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Views: 466315############################################################################# ## #W tomdisp.g GAP 4 package `browse' Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 2006, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ############################################################################# ## #M Browse( <tom>[, <options>] ) ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="Tom_section"> ## <Section Label="sec:tomdisp"> ## <Heading>Table of Marks Display</Heading> ## ## The &GAP; library provides a <Ref Oper="Display" BookName="ref"/> method ## for tables of marks ## that breaks the table into columns fitting on the screen. ## Similar to the situation with character tables, ## see Section <Ref Sect="sec:ctbldisp"/>, ## but with a much simpler implementation, &Browse; provides an alternative ## based on the function <Ref Func="NCurses.BrowseGeneric"/>. ## <P/> ## <Ref Oper="Browse"/> can be called instead of ## <Ref Oper="Display" BookName="ref"/> for tables of marks, ## cf. <Ref Sect="Printing Tables of Marks" BookName="ref"/>. ## ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Name="Browse" Arg="tom[, options]" Label="for tables of marks"/> ## ## <Description> ## This method displays the table of marks <A>tom</A> in a window. ## The optional record <A>options</A> describes what shall be displayed, ## the supported components and the default values are described ## in <Ref Sect="Printing Tables of Marks" BookName="ref"/>. ## <P/> ## The full functionality of the function ## <Ref Func="NCurses.BrowseGeneric"/> is available. ## <P/> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> if TestPackageAvailability( "TomLib" ) = true then ## > BrowseData.SetReplay( Concatenation( ## > # scroll in the table ## > "DDRRR", ## > # search for the (exact) value 100 (three times) ## > "/100", ## > [ NCurses.keys.DOWN, NCurses.keys.DOWN, NCurses.keys.RIGHT ], ## > [ NCurses.keys.DOWN, NCurses.keys.DOWN, NCurses.keys.DOWN ], ## > [ NCurses.keys.RIGHT, NCurses.keys.ENTER ], "nn", ## > # no more occurrences of 100, confirm ## > [ NCurses.keys.ENTER ], ## > # and quit the application ## > "Q" ) ); ## > Browse( TableOfMarks( "A10" ) ); ## > BrowseData.SetReplay( false ); ## > fi; ## ]]></Example> ## <P/> ## <E>Implementation remarks</E>: ## Rows and columns are indexed by their positions. ## The identifier of the table is used as the static header, ## there is no footer. ## <P/> ## In order to keep the required space small also for large tables of marks, ## caching of formatted matrix entries is disabled, and the ## strings to be displayed are computed on demand with a <C>Main</C> ## function in the <C>work</C> component of the browse table. ## For the same reason, the constant height one for the table rows is set ## in advance. ## (For example, the table of marks of the group with identifier ## <C>"O8+(2)"</C>, with <M>11171</M> rows and columns, ## can be shown with <Ref Oper="Browse"/> in a &GAP; session requiring about ## <M>100</M> MB.) ## <P/> ## The code can be found in the file <F>app/tomdisp.g</F> of the package. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## </Section> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( Browse, [ "IsTableOfMarks" ], function( tom ) Browse( tom, rec() ); end ); InstallMethod( Browse, [ "IsTableOfMarks", "IsRecord" ], function( tom, options ) local subs, ll, classes, vals, wt, i, heights; # Set default values. subs:= SubsTom( tom ); ll:= Length(subs); classes:= [ 1 .. ll ]; # Adjust parameters. if IsBound( options.classes ) and IsList( options.classes ) then classes:= options.classes; fi; if IsBound( options.form ) then if options.form = "supergroups" then vals:= ShallowCopy( vals ); wt:= WeightsTom( tom ); for i in [ 1 .. ll ] do vals[i]:= vals[i] / wt[i]; od; elif options.form = "subgroups" then vals:= NrSubsTom( tom ); fi; else vals:= MarksTom( tom ); fi; heights:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( 2 * Length( classes ) + 1, 0 ); for i in [ 2, 4 .. 2 * Length( classes ) ] do heights[i]:= 1; od; # Construct and show the browse table. NCurses.BrowseGeneric( rec( work:= rec( align:= "ct", header:= [ Identifier( tom ) ], CategoryValues:= function( t, i, j ) return [ Concatenation( String( j/2 ), " = ", t, i/2, j/2 ) ) ]; end, # Avoid computing strings for all entries in advance. main:= [], Main:= function( t, i, j ) local pos; pos:= Position( subs[ classes[i] ], classes[j] ); if pos = fail then return "."; else return String( vals[ classes[i] ][ pos ] ); fi; end, m:= Length( classes ), n:= Length( classes ), labelsRow:= List( classes, x -> [ Concatenation( String( x ), ": " ) ] ), labelsCol:= [ List( classes, String ) ], sepLabelsRow:= [ "" ], sepLabelsCol:= [], sepCol:= [ " " ], # Avoid computing all entries in a row for determining the heights. heightRow:= heights, corner := [], ), dynamic:= rec( sortFunctionForTableDefault:= BrowseData.CompareCharacterValues, sortFunctionForColumnsDefault:= BrowseData.CompareCharacterValues, sortFunctionForRowsDefault:= BrowseData.CompareCharacterValues, ), ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #E