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Views: 466318############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Alexander Hulpke ## ## #Y (C) 1999 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002,2013 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains functions that compute the conjugacy classes of a ## finite group by homomorphic images. ## Literature: A.H: Conjugacy classes in finite permutation groups via ## homomorphic images, MathComp ## # get classes from classical group if possible. BindGlobal("ClassesFromClassical",function(G) local H,hom,d,cl; if IsPermGroup(G) and (IsNaturalAlternatingGroup(G) or IsNaturalSymmetricGroup(G)) then return ConjugacyClasses(G); # there is a method for this fi; if not IsSimpleGroup(PerfectResiduum(G)) then return fail; fi; d:=DataAboutSimpleGroup(PerfectResiduum(G)); if d.idSimple.series<>"L" then return fail; fi; hom:=EpimorphismFromClassical(G); if hom=fail then return fail; fi; # so far matrix classes only implemented for GL/SL if not (IsNaturalGL(Source(hom)) or IsNaturalSL(Source(hom))) then return fail; fi; cl:=ClassesProjectiveImage(hom); if HasConjugacyClasses(G) then cl:=ConjugacyClasses(G); # will have been set elif G=Image(hom) then cl:=ConjugacyClasses(Image(hom)); # will have been set else Info(InfoWarning,1,"Weird class storage"); return fail; fi; return cl; end); ############################################################################# ## #F ClassRepsPermutedTuples(<g>,<ran>) ## ## computes representatives of the colourbars with colours selected from ## <ran>. BindGlobal("ClassRepsPermutedTuples",function(g,ran) local anz,erg,pat,pat2,sym,nrcomp,coldist,stab,dc,i,j,k,sum,schieb,lstab, stabs,p; anz:=NrMovedPoints(g); sym:=SymmetricGroup(anz); erg:=[]; stabs:=[]; for nrcomp in [] do # all sorted colour distributions coldist:=Combinations(ran,nrcomp); for pat in OrderedPartitions(anz,nrcomp) do Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Pattern: ",pat); # compute the partition stabilizer stab:=[]; sum:=0; for i in pat do schieb:=MappingPermListList([1..i],[sum+1..sum+i]); sum:=sum+i; stab:=Concatenation(stab, List(GeneratorsOfGroup(SymmetricGroup(i)),j->j^schieb)); od; stab:=Subgroup(sym,stab); dc:=List(DoubleCosetRepsAndSizes(sym,stab,g),i->i[1]); # compute expanded pattern pat2:=[]; for i in [1..nrcomp] do for j in [1..pat[i]] do Add(pat2,i); od; od; for j in dc do # the new bar's stabilizer lstab:=Intersection(g,ConjugateSubgroup(stab,j)); p:=Position(stabs,lstab); if p=fail then Add(stabs,lstab); else lstab:=stabs[p]; fi; # the new bar j:=Permuted(pat2,j); for k in coldist do Add(erg,[List(j,i->k[i]),lstab]); od; od; od; od; return erg; end); ############################################################################# ## #F ConjugacyClassesSubwreath(<F>,<M>,<n>,<autT>,<T>,<Lloc>,<comp>,<emb>,<proj>) ## InstallGlobalFunction(ConjugacyClassesSubwreath, function(F,M,n,autT,T,Lloc,components,embeddings,projections) local clT, # classes T lcl, # Length(clT) clTR, # classes under other group (autT,centralizer) fus, # class fusion sci, # |centralizer_i| oci, # |reps_i| i,j,k,l, # loop pfus, # potential fusion op, # operation of F on components ophom, # F -> op clF, # classes of F clop, # classes of op bars, # colour bars barsi, # partial bars lallcolors,# |all colors| reps,Mproj,centralizers,centindex,emb,pi,varpi,newreps,newcent, newcentindex,centimages,centimgindex,C,p,P,selectcen,select, cen,eta,newcentlocal,newcentlocalindex,d,dc,s,t,elm,newcen,shift, cengen,b1,ore, # as in paper colourbar,newcolourbar,possiblecolours,potentialbars,bar,colofclass, clin,clout, etas, # list of etas opfun, # operation function r,rp, # op-element complement in F cnt, brp,bcen, centralizers_r, # centralizers of r newcent_r,# new list to buid centrhom, # projection \rest{centralizer of r} localcent_r, # image cr, isdirprod,# is just M a direct product genpos, # generator index genpos2, gen, # generator stab, # stabilizer stgen, # local stabilizer generators trans, repres, img, limg, con, pf, orb, # orbit orpo, # orbit position minlen, # minimum orbit length remainlen,#list of remaining lengths gcd, # gcd of remaining orbit lengths stabtrue, diff, possible, combl, smacla, smare, ppos, maxdiff, again, # run orbit again to get all trymap, # operation to try skip, # skip (if u=ug) ug, # u\cap u^{gen^-1} scj, # size(centralizers[j]) dsz; # Divisors(scj); Info(InfoHomClass,1, "ConjugacyClassesSubwreath called for almost simple group of size ", Size(T)); isdirprod:=Size(M)=Size(autT)^n; # classes of T clT:=ClassesFromClassical(T); if clT=fail then clT:=ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch(T); fi; clT:=List(clT,i->[Representative(i),Centralizer(i)]); lcl:=Length(clT); Info(InfoHomClass,1,"found ",lcl," classes in almost simple"); clTR:=List(clT,i->ConjugacyClass(autT,i[1])); # possible fusion under autT fus:=List([1..lcl],i->[i]); for i in [1..lcl] do sci:=Size(clT[i][2]); # we have taken a permutation representation that prolongates to autT! oci:=CycleStructurePerm(clT[i][1]); # we have tested already the smaller-# classes pfus:=Filtered([i+1..lcl],j->CycleStructurePerm(clT[j][1])=oci and Size(clT[j][2])=sci); pfus:=Difference(pfus,fus[i]); if Length(pfus)>0 then Info(InfoHomClass,3,"possible fusion ",pfus); for j in pfus do if clT[j][1] in clTR[i] then fus[i]:=Union(fus[i],fus[j]); # fuse the entries for k in fus[i] do fus[k]:=fus[i]; od; fi; od; fi; od; fus:=Set(fus); # throw out duplicates colofclass:=List([1..lcl],i->PositionProperty(fus,j->i in j)); Info(InfoHomClass,2,"fused to ",Length(fus)," colours"); # get the allowed colour bars ophom:=ActionHomomorphism(F,components,OnSets,"surjective"); op:=Image(ophom); lallcolors:=Length(fus); bars:=ClassRepsPermutedTuples(op,[1..lallcolors]); Info(InfoHomClass,1,"classes in normal subgroup"); # inner classes reps:=[One(M)]; centralizers:=[M]; centindex:=[1]; colourbar:=[[]]; Mproj:=[]; varpi:=[]; for i in [1..n] do Info(InfoHomClass,1,"component ",i); barsi:=Set(Immutable(List(bars,j->j[1]{[1..i]}))); emb:=embeddings[i]; pi:=projections[i]; Add(varpi,ActionHomomorphism(M,Union(components{[1..i]}),"surjective")); Add(Mproj,Image(varpi[i],M)); newreps:=[]; newcent:=[]; newcentindex:=[]; centimages:=[]; centimgindex:=[]; newcolourbar:=[]; etas:=[]; # etas for the centralizers # fuse centralizers that become the same for j in [1..Length(centralizers)] do C:=Image(pi,centralizers[j]); p:=Position(centimages,C); if p=fail then Add(centimages,C); p:=Length(centimages); fi; Add(centimgindex,p); # #force 'centralizers[j]' to have its base appropriate to the component # # (this will speed up preimages) # cen:=centralizers[j]; # d:=Size(cen); # cen:=Group(GeneratorsOfGroup(cen),()); # StabChain(cen,rec(base:=components[i],size:=d)); # centralizers[j]:=cen; # etas[j]:=ActionHomomorphism(cen,components[i],"surjective"); od; Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(centimages)," centralizer images"); # consider previous centralizers for j in [1..Length(centimages)] do # determine all reps belonging to this centralizer C:=centimages[j]; selectcen:=Filtered([1..Length(centimgindex)],k->centimgindex[k]=j); Info(InfoHomClass,2,"Number ",j,": ",Length(selectcen), " previous centralizers to consider"); # 7' select:=Filtered([1..Length(centindex)],k->centindex[k] in selectcen); # Determine the addable colours if i=1 then possiblecolours:=[1..Length(fus)]; else possiblecolours:=[]; #for k in select do # bar:=colourbar[k]; k:=1; while k<=Length(select) and Length(possiblecolours)<lallcolors do bar:=colourbar[select[k]]; potentialbars:=Filtered(bars,j->j[1]{[1..i-1]}=bar); UniteSet(possiblecolours, potentialbars{[1..Length(potentialbars)]}[1][i]); k:=k+1; od; fi; for k in Union(fus{possiblecolours}) do # double cosets if Size(C)=Size(T) then dc:=[One(T)]; else Assert(1,IsSubgroup(T,clT[k][2])); Assert(1,IsSubgroup(T,C)); dc:=List(DoubleCosetRepsAndSizes(T,clT[k][2],C),i->i[1]); fi; for t in selectcen do # continue partial rep. # #force 'centralizers[j]' to have its base appropriate to the component # # (this will speed up preimages) # if not (HasStabChainMutable(cen) # and i<=Length(centralizers) # and BaseStabChain(StabChainMutable(cen))[1] in centralizers[i]) # then # d:=Size(cen); # cen:= Group( GeneratorsOfGroup( cen ), One( cen ) ); # StabChain(cen,rec(base:=components[i],size:=d)); # #centralizers[t]:=cen; # fi; cen:=centralizers[t]; if not IsBound(etas[t]) then if Number(etas,i->IsBound(i))>500 then for d in Filtered([1..Length(etas)],i->IsBound(etas[i])){[1..500]} do Unbind(etas[d]); od; fi; etas[t]:=ActionHomomorphism(cen,components[i],"surjective"); fi; eta:=etas[t]; select:=Filtered([1..Length(centindex)],l->centindex[l]=t); Info(InfoHomClass,3,"centralizer nr.",t,", ", Length(select)," previous classes"); newcentlocal:=[]; newcentlocalindex:=[]; for d in dc do for s in select do # test whether colour may be added here bar:=Concatenation(colourbar[s],[colofclass[k]]); bar:=ShallowCopy(colourbar[s]); Add(bar,colofclass[k]); MakeImmutable(bar); #if ForAny(bars,j->j[1]{[1..i]}=bar) then if bar in barsi then # new representative elm:=reps[s]*Image(emb,clT[k][1]^d); if elm in Mproj[i] then # store the new element Add(newreps,elm); Add(newcolourbar,bar); if i<n then # we only need the centralizer for further # components newcen:=ClosureGroup(Lloc, List(GeneratorsOfGroup(clT[k][2]),g->g^d)); p:=Position(newcentlocal,newcen); if p=fail then Add(newcentlocal,newcen); p:=Length(newcentlocal); fi; Add(newcentlocalindex,p); else Add(newcentlocalindex,1); # dummy, just for counting fi; #else # Info(InfoHomClass,5,"not in"); fi; #else # Info(InfoHomClass,5,bar,"not minimal"); fi; # end the loops from step 9 od; od; Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(newcentlocalindex), " new representatives"); if i<n then # we only need the centralizer for further components # Centralizer preimages shift:=[]; for l in [1..Length(newcentlocal)] do P:=PreImage(eta,Intersection(Image(eta),newcentlocal[l])); p:=Position(newcent,P); if p=fail then Add(newcent,P); p:=Length(newcent); fi; shift[l]:=p; od; # move centralizer indices to global for l in newcentlocalindex do Add(newcentindex,shift[l]); od; fi; # end the loops from step 6,7 and 8 od; od; od; centralizers:=newcent; centindex:=newcentindex; reps:=newreps; colourbar:=newcolourbar; # end the loop of step 2. od; Info(InfoHomClass,1,Length(reps)," classreps constructed"); # further fusion among bars newreps:=[]; Info(InfoHomClass,2,"computing centralizers"); for bar in bars do b1:=Immutable(bar[1]); select:=Filtered([1..Length(reps)],i->colourbar[i]=b1); if Length(select)>1 then Info(InfoHomClass,2,"test ",Length(select)," classes for fusion"); fi; newcentlocal:=[]; for i in [1..Length(select)] do if not ForAny(newcentlocal,j->reps[select[i]] in j) then #AH we could also compute the centralizer C:=Centralizer(F,reps[select[i]]); Add(newreps,[reps[select[i]],C]); if i<Length(select) and Size(bar[2])>1 then # there are other reps with the same bar left and the bar # stabilizer is bigger than M if not IsBound(bar[2]!.colstabprimg) then # identical stabilizers have the same link. Therefore store the # preimage in them bar[2]!.colstabprimg:=PreImage(ophom,bar[2]); fi; # any fusion would take place in the stabilizer preimage # we know that C must fix the bar, so it is the centralizer there. r:=ConjugacyClass(bar[2]!.colstabprimg,reps[select[i]],C); Add(newcentlocal,r); fi; fi; od; od; Info(InfoHomClass,1,"fused to ",Length(newreps)," inner classes"); clF:=newreps; clin:=ShallowCopy(clF); Assert(1,Sum(clin,i->Index(F,i[2]))=Size(M)); clout:=[]; # outer classes clop:=Filtered(ConjugacyClasses(op),i->Order(Representative(i))>1); for k in clop do Info(InfoHomClass,1,"lifting class ",Representative(k)); r:=PreImagesRepresentative(ophom,Representative(k)); # try to make r of small order rp:=r^Order(Representative(k)); rp:=RepresentativeAction(M,Concatenation(components), Concatenation(OnTuples(components[1],rp^-1), Concatenation(components{[2..n]})),OnTuples); if rp<>fail then r:=r*rp; else Info(InfoHomClass,2, "trying random modification to get large centralizer"); cnt:=LogInt(Size(autT),2)*10; brp:=(); bcen:=Size(Centralizer(F,r)); repeat rp:=Random(M); cengen:=Size(Centralizer(M,r*rp)); if cengen>bcen then bcen:=cengen; brp:=rp; cnt:=LogInt(Size(autT),2)*10; else cnt:=cnt-1; fi; until cnt<0; r:=r*brp; Info(InfoHomClass,2,"achieved centralizer size ",bcen); fi; Info(InfoHomClass,2,"representative ",r); cr:=Centralizer(M,r); # first look at M-action reps:=[One(M)]; centralizers:=[M]; centralizers_r:=[cr]; for i in [1..n] do; newreps:=[]; newcent:=[]; newcent_r:=[]; opfun:=function(a,m) return Comm(r,m)*a^m; end; for j in [1..Length(reps)] do scj:=Size(centralizers[j]); dsz:=0; centrhom:=ActionHomomorphism(centralizers_r[j],components[i], "surjective"); localcent_r:=Image(centrhom); Info(InfoHomClass,4,i,":",j); Info(InfoHomClass,3,"acting: ",Size(centralizers[j])," minimum ", Int(Size(Image(projections[i]))/Size(centralizers[j])), " orbits."); # compute C(r)-classes clTR:=[]; for l in clT do Info(InfoHomClass,4,"DC",Index(T,l[2])," ",Index(T,localcent_r)); dc:=DoubleCosetRepsAndSizes(T,l[2],localcent_r); clTR:=Concatenation(clTR,List(dc,i->l[1]^i[1])); od; orb:=[]; for p in [1..Length(clTR)] do repres:=PreImagesRepresentative(projections[i],clTR[p]); if i=1 or isdirprod or reps[j]*RestrictedPermNC(repres,components[i]) in Mproj[i] then stab:=Centralizer(localcent_r,clTR[p]); if Index(localcent_r,stab)<Length(clTR)/10 then img:=Orbit(localcent_r,clTR[p]); #ensure Representative is in first position if img[1]<>clTR[p] then genpos:=Position(img,clTR[p]); img:=Permuted(img,(1,genpos)); fi; else img:=ConjugacyClass(localcent_r,clTR[p],stab); fi; Add(orb,[repres,PreImage(centrhom,stab),img,localcent_r]); fi; od; clTR:=orb; #was: #clTR:=List(clTR,i->ConjugacyClass(localcent_r,i)); #clTR:=List(clTR,j->[PreImagesRepresentative(projections[i], # Representative(j)), # PreImage(centrhom,Centralizer(j)), # j]); # put small classes to the top (to be sure to hit them and make # large local stabilizers) Sort(clTR,function(a,b) return Size(a[3])<Size(b[3]);end); Info(InfoHomClass,3,Length(clTR)," local classes"); cengen:=GeneratorsOfGroup(centralizers[j]); #cengen:=Filtered(cengen,i->not i in localcent_r); while Length(clTR)>0 do # orbit algorithm on classes stab:=clTR[1][2]; orb:=[clTR[1]]; #repres:=RestrictedPermNC(clTR[1][1],components[i]); repres:=clTR[1][1]; trans:=[One(M)]; select:=[2..Length(clTR)]; orpo:=1; minlen:=Size(orb[1][3]); possible:=false; stabtrue:=false; pf:=infinity; maxdiff:=Size(T); again:=0; trymap:=false; ug:=[]; # test whether we have full orbit and full stabilizer while Size(centralizers[j])>(Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3]))*Size(stab)) do genpos:=1; while genpos<=Length(cengen) and Size(centralizers[j])>(Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3]))*Size(stab)) do gen:=cengen[genpos]; skip:=false; if trymap<>false then orpo:=trymap[1]; gen:=trymap[2]; trymap:=false; elif again>0 then if not IsBound(ug[genpos]) then ug[genpos]:=Intersection(centralizers_r[j], ConjugateSubgroup(centralizers_r[j],gen^-1)); fi; if again<500 and ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(centralizers_r[j]), i->i in ug[genpos]) then # the random elements will give us nothing new skip:=true; else # get an element not in ug[genpos] repeat img:=Random(centralizers_r[j]); until not img in ug[genpos] or again>=500; gen:=img*gen; fi; fi; if not skip then img:=Image(projections[i],opfun(orb[orpo][1],gen)); smacla:=select; if not stabtrue then p:=PositionProperty(orb,i->img in i[3]); ppos:=fail; else # we have the stabilizer and thus are only interested in # getting new elements. ppos:=PositionProperty(select, i->Size(clTR[i][3])<=maxdiff and img in clTR[i][3]); if ppos=fail then p:="ignore"; #to avoid the first case else ppos:=select[ppos]; # get the right value p:=fail; # go to first case fi; fi; if p=fail then if ppos=fail then p:=First(select, i->Size(clTR[i][3])<=maxdiff and img in clTR[i][3]); else p:=ppos; fi; RemoveSet(select,p); Add(orb,clTR[p]); #change the transversal element to map to the representative con:=trans[orpo]*gen; limg:=opfun(repres,con); con:=con*PreImagesRepresentative(centrhom, RepresentativeAction(localcent_r, Image(projections[i],limg), Representative(clTR[p][3]))); Assert(1,Image(projections[i],opfun(repres,con)) =Representative(clTR[p][3])); Add(trans,con); for stgen in GeneratorsOfGroup(clTR[p][2]) do Assert( 1, IsOne( Image( projections[i], opfun(repres,con*stgen/con)/repres ) ) ); stab:=ClosureGroup(stab,con*stgen/con); od; # compute new minimum length if Length(select)>0 then remainlen:=List(clTR{select},i->Size(i[3])); gcd:=Gcd(remainlen); diff:=minlen-Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3])); if diff<0 then # only go through this if the orbit actually grew # larger minlen:=Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3])); repeat if dsz=0 then dsz:=DivisorsInt(scj); fi; while not minlen in dsz do # minimum gcd multiple to get at least the # smallest divisor minlen:=minlen+ (QuoInt((First(dsz,i->i>=minlen)-minlen-1), gcd)+1)*gcd; od; # now try whether we actually can add orbits to make up # that length diff:=minlen-Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3])); Assert(1,diff>=0); # filter those remaining classes small enough to make # up the length smacla:=Filtered(select,i->Size(clTR[i][3])<=diff); remainlen:=List(clTR{smacla},i->Size(i[3])); combl:=1; possible:=false; if diff=0 then possible:=fail; fi; while gcd*combl<=diff and combl<=Length(remainlen) and possible=false do if NrCombinations(remainlen,combl)<100 then possible:=ForAny(Combinations(remainlen,combl), i->Sum(i)=diff); else possible:=fail; fi; combl:=combl+1; od; if possible=false then minlen:=minlen+gcd; fi; until possible<>false; fi; # if minimal orbit length grew Info(InfoHomClass,5,"Minimum length of this orbit ", minlen," (",diff," missing)"); fi; if minlen*Size(stab)=Size(centralizers[j]) then #Assert(1,Length(smacla)>0); maxdiff:=diff; stabtrue:=true; fi; elif not stabtrue then # we have an element that stabilizes the conjugacy class. # correct this to an element that fixes the representative. # (As we have taken already the centralizer in # centralizers_r, it is sufficient to correct by # centralizers_r-conjugation.) con:=trans[orpo]*gen; limg:=opfun(repres,con); con:=con*PreImagesRepresentative(centrhom, RepresentativeAction(localcent_r, Image(projections[i],limg), Representative(orb[p][3]))); stab:=ClosureGroup(stab,con/trans[p]); if Size(stab)*2*minlen>Size(centralizers[j]) then Info(InfoHomClass,3, "true stabilizer found (cannot grow)"); minlen:=Size(centralizers[j])/Size(stab); maxdiff:=minlen-Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3])); stabtrue:=true; fi; fi; if stabtrue then smacla:=Filtered(select,i->Size(clTR[i][3])<=maxdiff); if Length(smacla)<pf then pf:=Length(smacla); remainlen:=List(clTR{smacla},i->Size(i[3])); Info(InfoHomClass,3, "This is the true orbit length (missing ", maxdiff,")"); if Size(stab)*Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3])) =Size(centralizers[j]) then maxdiff:=0; elif Sum(remainlen)=maxdiff then Info(InfoHomClass,2, "Full possible remainder must fuse"); orb:=Concatenation(orb,clTR{smacla}); select:=Difference(select,smacla); else # test whether there is only one possibility to get # this length if Length(smacla)<20 and Sum(List([1..Minimum(Length(smacla), Int(maxdiff/gcd+1))], x-> NrCombinations(smacla,x)))<10000 then # get all reasonable combinations smare:=[1..Length(smacla)]; #range for smacla combl:=Concatenation(List([1..Int(maxdiff/gcd+1)], i->Combinations(smare,i))); # pick those that have the correct length combl:=Filtered(combl,i->Sum(remainlen{i})=maxdiff); if Length(combl)>1 then Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Addendum not unique (", Length(combl)," possibilities)"); if (maxdiff<10 or again>0) and ForAll(combl,i->Length(i)<=5) then # we have tried often enough, now try to pick the # right ones possible:=false; combl:=Union(combl); combl:=smacla{combl}; genpos2:=1; smacla:=[]; while possible=false and Length(combl)>0 do img:=Image(projections[i], opfun(clTR[combl[1]][1],cengen[genpos2])); p:=PositionProperty(orb,i->img in i[3]); if p<>fail then # it is! Info(InfoHomClass,4,"got one!"); # remember the element to try trymap:=[p,(cengen[genpos2]* PreImagesRepresentative( RestrictedMapping(projections[i], centralizers[j]), RepresentativeAction( orb[p][4], img,Representative(orb[p][3])) ))^-1]; Add(smacla,combl[1]); combl:=combl{[2..Length(combl)]}; if Sum(clTR{smacla},i->Size(i[3]))=maxdiff then # bingo! possible:=true; fi; fi; genpos2:=genpos2+1; if genpos2>Length(cengen) then genpos2:=1; combl:=combl{[2..Length(combl)]}; fi; od; if possible=false then Info(InfoHomClass,4,"Even test failed!"); else orb:=Concatenation(orb,clTR{smacla}); select:=Difference(select,smacla); Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Completed orbit (hard)"); fi; fi; else combl:=combl[1]; orb:=Concatenation(orb,clTR{smacla{combl}}); select:=Difference(select,smacla{combl}); Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Completed orbit"); fi; fi; fi; fi; fi; else Info(InfoHomClass,5,"skip"); fi; # if not skip genpos:=genpos+1; od; orpo:=orpo+1; if orpo>Length(orb) then Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Size factor:",EvalF( (Sum(orb,i->Size(i[3]))*Size(stab))/Size(centralizers[j])), " orbit consists of ",Length(orb)," suborbits, iterating"); orpo:=1; again:=again+1; fi; od; Info(InfoHomClass,2,"Stabsize = ",Size(stab), ", centstabsize = ",Size(orb[1][2])); clTR:=clTR{select}; Info(InfoHomClass,2,"orbit consists of ",Length(orb)," suborbits,", Length(clTR)," classes left."); Info(InfoHomClass,3,List(orb,i->Size(i[2]))); Info(InfoHomClass,4,List(orb,i->Size(i[3]))); # select the orbit element with the largest local centralizer orpo:=1; p:=2; while p<=Length(orb) do if IsBound(trans[p]) and Size(orb[p][2])>Size(orb[orpo][2]) then orpo:=p; fi; p:=p+1; od; if orpo<>1 then Info(InfoHomClass,3,"switching to orbit position ",orpo); repres:=opfun(repres,trans[orpo]); #repres:=RestrictedPermNC(clTR[1][1],repres); stab:=stab^trans[orpo]; fi; Assert(1,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(stab), j -> IsOne( Image(projections[i],opfun(repres,j)/repres) ))); # correct stabilizer to element stabilizer Add(newreps,reps[j]*RestrictedPermNC(repres,components[i])); Add(newcent,stab); Add(newcent_r,orb[orpo][2]); od; od; reps:=newreps; centralizers:=newcent; centralizers_r:=newcent_r; Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(reps)," representatives"); od; select:=Filtered([1..Length(reps)],i->reps[i] in