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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## #W GAPDoc Frank Lübeck ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 2000, Frank Lübeck, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, #Y RWTH Aachen ## ## The files GAPDoc.g{d,i} contain some utilities for trees returned by ## ParseTreeXMLString applied to a GAPDoc document. ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="CheckAndCleanGapDocTree"> ## <ManSection > ## <Func Arg="tree" Name="CheckAndCleanGapDocTree" /> ## <Returns>nothing</Returns> ## <Description> ## The argument <A>tree</A> of this function is a parse tree from ## <Ref Func="ParseTreeXMLString" /> of some &GAPDoc; document. This ## function does an (incomplete) validity check of the document ## according to the document type declaration in <F>gapdoc.dtd</F>. ## It also does some additional checks which cannot be described in ## the DTD (like checking whether chapters and sections have a heading). ## For elements with element content the whitespace between these ## elements is removed.<P/> ## ## In case of an error the break loop is entered and the position ## of the error in the original XML document is printed. With ## <C>Show();</C> one can browse the original input in the <Ref ## BookName="Ref" Func="Pager" />. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## # GAPDOCDTDINFO contains essentially the declaration information from # gapdoc.dtd Add(GAPDOCDTDINFO, rec(name := "WHOLEDOCUMENT", attr := [ ], reqattr := [ ], type := "elements", content := ["Book"])); BindGlobal("GAPDOCDTDINFOELS", List(GAPDOCDTDINFO, a->; InstallGlobalFunction(CheckAndCleanGapDocTree, function(arg) local r, str, name, pos, type, namc, l, ml, i, namattr, typ, c; # we save orignal XML input string if available (as r.input on top # level and as second argument in recursive calls of this function) # This allows to browse the input if an error occurs. r := arg[1]; if Length(arg) > 1 then str := arg[2]; elif IsBound(r.input) then str := r.input; else str := "input string not available"; fi; name :=; if name = "PCDATA" then return true; fi; if Length(name)>2 and name{[1..3]} = "XML" then return true; fi; pos := Position(GAPDOCDTDINFOELS, name); if pos=fail then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation("element ", name, " not known")); fi; type := GAPDOCDTDINFO[pos].type; # checking content if type = "empty" then # case that empty element is not input as such if IsList(r.content) and Length(r.content) = 0 then r.content := EMPTYCONTENT; fi; if not r.content = EMPTYCONTENT then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation("element ", name, " must be empty")); fi; elif type = "elements" then # white space between elements is ignored r.content := Filtered(r.content, c-> <> "PCDATA" or not ForAll(c.content, x-> x in WHITESPACE)); for c in r.content do namc :=; if not ((Length(namc)>2 and namc{[1..3]}="XML") or (namc = "PCDATA" and ForAll(c.content, x-> x in WHITESPACE)) or namc in GAPDOCDTDINFO[pos].content) then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation("Wrong element in ", name, ": ", namc)); else fi; od; r.content := Filtered(r.content, a-> <> "PCDATA"); elif type = "mixed" then l := List(r.content, c-> (Length(>2 and{[1..3]} = "XML") or in GAPDOCDTDINFO[pos].content); if false in l then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation("Wrong element in ", name, ": ", r.content[Position(l, false)].name)); fi; # compactifying sequences of PCDATA entries i := 1; while i < Length(r.content) do if r.content[i].name = "PCDATA" and r.content[i+1].name = "PCDATA" then Append(r.content[i].content, r.content[i+1].content); r.content := r.content{Concatenation([1..i], [i+2..Length(r.content)])}; else i := i + 1; fi; od; fi; # checking existing attributes: namattr := NamesOfComponents(r.attributes); for c in namattr do if not c in GAPDOCDTDINFO[pos].attr then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation("Attribute ", c, " not declared for ", name)); fi; od; # checking required attributes for c in GAPDOCDTDINFO[pos].reqattr do if not c in namattr then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation("Attribute ", c, " must be given in element ", name)); fi; od; # some extra checks if name = "Ref" then if IsBound(r.attributes.BookName) and not IsBound(r.attributes.Label) then typ := Difference(NamesOfComponents(r.attributes), ["BookName", "Style", "Text"]); if Length(typ) <> 1 then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation( "Ref with strange attribute set: ", typ)); fi; fi; elif name in [ "Chapter", "Section", "Subsection" ] and not "Heading" in List(r.content, a-> then ParseError(str, r.start, "Chapter, Section or Subsection must have a heading"); elif name = "ManSection" then l := List(r.content, a->; ml := ["Func", "Oper", "Meth", "Filt", "Prop", "Attr", "Constr", "Var", "Fam", "InfoClass"]; if ForAll(ml, a-> not a in l) then ParseError(str, r.start, Concatenation( "ManSection must contain at least one of the following ", "elements:\n", JoinStringsWithSeparator(ml, ", "))); fi; fi; if r.content = EMPTYCONTENT then return true; else return ForAll(r.content, x-> CheckAndCleanGapDocTree(x, str)); fi; end); ## <#GAPDoc Label="AddParagraphNumbersGapDocTree"> ## <ManSection > ## <Func Arg="tree" Name="AddParagraphNumbersGapDocTree" /> ## <Returns>nothing</Returns> ## <Description> ## The argument <A>tree</A> must be an XML tree returned by <Ref ## Func="ParseTreeXMLString" /> applied to a &GAPDoc; document. This ## function adds to each node of the tree a component <C>.count</C> ## which is of form <C>[Chapter[, Section[, Subsection, Paragraph] ] ## ]</C>. Here the first three numbers should be the same as ## produced by the &LaTeX; version of the document. Text before the ## first chapter is counted as chapter <C>0</C> and similarly for ## sections and subsections. Some elements are always considered to ## start a new paragraph. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction(AddParagraphNumbersGapDocTree, function(r) local parels, cssp, setcount; if IsBound(r.count) then return; fi; # these elements are paragraphs parels := [ "List", "Enum", "Table", "Item", "Heading", "Attr", "Fam", "Filt", "Func", "InfoClass", "Meth", "Oper", "Constr", "Prop", "Var", "Display", "Example", "Listing", "Log", "Verb", "Address", "TitleComment"]; # reset counter cssp := [0, 0, 0, 1]; # the counter setting recursive function setcount := function(rr) local a; if <> "Ignore" and IsList(rr.content) and not IsString(rr.content) then for a in rr.content do # new chapter, text before first section is counted as section 0 if = "Chapter" then cssp := [cssp[1]+1, 0, 0, 1]; a.count := cssp; elif = "Section" then cssp := [cssp[1], cssp[2]+1, 0, 1]; elif in ["Subsection", "ManSection", "Abstract", "Copyright", "TableOfContents", "Acknowledgements", "Colophon"] then cssp := [cssp[1], cssp[2], cssp[3]+1, 1]; elif in ["P", "Par"] or in parels then cssp := [cssp[1], cssp[2], cssp[3], cssp[4]+1]; elif = "Appendix" then # here we number with capital letters if IsInt(cssp[1]) then cssp := ["A", 0, 0, 1]; else cssp := [[CHAR_INT(INT_CHAR(cssp[1][1])+1)], 0, 0, 1]; ConvertToStringRep(cssp[1]); fi; # bib and index are counted as new chapters elif = "Bibliography" then cssp := ["Bib", 0, 0, 1]; elif = "TheIndex" then cssp := ["Ind", 0, 0, 1]; fi; a.count := cssp; # recursion setcount(a); if in parels then cssp := [cssp[1], cssp[2], cssp[3], cssp[4]+1]; fi; od; fi; end; r.count := cssp; setcount(r); end); ## <#GAPDoc Label="AddPageNumbersToSix"> ## <ManSection > ## <Func Arg="tree, pnrfile" Name="AddPageNumbersToSix" /> ## <Returns>nothing</Returns> ## <Description> ## Here <A>tree</A> must be the XML tree of a &GAPDoc; ## document, returned by <Ref Func="ParseTreeXMLString" />. ## Running <C>latex</C> on the result of <C>GAPDoc2LaTeX(<A>tree</A>)</C> ## produces a file <A>pnrfile</A> (with ## extension <C>.pnr</C>). The command <C>GAPDoc2Text(<A>tree</A>)</C> ## creates a component <C><A>tree</A>.six</C> ## which contains all information about the document for the &GAP; ## online help, except the page numbers in the <C>.dvi, .ps, ## .pdf</C> versions of the document. This command adds the missing ## page number information to <C><A>tree</A>.six</C>. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## PAGENRS := 0; InstallGlobalFunction(AddPageNumbersToSix, function(r, pnrfile) local six, a, pos; if not IsExistingFile(pnrfile) and IsBound(GAPInfo.SIXFILEIGNOREMISSINGPNR) and GAPInfo.SIXFILEIGNOREMISSINGPNR = true then for a in r.six do a[5] := -1; od; return; fi; Read(pnrfile); six := r.six; for a in six do pos := Position(PAGENRS, a[3]); # can fail, e.g. because LaTeX/makeindex do not produce an empty index if pos = fail then a[5] := PAGENRS[Length(PAGENRS)]; else a[5] := PAGENRS[pos+1]; fi; od; Unbind(PAGENRS); end); ## <#GAPDoc Label="PrintSixFile"> ## <ManSection > ## <Func Arg="tree, bookname, fname" Name="PrintSixFile" /> ## <Returns>nothing</Returns> ## <Description> ## This function prints the <C>.six</C> file <A>fname</A> for ## a &GAPDoc; document stored in <A>tree</A> with name ## <A>bookname</A>. Such a file contains all information about the ## book which is needed by the &GAP; online help. This information ## must first be created by calls of <Ref Func="GAPDoc2Text" /> and ## <Ref Func="AddPageNumbersToSix" />. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction(PrintSixFile, function(file, r, bookname) local f; f := function(a) local res; res := ShallowCopy(a); res[2] := STRING_LOWER(res[2]); return res; end; PrintTo(file, "#SIXFORMAT GapDocGAP\nHELPBOOKINFOSIXTMP := rec(\n", "encoding := \"UTF-8\",\n", "bookname := \"", bookname, "\",\n", "entries :=\n", List(r.six, f), "\n);\n"); end); # non-documented utility ## This prints templates for all elements (e.g., for editor helper functions) InstallGlobalFunction(PrintGAPDocElementTemplates, function ( file ) local a, x; PrintTo(file, "<-- Templates for GAPDoc XML Elements -->\n"); Sort(GAPDOCDTDINFO, function(a,b) return<;end); for a in GAPDOCDTDINFO do AppendTo(file, "name:",,"\n<", ); for x in a.reqattr do AppendTo(file, " ", x, "=\"\"" ); od; for x in Difference (a.attr, a.reqattr) do AppendTo(file, " ??", x, "=\"\"" ); od; if a.type = "empty" then AppendTo(file, "/>#\n\n"); else AppendTo(file, ">XXX</",, ">#\n\n" ); fi; od; return; end); # these are simple translations from former GAPDoc version, below we add # more using unicode characters BindGlobal("TEXTMTRANSLATIONS", rec( ldots := "...", mid := "|", vert := "|", left := "", right := "", mathbb := "", mathop := "", limits := "", cdot := "*", ast := "*", geq := ">=", leq := "<=", neq := "<>", pmod := "mod ", bmod := "mod ", equiv := "=", sim := "~", rightarrow := "->", hookrightarrow := "->", to := "->", longrightarrow := "-->", Rightarrow := "=>", Longrightarrow := "==>", Leftarrow := "<=", iff := "<=>", mapsto := "->", # "|->" looks ugly! leftarrow := "<-", langle := "<", prime := "'", rangle := ">", vee := "v", setminus := "\\", times := "x", colon := ":", bf := "", rm := "", textrm := "", sf := "", germ := "", text := "", thinspace := " ", \, := "", \! := "", \; := " ", \{ := "{", \} := "}", ) ); # add more text M translations using unicode characters, for those of these # unicode characters which do not yet have a simplification, we add their # LaTeX code as simplification to SimplifiedUnicodeTable (sometimes without # the leading backslash) CallFuncList(function() local hash, s, str, pos, a; hash := List(SimplifiedUnicodeTable, a-> a[1]); # the candidates to add are found in the LaTeXUnicodeTable for a in LaTeXUnicodeTable do if a[1] < 100000 and PositionSublist(a[2], "\\ensuremath") <> fail then s := ShallowCopy(a[2]); s := SubstitutionSublist(s, "\\ensuremath", ""); RemoveCharacters(s, "{}"); if not (s[1] <> '\\' or (Length(Positions(s, '\\')) > 1 and s{[1..5]}<>"\\not\\") or ' ' in s) then str := Encode(Unicode([a[1]]), "UTF-8"); pos := Position(hash, a[1]); TEXTMTRANSLATIONS.(s{[2..Length(s)]}) := str; if pos = fail then # for greek letters and a few more we simplify without backslash if (913 <= a[1] and 1014 >= a[1]) or a[1] in [8465,8476,8501,8502, 8503,8504,8707,8710,8711,8712] then s := s{[2..Length(s)]}; fi; Add(SimplifiedUnicodeTable, [a[1], IntListUnicodeString(Unicode(s))]); fi; fi; fi; od; Sort(SimplifiedUnicodeTable); end, []); InstallGlobalFunction(TextM, function(str) local subs, res, i, j; subs := Immutable(Set(NamesOfComponents(TEXTMTRANSLATIONS))); res := ""; i := 1; while i <= Length(str) do # handle macros if str[i] = '\\' then j := i+1; while j <= Length(str) and str[j] in LETTERS do j := j+1; od; # we go on if we have a \not so far if j = i+4 and j <= Length(str) and str[j] = '\\' and str{[i+1..i+3]} = "not" then j := j+1; while j <= Length(str) and str[j] in LETTERS do j := j+1; od; fi; # some spacing macros and braces if j = i+1 and str[j] in ";,!{}" then j := j+1; fi; if str{[i+1..j-1]} in subs then Append(res, TEXTMTRANSLATIONS.(str{[i+1..j-1]})); else Append(res, str{[i+1..j-1]}); fi; i := j; elif str[i] = '{' then if i < Length(str) and str[i+1] = '{' then Add(res, '{'); i := i + 2; else i := i + 1; fi; elif str[i] = '}' then if i < Length(str) and str[i+1] = '}' then Add(res, '}'); i := i + 2; else i := i + 1; fi; else Add(res, str[i]); i := i + 1; fi; od; NormalizeWhitespace(res); return res; end); # non-documented utility ## normalizes the Args attribute in function like elements InstallGlobalFunction(NormalizedArgList, function(argl) local pos, opt, f, tr, g; # first optional arguments pos := Position(argl, ':'); if pos <> fail then opt := argl{[pos+1..Length(argl)]}; argl := argl{[1..pos-1]}; opt := SubstitutionSublist(opt, ":=", " := "); NormalizeWhitespace(opt); opt := SubstitutionSublist(opt, " := ", "OPTIONASSxpty"); opt := NormalizedArgList(opt); opt := SubstitutionSublist(opt, "OPTIONASSxpty", " := "); else opt := ""; fi; # remove ',' and split into tree argl := NormalizedWhitespace(SubstitutionSublist(argl, ",", " ")); argl := SubstitutionSublist(argl, "[]", ""); argl := SubstitutionSublist(argl, "[ ]", ""); f := function(argl) local tr, pos, pos2; tr := []; pos := 0; while true do pos2 := Position(argl, '[', pos); if