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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## CAP package ## ## Copyright 2013, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern ## Sebastian Posur, RWTH Aachen ## ## Chapter Product category ## ############################################################################# DeclareRepresentation( "IsCapCategoryProductCellRep", IsAttributeStoringRep and IsCapCategoryCell, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsCapCategoryProductObjectRep", IsCapCategoryProductCellRep and IsCapCategoryObjectRep, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsCapCategoryProductMorphismRep", IsCapCategoryProductCellRep and IsCapCategoryMorphismRep, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsCapCategoryProductTwoCellRep", IsCapCategoryProductCellRep and IsCapCategoryTwoCellRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfCapCategoryProductObjects", NewType( TheFamilyOfCapCategoryObjects, IsCapCategoryProductObjectRep ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfCapCategoryProductMorphisms", NewType( TheFamilyOfCapCategoryMorphisms, IsCapCategoryProductMorphismRep ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfCapCategoryProductTwoCells", NewType( TheFamilyOfCapCategoryTwoCells, IsCapCategoryProductTwoCellRep ) ); ################################### ## ## Section Fallback methods for functors ## ################################### ## InstallMethod( Components, [ IsCapCategory ], i -> [ i ] ); ## InstallMethod( Components, [ IsCapCategoryCell ], i -> [ i ] ); ################################### ## ## Section Constructor ## ################################### BindGlobal( "CAP_INTERNAL_CREATE_PRODUCT_ARGUMENT_LIST", function( arg_list ) local nr_components, current_argument, i, j, current_mat, new_args; i := 1; while IsInt( arg_list[ i ] ) do i := i + 1; od; if IsCapCategoryCell( arg_list[ 1 ] ) or IsCapCategory( arg_list[ 1 ] ) then nr_components := Length( arg_list[ 1 ] ); elif IsList( arg_list[ 1 ] ) then nr_components := Length( arg_list[ 1 ][ 1 ] ); fi; new_args := List( [ 1 .. nr_components ], i -> [ ] ); for i in [ 1 .. Length( arg_list ) ] do current_argument := arg_list[ i ]; if IsCapCategoryCell( current_argument ) or IsCapCategory( current_argument ) then for j in [ 1 .. nr_components ] do new_args[ j ][ i ] := current_argument[ j ]; od; elif IsInt( current_argument ) then for j in [ 1 .. nr_components ] do new_args[ j ][ i ] := current_argument; od; elif IsList( current_argument ) then current_mat := TransposedMat( List( current_argument, Components ) ); for j in [ 1 .. nr_components ] do new_args[ j ][ i ] := current_mat[ j ]; od; else Error( "Unrecognized argument type" ); fi; od; return new_args; end ); ## BindGlobal( "CAP_INTERNAL_INSTALL_PRODUCT_ADDS_FROM_CATEGORY", function( product_category ) local recnames, current_recname, category_weight_list, current_entry, func, current_add, create_func, components; recnames := RecNames( CAP_INTERNAL_METHOD_NAME_RECORD ); components := Components( product_category ); category_weight_list := List( components, category -> category!.derivations_weight_list ); for current_recname in recnames do current_entry := CAP_INTERNAL_METHOD_NAME_RECORD.( current_recname ); if IsBound( current_entry.no_install ) and current_entry.no_install = true then continue; fi; if ForAny( category_weight_list, list -> CurrentOperationWeight( list, current_recname ) = infinity ) then continue; fi; create_func := function( current_name ) return function( arg ) local product_args, result_list; product_args := CAP_INTERNAL_CREATE_PRODUCT_ARGUMENT_LIST( arg ); result_list := List( product_args, i -> CallFuncList( ValueGlobal( current_name ), i ) ); if ForAll( result_list, IsBool ) then return ForAll( result_list, i -> i = true ); fi; return CallFuncList( Product, result_list ); end; end; func := create_func( current_recname ); current_add := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( "Add", current_recname ) ); current_add( product_category, func ); od; end ); ## InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( ProductOp, [ IsList, IsCapCategory ], function( category_list, selector ) local product_category, namestring; if