M); reps:=reps{select}; reps:=List(reps,i->r*i); centralizers:=centralizers{select}; centralizers_r:=centralizers_r{select}; Info(InfoHomClass,1,Length(reps)," in M"); # fuse reps if necessary cen:=PreImage(ophom,Centralizer(k)); newreps:=[]; newcentlocal:=[]; for i in [1..Length(reps)] do bar:=CycleStructurePerm(reps[i]); ore:=Order(reps[i]); newcentlocal:=Filtered(newreps, i->Order(Representative(i))=ore and i!.elmcyc=bar); if not ForAny(newcentlocal,j->reps[i] in j) then C:=Centralizer(cen,reps[i]); # AH can we use centralizers[i] here ? Add(clF,[reps[i],C]); Add(clout,[reps[i],C]); bar:=ConjugacyClass(cen,reps[i],C); bar!.elmcyc:=CycleStructurePerm(reps[i]); Add(newreps,bar); fi; od; Info(InfoHomClass,1,"fused to ",Length(newreps)," classes"); od; Assert(1,Sum(clout,i->Index(F,i[2]))=Size(F)-Size(M)); Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(clin)," inner classes, total size =", Sum(clin,i->Index(F,i[2]))); Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(clout)," outer classes, total size =", Sum(clout,i->Index(F,i[2]))); Info(InfoHomClass,3," Minimal ration for outer classes =", EvalF(Minimum(List(clout,i->Index(F,i[2])/(Size(F)-Size(M)))),30)); Info(InfoHomClass,1,"returning ",Length(clF)," classes"); Assert(1,Sum(clF,i->Index(F,i[2]))=Size(F)); return clF; end); InstallGlobalFunction(ConjugacyClassesFittingFreeGroup,function(G) local cs, # chief series of G i, # index cs cl, # list [classrep,centralizer] hom, # G->G/cs[i] M, # cs[i-1] N, # cs[i] subN, # maximan normal in M over N csM, # orbit of nt in M under G n, # Length(csM) T, # List of T_i Q, # Action(G,T) Qhom, # G->Q and F->Q S, # PreImage(Qhom,Stab_Q(1)) S1, # Action of S on T[1] deg1, # deg (s1) autos, # automorphism for action arhom, # autom permrep list Thom, # S->S1 T1, # T[1] Thom w, # S1\wrQ wbas, # base of w emb, # embeddings of w proj, # projections of wbas components, # components of w reps, # List reps in G for 1->i in Q F, # action of G on M/N Fhom, # G -> F FQhom, # Fhom*Qhom genimages,# G.generators Fhom img, # gQhom gimg, # gFhom act, # component permcation to 1 j,k, # loop C, # Ker(Fhom) clF, # classes of F ncl, # new classes FM, # normal subgroup in F, Fhom(M) FMhom, # M->FM dc, # double cosets jim, # image of j Cim, CimCl, p, l,lj, l1, elm, zentr, onlysizes, good,bad, lastM; onlysizes:=ValueOption("onlysizes"); # we assume the group has no solvable normal subgroup. Thus we get all # classes by lifts via nonabelian factors and can disregard all abelian # factors. # we will give classes always by their representatives in G and # centralizers by their full preimages in G. cs:= ChiefSeriesOfGroup( G ); # the first step is always simple if HasAbelianFactorGroup(G,cs[2]) then # try to get the largest abelian factor i:=2; while i<Length(cs) and HasAbelianFactorGroup(G,cs[i+1]) do i:=i+1; od; cs:=Concatenation([G],cs{[i..Length(cs)]}); # now cs[1]/cs[2] is the largest abelian factor cl:=List(RightTransversal(G,cs[2]),i->[i,G]); else # compute the classes of the simple nonabelian factor by random search hom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroupNC(G,cs[2]); cl:=ConjugacyClasses(Image(hom)); cl:=List(cl,i->[PreImagesRepresentative(hom,Representative(i)), PreImage(hom,StabilizerOfExternalSet(i))]); fi; lastM:=cs[2]; for i in [3..Length(cs)] do # we assume that cl contains classreps/centralizers for G/cs[i-1] # we want to lift to G/cs[i] M:=cs[i-1]; N:=cs[i]; Info(InfoHomClass,1,i,":",Index(M,N),"; ",Size(N)); if HasAbelianFactorGroup(M,N) then Info(InfoHomClass,2,"abelian factor ignored"); else # nonabelian factor. Now it means real work. # 1) compute the action for the factor # first, we obtain the simple factors T_i/N. # we get these as intersections of the conjugates of the subnormal # subgroup csM:=CompositionSeries(M); # stored attribute if not IsSubset(csM[2],N) then # the composition series goes the wrong way. Now take closures of # its steps with N to get a composition series for M/N, take the # first proper factor for subN. n:=3; subN:=fail; while n<=Length(csM) and subN=fail do subN:=ClosureGroup(N,csM[n]); if Index(M,subN)=1 then subN:=fail; # still wrong fi; n:=n+1; od; else subN:=csM[2]; fi; if IsNormal(G,subN) then # only one -> Call standard process Fhom:=fail; # is this an almost top factor? if Index(G,M)<10 then Thom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroupNC(G,subN); T1:=Image(Thom,M); S1:=Image(Thom); if Size(Centralizer(S1,T1))=1 then deg1:=NrMovedPoints(S1); Info(InfoHomClass,2, "top factor gives conjugating representation, deg ",deg1); Fhom:=Thom; fi; else Thom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroupNC(M,subN); T1:=Image(Thom,M); fi; if Fhom=fail then autos:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), i->GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(T1,T1,GeneratorsOfGroup(T1), List(GeneratorsOfGroup(T1), j->Image(Thom,PreImagesRepresentative(Thom,j)^i)))); # find (probably another) permutation rep for T1 for which all # automorphisms can be represented by permutations arhom:=AutomorphismRepresentingGroup(T1,autos); S1:=arhom[1]; deg1:=NrMovedPoints(S1); Fhom:=GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(G,S1,GeneratorsOfGroup(G),arhom[3]); fi; C:=KernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping(Fhom); F:=Image(Fhom,G); clF:=ClassesFromClassical(F); if clF=fail then clF:=ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch(F); fi; clF:=List(clF,j->[Representative(j),StabilizerOfExternalSet(j)]); else csM:=Orbit(G,subN); # all conjugates n:=Length(csM); if n=1 then Error("this cannot happen"); T:=M; fi; T:=Intersection(csM{[2..Length(csM)]}); # one T_i if Length(GeneratorsOfGroup(T))>5 then T:=Group(SmallGeneratingSet(T)); fi; T:=Orbit(G,T); # get all the t's # now T[1] is a complement to csM[1] in G/N. # now compute the operation of G on M/N Qhom:=ActionHomomorphism(G,T,"surjective"); Q:=Image(Qhom,G); S:=PreImage(Qhom,Stabilizer(Q,1)); # find a permutation rep. for S-action on T[1] Thom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroupNC(T[1],N); T1:=Image(Thom); if not IsSubset([1..NrMovedPoints(T1)], MovedPoints(T1)) then Thom:=Thom*ActionHomomorphism(T1,MovedPoints(T1),"surjective"); fi; T1:=Image(Thom,T[1]); autos:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(S), i->GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(T1,T1,GeneratorsOfGroup(T1), List(GeneratorsOfGroup(T1), j->Image(Thom,PreImagesRepresentative(Thom,j)^i)))); # find (probably another) permutation rep for T1 for which all # automorphisms can be represented by permutations arhom:=AutomorphismRepresentingGroup(T1,autos); S1:=arhom[1]; deg1:=NrMovedPoints(S1); Thom:=GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(S,S1,GeneratorsOfGroup(S),arhom[3]); T1:=Image(Thom,T[1]); # now embed into wreath w:=WreathProduct(S1,Q); wbas:=DirectProduct(List([1..n],i->S1)); emb:=List([1..n+1],i->Embedding(w,i)); proj:=List([1..n],i->Projection(wbas,i)); components:=WreathProductInfo(w).components; # define isomorphisms between the components reps:=List([1..n],i-> PreImagesRepresentative(Qhom,RepresentativeAction(Q,1,i))); genimages:=[]; for j in GeneratorsOfGroup(G) do img:=Image(Qhom,j); gimg:=Image(emb[n+1],img); for k in [1..n] do # look at part of j's action on the k-th factor. # we get this by looking at the action of # reps[k] * j * reps[k^img]^-1 # 1 -> k -> k^img -> 1 # on the first component. act:=reps[k]*j*(reps[k^img]^-1); # this must be multiplied *before* permuting gimg:=ImageElm(emb[k],ImageElm(Thom,act))*gimg; gimg:=RestrictedPermNC(gimg,MovedPoints(w)); od; Add(genimages,gimg); od; F:=Subgroup(w,genimages); if AssertionLevel()>0 then Fhom:=GroupHomomorphismByImages(G,F,GeneratorsOfGroup(G),genimages); Assert(1,fail<>Fhom); else Fhom:=GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(G,F,GeneratorsOfGroup(G),genimages); fi; C:=KernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping(Fhom); Info(InfoHomClass,1,"constructed Fhom"); # 2) compute the classes for F if n>1 then #if IsPermGroup(F) and NrMovedPoints(F)<18 then # # the old Butler/Theissen approach is still OK # clF:=[]; # for j in # Concatenation(List(RationalClasses(F),DecomposedRationalClass)) do # Add(clF,[Representative(j),StabilizerOfExternalSet(j)]); # od; #else FM:=F; for j in components do FM:=Stabilizer(FM,j,OnSets); od; clF:=ConjugacyClassesSubwreath(F,FM,n,S1, Action(FM,components[1]),T1,components,emb,proj); #fi; else FM:=Image(Fhom,M); Info(InfoHomClass,1, "classes by random search in almost simple group"); clF:=ClassesFromClassical(F); if clF=fail then clF:=ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch(F); fi; clF:=List(clF,j->[Representative(j),StabilizerOfExternalSet(j)]); fi; fi; # true orbit of T. Assert(1,Sum(clF,i->Index(F,i[2]))=Size(F)); Assert(1,ForAll(clF,i->Centralizer(F,i[1])=i[2])); # 3) combine to form classes of sdp # the length(cl)=1 gets rid of solvable stuff on the top we got ``too # early''. if IsSubgroup(N,KernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping(Fhom)) then Info(InfoHomClass,1, "homomorphism is faithful for relevant factor, take preimages"); if Size(N)=1 and onlysizes=true then cl:=List(clF,i->[PreImagesRepresentative(Fhom,i[1]),Size(i[2])]); else cl:=List(clF,i->[PreImagesRepresentative(Fhom,i[1]), PreImage(Fhom,i[2])]); fi; else Info(InfoHomClass,1,"forming subdirect products"); FM:=Image(Fhom,lastM); FMhom:=RestrictedMapping(Fhom,lastM); if Index(F,FM)=1 then Info(InfoHomClass,1,"degenerated to direct product"); ncl:=[]; for j in cl do for k in clF do # modify the representative with a kernel elm. to project # correctly on the second component elm:=j[1]*PreImagesRepresentative(FMhom, LeftQuotient(Image(Fhom,j[1]),k[1])); zentr:=Intersection(j[2],PreImage(Fhom,k[2])); Assert(2,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(zentr), i->Comm(i,elm) in N)); Add(ncl,[elm,zentr]); od; od; cl:=ncl; else # first we add the centralizer closures and sort by them # (this allows to reduce the number of double coset calculations) ncl:=[]; for j in cl do Cim:=Image(Fhom,j[2]); CimCl:=Cim; #CimCl:=ClosureGroup(FM,Cim); # should be unnecessary, as we took # the full preimage p:=PositionProperty(ncl,i->i[1]=CimCl); if p=fail then Add(ncl,[CimCl,[j]]); else Add(ncl[p][2],j); fi; od; Qhom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroupNC(F,FM); Q:=Image(Qhom); FQhom:=Fhom*Qhom; # now construct the sdp's cl:=[]; for j in ncl do lj:=List(j[2],i->Image(FQhom,i[1])); for k in clF do # test whether the classes are potential mates elm:=Image(Qhom,k[1]); if not ForAll(lj,i->RepresentativeAction(Q,i,elm)=fail) then #l:=Image(Fhom,j[1]); if Index(F,j[1])=1 then dc:=[()]; else dc:=List(DoubleCosetRepsAndSizes(F,k[2],j[1]),i->i[1]); fi; good:=0; bad:=0; for l in j[2] do jim:=Image(FQhom,l[1]); for l1 in dc do elm:=k[1]^l1; if Image(Qhom,elm)=jim then # modify the representative with a kernel elm. to project # correctly on the second component elm:=l[1]*PreImagesRepresentative(FMhom, LeftQuotient(Image(Fhom,l[1]),elm)); zentr:=PreImage(Fhom,k[2]^l1); zentr:=Intersection(zentr,l[2]); Assert(2,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(zentr), i->Comm(i,elm) in N)); Info(InfoHomClass,4,"new class, order ",Order(elm), ", size=",Index(G,zentr)); Add(cl,[elm,zentr]); good:=good+1; else Info(InfoHomClass,5,"not in"); bad:=bad+1; fi; od; od; Info(InfoHomClass,4,good," good, ",bad," bad of ",Length(dc)); fi; od; od; fi; # real subdirect product fi; # else Fhom not faithful on factor # uff. That was hard work. We're finally done with this layer. lastM:=N; fi; # else nonabelian Info(InfoHomClass,1,"so far ",Length(cl)," classes computed"); od; if Length(cs)<3 then Info(InfoHomClass,1,"Fitting free factor returns ",Length(cl)," classes"); fi; Assert( 1, Sum( List( cl, pair -> Size(G) / Size( pair[2] ) ) ) = Size(G) ); return cl; end); ## Lifting code, using new format and compatible with matrix groups ############################################################################# ## #F FFClassesVectorSpaceComplement( <N>, <p>, <gens>, <howmuch> ) ## ## This function creates a record containing information about a complement ## in <N> to the span of <gens>. ## # field, dimension, subgenerators (as vectors),howmuch BindGlobal("FFClassesVectorSpaceComplement",function(field,r, Q,howmuch ) local zero, one, ran, n, nan, cg, pos, i, j, v; one:=One( field); zero:=Zero(field); ran:=[ 1 .. r ]; n:=Length( Q ); nan:=[ 1 .. n ]; cg:=rec( matrix :=[ ], one :=one, baseComplement:=ShallowCopy( ran ), commutator :=0, centralizer :=0, dimensionN :=r, dimensionC :=n ); if n = 0 or r = 0 then cg.inverse:=NullMapMatrix; cg.projection :=IdentityMat( r, one ); cg.needed :=[]; return cg; fi; for i in nan do cg.matrix[ i ]:=Concatenation( Q[ i ], zero * nan ); cg.matrix[ i ][ r + i ]:=one; od; TriangulizeMat( cg.matrix ); pos:=1; for v in cg.matrix do while v[ pos ] = zero do pos:=pos + 1; od; RemoveSet( cg.baseComplement, pos ); if pos <= r then cg.commutator :=cg.commutator + 1; else cg.centralizer:=cg.centralizer + 1; fi; od; if howmuch=1 then return Immutable(cg); fi; cg.needed :=[ ]; cg.projection :=IdentityMat( r, one ); # Find a right pseudo inverse for <Q>. Append( Q, cg.projection ); Q:=MutableTransposedMat( Q ); TriangulizeMat( Q ); Q:=TransposedMat( Q ); i:=1; j:=1; while i <= r do while j <= n and Q[ j ][ i ] = zero do j:=j + 1; od; if j <= n and Q[ j ][ i ] <> zero then cg.needed[ i ]:=j; else # If <Q> does not have full rank, terminate when the bottom row # is reached. i:=r; fi; i:=i + 1; od; if IsEmpty( cg.needed ) then cg.inverse:=NullMapMatrix; else cg.inverse:=Q{ n + ran } { [ 1 .. Length( cg.needed ) ] }; cg.inverse:=ImmutableMatrix(field,cg.inverse,true); fi; if IsEmpty( cg.baseComplement ) then cg.projection:=NullMapMatrix; else # Find a base change matrix for the projection onto the complement. for i in [ 1 .. cg.commutator ] do cg.projection[ i ][ i ]:=zero; od; Q:=[ ]; for i in [ 1 .. cg.commutator ] do Q[ i ]:=cg.matrix[ i ]{ ran }; od; for i in [ cg.commutator + 1 .. r ] do Q[ i ]:=ListWithIdenticalEntries( r, zero ); Q[ i ][ cg.baseComplement[ i-r+Length(cg.baseComplement) ] ] :=one; od; cg.projection:=cg.projection ^ Q; cg.projection:=cg.projection{ ran }{ cg.baseComplement }; cg.projection:=ImmutableMatrix(field,cg.projection,true); fi; return cg; end); ############################################################################# ## #F VSDecompCentAction( <N>, <h>, <C>, <howmuch> ) ## ## Given a homomorphism C -> N, c |-> [h,c], this function determines (a) a ## vector space decomposition N = [h,C] + K with projection onto K and (b) ## the ``kernel'' S < C which plays the role of C_G(h) in lemma 3.1 of ## [Mecky, Neub\"user, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 40]. ## BindGlobal("VSDecompCentAction",function( pcgs, h, C, field,howmuch ) local i, tmp, v,x,cg; i:=One(field); x:=List( C, c -> ExponentsOfPcElement(pcgs,Comm( h, c ) )*i); #Print(Number(x,IsZero)," from ",Length(x),"\n"); cg:=FFClassesVectorSpaceComplement(field,Length(pcgs),x,howmuch); tmp:=[ ]; for i in [ cg.commutator + 1 .. cg.commutator + cg.centralizer ] do v:=cg.matrix[ i ]; tmp[ i - cg.commutator ]:=PcElementByExponentsNC( C, v{ [ cg.dimensionN + 1 .. cg.dimensionN + cg.dimensionC ] } ); od; Unbind(cg.matrix); cg.cNh:=tmp; return cg; end); ############################################################################# ## #F LiftClassesEANonsolvGeneral( <H>,<N>,<NT>,<cl> ) ## BindGlobal("LiftClassesEANonsolvGeneral", function( H, Npcgs, cl, hom, pcisom,solvtriv,fran) local classes, # classes to be constructed, the result correctingelement, field, # field over which <N> is a vector space one, h, # preimage `cl.representative' under <hom> cg, cNh, # centralizer of <h> in <N> C, gens, # preimage `Centralizer( cl )' under <hom> r, # dimension of <N> ran, # constant range `[ 1 .. r ]' aff, # <N> as affine space imgs, M, # generating matrices for affine operation orb, # orbit of affine operation rep,# set of classes with canonical representatives c, i, # loop variables PPcgs,denomdepths, reduce, corr, correctionfactor, stabfac, stabfacgens, stabfacimg, stabrad, sz,gpsz,subsz,solvsz, orblock, stage, b,j, p,vp,genum, st,gpe, fe,epi, repword,repwords,radidx,img, radrange,farange, ratio, reps, deno,docorrect, k,failcnt,orpo, stabilizergen,stabstack, comm,s,stab;# for class correction correctingelement:=function(h,rep,fe) local comm; comm:=Comm( h, fe ) * Comm( rep, fe ); comm:= ExponentsOfPcElement(Npcgs,comm)*one; ConvertToVectorRep(comm,field); comm := List(comm * cg.inverse,Int); comm:=PcElementByExponentsNC ( Npcgs, Npcgs{ cg.needed }, -comm ); fe:=fe*comm; return fe; end; h := cl[1]; field := GF( RelativeOrders( Npcgs )[ 1 ] ); one:=One(field); PPcgs:=ParentPcgs(NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs)); denomdepths:=ShallowCopy(DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs)!.depthsInParent); Add(denomdepths,Length(PPcgs)+1); # one # Determine the subspace $[h,N]$ and calculate the centralizer of <h>. #cNh := ExtendedPcgs( DenominatorOfModuloPcgs( N!.capH ), # VSDecompCentAction( N, h, N!.capH ) ); #oldcg:=KernelHcommaC(Npcgs,h,NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs),2); #cg:=VSDecompCentAction( Npcgs, h, NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs),field,2 ); cg:=VSDecompCentAction( Npcgs, h, Npcgs,field,2 ); #Print("complen =",Length(cg.baseComplement)," of ",cg.dimensionN,"\n"); #if Length(Npcgs)>5 then Error("cb"); fi; cNh:=cg.cNh; r := Length( cg.baseComplement ); ran := [ 1 .. r ]; # Construct matrices for the affine operation on $N/[h,N]$. Info(InfoHomClass,4,"space=",Size(field),"^",r); if Size(field)^r>3*10^8 then Error("too large");fi; aff := ExtendedVectors( field ^ r ); gens:=Concatenation(cl[2],Npcgs,cl[3]); # all generators #if ForAny(gens,x->Order(x)=1) then Error("HUH2"); fi; gpsz:=cl[5]; solvsz:=cl[6]; radidx:=Length(Npcgs)+Length(cl[2]); imgs := [ ]; for c in gens do M := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. r ] do M[ i ] := Concatenation( ExponentsConjugateLayer( Npcgs, Npcgs[ cg.baseComplement[ i ] ] , c ) * cg.projection, [ Zero( field ) ] ); od; M[ r + 1 ] := Concatenation( ExponentsOfPcElement ( Npcgs, Comm( h, c ) ) * cg.projection, [ One( field ) ] ); M:=ImmutableMatrix(field,M); Add( imgs, M ); od; #if Size(field)^r>10^7 then Error("BIG");fi; # now compute orbits, being careful to get stabilizers in steps #orbreps:=[]; #stabs:=[]; orb:=OrbitsRepsAndStabsVectorsMultistage(gens{[1..radidx]}, imgs{[1..radidx]},pcisom,solvsz,solvtriv, gens{[radidx+1..Length(gens)]}, imgs{[radidx+1..Length(gens)]},cl[4],hom,gpsz,OnRight,aff); classes:=[]; deno:=DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs); for b in orb do rep := PcElementByExponentsNC( Npcgs, Npcgs{ cg.baseComplement }, b.rep{ ran } ); #Assert(2,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(stabsub),i->Comm(i,h*rep) in NT)); stabrad:=ShallowCopy(b.stabradgens); #Print("startdep=",List(stabrad,x->DepthOfPcElement(PPcgs,x)),"\n"); #if ForAny(stabrad,x->Order(x)=1) then Error("HUH3"); fi; stabfacgens:=b.stabfacgens; stabfacimg:=b.stabfacimgs; # correct generators. Partially in Pc Image if Length(cg.needed)>0 then stabrad:=List(stabrad,x->correctingelement(h,rep,x)); # must make proper pcgs -- correction does not preserve that stabrad:=TFMakeInducedPcgsModulo(PPcgs,stabrad,denomdepths); # we change by radical elements, so the images in the factor don't # change stabfacgens:=List(stabfacgens,x->correctingelement(h,rep,x)); fi; correctionfactor:=Characteristic(field)^Length(cg.needed); subsz:=b.subsz/correctionfactor; c := [h * rep,stabrad,stabfacgens,stabfacimg,subsz, b.stabrsubsz/correctionfactor]; Assert(3,Size(Group(Concatenation(DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs), stabrad,stabfacgens)))=subsz); Add(classes,c); od; return classes; end); ############################################################################# ## #F LiftClassesEANonsolvCentral( <H>, <N>, <cl> ) ## # the version for pc groups implicitly uses a pc-group orbit-stabilizer # algorithm. We can't do this but have to use a more simple-minded # orbit/stabilizer approach. BindGlobal("LiftClassesEANonsolvCentral", function( H, Npcgs, cl,hom,pcisom,solvtriv,fran ) local classes, # classes to be constructed, the result field, # field over which <Npcgs> is a vector space o, n,r, # dimensions space, com, comms, mats, decomp, reduce, gens, radidx, stabrad,stabfacgens,stabfacimg,stabrsubsz,relo,orblock,fe,st, orb,rep,reps,repword,repwords,p,stabfac,img,vp,genum,gpsz, subsz,solvsz,i,j, v, h, # preimage `cl.representative' under <hom> C, # preimage `Centralizer( cl )' under <hom> w, # coefficient vectors for projection along $[h,N]$ c; # loop variable field := GF( RelativeOrders( Npcgs )[ 1 ] ); h := cl[1]; #reduce:=ReducedPermdegree(C); #if reduce<>fail then # C:=Image(reduce,C); # Info(InfoHomClass,4,"reduced to deg:",NrMovedPoints(C)); # h:=Image(reduce,h); # N:=ModuloPcgs(SubgroupNC(C,Image(reduce,NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(N))), # SubgroupNC(C,Image(reduce,DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(N)))); # fi; # centrality still means that conjugation by c is multiplication with # [h,c] and that the complement space is generated by commutators [h,c] # for a generating set {c|...