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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466324# this is a development utility to generate the files like # bibxmlextinfo.g or gapdocdtdinfo.g ## not interesting enough to properly parse DTDs, we later give ## access to a proper validating parser instead dtd := StringFile("bibxmlext.dtd"); NormalizeWhitespace(dtd); # read entities entities := rec(); pos := PositionSublist(dtd, "<!ENTITY % "); while pos <> fail do pos := pos+11; tmp := Position(dtd, ' ', pos); nam := dtd{[pos..tmp-1]}; cont := dtd{[tmp+2..Position(dtd, '"', tmp+1)-1]}; entities.(nam) := cont; pos := PositionSublist(dtd, "<!ENTITY % ", pos); od; # substitute entities while ForAny(RecNames(entities), a-> PositionSublist(dtd, Concatenation("%",a)) <> fail) do for a in RecNames(entities) do dtd := SubstitutionSublist(dtd, Concatenation("%",a,";"), entities.(a)); od; od; # get elements elements := rec(); pos := PositionSublist(dtd, "<!ELEMENT "); while pos <> fail do pos := pos+2; tmp := Position(dtd, '>', pos); if dtd[tmp-1] = ' ' then tmp := tmp-1; fi; s := dtd{[pos..tmp-1]}; tmp := Position(s, ' ',8); nam := s{[9..tmp-1]}; s := s{[tmp+1..Length(s)]}; s := SubstitutionSublist(s, "?", ", optional"); s := SubstitutionSublist(s, "*", ", repeated"); s := SubstitutionSublist(s, "(", "["); s := SubstitutionSublist(s, ")", "]"); s := SubstitutionSublist(s, "|", ", or,"); s := SubstitutionSublist(s, "#", ""); if s{[1,Length(s)]} <> "[]" then s := Concatenation("[",s,"]"); fi; ss := ""; inword := false; for x in s do if (not inword and x in LETTERS) or (inword and not x in LETTERS) then Add(ss,'"'); inword := not inword; fi; Add(ss, x); od; elements.(nam) := EvalString(ss); pos := PositionSublist(dtd, "<!ELEMENT ", pos); od; # attributes attributes := rec(); pos := PositionSublist(dtd, "<!ATTLIST"); while pos <> fail do pos2 := Position(dtd, '>', pos); a := dtd{[pos+10..pos2-1]}; pos := pos2; tmp := WordsString(a); attributes.(tmp[1]) := tmp{[2..Length(tmp)]}; pos := PositionSublist(dtd, "<!ATTLIST", pos); od; PrintTo("bibxmlextinfo.g", "Bibxmlext := \n", [elements, attributes], ";\n");