pos2 <> fail then Append(tr, SplitString(argl{[pos+1..pos2-1]}, "", " ")); pos := pos2; pos2 := PositionMatchingDelimiter(argl, "[]", pos); Add(tr, f(argl{[pos+1..pos2-1]})); pos := pos2; else Append(tr, SplitString(argl{[pos+1..Length(argl)]}, "", " ")); return tr; fi; od; end; tr := f(argl); # put it back in a string with ','s and '[]'s in the right places g := function(tr, ne) local res, r, a, pos; res := ""; for a in tr do if IsString(a) then if ne then Append(res, ", "); elif Length(res) > 0 then ## Append(res, "[,]"); pos := Length(res); while pos > 0 and res[pos] in " []," do pos := pos - 1; od; Add(res, ',', pos+1); Add(res, ' ', pos+2); fi; ne := true; Append(res, a); else r := Concatenation("[", g(a, ne), "]"); if not ne and Length(res) > 0 then ## Append(res, "[,]"); pos := Length(res); while pos > 0 and res[pos] in " []," do pos := pos - 1; od; Add(res, ',', pos+1); Add(res, ' ', pos+2); fi; Append(res, r); fi; od; return res; end; tr := g(tr, false); if Length(opt) > 0 then Append(tr, ": "); Append(tr, opt); fi; return tr; end); # shared utility for the converters to read data for bibliography BindGlobal("GAPDocAddBibData", function(r) local dat, datbt, bib, bibbt, b, keys, need, labels, tmp, pos, diff, a, j, p, lab, st; if not IsBound(r.bibdata) then return; fi; if IsBound(r.bibentries) and IsBound(r.biblabels) then return; fi; Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Reading bibliography data files . . . \n"); dat := SplitString(r.bibdata, "", ", \t\b\n"); datbt := Filtered(dat, a-> Length(a) < 4 or a{[Length(a)-3..Length(a)]} <> ".xml"); bib := rec(entries := [], strings := [], entities := []); # first BibTeX files, then BibXMLext files if Length(datbt) > 0 then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I BibTeX format: ", JoinStringsWithSeparator(datbt), "\n"); bibbt := CallFuncList(ParseBibFiles, List(datbt, f-> Filename(r.bibpath, f))); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I checking and translating to BibXMLext . . .\n"); for a in bibbt[1] do b := StringBibAsXMLext(a, bibbt[2], bibbt[3]); if b <> fail then b := ParseBibXMLextString(b, bib); fi; od; fi; dat := Difference(dat, datbt); if Length(dat) > 0 then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I BibXMLext format: ", JoinStringsWithSeparator(dat), "\n"); dat := List(dat, f-> Filename(r.bibpath, f)); CallFuncList(ParseBibXMLextFiles, Concatenation(dat, [bib])); fi; keys := Immutable(Set(r.bibkeys)); need := []; for a in bib.entries do if in keys then Add(need, a); fi; od; need := List(need, a-> [a, RecBibXMLEntry(a, "Text")]); SortParallel(List(need, a-> SortKeyRecBib(a[2])), need); keys := List(need, a-> a[2].Label); # here we check if 'bibtex' is available, if yes we adjust the labels and # ordering of the references to those produced by 'bibtex' if Filename(DirectoriesSystemPrograms(), "bibtex") <> fail then tmp := Filename(DirectoryTemporary(), "tmp.bib"); WriteBibFile(tmp, bib); if not IsBound(r.bibstyle) then st := "alpha"; else st := r.bibstyle; fi; #ids := List(need, a->a[1]; lab := LabelsFromBibTeX(".", keys, [tmp], st); RemoveFile(tmp); tmp := []; for p in lab do a := Position(keys, p[1]); if a <> fail then a := need[Position(keys, p[1])]; a[2].key := HeuristicTranslationsLaTeX2XML.Apply(p[2]); Add(tmp, a); fi; od; need := tmp; keys := List(need, a-> a[2].Label); fi; # now we get the labels labels := List(need, function(a) if IsBound(a[2].key) then return a[2].key; else return a[2].printedkey; fi; end); # make labels unique tmp := Filtered(Collected(labels), a-> a[2] > 1); for