} of C. field:=GF(RelativeOrders(Npcgs)[1]); n:=Length(Npcgs); o:=One(field); stabrad:=Concatenation(cl[2],Npcgs); radidx:=Length(stabrad); stabfacgens:=cl[3]; stabfacimg:=cl[4]; gpsz:=cl[5]; subsz:=gpsz; solvsz:=cl[6]; stabfac:=TrivialSubgroup(Image(hom)); gens:=Concatenation(stabrad,stabfacgens); # all generators # commutator space basis comms:=List(gens,c->o*ExponentsOfPcElement(Npcgs,Comm(h,c))); List(comms,x->ConvertToVectorRep(x,field)); space:=List(comms,ShallowCopy); TriangulizeMat(space); space:=Filtered(space,i->i<>Zero(i)); # remove spurious columns com:=BaseSteinitzVectors(IdentityMat(n,field),space); # decomposition of vectors into the subspace basis r:=Length(com.subspace); if r>0 then # if the subspace is trivial, everything stabilizes decomp:=Concatenation(com.subspace,com.factorspace)^-1; decomp:=decomp{[1..Length(decomp)]}{[1..r]}; decomp:=ImmutableMatrix(field,decomp); # build matrices for the affine action mats:=[]; for w in comms do c:=IdentityMat(r+1,o); c[r+1]{[1..r]}:=w*decomp; # translation bit c:=ImmutableMatrix(field,c); Add(mats,c); od; #subspace affine enumerator v:=ExtendedVectors(field^r); # orbit-stabilizer algorithm solv/nonsolv version #C := Stabilizer( C, v, v[1],GeneratorsOfGroup(C), mats,OnPoints ); # assume small domain -- so no bother with bitlist orb:= [v[1]]; reps:=[One(gens[1])]; repwords:=[[]]; stabrad:=[]; stabrsubsz:=Size(solvtriv); vp:=1; for genum in [radidx,radidx-1..1] do relo:=RelativeOrders(pcisom!.sourcePcgs)[ DepthOfPcElement(pcisom!.sourcePcgs,gens[genum])]; img:=orb[1]*mats[genum]; repword:=repwords[vp]; p:=Position(orb,img); if p=fail then for j in [1..Length(orb)*(relo-1)] do img:=orb[j]*mats[genum]; Add(orb,img); Add(reps,reps[j]*gens[genum]); Add(repwords,repword); od; else rep:=gens[genum]/reps[p]; Add(stabrad,rep); stabrsubsz:=stabrsubsz*relo; fi; od; stabrad:=Reversed(stabrad); Assert(1,solvsz=stabrsubsz*Length(orb)); #nosolvable part orblock:=Length(orb); vp:=1; stabfacgens:=[]; stabfacimg:=[]; while vp<=Length(orb) do for genum in [radidx+1..Length(gens)] do img:=orb[vp]*mats[genum]; rep:=reps[vp]*gens[genum]; repword:=Concatenation(repwords[vp],[genum-radidx]); p:=Position(orb,img); if p=fail then Add(orb,img); Add(reps,rep); Add(repwords,repword); for j in [1..orblock-1] do img:=orb[vp+j]*mats[genum]; #if img in orb then Error("HUH");fi; Add(orb,img); Add(reps,reps[vp+j]*gens[genum]); # repword stays the same! Add(repwords,repword); od; else st:=rep/reps[p]; if Length(repword)>0 then # build the factor group element fe:=One(Image(hom)); for i in repword do fe:=fe*cl[4][i]; od; for i in Reversed(repwords[p]) do fe:=fe/cl[4][i]; od; if not fe in stabfac then # not known -- add to generators Add(stabfacgens,st); Add(stabfacimg,fe); stabfac:=ClosureGroup(stabfac,fe); fi; fi; fi; od; vp:=vp+orblock; od; subsz:=stabrsubsz*Size(stabfac); else stabrsubsz:=solvsz; fi; if Length(com.factorspace)=0 then classes :=[[h,stabrad,stabfacgens,stabfacimg,subsz,stabrsubsz]]; else classes:=[]; # enumerator of complement v:=field^Length(com.factorspace); for w in v do c := [h * PcElementByExponentsNC( Npcgs,w*com.factorspace), stabrad,stabfacgens,stabfacimg,subsz,stabrsubsz]; #if reduce<>fail then # Add(classes,[PreImagesRepresentative(reduce,c[1]), # PreImage(reduce,c[2])]); # else Assert(3,c[6] =Size(Group(Concatenation(c[2],DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs))))); Add(classes,c); # fi; od; fi; # Assert(1,ForAll(classes,i->i[1] in H and IsSubset(H,i[2]))); return classes; end); ############################################################################# ## #F LiftClassesEATrivRep ## BindGlobal("LiftClassesEATrivRep", function( H, Npcgs, cl, fants,hom, pcisom,solvtriv) local classes, # classes to be constructed, the result h,field,one,solvsz,radidx,gens,imgs,M,bas, gpsz,c,i,npcgsact,usent,dim,found,nsgens,ntgens,nsimgs,mo, basis, ssidx,cpidx,compl,pcgsimgs,pcgssel, sel,pcgs,fasize,nsfgens,fgens,a,norb,fstab,rep,reps,frep,freps, orb,p,rsgens,el,img,j,basinv,newo,orbslev,ssd,result,o,subs,orbsub, sgens,sfgens,z,minvecs,orpo,norpo,maxorb, IteratedMinimizer,OrbitMinimizer,Minimizer,miss; npcgsact:=function(c) local M,i; M := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. dim ] do M[ i ] := ExponentsConjugateLayer( Npcgs, Npcgs[ i ] , c )*one; od; M:=ImmutableMatrix(field,M); return M; end; pcgs:=MappingGeneratorsImages(pcisom)[1]; field:=GF(RelativeOrders(Npcgs)[1]); one:=One(field); dim:=Length(Npcgs); # action of group h := cl[1]; gens:=Concatenation(cl[2],Npcgs,cl[3]); # all generators fgens:=Concatenation(ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length(Npcgs)+Length(cl[2]),One(Range(hom))),cl[4]); gpsz:=cl[5]; solvsz:=cl[6]; radidx:=Length(Npcgs)+Length(cl[2]); imgs := [ ]; for c in gens do Add( imgs, npcgsact(c)); od; sel:=Filtered([1..Length(imgs)],x->Order(imgs[x])>1); usent:=0; found:=0; while usent<Length(fants) do usent:=usent+1; nsfgens:=NormalIntersection(fants[usent],Group(cl[4])); fasize:=Size(nsfgens); nsfgens:=SmallGeneratingSet(nsfgens); nsgens:=List(nsfgens,x->PreImagesRepresentative(hom,x)); nsimgs:=List(Concatenation(pcgs,nsgens),npcgsact); mo:=GModuleByMats(nsimgs,field); if not MTX.IsIrreducible(mo) then # split space as direct sum under normal sub -- clifford Theory o:=MTX.BasesMinimalSubmodules(mo); if Length(o)>50 then o:=o{Set(List([1..50],x->Random([1..Length(o)])))}; fi; for i in Filtered([1..Length(o)], x->(mo.dimension mod Length(o[x])=0) and Length(o[x])>found) do # subspace and images as orbit bas:=o[i]; ssd:=Length(bas); if found<ssd and Size(field)^ssd<3*10^7 then Info(InfoHomClass,2,"Trying subspace ",ssd," in ",mo.dimension); orbsub:=Orbit(Group(imgs{sel}),bas,OnSubspacesByCanonicalBasis); if Length(orbsub)*Length(bas)<>Length(bas[1]) then subs:=MTX.InducedActionSubmodule(mo,bas); subs:=MTX.Homomorphisms(subs,mo); orbsub:=Filtered(subs,x->x in orbsub); fi; if Length(orbsub)*Length(bas)=Length(bas[1]) and RankMat(Concatenation(orbsub))=Length(bas[1]) then found:=ssd; el:=[orbsub,bas,fasize,nsgens,nsimgs,nsfgens,mo]; subs:=List([1..Length(orbsub)],x->[(x-1)*ssd+1..x*ssd]); bas:=ImmutableMatrix(field,Concatenation(orbsub)); # this is the new basis basinv:=bas^-1; Assert(1,basinv<>fail); else Info(InfoHomClass,3,"failed ",Length(orbsub)); fi; fi; od; fi; od; if found=0 then Info(InfoHomClass,3,"basic case"); #Error("BASIC"); return fail; else ssd:=found; #el is [orbsub,bas,fasize,nsgens,nsimgs,nsfgens,mo]; orbsub:=el[1]; bas:=el[2]; fasize:=el[3]; nsgens:=el[4]; nsimgs:=el[5]; nsfgens:=el[6]; mo:=el[7]; Info(InfoHomClass,2,"Using subspace ",ssd," in ",mo.dimension); subs:=List([1..Length(orbsub)],x->[(x-1)*ssd+1..x*ssd]); bas:=ImmutableMatrix(field,Concatenation(orbsub)); # this is the new basis basinv:=bas^-1; fi; imgs:=List(imgs,x->bas*x*basinv); # write wrt new basis # now determine N-orbits, stepwise solvtriv:=Subgroup(Range(pcisom), List(DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs),x->ImagesRepresentative(pcisom,x))); orb:=[rec(len:=1,rep:=Zero(bas[1]), stabfacgens:=nsgens, stabfacimgs:=nsfgens, # only generators in factor stabradgens:=Filtered(pcgs,x->not x in DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs)), stabrsubsz:=Size(Image(pcisom)), subsz:=fasize*Product(RelativeOrders(pcgs)) )]; orbslev:=[]; maxorb:=1; for i in [1..Length(subs)] do norb:=[]; el:=Elements(VectorSpace(field,IdentityMat(Length(bas),field){subs[i]})); for o in orb do newo:= OrbitsRepsAndStabsVectorsMultistage( o.stabradgens,List(o.stabradgens,x->bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv), pcisom,o.stabrsubsz,solvtriv, o.stabfacgens,List(o.stabfacgens,x->bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv), o.stabfacimgs,hom,o.subsz,OnRight, el); for j in newo do if j.len>maxorb then maxorb:=j.len;fi; if i>1 then j.len:=j.len*o.len; j.rep:=Concatenation(o.rep{[1..(i-1)*ssd]},j.rep{[(i-1)*ssd+1..Length(j.rep)]}); MakeImmutable(j.rep); fi; Add(norb,j); od; od; Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Level ",i," , ",Length(norb)," orbits"); orb:=norb; Add(orbslev,ShallowCopy(orb)); od; IteratedMinimizer:=function(vec,allcands) local i,stops,a,cands,mapper,fmapper,stabfacgens,stabradgens,stabfacimgs, range,lcands,lvec; cands:=allcands; mapper:=One(Source(hom)); fmapper:=One(Range(hom)); stabfacgens:=nsgens; stabfacimgs:=nsfgens; stabradgens:=pcgs; for i in [1..Length(subs)] do range:=[1..i*ssd]; lcands:=Filtered(orbslev[i], x->ForAny(cands,y->y.rep{range}=x.rep{range})); lvec:=Concatenation(vec{range},Zero(vec{[i*ssd+1..Length(vec)]})); result:=OrbitMinimumMultistage(stabradgens, List(stabradgens,x->bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv), pcisom,0,0, # solvable size not needed stabfacgens, List(stabfacgens,x->bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv), stabfacimgs, hom,0, #gpsz not needed OnRight,lvec,maxorb,#Maximum(List(lcands,x->x.len)), Set(List(lcands,x->x.rep))); a:=First(lcands,x->x.rep{range}=result.min{range}); mapper:=mapper*result.elm; fmapper:=fmapper*result.felm; vec:=vec*bas*npcgsact(result.elm)*basinv; # map vector to so far canonical # not all classes are feasible Assert(1,ForAny(cands,x->x.rep{range}=vec{range})); cands:=Filtered(cands,x->x.rep{range}=vec{range}); stabradgens:=a.stabradgens; stabfacgens:=a.stabfacgens; stabfacimgs:=a.stabfacimgs; od; if Length(cands)<>1 then Error("nonunique");fi; return rec(elm:=mapper,felm:=fmapper,min:=vec,nclass:=cands[1]); end; pcgsimgs:=List(pcgs,x->bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv); pcgssel:=Filtered([1..Length(pcgs)],x->not IsOne(pcgsimgs[x])); nsimgs:=List(nsgens,x->bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv); OrbitMinimizer:=function(vec,allcands) local a; if false and allcands[1].len>1 then Error(); fi; a:=OrbitMinimumMultistage(pcgs,pcgsimgs,pcisom,0,0, nsgens,nsimgs,nsfgens,hom,0, OnRight,vec,allcands[1].len,minvecs); a.nclass:=First(allcands,x->x.rep=a.min); return a; end; orpo:=NewDictionary(orb[Length(orb)].rep,true,field^Length(orb[1].rep)); for p in [1..Length(orb)] do AddDictionary(orpo,orb[p].rep,p); od; # now do an orbit algorithm on orb. As the orbit is short no need for # two-step. newo:=[]; while Length(orb)>0 do # pick new one p:=First([1..Length(orb)],x->IsBound(orb[x])); norb:=[orb[p]]; norpo:=[]; norpo[p]:=1; el:=Filtered(orb,x->x.len=orb[p].len); minvecs:=Set(List(el,x->x.rep)); #el:=orbslev[3]; if orb[p].len>30000 then Minimizer:=IteratedMinimizer; else Minimizer:=OrbitMinimizer; fi; # as Rad <=N we can assume that the radical part of the stabilizer # is known rsgens:=ShallowCopy(orb[p].stabradgens); a:=Difference([1..Length(gens)],sel); sgens:=Concatenation(orb[p].stabfacgens,gens{a}); sfgens:=Concatenation(orb[p].stabfacimgs,fgens{a}); fstab:=Group(sfgens); reps:=[One(Source(hom))]; freps:=[One(Range(hom))]; Unbind(orb[p]); # factor missing from stop miss:=cl[5]/(norb[1].len*Size(fstab)*norb[1].stabrsubsz); i:=1; while i<=Length(norb) and miss>1 do for j in sel do img:=OnRight(norb[i].rep,imgs[j]); img:=Minimizer(img,el); rep:=reps[i]*gens[j]*img.elm; frep:=freps[i]*fgens[j]*img.felm; p:=LookupDictionary(orpo,img.min); #p:=PositionProperty(norb,x->x.rep=img.min); if p=fail then Error("unknown minimum"); elif IsBound(norpo[p]) then # old point p:=norpo[p]; if miss>=2 then Assert(1,norb[i].rep*imgs[j]*bas*npcgsact(img.elm)*basinv=norb[p].rep); #Print("A",i," ",j," ",Length(el),"\n"); # old point -- stabilize a:=frep/freps[p]; if not a in sfgens then Add(sgens,rep/reps[p]); Add(sfgens,a); miss:=miss*Size(fstab); fstab:=ClosureGroup(fstab,a); miss:=miss/Size(fstab); #Print("miss1:",EvalF(miss)," ",i," of ",Length(norb),"\n"); fi; fi; else #Print("B",i," ",j," ",Length(el),"\n"); # new point #p:=PositionProperty(orb,x->x.rep=img.min); Assert(1,norb[i].rep*imgs[j]*bas*npcgsact(img.elm)*basinv=orb[p].rep); Add(norb,orb[p]); norpo[p]:=Length(norb); Add(reps,rep); Add(freps,frep); miss:=miss*(Length(norb)-1)/Length(norb); #Print("miss3:",EvalF(miss)," ",i," of ",Length(norb),"\n"); # add conjugate stabilizer #Append(rsgens,List(orb[p].stabradgens,x->rep*x/rep)); for z in [1..Length(orb[p].stabfacgens)] do a:=frep*orb[p].stabfacimgs[z]/frep; if not a in fstab then Add(sgens,rep*orb[p].stabfacgens[z]/rep); Add(sfgens,a); miss:=miss*Size(fstab); fstab:=ClosureGroup(fstab,a); miss:=miss/Size(fstab); #Print("miss2:",miss,"\n"); fi; od; Unbind(orb[p]); fi; od; i:=i+1; od; if miss<>1 then # something is dodgy -- fallback to the default algorithm return fail;Error("HEH?");fi; Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Fused ",Length(norb),"*",norb[1].len," ", Number(orb,x->IsBound(x))," left"); Assert(0,ForAll(rsgens,x->norb[1].rep*bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv=norb[1].rep)); Assert(0,ForAll(sgens,x->norb[1].rep*bas*npcgsact(x)*basinv=norb[1].rep)); #if ForAny(rsgens,x->Order(x)=1) then Error("HUH5"); fi; a:=[h*PcElementByExponents(Npcgs,norb[1].rep*bas),rsgens,sgens,sfgens, cl[5]/Length(norb)/norb[1].len, norb[1].stabrsubsz]; #rsgens:=List(rsgens,x->ImageElm(pcisom,x)); #if rsgens<>InducedPcgsByGenerators(FamilyPcgs(Range(pcisom)),rsgens) then # Error("nonpcgs!"); #fi; Add(newo,a); od; return newo; end); InstallGlobalFunction(ConjugacyClassesViaRadical,function (G) local r, #radical f, # G/r hom, # G->f pcgs,mpcgs, #(modulo) pcgs pcisom, gens, ser, # series radsize,len,ntrihom, mran,nran,fran, central, fants, d, solvtriv, M,N, # normal subgrops ind, # indices i, #loop new, # new classes cl,ncl; # classes # it seems to be cleaner (and avoids deferring abelian factors) if we # factor out the radical first. (Note: The radical method for perm groups # stores the nat hom.!) ser:=FittingFreeLiftSetup(G); radsize:=Product(RelativeOrders(ser.pcgs)); len:=Length(ser.pcgs); if radsize=1 then cl:=ConjugacyClassesFittingFreeGroup(G:onlysizes:=false); ncl:=[]; for i in cl do r:=ConjugacyClass(G,i[1],i[2]); Add(ncl,r); od; return ncl; fi; pcgs:=ser.pcgs; pcisom:=ser.pcisom; fants:=[]; # store centralizers as rep, centralizer generators in radical, # centralizer generators with nontrivial # radfactor image, corresponding radfactor images # the generators in the radical do not list the generators of the # current layer after immediate lifting. if radsize=Size(G) then # solvable case hom:=ser.factorhom; d:=MappingGeneratorsImages(hom); mran:=Filtered([1..Length(d[2])],x->not IsOne(d[2][x])); cl:=[[One(G),[],d[1]{mran},d[2]{mran},Size(G),Size(G)]]; else # nonsolvable if radsize>1 then hom:=ser.factorhom; ntrihom:=true; f:=Image(hom); # we need centralizers cl:=ConjugacyClassesFittingFreeGroup(f:onlysizes:=false); fants:=Filtered(NormalSubgroups(f),x->Size(x)>1 and Size(x)<Size(f)); else if IsPermGroup(G) then hom:=SmallerDegreePermutationRepresentation(G); ntrihom:=not IsOne(hom);; else hom:=IdentityMapping(G); ntrihom:=false; fi; f:=Image(hom); cl:=ConjugacyClassesFittingFreeGroup(f); fi; if ntrihom then ncl:=[]; for i in cl do new:=[PreImagesRepresentative(hom,i[1])]; if not IsInt(i[2]) then Add(new,[]); # no generators in radical yet gens:=SmallGeneratingSet(i[2]); Add(new, List(gens,x->PreImagesRepresentative(hom,x))); Add(new,gens); #TODO: PreImage groups? #Add(new,PreImage(hom,i[2])); Add(new,radsize*Size(i[2])); Add(new,radsize); fi; Add(ncl,new); od; cl:=ncl; fi; fi; Assert(3,ForAll(cl,x->x[6]=Size(Group(Concatenation(x[2],pcgs))))); for d in [2..Length(ser.depths)] do #M:=ser[i-1]; #N:=ser[i]; mran:=[ser.depths[d-1]..len]; nran:=[ser.depths[d]..len]; fran:=[mran,nran]; mpcgs:=InducedPcgsByPcSequenceNC(pcgs,pcgs{mran}) mod InducedPcgsByPcSequenceNC(pcgs,pcgs{nran}); central:= ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), i->ForAll(mpcgs, j->DepthOfPcElement(pcgs,Comm(i,j))>=ser.depths[d])); # abelian factor, use affine methods Info(InfoHomClass,1,"abelian factor ",d,": ", Product(RelativeOrders(ser.pcgs){mran}), "->", Product(RelativeOrders(ser.pcgs){nran})," central:",central); ncl:=[]; solvtriv:=Subgroup(Range(pcisom), List(DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(mpcgs),x->ImagesRepresentative(pcisom,x))); for i in cl do #Assert(2,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(i[2]),j->Comm(i[1],j) in M)); if (central or ForAll(Concatenation(i[2],i[3]), i->ForAll(mpcgs, j->DepthOfPcElement(pcgs,Comm(i,j))>=ser.depths[d])) ) then Info(InfoHomClass,3,"central step"); new:=LiftClassesEANonsolvCentral(G,mpcgs,i,hom,pcisom,solvtriv,fran); elif Length(fants)>0 and Order(i[1])=1 then # special case for trivial representetive new:=LiftClassesEATrivRep(G,mpcgs,i,fants,hom,pcisom,solvtriv); if new=fail then new:=LiftClassesEANonsolvGeneral(G,mpcgs,i,hom,pcisom,solvtriv,fran); fi; else new:=LiftClassesEANonsolvGeneral(G,mpcgs,i,hom,pcisom,solvtriv,fran); fi; #Assert(3,ForAll(new,x->x[6] # =Size(Group(Concatenation(x[2],DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(mpcgs)))))); #if ForAny(new,x->x[2]<>TFMakeInducedPcgsModulo(pcgs,x[2],nran)) then Error("HUH6");fi; #Print(List(new,x->List(x[2],y->DepthOfPcElement(pcgs,y))),"\n"); #Assert(1,ForAll(new, i->ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(i[2]),j->Comm(j,i[1]) in N))); ncl:=Concatenation(ncl,new); Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(new)," new classes (",Length(ncl)," total)"); od; cl:=ncl; Info(InfoHomClass,1,"Now: ",Length(cl)," classes (",Length(ncl)," total)"); od; if Order(cl[1][1])>1 then # the identity is not in first position Info(InfoHomClass,2,"identity not first, sorting"); Sort(cl,function(a,b) return Order(a[1])<Order(b[1]);end); fi; Info(InfoHomClass,1,"forming classes"); ncl:=[]; for i in cl do if IsInt(i[2]) then r:=ConjugacyClass(G,i[1]); SetSize(r,Size(G)/i[2]); else d:=SubgroupByFittingFreeData(G,i[3],i[4],i[2]); Assert(1,Size(d)=i[5]); Assert(2,Centralizer(G,i[1])=d); SetSize(d,i[5]); r:=ConjugacyClass(G,i[1],d); SetSize(r,Size(G)/i[5]); fi; Add(ncl,r); od; # as this test is cheap, do it always if Sum(ncl,Size)<>Size(G) then Error("wrong classes"); fi; cl:=ncl; return cl; end); ############################################################################# ## #F LiftConCandCenNonsolvGeneral( <H>,<N>,<NT>,<cl> ) ## BindGlobal("LiftConCandCenNonsolvGeneral", function( H, Npcgs, reps, hom, pcisom,solvtriv,fran) local nreps, # new reps to be constructed, the result correctingelement, minvec, cano, # element that will be canonical cl, field, # field over which <N> is a vector space one, h, # preimage `cl.representative' under <hom> cg, cNh, # centralizer of <h> in <N> C, gens, # preimage `Centralizer( cl )' under <hom> r, # dimension of <N> ran, # constant range `[ 1 .. r ]' aff, # <N> as affine space imgs, M, # generating matrices for affine operation orb, # orbit of affine operation rep,# set of classes with canonical representatives c, i, # loop variables PPcgs,denomdepths, reduce, corr, correctionfactor, censize,cenradsize, stabfac, stabfacgens, stabfacimgs, stabrad, sz,gpsz,subsz,solvsz, orblock, stage, b,j,x, minimal,minstab,mappingelm, p,vp,genum, st,gpe, fe,epi, repword,repwords,radidx,img, radrange,farange, ratio, deno,docorrect, k,failcnt,orpo, stabilizergen,stabstack, sel, comm,s,stab;# for class correction correctingelement:=function(h,rep,fe) local comm; comm:=Comm( h, fe ) * Comm( rep, fe ); comm:= ExponentsOfPcElement(Npcgs,comm)*one; ConvertToVectorRep(comm,field); comm := List(comm * cg.inverse,Int); comm:=PcElementByExponentsNC ( Npcgs, Npcgs{ cg.needed }, -comm ); fe:=fe*comm; return fe; end; mappingelm:=function(orb,pos) local mc,mcf,i; mc:=One(Source(hom)); mcf:=One(Range(hom)); for i in orb.repwords[pos] do mc:=mc*orb.gens[i]; mcf:=mcf*orb.fgens[i]; od; i:=pos mod orb.orblock; if i=0 then i:=orb.orblock;fi; mc:=orb.reps[i]*mc; return [mc,mcf]; end; # all reps given must have the same canonical representative on the level # above. So they also all have the same centralizer and we can use this. cl:=reps[1]; h := cl[3]; field := GF( RelativeOrders( Npcgs )[ 1 ] ); one:=One(field); PPcgs:=ParentPcgs(NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs)); denomdepths:=ShallowCopy(DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs)!.depthsInParent); Add(denomdepths,Length(PPcgs)+1); # one # Determine the subspace $[h,N]$ and calculate the centralizer of <h>. #cNh := ExtendedPcgs( DenominatorOfModuloPcgs( N!.capH ), # VSDecompCentAction( N, h, N!.capH ) ); #oldcg:=KernelHcommaC(Npcgs,h,NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs),2); #cg:=VSDecompCentAction( Npcgs, h, NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(Npcgs),field,2 ); cg:=VSDecompCentAction( Npcgs, h, Npcgs,field,2 ); #Print("complen =",Length(cg.baseComplement)," of ",cg.dimensionN,"\n"); #if Length(Npcgs)>5 then Error("cb"); fi; cNh:=cg.cNh; r := Length( cg.baseComplement ); ran := [ 1 .. r ]; # Construct matrices for the affine operation on $N/[h,N]$. Info(InfoHomClass,4,"space=",Size(field),"^",r); if Size(field)^r>3*10^8 then Error("too large");fi; aff := ExtendedVectors( field ^ r ); # Format for cl is: # 1:Element, 2: Conjugate element, 3: Element that will be canonical # in factor, 4:conjugator, 5:cenpcgs, # 6:cenfac, 7:cenfacimgs, 8:censize, 9:cenfacsize gens:=Concatenation(cl[5],Npcgs,cl[6]); # all generators #if ForAny(gens,x->Order(x)=1) then Error("HUH2"); fi; gpsz:=cl[8]; solvsz:=cl[8]/cl[9]; radidx:=Length(Npcgs)+Length(cl[5]); imgs := [ ]; for c in gens do M := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. r ] do M[ i ] := Concatenation( ExponentsConjugateLayer( Npcgs, Npcgs[ cg.baseComplement[ i ] ] , c ) * cg.projection, [ Zero( field ) ] ); od; M[ r + 1 ] := Concatenation( ExponentsOfPcElement ( Npcgs, Comm( h, c ) ) * cg.projection, [ One( field ) ] ); M:=ImmutableMatrix(field,M); Add( imgs, M ); od; #if Size(field)^r>10^7 then Error("BIG");fi; # now compute orbits, being careful to get stabilizers in steps #orbreps:=[]; #stabs:=[]; # change reps to list of more general format nreps:=[]; for x in reps do p:=rec(list:=x); p.vector:=ExponentsOfPcElement(Npcgs,LeftQuotient(h,x[2]))*One(field); p.exponents:=ShallowCopy(p.vector); ConvertToVectorRep(p.vector,field); p.vector:=p.vector*cg.projection; Add(p.vector,One(field)); Add(nreps,p); od; reps:=nreps; nreps:=[]; sel:=[1..Length(reps)]; while Length(sel)>0 do p:=sel[1]; # the one to do RemoveSet(sel,p); orb:=OrbitsRepsAndStabsVectorsMultistage(gens{[1..radidx]}, imgs{[1..radidx]}, pcisom,solvsz,solvtriv, gens{[radidx+1..Length(gens)]}, imgs{[radidx+1..Length(gens)]},reps[p].list[7],hom,gpsz,OnRight, aff:orbitseed:=reps[p].vector); orb:=orb[1]; # find minimal element, mapper, stabilizer of minimal element minvec:=Minimum(orb.orbit); minimal:=mappingelm(orb,Position(orb.orbit,minvec)); # get the real minimum, including N-Orbit corr:=ExponentsOfPcElement(Npcgs, LeftQuotient(h,reps[p].list[2]^minimal[1])); corr:=PcElementByExponentsNC(Npcgs,Npcgs{cg.needed},-corr*cg.inverse); minimal[1]:=minimal[1]*corr; # real minimizer # element that will be the canonical representative in the factor (tail # zeroed out) corr:=ExponentsOfPcElement(Npcgs, LeftQuotient(h,reps[p].list[2]^minimal[1])); cano:=h*PcElementByExponents(Npcgs,corr); # this will not be a pcgs, but we induce later anyhow stabrad:=List(orb.stabradgens,x->x^minimal[1]); stabfacgens:=List(orb.stabfacgens,x->x^minimal[1]); stabfacimgs:=List(orb.stabfacimgs,x->x^minimal[2]); censize:=orb.subsz; cenradsize:=orb.stabrsubsz; # correct generators. Partially in Pc Image if Length(cg.needed)>0 then rep:=LeftQuotient(h,reps[p].list[2]^minimal[1]); stabrad:=List(stabrad,x->correctingelement(h,rep,x)); # must make proper pcgs -- correction does not preserve that stabrad:=TFMakeInducedPcgsModulo(PPcgs,stabrad,denomdepths); # we change by radical elements, so the images in the factor don't # change stabfacgens:=List(stabfacgens,x->correctingelement(h,rep,x)); correctionfactor:=Characteristic(field)^Length(cg.needed); censize:=censize/correctionfactor; cenradsize:=cenradsize/correctionfactor; fi; # Format for cl is: # 1:Element, 2: Conjugate element, 3: Element that