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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 46630912[1XReferences[101X34[[20XBog[120X] [16XBogomolny, A.[116X, [17XSam Loyd's Fifteen[117X,5[[20XCCN+85[120X] [16XConway, J. H., Curtis, R. T., Norton, S. P., Parker, R. A. and8Wilson, R. A.[116X, [17XAtlas of finite groups[117X, Oxford University Press, Eynsham9(1985), xxxiv+252 pages, ((Maximal subgroups and ordinary characters for10simple groups, With computational assistance from J. G. Thackray)).1112[[20XCN04[120X] [16XCeller, F. and Neunhöffer, M.[116X, [17XXGAP, a graphical user interface for13GAP, Version 4.21[117X (2004), ((Refereed GAP package)),14[[20XGAP[120X] [17XA Bibliography of GAP related publications[117X, The GAP Group,17[[20XJLPW95[120X] [16XJansen, C., Lux, K., Parker, R. and Wilson, R.[116X, [17XAn atlas of Brauer20characters[117X, The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, London Mathematical21Society Monographs. New Series, [19X11[119X, New York (1995), xviii+327 pages,22((Appendix 2 by T. Breuer and S. Norton, Oxford Science Publications)).2324[[20XKöla[120X] [16XKöller, J.[116X, [17XPeg Solitaire[117X,25[[20XKölb[120X] [16XKöller, J.[116X, [17XRubik's Cube[117X,28[[20XLN07[120X] [16XLübeck, F. and Neunhöffer, M.[116X, [17XGAPDoc, A Meta Package for GAP31Documentation, Version 1.0[117X (2007), ((Refereed GAP package)),32[[20XNCu[120X] [17XThe ncurses C library[117X,[[20XNeu07[120X] [16XNeunhöffer, M.[116X, [17XIO, Bindings for low level C library IO, Version 2.2[117X37(2007), ((GAP package)),38[[20XNMP13[120X] [16XNaughton, L., Merkwitz, T. and Pfeiffer, G.[116X, [17XTomLib, The GAP Library41of Tables of Marks, Version 1.2.4[117X (2013), ((GAP package)),42[[20XOR[120X] [16XO'Connor, J. J. and Robertson, E. F.[116X, University of St Andrews,45[[20XOR00[120X] [16XO'Connor, J. J. and Robertson, E. F.[116X, [17XMathematical MacTutor[117X,48University of St Andrews (2000),49[[20XSch[120X] [16XSchönert, M.[116X, [17XAnalyzing Rubik's Cube with GAP[117X,52[[20XWPN+07[120X] [16XWilson, R. A., Parker, R. A., Nickerson, S., Bray, J. N. and55Breuer, T.[116X, [17XAtlasRep, A GAP Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations,56Version 1.3.1[117X (2007), ((Refereed GAP package)),57[32X626364