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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W methods.g GAP 4 package `browse' Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 2007, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ############################################################################# ## #F BrowseGapMethods( [<operations>] ) ## ## Categorize by operations and number of arguments with input 'scrscscsc'. ## Categorize by filenames with input 'scrrrrrrsc'. ## (Reset the table with input '!'.) ## BindGlobal( "BrowseGapMethods", function( arg ) local opnamewidth, argumentswidth, commentwidth, filenamewidth, operations, pkgnames, pkgpaths, matrix, methodlist, cats, operation, opname, i, methods, j, argnames, comment, func, filename, pkg, path, len, sel_action, t; opnamewidth:= 20; argumentswidth:= 25; commentwidth:= 30; filenamewidth:= 30; # Get the list of operations, sorted alphabetically. if Length( arg ) = 0 then operations:= OPERATIONS{ [ 1, 3 .. Length( OPERATIONS ) - 1 ] };; elif Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[1] ) then operations:= Filtered( arg[1], op -> IsFunction( op ) and ForAny( OPERATIONS, opr -> IsIdenticalObj( op, opr ) ) ); else Error( "usage: BrowseGapMethods( [<operations>] )" ); fi; SortParallel( List( operations, NameFunction ), operations ); # (Similar code is in `app/profile.g'.) pkgnames:= ShallowCopy( RecNames( GAPInfo.PackagesLoaded ) ); pkgpaths:= List( pkgnames, nam -> GAPInfo.PackagesLoaded.( nam )[1] ); pkgnames:= List( pkgnames, nam -> GAPInfo.PackagesLoaded.( nam )[3] ); Append( pkgnames, List( GAPInfo.RootPaths, x -> "GAP" ) ); Append( pkgpaths, GAPInfo.RootPaths ); Add( pkgnames, "GAP" ); Add( pkgpaths, "GAPROOT/" ); # used for compiled functions in lib # Fill the matrix with the information about the methods, # ordered by their rank. # (Omit default methods for setter and getter operations.) matrix:= []; methodlist:= []; cats:= []; for operation in operations do opname:= NameFunction( operation ); for i in [ 0 .. GAPInfo.MaxNrArgsMethod ] do methods:= METHODS_OPERATION( operation, i ); for j in [ 1, 5+i .. Length( methods ) - 3-i ] do argnames:= NamesLocalVariablesFunction( methods[ j + i + 1 ] ); if argnames = fail then argnames:= [ "..." ]; elif i <= Length( argnames ) then argnames:= argnames{ [ 1 .. i ] }; fi; comment:= methods[ j + i + 3 ]; if not ':' in comment then comment:= ""; else comment:= comment{ [ Position( comment, ':' ) + 2 .. Length( comment ) ] }; fi; if Length( opname ) < 7 or i <> 2 or not opname{ [ 1 .. 7 ] } in [ "Getter(", "Setter(" ] or not comment in [ "system setter", "default method, does nothing" ] then func:= methods[ j + i + 1 ]; Add( methodlist, func ); # Compute package (if applicable) and filename. filename:= FilenameFunc( func ); if filename = fail then filename:= "(no filename stored)"; if IsOperation( func ) then pkg:= "(oprt.)"; else pkg:= ""; fi; else pkg:= PositionProperty( pkgpaths, path -> Length( path ) < Length( filename ) and filename{ [ 1 .. Length( path ) ] } = path ); if pkg <> fail then pkg:= pkgnames[ pkg ]; else pkg:= ""; fi; for path in GAPInfo.RootPaths do len:= Length( path ); if len < Length( filename ) and filename{ [ 1 .. len ] } = path then filename:= filename{ [ len + 1 .. Length( filename ) ] }; break; fi; od; fi; Add( matrix, [ # operation name rec( align:= "tl", rows:= SplitString( BrowseData.ReallyFormatParagraph( opname, opnamewidth, "left" ), "\n" ) ), # number of arguments rec( align:= "tr", rows:= [ String( i ) ] ), # arguments rec( align:= "tl", rows:= SplitString( BrowseData.ReallyFormatParagraph( Concatenation( "( ", JoinStringsWithSeparator( argnames, ", " ), " )" ), argumentswidth, "left" ), "\n" ) ), # comment rec( align:= "tl", rows:= SplitString( BrowseData.ReallyFormatParagraph( comment, commentwidth, "left" ), "\n" ) ), # rank rec( align:= "t", rows:= [ String( methods[ j + i + 2 ] ) ] ), # source package (if applicable) rec( align:= "tl", rows:= [ pkg ] ), # source file (if applicable) rec( align:= "tl", rows:= SplitString( BrowseData.ReallyFormatParagraph( filename, filenamewidth, "left" ), "\n" ) ), ] ); fi; od; od; od; # Implement the ``click'' action. # (Essentially the same function is contained in `app/profile.g' # and `app/pkgvar.g'.) sel_action:= rec( helplines:= [ "show the chosen method in a pager" ], action:= function( t ) local pos, func, file, lines, stream; if t.dynamic.selectedEntry <> [ 0, 0 ] then pos:= t.dynamic.indexRow[ t.dynamic.selectedEntry[1] ] / 2; func:= methodlist[ pos ]; file:= FilenameFunc( func ); if file = fail or file = "*stdin*" or not IsReadableFile( file ) then # Show the code in a pager. lines:= ""; stream:= OutputTextString( lines, true ); PrintTo( stream, func ); CloseStream( stream ); else # Show the file in a pager. lines:= rec( lines:= StringFile( file ), start:= StartlineFunc( func ) ); fi; if BrowseData.IsDoneReplay( t.dynamic.replay ) then NCurses.Pager( lines ); NCurses.update_panels(); NCurses.doupdate(); NCurses.curs_set( 0 ); fi; fi; return t.dynamic.changed; end ); # Construct the browse table. t:= rec( work:= rec( align:= "tl", header:= t -> BrowseData.HeaderWithRowCounter( t, "GAP Methods", Length( matrix ) ), main:= matrix, labelsCol:= [ [ rec( rows:= [ "Operation" ], align:= "l" ), rec( rows:= [ "#" ], align:= "r" ), rec( rows:= [ "Arguments" ], align:= "l" ), rec( rows:= [ "Comment" ], align:= "l" ), rec( rows:= [ "Rank" ], align:= "r" ), rec( rows:= [ "Package" ], align:= "l" ), rec( rows:= [ "Filename" ], align:= "l" ), ] ], sepLabelsCol:= "=", sepRow:= "-", sepCol:= [ "| ", " | ", " | ", " | ", " | ", " | ", " |" ], widthCol:= [ , opnamewidth,,,, argumentswidth,, commentwidth,,,,,, filenamewidth ], SpecialGrid:= BrowseData.SpecialGridLineDraw, Click:= rec( select_entry:= sel_action, select_row:= sel_action, ), startCollapsedCategory:= [ [ NCurses.attrs.BOLD, true, "> " ], [ NCurses.attrs.BOLD, true, " > " ], ], startExpandedCategory:= [ [ NCurses.attrs.BOLD, true, "* " ], [ NCurses.attrs.BOLD, true, " * " ], ], ), dynamic:= rec( sortFunctionsForColumns:= [ ,, BrowseData.CompareLenLex ], ), ); # Customize the sort parameters. BrowseData.SetSortParameters( t, "column", 1, [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes" ] ); BrowseData.SetSortParameters( t, "column", 2, [ "add counter on categorizing", "yes" ] ); # Show the browse table. NCurses.BrowseGeneric( t ); end ); ############################################################################# ## ## Add the Browse application to the list shown by `BrowseGapData'. ## BrowseGapDataAdd( "GAP Operations and Methods", BrowseGapMethods, false, "\ the operations available in the current GAP session, \ together with their methods, shown in a browse table; \ the columns of the table contain the operation names, \ the number and the names of the arguments, the comments, the ranks, \ the package names, and the filenames (if applicable) of the methods; \ ``click'' shows the code of the method; \ one can categorize the table by operations and argument number \ by entering scrscscsc \ " ); ############################################################################# ## #E