not ForAll( category_list, HasIsFinalized ) or not ForAll( category_list, IsFinalized ) then Error( "all categories for the product must be finalized" ); fi; ## this is the convention in CapCat if Length( category_list ) = 1 then return category_list[1]; fi; namestring := JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( category_list, Name ), ", " ); namestring := Concatenation( "Product of: " , namestring ); product_category := CreateCapCategory( namestring ); SetComponents( product_category, category_list ); SetLength( product_category, Length( category_list ) ); SetFilterObj( product_category, IsCapProductCategory ); CAP_INTERNAL_INSTALL_PRODUCT_ADDS_FROM_CATEGORY( product_category ); Finalize( product_category ); return product_category; end : ArgumentNumber := 2 ); ## InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( ProductOp_OnObjects, [ IsList, IsCapCategory ], function( object_list, category ) local product_object, entry, i; product_object := rec( ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( product_object, TheTypeOfCapCategoryProductObjects, Components, object_list, Length, Length( object_list ) ); Add( category, product_object ); return product_object; end : ArgumentNumber := 2 ); ## InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( ProductOp_OnMorphisms, [ IsList, IsCapCategory ], function( morphism_list, category ) local product_morphism, entry, i; product_morphism := rec( ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( product_morphism, TheTypeOfCapCategoryProductMorphisms, Components, morphism_list, Length, Length( morphism_list ) ); Add( category, product_morphism ); return product_morphism; end : ArgumentNumber := 2 ); ## InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( ProductOp_OnTwoCells, [ IsList, IsCapCategory ], function( twocell_list, category ) local product_twocell; product_twocell := rec( ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( product_twocell, TheTypeOfCapCategoryProductTwoCells, Components, twocell_list, Length, Length( twocell_list ) ); Add( category, product_twocell ); return product_twocell; end : ArgumentNumber := 2 ); ## InstallMethod( ProductOp, [ IsList, IsCapCategoryObject ], function( object_list, selector ) local category_list; category_list := List( object_list, CapCategory ); return ProductOp_OnObjects( object_list, ProductOp( category_list, category_list[ 1 ] ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ProductOp, [ IsList, IsCapCategoryMorphism ], function( morphism_list, selector ) local category_list; category_list := List( morphism_list, CapCategory ); return ProductOp_OnMorphisms( morphism_list, ProductOp( category_list, category_list[ 1 ] ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ProductOp, [ IsList, IsCapCategoryTwoCellRep ], function( twocell_list, selector ) local category_list; category_list := List( twocell_list, CapCategory ); return ProductOp_OnMorphisms( twocell_list, ProductOp( category_list, category_list[ 1 ] ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \[\], [ IsCapCategory and IsCapProductCategory, IsInt ], function( category, index ) if Length( category ) < index then Error( "index too high, cannot compute this Component" ); fi; return Components( category )[ index ]; end ); ## InstallMethod( \[\], [ IsCapCategoryProductCellRep, IsInt ], function( cell, index ) if Length( cell ) < index then Error( "index too high, cannot compute this Component" ); fi; return Components( cell )[ index ]; end ); ################################### ## ## Section Morphism function ## ################################### ## InstallMethod( Source, [ IsCapCategoryProductMorphismRep ], function( morphism ) return CallFuncList( Product, List( Components( morphism ), Source ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Range, [ IsCapCategoryProductMorphismRep ], function( morphism ) return CallFuncList( Product, List( Components( morphism ), Range ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Source, [ IsCapCategoryProductTwoCellRep ], function( twocell ) return CallFuncList( Product, List( Components( twocell ), Source ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Range, [ IsCapCategoryProductMorphismRep ], function( twocell ) return CallFuncList( Product, List( Components( twocell ), Range ) ); end ); ## InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( HorizontalPreCompose, [ IsCapCategoryProductTwoCellRep, IsCapCategoryProductTwoCellRep ], function( twocell_left, twocell_right ) local left_comp, right_comp; left_comp := Components( twocell_left ); right_comp := Components( twocell_right ); return CallFuncList( Product, List( [ 1 .. Length( twocell_left ) ], i -> HorizontalPreCompose( left_comp[ i ], right_comp[ i ] ) ) ); end ); ## InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( VerticalPreCompose, [ IsCapCategoryProductTwoCellRep, IsCapCategoryProductTwoCellRep ], function( twocell_left, twocell_right ) local left_comp, right_comp; left_comp := Components( twocell_left ); right_comp := Components( twocell_right ); return CallFuncList( Product, List( [ 1 .. Length( twocell_left ) ], i -> VerticalPreCompose( left_comp[ i ], right_comp[ i ] ) ) ); end ); ################################### ## ## Functors on the product category ## ################################### ## InstallMethodWithCache( DirectProductFunctor, [ IsCapCategory, IsInt ], function( category, number_of_arguments ) local direct_product_functor; direct_product_functor := CapFunctor( Concatenation( "direct_product_on_", Name( category ), "_for_", String( number_of_arguments ), "_arguments" ), CallFuncList( Product, List( [ 1 .. number_of_arguments ], c -> category ) ), category ); AddObjectFunction( direct_product_functor, function( object ) return CallFuncList( DirectProduct, Components( object ) ); end ); AddMorphismFunction( direct_product_functor, function( new_source, morphism_list, new_range ) local source, new_source_list; new_source_list := List( morphism_list, Source ); source := List( [ 1 .. number_of_arguments ], i -> PreCompose( ProjectionInFactorOfDirectProduct( new_source_list, i ), morphism_list[i] ) ); return CallFuncList( UniversalMorphismIntoDirectProduct, source ); end ); return direct_product_functor; end ); ## InstallMethodWithCache( CoproductFunctor, [ IsCapCategory, IsInt ], function( category, number_of_arguments ) local coproduct_functor; coproduct_functor := CapFunctor( Concatenation( "coproduct_on_", Name( category ), "_for_", String( number_of_arguments ), "_arguments" ), CallFuncList( Product, List( [ 1 .. number_of_arguments ], c -> category ) ), category ); AddObjectFunction( coproduct_functor, function( object ) return Coproduct( Components( object ) ); end ); AddMorphismFunction( coproduct_functor, function( new_source, morphism_list, new_range ) local sink, new_range_list; new_range_list := List( morphism_list, Range ); sink := List( [ 1 .. number_of_arguments ], i -> PreCompose( morphism_list[i], InjectionOfCofactorOfCoproduct( new_range_list, i ) ) ); return CallFuncList( UniversalMorphismFromCoproduct, sink ); end ); return coproduct_functor; end ); ################################### ## ## Section Some hacks ## ################################### BindGlobal( "CAP_INTERNAL_PRODUCT_SAVE", Product ); MakeReadWriteGlobal( "Product" ); ## HEHE! Product := function( arg ) if ( ForAll( arg, IsCapCategory ) or ForAll( arg, IsCapCategoryObject ) or ForAll( arg, IsCapCategoryMorphism ) ) and Length( arg ) > 0 then return ProductOp( arg, arg[ 1 ] ); fi; return CallFuncList( CAP_INTERNAL_PRODUCT_SAVE, arg ); end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "Product" ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsCapCategory and IsCapProductCategory, IsCapCategory and IsCapProductCategory ], function( category1, category2 ) local list1, list2, length; list1 := Components( category1 ); list2 := Components( category2 ); length := Length( list1 ); if length <> Length( list2 ) then return false; fi; return ForAll( [ 1 .. length ], i -> IsEqualForCache( list1[ i ], list2[ i ] ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsCapCategoryProductCellRep, IsCapCategoryProductCellRep ], function( obj1, obj2 ) local list1, list2, length; list1 := Components( obj1 ); list2 := Components( obj2 ); length := Length( list1 ); if length <> Length( list2 ) then return false; fi; return ForAll( [ 1 .. length ], i -> IsEqualForCache( list1[ i ], list2[ i ] ) ); end );