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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466317############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Thomas Breuer ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains methods for elements of algebras given by structure ## constants (s.~c.). ## ## The family of s.~c. algebra elements has the following components. ## ## `sctable' : ## the structure constants table, ## `names' : ## list of names of the basis vectors (for printing only), ## `zerocoeff' : ## the zero coefficient (needed already for the s.~c. table), ## `defaultTypeDenseCoeffVectorRep' : ## the type of s.~c. algebra elements that are represented by ## a dense list of coefficients. ## ## If the family has *not* the category `IsFamilyOverFullCoefficientsFamily' ## then it has the component `coefficientsDomain'. ## #T need for the norm of a quaternion? #T (note: returns an element in the coefficients domain, not in the algebra! #T f( a b[1] + b b[2] + c b[3] + d b[4] ) = a^2 +b^2 +c^2 + d^2.) #T #T NormQuat := function( quat ) #T if not IsQuaternion( quat ) then #T Error( "<quat> must be a quaternion" ); #T fi; #T return Sum( List( ExtRepOfObj( quat ), c -> c^2 ) ); #T end; ############################################################################# ## #M IsWholeFamily( <V> ) . . . . . . . for s.~c. algebra elements collection ## InstallMethod( IsWholeFamily, "for s. c. algebra elements collection", [ IsSCAlgebraObjCollection and IsLeftModule and IsFreeLeftModule ], function( V ) local Fam; Fam:= ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( V ) ); if IsFamilyOverFullCoefficientsFamily( Fam ) then return IsWholeFamily( LeftActingDomain( V ) ) and IsFullSCAlgebra( V ); else return LeftActingDomain( V ) = Fam!.coefficientsDomain and IsFullSCAlgebra( V ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsFullSCAlgebra( <V> ) . . . . . . for s.~c. algebra elements collection ## InstallMethod( IsFullSCAlgebra, "for s. c. algebra elements collection", [ IsSCAlgebraObjCollection and IsAlgebra ], V -> Dimension(V) = Length( ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( V ) )!.names ) ); ############################################################################# ## #R IsDenseCoeffVectorRep( <obj> ) ## ## This representation uses a coefficients vector ## w.r.t. the basis that is known for the whole family. ## ## The external representation is the coefficients vector, ## which is stored at position 1 in the object. ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsDenseCoeffVectorRep", IsPositionalObjectRep, [ 1 ] ); ############################################################################# ## #M ObjByExtRep( <Fam>, <descr> ) . . . . . . . . for s.~c. algebra elements ## ## Check whether the coefficients list <coeffs> has the right length, ## and lies in the correct family. ## If the coefficients family of <Fam> has a uniquely determined zero ## element, we need to check only whether the family of <descr> is the ## collections family of the coefficients family of <Fam>. ## InstallMethod( ObjByExtRep, "for s. c. algebra elements family", [ IsSCAlgebraObjFamily, IsHomogeneousList ], function( Fam, coeffs ) if IsFamilyOverFullCoefficientsFamily( Fam ) or not IsBound( Fam!.coefficientsDomain ) then TryNextMethod(); elif Length( coeffs ) <> Length( Fam!.names ) then Error( "<coeffs> must be a list of length ", Fam!.names ); elif not ForAll( coeffs, c -> c in Fam!.coefficientsDomain ) then Error( "all in <coeffs> must lie in `<Fam>!.coefficientsDomain'" ); fi; return Objectify( Fam!.defaultTypeDenseCoeffVectorRep, [ Immutable( coeffs ) ] ); end ); InstallMethod( ObjByExtRep, "for s. c. alg. elms. family with coefficients family", [ IsSCAlgebraObjFamily and IsFamilyOverFullCoefficientsFamily, IsHomogeneousList ], function( Fam, coeffs ) if not IsIdenticalObj( CoefficientsFamily( Fam ), ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( coeffs ) ) ) then Error( "family of <coeffs> does not fit to <Fam>" ); elif Length( coeffs ) <> Length( Fam!.names ) then Error( "<coeffs> must be a list of length ", Fam!.names ); fi; return Objectify( Fam!.defaultTypeDenseCoeffVectorRep, [ Immutable( coeffs ) ] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ExtRepOfObj( <elm> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . for s.