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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## AutoDoc package ## ## Copyright 2012-2016 ## Sebastian Gutsche, University of Kaiserslautern ## Max Horn, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen ## ## Licensed under the GPL 2 or later. ## ############################################################################# ## InstallValue( AUTODOC_XML_HEADER, Concatenation( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\n", "<!-- This is an automatically generated file. -->\n" ) ); InstallValue( _AUTODOC_GLOBAL_OPTION_RECORD, rec( AutoDocMainFile := "_AutoDocMainFile.xml" ) ); InstallGlobalFunction( AUTODOC_SetIfMissing, function( record, name, val ) if not IsBound( record.(name) ) then record.(name) := val; fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( AUTODOC_APPEND_STRING_ITERATIVE, function( arg ) local string, i; string := arg[ 1 ]; for i in [ 2 .. Length( arg ) ] do Append( string, arg[ i ] ); od; Append( string, "\n" ); end ); ## ## Given two records, this adds all key/values pairs of the ## second record to the first record, unless the first record already ## has an entry for that key. InstallGlobalFunction( AUTODOC_MergeRecords, function( dst, src ) local key; for key in RecNames( src ) do AUTODOC_SetIfMissing( dst, key, src.( key ) ); od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( CreateDefaultChapterData, function( pkgname ) local chapter_name, default_chapter_record, list_of_types, i; if not IsString( pkgname ) then Error( "CreateDefaultChapterData must be called with a possible package name\n" ); fi; chapter_name := Concatenation( pkgname, "_automatic_generated_documentation" ); default_chapter_record := rec(); list_of_types := [ "categories", "methods", "attributes", "properties", "global_functions", "global_variables" ]; for i in list_of_types do default_chapter_record.(i) := [ chapter_name, Concatenation( chapter_name, "_of_", i ) ]; od; return default_chapter_record; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( CreateMainPage, function( book_name, dir, opt ) local filename, filestream, i, ent, val; if IsString(dir) then dir := Directory(dir); fi; if not IsBound( opt.entities ) then opt.entities := rec(); fi; # add book_name unconditionally to the list of entities if IsRecord( opt.entities ) then if not IsBound(opt.entities.(book_name)) then opt.entities.(book_name) := Concatenation( "<Package>", book_name, "</Package>" ); fi; else Add( opt.entities, book_name ); fi; if IsBound( opt.main_xml_file ) then filename := opt.main_xml_file; else filename := Concatenation( book_name, ".xml" ); fi; filestream := AUTODOC_OutputTextFile( dir, filename ); AppendTo( filestream, AUTODOC_XML_HEADER ); AppendTo( filestream, "<!DOCTYPE Book SYSTEM \"gapdoc.dtd\"\n[\n" ); AppendTo( filestream, "<!ENTITY see '<Alt Only=\"LaTeX\">$\to$</Alt><Alt Not=\"LaTeX\">--></Alt>'>\n" ); if IsList( opt.entities ) then for i in opt.entities do ## allow generic entities. if IsString( i ) and PositionSublist( i, "!ENTITY" ) <> fail then AppendTo( filestream, i ); AppendTo( filestream, "\n" ); continue; fi; if IsString( i ) then i := [ "Package", i ]; fi; AppendTo( filestream, "<!ENTITY ", ReplacedString( i[ 2 ], " ", "_" ), " '<", i[ 1 ], ">", i[ 2 ], "</", i[ 1 ], ">'>\n" ); od; else for ent in RecNames(opt.entities) do val := String(opt.entities.