a in tmp do pos := Positions(labels, a[1]); for j in [1..Length(pos)] do Add(labels[pos[j]], SMALLLETTERS[j]); od; od; diff := Difference(r.bibkeys, keys); if Length(diff) > 0 then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#W WARNING: could not find these references: \n", diff, "\n"); fi; r.bibkeys := keys; r.biblabels := labels; r.bibentries := List(need, a-> a[1]); r.bibstrings := bib.strings; if Length(r.bibstrings) = 0 then # to avoid that this is an empty string r.bibstrings := [[0,0]]; fi; end); ## <#GAPDoc Label="SetGapDocLanguage"> ## <ManSection > ## <Func Arg="[lang]" Name="SetGapDocLanguage" /> ## <Returns>nothing</Returns> ## <Description> ## <Index>Using &GAPDoc; with other languages</Index> ## The &GAPDoc; converter programs sometimes produce text which is ## not explicit in the document, e.g., headers like <Q>Abstract</Q>, ## <Q>Appendix</Q>, links to <Q>Next Chapter</Q>, variable types ## <Q>function</Q> and so on. <P/> ## With <Ref Func="SetGapDocLanguage"/> the language for these texts can be ## changed. The argument <A>lang</A> must be a string. Calling without ## argument or with a language name for which no translations are available ## is the same as using the default <C>"english"</C>. <P/> ## If your language <A>lang</A> is not yet available, look at the record ## <C>GAPDocTexts.english</C> and translate all the strings to <A>lang</A>. ## Then assign this record to <C>GAPDocTexts.(<A>lang</A>)</C> and send ## it to the &GAPDoc; authors for inclusion in future versions of ## &GAPDoc;. (Currently, there are translations for <C>english</C>, ## <C>german</C>, <C>russian</C> and <C>ukrainian</C>.)<P/> ## ## <Emph>Further hints:</Emph> To get strings produced by &LaTeX; ## right you will probably use the <C>babel</C> package with option ## <A>lang</A>, see <Ref Func="SetGapDocLaTeXOptions"/>. ## If <A>lang</A> cannot be encoded in <C>latin1</C> ## encoding you can consider the use of <C>"utf8"</C> with <Ref ## Func="SetGapDocLaTeXOptions"/>. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> # language dependent string used in converted documents InstallValue(GAPDocTexts, rec()); # default is english GAPDocTexts.english := rec( # for title page Titlepage := "Title page", Abstract := "Abstract", Copyright := "Copyright", Contents := "Contents", Email := "Email", Homepage := "Homepage", Address := "Address", Acknowledgements := "Acknowledgements", Colophon := "Colophon", # HTML navigation GotoChapter := "Goto Chapter", TopofBook := "Top of Book", PreviousChapter := "Previous Chapter", NextChapter := "Next Chapter", Top := "Top", # sectioning Chapter := "Chapter", Appendix := "Appendix", Index := "Index", References := "References", Bibliography := "Bibliography", TableofContents := "Table of Contents", # Other Returns := "Returns", Example := "Example", Log := "Example", Table := "Table", # variable types, should these be translated? Func := "function", Oper := "operation", Constr := "constructor", Meth := "method", Filt := "filter", Prop := "property", Attr := "attribute", Var := "global variable", Fam := "family", InfoClass := "info class", ); InstallGlobalFunction(SetGapDocLanguage, function(arg) local lang; if Length(arg) > 0 then lang := arg[1]; else lang := "english"; fi; lang := LowercaseString(lang); if not IsBound(GAPDocTexts.(lang)) then Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#W No texts in language ", lang, " available - ", "using English.\n"); Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#W Please, provide translation of GAPDocTexts.", "english in GAPDocTexts.", lang, ".