~c. algebra elements ## InstallMethod( ExtRepOfObj, "for s. c. algebra element in dense coeff. vector rep.", [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], elm -> elm![1] ); ############################################################################# ## #M Print( <elm> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for s.~c. algebra elements ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for s. c. algebra element", [ IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( elm ) local F, # family of `elm' names, # generators names len, # dimension of the algebra zero, # zero element of the ring depth, # first nonzero position in coefficients list one, # identity element of the ring i; # loop over the coefficients list F := FamilyObj( elm ); names := F!.names; elm := ExtRepOfObj( elm ); len := Length( elm ); # Treat the case that the algebra is trivial. if len = 0 then Print( "<zero of trivial s.c. algebra>" ); return; fi; zero := Zero( elm[1] ); depth := PositionNot( elm, zero ); if len < depth then # Print the zero element. # (Note that the unique element of a zero algebra has a name.) Print( "0*", names[1] ); else one:= One( elm[1] ); if elm[ depth ] <> one then Print( "(", elm[ depth ], ")*" ); fi; Print( names[ depth ] ); for i in [ depth+1 .. len ] do if elm[i] <> zero then Print( "+" ); if elm[i] <> one then Print( "(", elm[i], ")*" ); fi; Print( names[i] ); fi; od; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M String( <elm> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for s.~c. algebra elements ## InstallMethod( String, "for s. c. algebra element", [ IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( elm ) local F, # family of `elm' s, # string names, # generators names len, # dimension of the algebra zero, # zero element of the ring depth, # first nonzero position in coefficients list one, # identity element of the ring i; # loop over the coefficients list F := FamilyObj( elm ); names := F!.names; elm := ExtRepOfObj( elm ); len := Length( elm ); # Treat the case that the algebra is trivial. if len = 0 then return "<zero of trivial s.c. algebra>"; fi; zero := Zero( elm[1] ); depth := PositionNot( elm, zero ); s:=""; if len < depth then # Print the zero element. # (Note that the unique element of a zero algebra has a name.) Append(s, "0*"); Append(s,names[1]); else one:= One( elm[1] ); if elm[ depth ] <> one then Add(s,'('); Append(s,String(elm[ depth ])); Append(s, ")*" ); fi; Append(s, names[ depth ] ); for i in [ depth+1 .. len ] do if elm[i] <> zero then Add(s, '+' ); if elm[i] <> one then Add(s,'('); Append(s,String(elm[ i ])); Append(s, ")*" ); fi; Append(s, names[ i ] ); fi; od; fi; return s; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M One( <Fam> ) ## ## Compute the identity (if exists) from the s.~c. table. ## InstallMethod( One, "for family of s. c. algebra elements", [ IsSCAlgebraObjFamily ], function( F ) local one; one:= IdentityFromSCTable( F!.sctable ); if one <> fail then one:= ObjByExtRep( F, one ); fi; return one; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M \=( <x>, <y> ) . . . . . . . . . . equality of two s.~c. algebra objects #M \<( <x>, <y> ) . . . . . . . . . comparison of two s.~c. algebra objects #M \+( <x>, <y> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . sum of two s.~c. algebra objects #M \-( <x>, <y> ) . . . . . . . . . difference of two s.~c. algebra objects #M \*( <x>, <y> ) . . . . . . . . . . product of two s.~c. algebra objects #M Zero( <x> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zero of an s.~c. algebra element #M AdditiveInverse( <x> ) . . additive inverse of an s.~c. algebra element #M Inverse( <x> ) . . . . . . . . . . . inverse of an s.