))!.pMapping := PthPowerImages(Basis(A)); fi; return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here