(ent)); # escape single quotes, if any val := ReplacedString( val, "'", "\\\'" ); AppendTo( filestream, "<!ENTITY ", ent, " '", val, "'>\n" ); od; fi; AppendTo( filestream, "]\n>\n" ); AppendTo( filestream, "<Book Name=\"", ReplacedString( book_name, " ", "_" ), "\">\n" ); AppendTo( filestream, "<#Include SYSTEM \"title.xml\">\n" ); if not IsBound( opt.table_of_contents ) or opt.table_of_contents <> false then AppendTo( filestream, "<TableOfContents/>\n" ); fi; AppendTo( filestream, "<Body>\n" ); if IsBound( opt.includes ) then for i in opt.includes do AppendTo( filestream, "<#Include SYSTEM \"", i, "\">\n" ); od; else AppendTo( filestream, "<#Include SYSTEM \"", _AUTODOC_GLOBAL_OPTION_RECORD.AutoDocMainFile, "\">\n" ); fi; AppendTo( filestream, "</Body>\n" ); if IsBound( opt.appendix ) then for i in opt.appendix do AppendTo( filestream, "<#Include SYSTEM \"", i, "\">\n" ); od; fi; if IsBound( opt.bib ) and opt.bib <> false then AppendTo( filestream, "<Bibliography Databases=\"", opt.bib, "\"/>\n" ); fi; if IsBound( opt.index ) and opt.index = true then AppendTo( filestream, "<TheIndex/>\n" ); fi; AppendTo( filestream, "</Book>\n" ); CloseStream( filestream ); return true; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( ExtractTitleInfoFromPackageInfo, function( pkginfo ) local title_rec, i, tmp_list, j, author_rec, author_string; if IsBound( pkginfo.AutoDoc ) then title_rec := ShallowCopy( pkginfo.AutoDoc.TitlePage ); else title_rec := rec( ); fi; AUTODOC_SetIfMissing( title_rec, "Title", pkginfo.PackageName ); AUTODOC_SetIfMissing( title_rec, "Subtitle", ReplacedString( pkginfo.Subtitle, "GAP", "&GAP;" ) ); AUTODOC_SetIfMissing( title_rec, "Version", pkginfo.Version ); ## Sanitize author info if not IsBound( title_rec.Author ) then title_rec.Author := [ ]; i := 1; for author_rec in pkginfo.Persons do author_string := ""; AUTODOC_APPEND_STRING_ITERATIVE( author_string, author_rec.FirstNames, " ", author_rec.LastName, "<Alt Only=\"LaTeX\"><Br/></Alt>" ); if IsBound( author_rec.PostalAddress ) then tmp_list := SplitString( author_rec.PostalAddress, "\n" ); AUTODOC_APPEND_STRING_ITERATIVE( author_string, "<Address>" ); for j in tmp_list do AUTODOC_APPEND_STRING_ITERATIVE( author_string, j, "<Br/>" ); od; AUTODOC_APPEND_STRING_ITERATIVE( author_string, "</Address>" ); fi; if IsBound( author_rec.Email ) then AUTODOC_APPEND_STRING_ITERATIVE( author_string, "<Email>", author_rec.Email, "</Email>" ); fi; if IsBound( author_rec.WWWHome ) then AUTODOC_APPEND_STRING_ITERATIVE( author_string, "<Homepage>", author_rec.WWWHome, "</Homepage>" ); fi; title_rec.Author[ i ] := author_string; i := i + 1; od; fi; AUTODOC_SetIfMissing( title_rec, "Date", pkginfo.Date ); return title_rec; end ); ## ## This creates a titlepage out of an argument record. ## Please make sure that every entry in the record ## has the name of its tag, even title etc. ## Please note that entities will be treated ## separately. InstallGlobalFunction( CreateTitlePage, function( dir, argument_rec ) local indent, tag, names, filestream, entity_list, OutWithTag, Out, i, months; filestream := AUTODOC_OutputTextFile( dir, "title.xml" ); indent := 0; Out := function(arg) local s; s := ListWithIdenticalEntries( indent * 2, ' '); Append( s, Concatenation( arg ) ); AppendTo( filestream, s ); end; OutWithTag := function( tag, content ) local lines, s, l; if not IsList( content ) then Error( "can only print string or list of strings" ); fi; if IsString( content ) then content := [ content ]; fi; s := ListWithIdenticalEntries( indent * 2, ' '); AppendTo( filestream, s, "<", tag, ">\n" ); for l in content do AppendTo( filestream, s, " ", l, "\n" ); od; AppendTo( filestream, s, "</", tag, ">\n" ); end; Out( AUTODOC_XML_HEADER ); Out( "<TitlePage>\n" ); indent := indent + 1; for i in [ "Title", "Subtitle", "Version", "TitleComment" ] do if IsBound( argument_rec.( i ) ) then OutWithTag( i, argument_rec.