~c. algebra element ## InstallMethod( \=, "for s. c. algebra elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x, y ) return ExtRepOfObj( x ) = ExtRepOfObj( y ); end ); InstallMethod( \=, "for s. c. algebra elements in dense vector rep.", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], function( x, y ) return x![1] = y![1]; end ); InstallMethod( \<, "for s. c. algebra elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x, y ) return ExtRepOfObj( x ) < ExtRepOfObj( y ); end ); InstallMethod( \<, "for s. c. algebra elements in dense vector rep.", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], 0, function( x, y ) return x![1] < y![1]; end ); InstallMethod( \+, "for s. c. algebra elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj(x), ExtRepOfObj(x) + ExtRepOfObj(y) ); end ); InstallMethod( \+, "for s. c. algebra elements in dense vector rep.", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), x![1] + y![1] ); end ); InstallMethod( \-, "for s. c. algebra elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj(x), ExtRepOfObj(x) - ExtRepOfObj(y) ); end ); InstallMethod( \-, "for s. c. algebra elements in dense vector rep.", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), x![1] - y![1] ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for s. c. algebra elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x, y ) local F; F:= FamilyObj( x ); return ObjByExtRep( F, SCTableProduct( F!.sctable, ExtRepOfObj( x ), ExtRepOfObj( y ) ) ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for s. c. algebra elements in dense vector rep.", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], function( x, y ) local F; F:= FamilyObj( x ); return ObjByExtRep( F, SCTableProduct( F!.sctable, x![1], y![1] ) ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for ring element and s. c. algebra element", IsCoeffsElms, [ IsRingElement, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( y ), x * ExtRepOfObj( y ) ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for ring element and s. c. algebra element in dense vector rep.", IsCoeffsElms, [ IsRingElement, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( y ), x * y![1] ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for s. c. algebra element and ring element", IsElmsCoeffs, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsRingElement ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), ExtRepOfObj( x ) * y ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for s. c. algebra element in dense vector rep. and ring element", IsElmsCoeffs, [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsRingElement ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), x![1] * y ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for integer and s. c. algebra element", [ IsInt, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( y ), x * ExtRepOfObj( y ) ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for integer and s. c. algebra element in dense vector rep.", [ IsInt, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( y ), x * y![1] ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for s. c. algebra element and integer", [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsInt ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), ExtRepOfObj( x ) * y ); end ); InstallMethod( \*, "for s. c. algebra element in dense vector rep. and integer", [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsInt ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), x![1] * y ); end ); InstallMethod( \/, "for s. c. algebra element and scalar", IsElmsCoeffs, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsScalar ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), ExtRepOfObj( x ) / y ); end ); InstallMethod( \/, "for s. c. algebra element in dense vector rep. and scalar", IsElmsCoeffs, [ IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep, IsScalar ], function( x, y ) return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), x![1] / y ); end ); InstallMethod( ZeroOp, "for s. c. algebra element", [ IsSCAlgebraObj ], x -> ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), Zero( ExtRepOfObj( x ) ) ) ); InstallMethod( AdditiveInverseOp, "for s. c. algebra element", [ IsSCAlgebraObj ], x -> ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( x ), AdditiveInverse( ExtRepOfObj( x ) ) ) ); InstallOtherMethod( OneOp, "for s. c. algebra element", [ IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x ) local F, one; F:= FamilyObj( x ); one:= IdentityFromSCTable( F!.sctable ); if one <> fail then one:= ObjByExtRep( F, one ); fi; return one; end ); InstallOtherMethod( InverseOp, "for s. c. algebra element", [ IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( x ) local one, F; one:= One( x ); if one <> fail then F:= FamilyObj( x ); one:= QuotientFromSCTable( F!.sctable, ExtRepOfObj( one ), ExtRepOfObj( x ) ); if one <> fail then one:= ObjByExtRep( F, one ); fi; fi; return one; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M \in( <a>, <A> ) ## InstallMethod( \in, "for s. c. algebra element, and full s. c. algebra", IsElmsColls, [ IsSCAlgebraObj, IsFullSCAlgebra ], function( a, A ) return IsSubset( LeftActingDomain( A ), ExtRepOfObj( a ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AlgebraByStructureConstants( <R>, <sctable> ) #F AlgebraByStructureConstants( <R>, <sctable>, <name> ) #F AlgebraByStructureConstants( <R>, <sctable>, <names> ) #F AlgebraByStructureConstants( <R>, <sctable>, <name1>, <name2>, ... ) ## ## is an algebra $A$ over the ring <R>, defined by the structure constants ## table <sctable> of length $n$, say. ## ## The generators of $A$ are linearly independent abstract space generators ## $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$ which are multiplied according to the formula ## $ x_i x_j = \sum_{k=1}^n c_{ijk} x_k$ ## where `$c_{ijk}$ = <sctable>[i][j][1][i_k]' ## and `<sctable>[i][j][2][i_k] = k'. ## BindGlobal( "AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg", function( arglist, filter ) local T, # structure constants table n, # dimensions of structure matrices R, # coefficients ring zero, # zero of `R' names, # names of the algebra generators Fam, # the family of algebra elements A, # the algebra, result gens; # algebra generators of `A' # Check the argument list. if not 1 < Length( arglist ) and IsRing( arglist[1] ) and IsList( arglist[2] ) then Error( "usage: AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg([<R>,<sctable>]) or \n", "AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg([<R>,<sctable>,<name1>,...])" ); fi; # Check the s.~c. table. #T really do this? R := arglist[1]; zero := Zero( R ); T := arglist[2]; if zero = T[ Length( T ) ] then T:= Immutable( T ); else if T[ Length( T ) ] = 0 then T:= ReducedSCTable( T, One( zero ) ); else Error( "<R> and <T> are not compatible" ); fi; fi; if Length( T ) = 2 then n:= 0; else n:= Length( T[1] ); fi; # Construct names of generators (used for printing only). if Length( arglist ) = 2 then names:= List( [ 1 .. n ], x -> Concatenation( "v.", String(x) ) ); MakeImmutable( names ); elif Length( arglist ) = 3 and IsString( arglist[3] ) then names:= List( [ 1 .. n ], x -> Concatenation( arglist[3], String(x) ) ); MakeImmutable( names ); elif Length( arglist ) = 3 and IsHomogeneousList( arglist[3] ) and Length( arglist[3] ) = n and ForAll( arglist[3], IsString ) then names:= Immutable( arglist[3] ); elif Length( arglist ) = 2 + n then names:= Immutable( arglist{ [ 3 .. Length( arglist ) ] } ); else Error( "usage: AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg([<R>,<sctable>]) or \n", "AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg([<R>,<sctable>,<name1>,...])" ); fi; # If the coefficients know to be additively commutative then # also the s.c. algebra will know this. if IsAdditivelyCommutativeElementFamily( FamilyObj( zero ) ) then filter:= filter and IsAdditivelyCommutativeElement; fi; # Construct the family of elements of our algebra. # If the elements family of `R' has a uniquely determined zero element, # then all coefficients in this family are admissible. # Otherwise only coefficients from `R' itself are allowed. Fam:= NewFamily( "SCAlgebraObjFamily", filter ); if Zero( ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( R ) ) ) <> fail then SetFilterObj( Fam, IsFamilyOverFullCoefficientsFamily ); else Fam!.coefficientsDomain:= R; fi; Fam!.sctable := T; Fam!.names := names; Fam!.zerocoeff := zero; # Construct the default type of the family. Fam!.defaultTypeDenseCoeffVectorRep := NewType( Fam, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsDenseCoeffVectorRep ); SetCharacteristic( Fam, Characteristic( R ) ); SetCoefficientsFamily( Fam, ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( R ) ) ); # Make the generators and the algebra. if 0 < n then SetZero( Fam, ObjByExtRep( Fam, List( [ 1 .. n ], x -> zero ) ) ); gens:= Immutable( List( IdentityMat( n, R ), x -> ObjByExtRep( Fam, x ) ) ); A:= FLMLORByGenerators( R, gens ); UseBasis( A, gens ); else SetZero( Fam, ObjByExtRep( Fam, EmptyRowVector( FamilyObj(zero) ) ) ); gens:= Immutable( [] ); A:= FLMLORByGenerators( R, gens, Zero( Fam ) ); SetIsTrivial( A, true ); fi; Fam!.basisVectors:= gens; #T where is this needed? # Store the algebra in the family of the elements, # for accessing the full algebra, e.g., in `DefaultFieldOfMatrixGroup'. Fam!.fullSCAlgebra:= A; SetIsFullSCAlgebra( A, true ); # Return the algebra. return A; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( AlgebraByStructureConstants, function( arg ) return AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg( arg, IsSCAlgebraObj ); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( LieAlgebraByStructureConstants, function( arg ) local A; A:= AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg( arg, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsJacobianElement ); SetIsLieAlgebra( A, true ); return A; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( RestrictedLieAlgebraByStructureConstants, function( arg ) local A, fam, pmap, i, j, v; A := AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg( arg{[1..Length(arg)-1]}, IsSCAlgebraObj and IsRestrictedJacobianElement ); SetIsLieAlgebra( A, true ); SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( A, true ); fam := FamilyObj(Representative(A)); fam!.pMapping := []; pmap := arg[Length(arg)]; while Length(pmap)<>Dimension(A) do Error("Pth power images list should have length ",Dimension(A)); od; for i in [1..Length(pmap)] do v := List(pmap,i->fam!.zerocoeff); for j in [2,4..Length(pmap[i])] do v[pmap[i][j]] := One(v[1])*pmap[i][j-1]; od; v := ObjByExtRep(fam,v); # while AdjointMatrix(Basis(A),A.(i))^Characteristic(A)<>AdjointMatrix(Basis(A),v) do # Error("p-mapping at position ",i," doesn't satisfy the axioms of a restricted Lie algebra"); # od; Add(fam!.pMapping,v); od; SetPthPowerImages(Basis(A),fam!.pMapping); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M \.( <A>, <n> ) . . . . . . . access to generators of a full s.c. algebra ## InstallAccessToGenerators( IsSCAlgebraObjCollection and IsFullSCAlgebra, "s.c. algebra containing the whole family", GeneratorsOfAlgebra ); ############################################################################# ## #V QuaternionAlgebraData ## InstallFlushableValue( QuaternionAlgebraData, [] ); ############################################################################# ## #F QuaternionAlgebra( <F>[, <a>, <b>] ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( QuaternionAlgebra, function( arg ) local F, a, b, e, stored, filter, A; if Length( arg ) = 1 and IsRing( arg[1] ) then F:= arg[1]; a:= AdditiveInverse( One( F ) ); b:= a; elif Length( arg ) = 1 and IsCollection( arg[1] ) then F:= Field( arg[1] ); a:= AdditiveInverse( One( F ) ); b:= a; elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsRing( arg[1] ) then F:= arg[1]; a:= arg[2]; b:= arg[3]; elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsCollection( arg[1] ) then F:= Field( arg[1] ); a:= arg[2]; b:= arg[3]; else Error( "usage: QuaternionAlgebra( <F>[, <a>, <b>] ) for a ring <F>" ); fi; e:= One( F ); if e = fail then Error( "<F> must have an identity