will be canonical # in factor, 4:conjugator, 5:cenpcgs, # 6:cenfac, 7:cenfacimgs, 8:censize, 9:cenfacsize Add(nreps,[reps[p].list[1], reps[p].list[2]^minimal[1], cano, reps[p].list[4]*minimal[1], stabrad,stabfacgens,stabfacimgs, censize,censize/cenradsize]); for cl in sel do b:=Position(orb.orbit,reps[cl].vector); if b<>fail then RemoveSet(sel,cl); # now find rep mapping 1 here b:=mappingelm(orb,b); b:=[LeftQuotient(b[1],minimal[1]), LeftQuotient(b[2],minimal[2])]; # get the real minimum, including N-Orbit corr:=ExponentsOfPcElement(Npcgs, LeftQuotient(h,reps[cl].list[2]^b[1])); corr:=PcElementByExponentsNC(Npcgs,Npcgs{cg.needed},corr*cg.inverse); b[1]:=b[1]/corr; # real minimizer # Format for cl is: # 1:Element, 2: Conjugate element, 3: Element that will be canonical # in factor, 4:conjugator, 5:cenpcgs, # 6:cenfac, 7:cenfacimgs, 8:censize, 9:cenfacsiz Add(nreps,[reps[cl].list[1], reps[cl].list[2]^b[1], cano, reps[cl].list[4]*b[1], stabrad,stabfacgens,stabfacimgs, censize,censize/cenradsize]); elif ValueOption("conjugacytest")=true then # in conj test this would mean fail return fail; fi; od; od; return nreps; end); # canonical rep/centralizer BindGlobal("TFCanonicalClassRepresentative",function (G,candidates) local r, #radical f, # G/r hom, # G->f prereps, # fixed factor class reps preimages pcgs,mpcgs, #(modulo) pcgs pcisom, gens, ser, # series radsize,len,ntrihom, mran,nran,fran, central, #fants, reps, nreps, fr, conj, d, solvtriv, select,sel,pos, M,N, # normal subgrops ind, # indices i,j, #loop new, # new classes classrange, cl,ncl; # classes # it seems to be cleaner (and avoids deferring abelian factors) if we # factor out the radical first. (Note: The radical method for perm groups # stores the nat hom.!) ser:=FittingFreeLiftSetup(G); radsize:=Product(RelativeOrders(ser.pcgs)); len:=Length(ser.pcgs); pcgs:=ser.pcgs; pcisom:=ser.pcisom; #fants:=fail; # store centralizers as rep, centralizer generators in radical, # centralizer generators with nontrivial # radfactor image, corresponding radfactor images # the generators in the radical do not list the generators of the # current layer after immediate lifting. if radsize=Size(G) then # solvable case hom:=ser.factorhom; d:=MappingGeneratorsImages(hom); mran:=Filtered([1..Length(d[2])],x->not IsOne(d[2][x])); # elm, elmconj, canonical factor, conjugator, cenpcgs,cenfac,cenfacimgs,censize,cenfacsiz reps:=List(candidates,x->[x,x,One(G),One(G),[],d[1]{mran},d[2]{mran},Size(G),Size(G)]); else # nonsolvable if radsize>1 then hom:=ser.factorhom; ntrihom:=true; f:=Image(hom); # we need centralizers #fants:=Filtered(NormalSubgroups(f),x->Size(x)>1 and Size(x)<Size(f)); else if IsPermGroup(G) then hom:=SmallerDegreePermutationRepresentation(G); ntrihom:=not IsOne(hom);; else hom:=IdentityMapping(G); ntrihom:=false; fi; f:=Image(hom); fi; if not IsBound(f!.someClassReps) then f!.someClassReps:=[ConjugacyClass(f,One(f))]; # identity first fi; if HasConjugacyClasses(f) and Length(f!.someClassReps)<Length(ConjugacyClasses(f)) then # expand the list of stored factor classes for once. cl:=Filtered(ConjugacyClasses(f),x-> not ForAny(f!.someClassReps, y->Order(Representative(x))=Order(Representative(y)) and Representative(y) in x)); Append(f!.someClassReps,cl); fi; cl:=f!.someClassReps; classrange:=[1..Length(cl)]; r:=ValueOption("candidatenums"); if r<>fail and HasConjugacyClasses(G) then # candidatenums gives the numbers of some classes in G that should be # tried first (as they likely contain the element). Us this to reduce # conjugacy test in factor. if not IsBound(G!.radicalfactorclassmap) then G!.radicalfactorclassmap:=[]; fi; fr:=G!.radicalfactorclassmap; for i in Filtered(r,x->not IsBound(fr[x])) do # compute images that are not yet known d:=ImagesRepresentative(hom,Representative(ConjugacyClasses(G)[i])); j:=First([1..Length(cl)],x->IsBound(cl[x]) and d in cl[x]); if j<>fail then fr[i]:=j; fi; od; r:=Filtered(r,x->IsBound(fr[x])); r:=Set(fr{r}); # class numbers in factor classrange:=Concatenation(r, Filtered(classrange,x->not x in r)); fi; nreps:=[]; for i in candidates do fr:=ImagesRepresentative(hom,i); conj:=fail; j:=0; while conj=fail and j<Length(classrange) do j:=j+1; if Order(fr)=Order(Representative(cl[classrange[j]])) then conj:=RepresentativeAction(f,fr,Representative(cl[classrange[j]])); fi; od; if conj=fail then # not yet found, and classes of f were not known -- store this rep # image as canonical one for future use. j:=j+1; Add(cl,ConjugacyClass(f,fr)); conj:=One(f); else j:=classrange[j]; fi; # store fixed preimages of reps to avoid any impact of homomorphism. if not IsBound(f!.classpreimgs) then f!.classpreimgs:=[]; fi; prereps:=f!.classpreimgs; if not IsBound(prereps[j]) then prereps[j]:=PreImagesRepresentative(hom,Representative(cl[j])); fi; r:=PreImagesRepresentative(hom,conj); d:=GeneratorsOfGroup(Centralizer(cl[j])); # Format for cl is: # 1:Element, 2: Conjugate element, 3: Element that will be canonical # in factor, 4:conjugator, 5:cenpcgs, # 6:cenfac, 7:cenfacimgs, 8:censize, 9:cenfacsize Add(nreps,[i,i^r,prereps[j],r,[], List(d,x->PreImagesRepresentative(hom,x)),d, radsize*Size(Centralizer(cl[j])), Size(Centralizer(cl[j]))]); od; reps:=nreps; fi; for d in [2..Length(ser.depths)] do #M:=ser[i-1]; #N:=ser[i]; mran:=[ser.depths[d-1]..len]; nran:=[ser.depths[d]..len]; fran:=[mran,nran]; mpcgs:=InducedPcgsByPcSequenceNC(pcgs,pcgs{mran}) mod InducedPcgsByPcSequenceNC(pcgs,pcgs{nran}); central:= ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), i->ForAll(mpcgs, j->DepthOfPcElement(pcgs,Comm(i,j))>=ser.depths[d])); # abelian factor, use affine methods Info(InfoHomClass,1,"abelian factor ",d,": ", Product(RelativeOrders(ser.pcgs){mran}), "->", Product(RelativeOrders(ser.pcgs){nran})," central:",central); nreps:=[]; solvtriv:=Subgroup(Range(pcisom), List(DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(mpcgs),x->ImagesRepresentative(pcisom,x))); select:=[1..Length(reps)]; while Length(select)>0 do pos:=select[1]; sel:=Filtered(select,x->reps[x][3]=reps[pos][3]); if ValueOption("conjugacytest")=true and Length(sel)<>2 then return fail; fi; Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(sel),"in candidate group"); select:=Difference(select,sel); new:=LiftConCandCenNonsolvGeneral(G,mpcgs,reps{sel},hom,pcisom,solvtriv,fran); # conj test if new=fail then return new; fi; Append(nreps,new); od; reps:=nreps; od; # arrange back to same ordering as before. nreps:=[]; for i in candidates do Add(nreps,First(reps,x->IsIdenticalObj(x[1],i))); od; return nreps; end); ############################################################################# ## #M Centralizer( <G>, <e> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . using TF method ## InstallMethod( CentralizerOp, "TF method:elm",IsCollsElms, [ IsGroup and IsFinite and HasFittingFreeLiftSetup, IsMultiplicativeElementWithInverse ], OVERRIDENICE, function( G, e ) if IsPermGroup(G) or IsPcGroup(G) then TryNextMethod();fi; if not e in G then # TODO: form larger group containing e. TryNextMethod(); fi; e:=TFCanonicalClassRepresentative(G,[e])[1]; if e=fail then TryNextMethod();fi; return SubgroupByFittingFreeData(G,e[6],e[7],e[5]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Centralizer( <G>, <e> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . using TF method ## InstallMethod( CentralizerOp, "TF method:subgroup",IsIdenticalObj, [ IsGroup and IsFinite and HasFittingFreeLiftSetup, IsGroup and IsFinite and HasGeneratorsOfGroup], 2*OVERRIDENICE, function( G, S ) local c,e; if IsPermGroup(G) or IsPcGroup(G) then TryNextMethod();fi; c:=G; for e in GeneratorsOfGroup(S) do c:=Centralizer(c,e); od; return c; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M RepresentativeAction( <G>, <d>, <e>, <act> ) . . . . . using TF method ## InstallOtherMethod( RepresentativeActionOp, "TF Method on elements", IsCollsElmsElmsX, [ IsGroup and IsFinite and HasFittingFreeLiftSetup, IsMultiplicativeElementWithInverse, IsMultiplicativeElementWithInverse, IsFunction ], OVERRIDENICE, function ( G, d, e, act ) local c; if IsPermGroup(G) or IsPcGroup(G) then TryNextMethod();fi; if not (d in G and e in G) then # TODO: form larger group containing e. TryNextMethod(); fi; if act=OnPoints then #and d in G and e in G then c:=TFCanonicalClassRepresentative(G,[d,e]:conjugacytest); if c=fail then return fail; else if c[1][2]=c[2][2] then return c[1][4]/c[2][4]; # map via canonicals else return fail; # not conjugate fi; fi; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); ############################################################################# ## #M ConjugacyClasses( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of perm group ## InstallMethod( ConjugacyClasses, "perm group", true, [ IsPermGroup and IsFinite],OVERRIDENICE, function( G ) local cl; if IsNaturalSymmetricGroup(G) or IsNaturalAlternatingGroup(G) then # there are better methods for Sn/An TryNextMethod(); fi; cl:=ConjugacyClassesForSmallGroup(G); if cl<>fail then return cl; elif IsSimpleGroup( G ) then cl:=ClassesFromClassical(G); if cl=fail then cl:=ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch( G ); fi; return cl; else return ConjugacyClassesViaRadical(G); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ConjugacyClasses( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of perm group ## InstallMethod( ConjugacyClasses, "TF Method", true, [ IsGroup and IsFinite and HasFittingFreeLiftSetup],OVERRIDENICE, function(G) if IsPermGroup(G) or IsPcGroup(G) then TryNextMethod();fi; return ConjugacyClassesViaRadical(G); end); ############################################################################# # # old code, kept for comparison ############################################################################# ## #F GeneralStepClEANSNonsolv( <H>,<N>,<NT>,<cl> ) ## BindGlobal("GeneralStepClEANSNonsolv",function( H, N,NT, cl ) local classes, # classes to be constructed, the result field, # field over which <N> is a vector space one, h, # preimage `cl.representative' under <hom> cNh, # centralizer of <h> in <N> C, gens, # preimage `Centralizer( cl )' under <hom> r, # dimension of <N> ran, # constant range `[ 1 .. r ]' aff, # <N> as affine space xset, # affine operation of <C> on <aff> eo, # xorbits/stabilizers imgs, M, # generating matrices for affine operation orb, # orbit of affine operation rep,# set of classes with canonical representatives c, i, # loop variables reduce, stabsub, comm,s,stab;# for class correction #NT:=AsSubgroup(H,NT); C := cl[2]; field := GF( RelativeOrders( N )[ 1 ] ); one:=One(field); h := cl[1]; reduce:=ReducedPermdegree(C); if reduce<>fail then C:=Image(reduce,C); Info(InfoHomClass,4,"reduced to deg:",NrMovedPoints(C)); h:=Image(reduce,h); NT:=Image(reduce,NT); N:=ModuloPcgs(SubgroupNC(C,Image(reduce,NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(N))),NT); fi; # Determine the subspace $[h,N]$ and calculate the centralizer of <h>. #cNh := ExtendedPcgs( DenominatorOfModuloPcgs( N!.capH ), # KernelHcommaC( N, h, N!.capH ) ); N!.capH:=N; cNh:=KernelHcommaC( N, h, N!.capH,2 ); r := Length( N!.subspace.baseComplement ); ran := [ 1 .. r ]; # Construct matrices for the affine operation on $N/[h,N]$. aff := ExtendedVectors( field ^ r ); if IsSolvableGroup(C) then gens:=Pcgs(C); else gens:=GeneratorsOfGroup(C); fi; imgs := [ ]; for c in gens do M := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. r ] do M[ i ] := Concatenation( ExponentsConjugateLayer( N, N[ N!.subspace.baseComplement[ i ] ] , c ) * N!.subspace.projection, [ Zero( field ) ] ); od; M[ r + 1 ] := Concatenation( ExponentsOfPcElement ( N, Comm( h, c ) ) * N!.subspace.projection, [ One( field ) ] ); M:=ImmutableMatrix(field,M); Add( imgs, M ); od; xset := ExternalSet( C, aff, gens, imgs ); classes := [ ]; # NC is safe stabsub:=ClosureSubgroupNC(NT,cNh); SetActionKernelExternalSet(xset,stabsub); eo:=ExternalOrbitsStabilizers( xset ); for orb in eo do rep := PcElementByExponentsNC( N, N{ N!.subspace.baseComplement }, Representative( orb ){ ran } ); Assert(2,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(stabsub),i->Comm(i,h*rep) in NT)); # filter those we don't get anyhow. stab:=Filtered(GeneratorsOfGroup(StabilizerOfExternalSet(orb)), i->not i in stabsub); comm := [ ]; for s in [ 1 .. Length( stab ) ] do comm[ s ] := ExponentsOfPcElement( N, Comm( rep, stab[ s ] ) * Comm( h, stab[ s ] ) )*one; od; comm:=ImmutableMatrix(field,comm); comm := comm * N!.subspace.inverse; for s in [ 1 .. Length( comm ) ] do stab[ s ] := stab[ s ] / PcElementByExponentsNC ( N, N{ N!.subspace.needed }, comm[ s ] ); #( N!.capH, N!.capH{ N!.subspace.needed }, comm[ s ] ); Assert(2,Comm(h*rep,stab[s]) in NT); od; # NC is safe stab:=ClosureSubgroupNC(stabsub,stab); if IsSolvableGroup(C) then SetIsSolvableGroup(stab,true); fi; c := [h * rep,stab]; Assert(2,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(stab),i->Comm(i,c[1]) in NT)); if reduce<>fail then Add(classes,[PreImagesRepresentative(reduce,c[1]), PreImage(reduce,c[2])]); else Add(classes,c); fi; od; Assert(1,ForAll(classes,i->i[1] in H and IsSubset(H,i[2]))); return classes; end); # new version, no subspace ############################################################################# ## #F GeneralStepCanEANSNonsolv( <H>,<N>,<NT>,<C>,<reps> ) ## ## canonical rep BindGlobal("GeneralStepCanEANSNonsolv",function( H, N,NT, C,h,reps,repo,nostab ) local SchreierVectorProduct, field, one, r, ran, gens, imgs, M, invimgs, repvec, repgps, newreps, aff, sel, i, repsofi, orb, rep, dict, q, stab, sti, stabgens, p, img, mi, os, a, mipo, mimap, map, ngrp, c, j; SchreierVectorProduct:=function(n) local w,q,a; w:=One(C); while n<>1 do q:=rep[n]; w:=gens[q]*w; n:=LookupDictionary(dict,orb[n]*invimgs[q]); od; return w; end; #NT:=AsSubgroup(H,NT); field := GF( RelativeOrders( N )[ 1 ] ); one:=One(field); #reduce:=ReducedPermdegree(C); #if reduce<>fail then # C:=Image(reduce,C); # Info(InfoHomClass,4,"reduced to deg:",NrMovedPoints(C)); # h:=Image(reduce,h); # NT:=Image(reduce,NT); # N:=ModuloPcgs(SubgroupNC(C,Image(reduce,NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(N))),NT); #fi; r := Length(N); ran := [ 1 .. r ]; # Construct matrices for the affine operation on $N/[h,N]$. gens:=Filtered(GeneratorsOfGroup(C),i->not i in NT); if Length(gens)>20 then gens:=Filtered(SmallGeneratingSet(C),i->not i in NT); fi; imgs := [ ]; for c in gens do M := [ ]; for i in ran do #M[i]:=Concatenation(ExponentsConjugateLayer(N,N[i],c)*one,[Zero(field)]); M[i]:=Concatenation(ExponentsOfPcElement(N,N[i]^c)*one,[Zero(field)]); od; M[r+1]:=Concatenation(ExponentsOfPcElement(N,Comm(h,c))*one,[One(field)]); M:=ImmutableMatrix(field,M); Add( imgs, M ); od; invimgs:=List(imgs,Inverse); # get vectors for reps repvec:=List(repo,i->Concatenation( ExponentsOfPcElement(N,LeftQuotient(h,reps[i][1]))*one,[one])); for i in repvec do ConvertToVectorRep(i,field); od; repgps:=[]; newreps:=[]; aff:=field^(r+1); sel:=[1..Length(repo)]; while Length(sel)>0 do i:=sel[1]; repsofi:=reps[repo[i]]; RemoveSet(sel,i); # since we want representatives as well, recode the orbit algorithm. orb:=[repvec[i]]; rep:=[0]; dict:=NewDictionary(repvec[i],true,aff); AddDictionary(dict,repvec[i],1); # get stabilizing generators q:=gens{Filtered([1..Length(gens)],i->orb[1]*imgs[i]=orb[1])}; if q=gens or nostab then stab:=C; else stab:=ClosureGroup(NT,q); fi; sti:=5; if nostab then sti:=-1;fi; stabgens:=[]; p:=1; while p<=Length(orb) do for j in [1..Length(gens)] do img:=orb[p]*imgs[j]; q:=LookupDictionary(dict,img); if q=fail then Add(orb,img); AddDictionary(dict,img,Length(orb)); Add(rep,j); elif Size(C)/Size(stab)>Length(orb) then if sti=0 then Add(stabgens,[p,j,q]); if Random([1..QuoInt(Length(orb),5)])=1 then os:=Random([1..Length(stabgens)]); mi:=stabgens[os]; stabgens[os]:=stabgens[Length(stabgens)]; Unbind(stabgens[Length(stabgens)]); os:=Size(stab); stab:=ClosureGroup(stab,SchreierVectorProduct(mi[1])*gens[mi[2]] / SchreierVectorProduct(mi[3])); if Size(stab)>os then sti:=1; fi; fi; else os:=Size(stab); stab:=ClosureGroup(stab,SchreierVectorProduct(p)*gens[j] / SchreierVectorProduct(q)); if Size(stab)=os then sti:=sti-1; fi; fi; fi; od; p:=p+1; od; # add missing schreier gens a:=Size(C)/Length(orb); while Size(stab)<a and not nostab do os:=Random([1..Length(stabgens)]); mi:=stabgens[os]; stabgens[os]:=stabgens[Length(stabgens)]; Unbind(stabgens[Length(stabgens)]); stab:=ClosureGroup(stab,SchreierVectorProduct(mi[1])*gens[mi[2]] / SchreierVectorProduct(mi[3])); od; Info(InfoHomClass,3,"Orbit length ",Length(orb), " with ",Length(gens)," generators"); mi:=Minimum(orb); # the ``canonical'' rep. mipo:=LookupDictionary(dict,mi); mimap:=SchreierVectorProduct(mipo); # element moving starter to minimal map:=mimap; stab:=stab^map; # stabilize minimal element mi:=PcElementByExponentsNC(N,mi{ran}); Assert(1,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(stab),x->Comm(x,h*mi) in NT)); ngrp:=[[repo[i]],h*mi,stab]; Add(repgps,ngrp); newreps[repo[i]]:=[repsofi[1]^map,repsofi[2]*map,Length(repgps)]; Assert(1,LeftQuotient(h*mi*One(NT),repsofi[1]^map) in NT); for i in ShallowCopy(sel) do q:=LookupDictionary(dict,repvec[i]); if q<>fail then RemoveSet(sel,i); repsofi:=reps[repo[i]]; Add(ngrp[1],repo[i]); map:=LeftQuotient(SchreierVectorProduct(q),mimap); newreps[repo[i]]:=[repsofi[1]^map,repsofi[2]*map,Length(repgps)]; Assert(1,LeftQuotient(h*mi,repsofi[1]^map) in NT); fi; od; od; return [repgps,newreps]; end); ############################################################################# ## #F CentralStepClEANSNonsolv( <H>, <N>, <cl> ) ## # the version for pc groups implicitly uses a pc-group orbit-stabilizer # algorithm. We can't do this but have to use a more simple-minded # orbit/stabilizer approach. BindGlobal("CentralStepClEANSNonsolv",function( H, N, cl ) local classes, # classes to be constructed, the result f, # field over which <N> is a vector space o, n,r, # dimensions space, com, comms, mats, decomp, reduce, v, h, # preimage `cl.representative' under <hom> C, # preimage `Centralizer( cl )' under <hom> w, # coefficient vectors for projection along $[h,N]$ c; # loop variable C:=cl[2]; h := cl[1]; reduce:=ReducedPermdegree(C); if reduce<>fail then C:=Image(reduce,C); Info(InfoHomClass,4,"reduced to deg:",NrMovedPoints(C)); h:=Image(reduce,h); N:=ModuloPcgs(SubgroupNC(C,Image(reduce,NumeratorOfModuloPcgs(N))), SubgroupNC(C,Image(reduce,DenominatorOfModuloPcgs(N)))); fi; # centrality still means that conjugation by c is multiplication with # [h,c] and that the complement space is generated by commutators [h,c] # for a generating set {c|...} of C. f:=GF(RelativeOrders(N)[1]); n:=Length(N); o:=One(f); # commutator space basis comms:=List(GeneratorsOfGroup(C),c->o*ExponentsOfPcElement(N,Comm(h,c))); List(comms,x->ConvertToVectorRep(x,f)); space:=List(comms,ShallowCopy); TriangulizeMat(space); space:=Filtered(space,i->i<>Zero(i)); # remove spurious columns com:=BaseSteinitzVectors(IdentityMat(n,f),space); # decomposition of vectors into the subspace basis r:=Length(com.subspace); if r>0 then # if the subspace is trivial, everything stabilizes decomp:=Concatenation(com.subspace,com.factorspace)^-1; decomp:=decomp{[1..Length(decomp)]}{[1..r]}; decomp:=ImmutableMatrix(f,decomp); # build matrices for the affine action mats:=[]; for w in comms do c:=IdentityMat(r+1,o); c[r+1]{[1..r]}:=w*decomp; # translation bit c:=ImmutableMatrix(f,c); Add(mats,c); od; #subspace affine enumerator v:=ExtendedVectors(f^r); C := Stabilizer( C, v, v[1],GeneratorsOfGroup(C), mats,OnPoints ); fi; Assert(1,Size(cl[2])/Size(C)=Size(f)^r); if Length(com.factorspace)=0 then if reduce<>fail then classes:=[[PreImagesRepresentative(reduce,h),PreImage(reduce,C)]]; else classes:=[[h,C]]; fi; else classes:=[]; # enumerator of complement v:=f^Length(com.factorspace); for w in v do c := [h * PcElementByExponentsNC( N,w*com.factorspace),C ]; if reduce<>fail then Add(classes,[PreImagesRepresentative(reduce,c[1]), PreImage(reduce,c[2])]); else Add(classes,c); fi; od; fi; Assert(1,ForAll(classes,i->i[1] in H and IsSubset(H,i[2]))); return classes; end); BindGlobal("ConjugacyClassesViaRadical_Old",function (G) local r, #radical f, # G/r hom, # G->f pcgs,mpcgs, #(modulo) pcgs ser, # series M,N, # normal subgrops ind, # indices i, #loop new, # new classes cl,ncl; # classes # it seems to be cleaner (and avoids deferring abelian factors) if we # factor out the radical first. (Note: The radical method for perm groups # stores the nat hom.!) ser:=PermliftSeries(G); pcgs:=ser[2]; ser:=ser[1]; r:=ser[1]; if Size(r)<Size(G) then if Size(r)>1 then hom:=NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroupNC(G,r); f:=Image(hom); # we need centralizers cl:=ConjugacyClassesFittingFreeGroup(f:onlysizes:=false); else hom:=SmallerDegreePermutationRepresentation(G); # old code f:=Image(hom); cl:=ConjugacyClassesFittingFreeGroup(f); fi; if not IsOne(hom) then ncl:=[]; for i in cl do new:=[PreImagesRepresentative(hom,i[1])]; if not IsInt(i[2]) then Add(new,PreImage(hom,i[2])); fi; Add(ncl,new); od; cl:=ncl; fi; else cl:=[[One(G),G]]; fi; for i in [2..Length(ser)] do M:=ser[i-1]; N:=ser[i]; # abelian factor, use affine methods Info(InfoHomClass,1,"abelian factor: ",Size(M),"->",Size(N)); if pcgs=false then mpcgs:=ModuloPcgs(M,N); else mpcgs:=pcgs[i-1] mod pcgs[i]; fi; ncl:=[]; for i in cl do Assert(2,ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(i[2]),j->Comm(i[1],j) in M)); if ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(i[2]), i->ForAll(mpcgs,j->Comm(i,j) in N)) then Info(InfoHomClass,3,"central step"); new:=CentralStepClEANSNonsolv(G,mpcgs,i); else new:=GeneralStepClEANSNonsolv(G,mpcgs,AsSubgroup(G,N),i); fi; Assert(1,ForAll(new, i->ForAll(GeneratorsOfGroup(i[2]),j->Comm(j,i[1]) in N))); Info(InfoHomClass,2,Length(new)," new classes"); ncl:=Concatenation(ncl,new); od; cl:=ncl; Info(InfoHomClass,1,"Now: ",Length(cl)," classes"); od; if Order(cl[1][1])>1 then # the idenity is not in first position Info(InfoHomClass,2,"identity not first, sorting"); Sort(cl,function(a,b) return Order(a[1])<Order(b[1]);end); fi; Info(InfoHomClass,1,"forming classes"); ncl:=[]; for i in cl do if IsInt(i[2]) then r:=ConjugacyClass(G,i[1]); SetSize(r,Size(G)/i[2]); else Assert(1,Centralizer(G,i[1])=i[2]); r:=ConjugacyClass(G,i[1],i[2]); fi; Add(ncl,r); od; cl:=ncl; # temporary fix for wrong centralizers -- this code will go away anyhow # in next release if Sum(ncl,Size)<>Size(G) then ncl:=List(ncl,x->ConjugacyClass(G,Representative(x))); if Sum(ncl,Size)<>Size(G) then Error("wrong classes"); fi; fi; return ncl; end); ############################################################################# ## #E