( i ) ); fi; od; if IsBound( argument_rec.Author ) then for i in argument_rec.Author do OutWithTag( "Author", i ); od; fi; if IsBound( argument_rec.Date ) then # try to parse the date months := [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]; i := SplitString( argument_rec.Date, "/" ); if Length( argument_rec.Date ) in [8..10] and Length( i ) = 3 then OutWithTag( "Date", Concatenation( String( Int( i[1] ) ), " ", # remove leading 0, if any months[Int(i[2])], " ", i[3] ) ); else Print("Warning: could not parse package date '", argument_rec.Date, "\n"); OutWithTag( "Date", argument_rec.Date ); fi; fi; for i in [ "Address", "Abstract", "Copyright", "Acknowledgements", "Colophon" ] do if IsBound( argument_rec.( i ) ) then OutWithTag( i, argument_rec.( i ) ); fi; od; Out( "</TitlePage>" ); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( AUTODOC_PROCESS_INTRO_STRINGS, function( introduction_list, tree ) local intro, intro_string, i; for intro in introduction_list do if Length( intro ) = 2 then intro_string := intro[ 2 ]; if IsString( intro_string ) then intro_string := [ intro_string ]; fi; for i in intro_string do Add( ChapterInTree( tree, ReplacedString( intro[ 1 ], " ", "_" ) ), i ); od; elif Length( intro ) = 3 then intro_string := intro[ 3 ]; if IsString( intro_string ) then intro_string := [ intro_string ]; fi; for i in intro_string do Add( SectionInTree( tree, ReplacedString( intro[ 1 ], " ", "_" ), ReplacedString( intro[ 2 ], " ", "_" ) ), i ); od; else Error( "wrong format of introduction string list\n" ); fi; od; return tree; end ); ## ## Optional argument is PackageName, which creates a ## Default chapter record. This is not available for ## worksheets. InstallGlobalFunction( AutoDocScanFiles, function( files_to_scan, pkgname, tree ) local default_chapter_record; default_chapter_record := CreateDefaultChapterData( pkgname ); AutoDoc_Parser_ReadFiles( files_to_scan, tree, default_chapter_record ); return tree; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( AutoDocWorksheet, function( arg ) local autodoc_rec, scaffold_rec; if Length( arg ) = 1 then arg[ 2 ] := rec( ); fi; scaffold_rec := ValueOption( "scaffold" ); if scaffold_rec = fail then scaffold_rec := rec( ); fi; AUTODOC_SetIfMissing( scaffold_rec, "index", false ); if Length( arg ) = 2 then autodoc_rec := ValueOption( "autodoc" ); if autodoc_rec = fail then autodoc_rec := rec( ); fi; if IsString( arg[ 1 ] ) then arg[ 1 ] := [ arg[ 1 ] ]; fi; if IsBound( autodoc_rec.files ) then Append( autodoc_rec.files, arg[ 1 ] ); else autodoc_rec.files := arg[ 1 ]; fi; AutoDoc( "AutoDocWorksheet", arg[ 2 ] : autodoc := autodoc_rec, scaffold := scaffold_rec ); fi; if Length( arg ) = 0 then AutoDoc( "AutoDocWorksheet" : scaffold := scaffold_rec ); fi; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( CreateMakeTest, function( pkgdir, doc_dir, main, files_to_scan, argument_rec ) local filename, filestream, i; if IsBound( ) then filename :=; else filename := "maketest.g"; fi; filestream := AUTODOC_OutputTextFile( pkgdir, filename ); AppendTo( filestream, "## This file is automatically generated by AutoDoc.\n" ); AppendTo( filestream, "## Changes will be discarded by the next call of the AutoDoc method.\n\n\n" ); if IsBound( argument_rec.commands ) and IsList( argument_rec.commands ) then if IsString( argument_rec.commands ) and argument_rec.commands <> [ ] then argument_rec.commands := [ argument_rec.commands ]; fi; for i in argument_rec.commands do AppendTo( filestream, i ); AppendTo( filestream, "\n\n" ); od; fi; AppendTo( filestream, "AUTODOC_file_scan_list := ", files_to_scan, ";\n\n" ); AppendTo( filestream, "LoadPackage( \"GAPDoc\" );\n\n" ); if not EndsWith(main, ".xml") then main := Concatenation( main, ".xml" ); fi; AppendTo( filestream, "example_tree := ExtractExamples( ", doc_dir, ", ", "\"", main, "\", ", "AUTODOC_file_scan_list, 500 );\n\n" ); AppendTo( filestream, "RunExamples( example_tree, rec( compareFunction := \"uptowhitespace\" ) );\n\n" ); AppendTo( filestream, "QUIT;\n" ); CloseStream( filestream ); end );