element" ); fi; # Generators in the right family may be already available. stored:= First( QuaternionAlgebraData, t -> t[1] = a and t[2] = b and IsIdenticalObj( t[3], FamilyObj( F ) ) ); if stored <> fail then A:= AlgebraWithOne( F, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( stored[4] ), "basis" ); SetGeneratorsOfAlgebra( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ) ); else # Construct a filter describing element properties, # which will be stored in the family. filter:= IsSCAlgebraObj and IsQuaternion; if HasIsAssociative( F ) and IsAssociative( F ) then filter:= filter and IsAssociativeElement; fi; if IsNegRat( a ) and IsNegRat( b ) #T it suffices if the parameters are real and negative and IsCyclotomicCollection( F ) and IsField( F ) and ForAll( GeneratorsOfDivisionRing( F ), x -> x = ComplexConjugate( x ) ) then filter:= filter and IsZDFRE; fi; # Construct the algebra. A:= AlgebraByStructureConstantsArg( [ F, [ [ [[1],[e]], [[2],[ e]], [[3],[ e]], [[4],[ e]] ], [ [[2],[e]], [[1],[ a]], [[4],[ e]], [[3],[ a]] ], [ [[3],[e]], [[4],[-e]], [[1],[ b]], [[2],[ -b]] ], [ [[4],[e]], [[3],[-a]], [[2],[ b]], [[1],[-a*b]] ], 0, Zero(F) ], "e", "i", "j", "k" ], filter ); SetFilterObj( A, IsAlgebraWithOne ); #T better introduce AlgebraWithOneByStructureConstants? # Store the data for the next call. Add( QuaternionAlgebraData, [ a, b, FamilyObj( F ), A ] ); fi; # A quaternion algebra with negative parameters over a real field # is a division ring. if IsNegRat( a ) and IsNegRat( b ) and IsCyclotomicCollection( F ) and IsField( F ) and ForAll( GeneratorsOfDivisionRing( F ), x -> x = ComplexConjugate( x ) ) then SetFilterObj( A, IsDivisionRing ); #T better use `DivisionRingByGenerators'? SetGeneratorsOfDivisionRing( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ) ); fi; # Return the quaternion algebra. return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M OneOp( <quat> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a quaternion ## InstallMethod( OneOp, "for a quaternion", [ IsQuaternion and IsSCAlgebraObj ], quat -> ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( quat ), [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ] * One( ExtRepOfObj( quat )[1] ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M InverseOp( <quat> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a quaternion ## ## Let $a$ and $b$ be the parameters from which the algebra of <quat> was ## constructed. ## The inverse of $c_1 e + c_2 i + c_3 j + c_4 k$ is ## $c_1/z e - c_2/z i - c_3/z j - c_4/z k$ ## where $z = c_1^2 - c_2^2 a - c_3^2 b + c_4^2 a b$. ## InstallMethod( InverseOp, "for a quaternion", [ IsQuaternion and IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( quat ) local data, z, a, b; data:= ExtRepOfObj( quat ); a:= FamilyObj( quat )!.sctable[2][2][2][1]; b:= FamilyObj( quat )!.sctable[3][3][2][1]; z:= data[1]^2 - data[2]^2 * a - data[3]^2 * b + data[4]^2 * a * b; if IsZero( z ) then return fail; fi; return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( quat ), [ data[1]/z, AdditiveInverse( data[2]/z ), AdditiveInverse( data[3]/z ), AdditiveInverse( data[4]/z ) ] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ComplexConjugate( <quat> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a quaternion ## InstallMethod( ComplexConjugate, "for a quaternion", [ IsQuaternion and IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( quat ) local v; v:= ExtRepOfObj( quat ); return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( quat ), [ v[1], -v[2], -v[3], -v[4] ] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M RealPart( <quat> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a quaternion ## InstallMethod( RealPart, "for a quaternion", [ IsQuaternion and IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( quat ) local v, z; v:= ExtRepOfObj( quat ); z:= Zero( v[1] ); return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( quat ), [ v[1], z, z, z ] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImaginaryPart( <quat> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a