\n"); lang := "english"; fi; GAPDocTexts.d := GAPDocTexts.(lang); end); # default SetGapDocLanguage(); # translation to Russian and Ukrainian, provided by Alexander Konovalov GAPDocTexts.russian := rec( # for title page Titlepage := "Титульная страница", Abstract := "Реферат", Copyright := "Copyright", # internationally recognized Contents := "Содержание", Email := "Email", # internationally recognized Homepage := "WWW", # internationally recognized Address := "Адрес", Acknowledgements := "Благодарности", Colophon := "Выходные данные", # HTML navigation GotoChapter := "Перейти к главе", TopofBook := "Начало книги", PreviousChapter := "Предыдущая глава", NextChapter := "Следующая глава", Top := "Начало", # sectioning Chapter := "Глава", Appendix := "Приложение", Index := "Индекс", References := "Ссылки", Bibliography := "Библиография", TableofContents := "Содержание", # Other Returns := "Результат", # The Russian word for "Returns" is actually the translation of "Result", # hope this does not make any harm in the context. Example := "Пример", Log := "Пример", Table := "Таблица", # variable types, should these be translated? Func := "функция", Oper := "операция", Constr := "конструктор", Meth := "метод", Filt := "фильтр", Prop := "свойство", Attr := "атрибут", Var := "глобальная переменная", Fam := "семейство", InfoClass := "инфокласс", ); GAPDocTexts.ukrainian := rec( # for title page Titlepage := "Титульна сторінка", Abstract := "Реферат", Copyright := "Copyright", # internationally recognized Contents := "Зміст", Email := "Email", # internationally recognized Homepage := "WWW", # internationally recognized Address := "Адреса", Acknowledgements := "Подяки", Colophon := "Вихідні дані", # HTML navigation GotoChapter := "Перейти до розділу", TopofBook := "Початок книги", PreviousChapter := "Попередній розділ", NextChapter := "Наступний розділ", Top := "Початок", # sectioning Chapter := "Розділ", Appendix := "Додаток", Index := "Індекс", References := "Посилання", Bibliography := "Бібліографія", TableofContents := "Зміст", # Other Returns := "Результат", # The Ukrainian word for "Returns" is actually the translation of "Result", # hope this does not make any harm in the context. Example := "Приклад", Log := "Приклад", Table := "Таблиця", # variable types, should these be translated? Func := "функція", Oper := "операція", Constr := "конструктор", Meth := "метод", Filt := "фільтр", Prop := "властивість", Attr := "атрибут", Var := "глобальна змінна", Fam := "родина", InfoClass := "інфоклас", ); # ok, I can do this one GAPDocTexts.german := rec( # for title page Titlepage := "Titelseite", Abstract := "Zusammenfassung", Copyright := "Copyright", Contents := "Inhalt", Email := "Email", Homepage := "WWW", Address := "Adresse", Acknowledgements := "Danksagungen", Colophon := "Kolofon", # HTML navigation GotoChapter := "Zum Kapitel", TopofBook := "Buchanfang", PreviousChapter := "Voriges Kapitel", NextChapter := "Nächstes Kapitel", Top := "Nach oben", # sectioning Chapter := "Kapitel", Appendix := "Anhang", Index := "Stichwortverzeichnis", References := "Literatur", Bibliography := "Literatur", TableofContents := "Inhaltsverzeichnis", # Other Returns := "Gibt zurück", Example := "Beispiel", Log := "Beispiel", Table := "Tabelle", # variable types, should these be translated? Func := "Funktion", Oper := "Operation", Constr := "Konstruktor", Meth := "Methode", Filt := "Filter", Prop := "Eigenschaft", Attr := "Attribut", Var := "globale Variable", Fam := "Familie", InfoClass := "Info-Klasse", );