quaternion ## InstallMethod( ImaginaryPart, "for a quaternion", [ IsQuaternion and IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( quat ) local v, z; v:= ExtRepOfObj( quat ); z:= Zero( v[1] ); return ObjByExtRep( FamilyObj( quat ), [ v[2], z, v[4], -v[3] ] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ComplexificationQuat( <vector> ) #F ComplexificationQuat( <matrix> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ComplexificationQuat, function( matrixorvector ) local result, i, e, M, m, n, j, k, v, coeff; result:= []; i:= E(4); e:= 1; if IsQuaternionCollColl( matrixorvector ) then M:= matrixorvector; m:= Length( M ); n:= Length( M[1] ); for j in [ 1 .. 2*m ] do result[j]:= []; od; for j in [ 1 .. m ] do for k in [ 1 .. n ] do coeff:= ExtRepOfObj( M[j][k] ); result[ j ][ k ]:= e * coeff[1] + i * coeff[2]; result[ j ][ n+k ]:= e * coeff[3] + i * coeff[4]; result[ m+j ][ k ]:= - e * coeff[3] + i * coeff[4]; result[ m+j ][ n+k ]:= e * coeff[1] - i * coeff[2]; od; od; elif IsQuaternionCollection( matrixorvector ) then v:= matrixorvector; n:= Length( v ); for j in [ 1 .. n ] do coeff:= ExtRepOfObj( v[j] ); result[ j ]:= e * coeff[1] + i * coeff[2]; result[ n+j ]:= e * coeff[3] + i * coeff[4]; od; else Error( "<matrixorvector> must be a vector or matrix of quaternions" ); fi; return result; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F OctaveAlgebra( <F> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( OctaveAlgebra, F -> AlgebraByStructureConstants( F, [ [ [[1],[1]],[[],[]],[[3],[1]],[[],[]],[[5],[1]],[[],[]],[[],[]], [[8],[1]] ], [ [[],[]],[[2],[1]],[[],[]],[[4],[1]],[[],[]],[[6],[1]],[[7],[1]], [[],[]] ], [ [[],[]],[[3],[1]],[[],[]],[[1],[1]],[[7],[1]],[[],[]],[[],[]], [[6],[1]] ], [ [[4],[1]],[[],[]],[[2],[1]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[8],[1]],[[5],[1]], [[],[]] ], [ [[],[]],[[5],[1]],[[7],[-1]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[1],[1]],[[],[]], [[4],[-1]] ], [ [[6],[1]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[8],[-1]],[[2],[1]],[[],[]],[[3],[-1]], [[],[]] ], [ [[7],[1]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[5],[-1]],[[],[]],[[3],[1]],[[],[]], [[2],[-1]] ], [ [[],[]],[[8],[1]],[[6],[-1]],[[],[]],[[4],[1]],[[],[]],[[1],[-1]], [[],[]] ], 0, 0 ], "s1", "t1", "s2", "t2", "s3", "t3", "s4", "t4" ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M NiceFreeLeftModuleInfo( <V> ) #M NiceVector( <V>, <v> ) #M UglyVector( <V>, <r> ) ## InstallHandlingByNiceBasis( "IsSCAlgebraObjSpace", rec( detect := function( R, gens, V, zero ) return IsSCAlgebraObjCollection( V ); end, NiceFreeLeftModuleInfo := ReturnTrue, NiceVector := function( V, v ) return ExtRepOfObj( v ); end, UglyVector := function( V, r ) local F; F:= ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( V ) ); if Length( r ) <> Length( F!.names ) then return fail; fi; return ObjByExtRep( F, r ); end ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M MutableBasis( <R>, <gens> ) #M MutableBasis( <R>, <gens>, <zero> ) ## ## We choose a mutable basis that stores a mutable basis for a nice module. ## InstallMethod( MutableBasis, "for ring and collection of s. c. algebra elements", [ IsRing, IsSCAlgebraObjCollection ], MutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisMethod2 ); InstallOtherMethod( MutableBasis, "for ring, (possibly empty) list, and zero element", [ IsRing, IsList, IsSCAlgebraObj ], MutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisMethod3 ); ############################################################################# ## #M Coefficients( <B>, <v> ) . . . . . . coefficients w.r.t. canonical basis ## InstallMethod( Coefficients, "for canonical basis of full s. c. algebra", IsCollsElms, [ IsBasis and IsCanonicalBasisFullSCAlgebra, IsSCAlgebraObj ], function( B, v ) return ExtRepOfObj( v ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M LinearCombination( <B>, <coeffs> ) . . . . . . . . . for canonical basis ## InstallMethod( LinearCombination, "for canonical basis of full s. c. algebra", [ IsBasis and IsCanonicalBasisFullSCAlgebra, IsRowVector ], function( B, coeffs ) return ObjByExtRep( ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( B ) ), coeffs ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M BasisVectors( <B> ) . . . . . . for canonical basis of full s.~c. algebra ## InstallMethod( BasisVectors, "for canonical basis of full s. c. algebra", [ IsBasis and IsCanonicalBasisFullSCAlgebra ], B -> ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( UnderlyingLeftModule( B ) ) )!.basisVectors ); ############################################################################# ## #M Basis( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . basis of a full s.~c. algebra ## InstallMethod( Basis, "for full s. c. algebra (delegate to `CanonicalBasis')", [ IsFreeLeftModule and IsSCAlgebraObjCollection and IsFullSCAlgebra ], CANONICAL_BASIS_FLAGS, CanonicalBasis ); ############################################################################# ## #M CanonicalBasis( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . basis of a full s.~c. algebra ## InstallMethod( CanonicalBasis, "for full s. c. algebras", [ IsFreeLeftModule and IsSCAlgebraObjCollection and IsFullSCAlgebra ], function( A ) local B; B:= Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( A ), IsCanonicalBasisFullSCAlgebra and IsAttributeStoringRep and IsFiniteBasisDefault and IsCanonicalBasis ), rec() ); SetUnderlyingLeftModule( B, A ); SetStructureConstantsTable( B, ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( A ) )!.sctable ); return B; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsCanonicalBasisFullSCAlgebra( <B> ) ## InstallMethod( IsCanonicalBasisFullSCAlgebra, "for a basis", [ IsBasis ], function( B ) local A; A:= UnderlyingLeftModule( B ); return IsSCAlgebraObjCollection( A ) and IsFullSCAlgebra( A ) and IsCanonicalBasis( B ); end ); #T change implementation: bases of their own right, as for Gaussian row spaces, #T if the algebra is Gaussian ############################################################################# ## #M Intersection2( <V>, <W> ) ## ## Contrary to the generic case that is handled by `Intersection2Spaces', ## we know initially a (finite dimensional) common coefficient space, ## so we can avoid the intermediate construction of such a space. ## InstallMethod( Intersection2, "for two spaces in a common s.c. algebra", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsVectorSpace and IsSCAlgebraObjCollection, IsVectorSpace and IsSCAlgebraObjCollection ], function( V, W ) local F, # coefficients field gensV, # list of generators of 'V' gensW, # list of generators of 'W' Fam, # family of an element inters; # intersection, result F:= LeftActingDomain( V ); if F <> LeftActingDomain( W ) then # The generic method is good enough for this. TryNextMethod(); fi; gensV:= GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ); gensW:= GeneratorsOfLeftModule( W ); if IsEmpty( gensV ) or IsEmpty( gensW ) then inters:= []; else gensV:= List( gensV, ExtRepOfObj ); gensW:= List( gensW, ExtRepOfObj ); if not ( ForAll( gensV, v -> IsSubset( F, v ) ) and ForAll( gensW, v -> IsSubset( F, v ) ) ) then # We are not in a Gaussian situation. TryNextMethod(); fi; Fam:= ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( V ) ); inters:= List( SumIntersectionMat( gensV, gensW )[2], x -> ObjByExtRep( Fam, x ) ); fi; # Construct the intersection space, if possible with a parent, # and with as much structure as possible. if IsEmpty( inters ) then inters:= TrivialSubFLMLOR( V ); elif IsFLMLOR( V ) and IsFLMLOR( W ) then inters:= FLMLOR( F, inters, "basis" ); else inters:= VectorSpace( F, inters, "basis" ); fi; if HasParent( V ) and HasParent( W ) and IsIdenticalObj( Parent( V ), Parent( W ) ) then SetParent( inters, Parent( V ) ); fi; # Run implications by the subset relation. UseSubsetRelation( V, inters ); UseSubsetRelation( W, inters ); # Return the result. return inters; end ); # analogous for closure? ############################################################################# ## #E