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Views: 466318############################################################################# ## ## Gauss package Simon Goertzen ## ## Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B f��r Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementation stuff for performing Hermite algorithms on sparse matrices. ## ############################################################################# ######################################################## ## Hermite Algorithms: ######################################################## ## InstallMethod( HermiteMatDestructive, "generic method for matrices", [ IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat ) local nrows, # number of rows in <mat> ncols, # number of columns in <mat> indices, entries, vectors, # list of basis vectors heads, # list of pivot positions in 'vectors' char, # characteristic of the Ring column, # loop over columns i, # loop over rows j, # loop over columns min, g, e, head, x, m, list, rank, p, list_of_rows, row_indices, row_entries, factor, a; nrows := mat!.nrows; ncols := mat!.ncols; indices := mat!.indices; entries := mat!.entries; heads := ListWithIdenticalEntries( ncols, 0 ); vectors := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); char := Characteristic( mat!.ring ); if Length( PrimePowersInt( char ) ) > 2 then Error( "only Z / p^n * Z is supported right now!" ); fi; list_of_rows := [ 1 .. nrows ]; for column in [ 1 .. ncols ] do #find the basis vector with leftmost nonzero as-close-to-unit-as-possible entry row_indices := Filtered( list_of_rows, i -> Length( indices[i] ) > 0 and indices[i][1] = column ); if Length( row_indices ) > 0 then i := 1; min := [ i, Gcd( Int( entries[ row_indices[i] ][ 1 ] ), char ) ]; while i < Length( row_indices ) and min[2] > 1 do i := i + 1; g := Gcd( Int( entries[ row_indices[i] ][ 1 ] ), char ); if min[2] > g then min := [ i, g ]; fi; od; #we found a new basis vector. e := entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ][ 1 ]; x := Gcdex( Int( e ), char ).coeff1; Add( vectors.indices, indices[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); Add( vectors.entries, entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] * x ); heads[column] := Length( vectors.indices ); list_of_rows := Difference( list_of_rows, [ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); #reduce the other rows with the newfound basis vector. head := heads[column]; e := vectors.entries[head][1]; for i in [ 1 .. Length( row_indices ) ] do if i <> min[1] then x := - entries[ row_indices[i] ][1] / e; m := MultRow( vectors.indices[head], vectors.entries[head], x ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, indices[ row_indices[i] ], entries[ row_indices[i] ] ); fi; od; fi; od; # gauss upwards: list := Filtered( heads, x->x<>0 ); rank := Length( list ); for j in [ncols,ncols-1..1] do head := heads[j]; if head <> 0 then e := vectors.entries[ head ][1]; a := Difference( [1..head-1], heads{[j+1..ncols]} ); for i in a do row_indices := vectors.indices[i]; p := PositionSet( row_indices, j ); if p <> fail then row_entries := vectors.entries[i]; x := row_entries[p]; factor := - QuoInt( Int( x ), Int( e ) ); if factor <> 0 then m := MultRow( vectors.indices[ head ], vectors.entries[ head ], factor ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, row_indices, row_entries ); fi; fi; od; fi; od; return rec( heads := heads, vectors := SparseMatrix( rank, ncols, vectors.indices, vectors.entries, mat!.ring ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( HermiteMatTransformationDestructive, "method for sparse matrices", [ IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat ) local nrows, # number of rows in <mat> ncols, # number of columns in <mat> indices, entries, vectors, # list of basis vectors heads, # list of pivot positions in 'vectors' char, # characteristic of the Ring column, # loop over columns coeffs, relations, ring, i, # loop over rows j, # loop over columns min, g, e, T, head, x, m, rank, list, row_indices, row_entries, p, list_of_rows, factor, a; nrows := mat!.nrows; ncols := mat!.ncols; indices := mat!.indices; entries := mat!.entries; heads := List( [ 1 .. ncols ], i -> 0 ); vectors := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); coeffs := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); relations := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); ring := mat!.ring; char := Characteristic( ring ); if Length( PrimePowersInt( char ) ) > 2 then Error( "only Z / p^n * Z is supported right now!" ); fi; T := rec( indices := List( [ 1 .. nrows ], i -> [i] ), entries := List( [ 1 .. nrows ], i -> [ One( ring ) ] ) ); list_of_rows := [ 1 .. nrows ]; for column in [ 1 .. ncols ] do #find the basis vector with leftmost nonzero as-close-to-unit-as-possible entry row_indices := Filtered( list_of_rows, i -> Length( indices[i] ) > 0 and indices[i][1] = column ); if Length( row_indices ) > 0 then i := 1; min := [ i, Gcd( Int( entries[ row_indices[i] ][ 1 ] ), char ) ]; while i < Length( row_indices ) and min[2] > 1 do i := i + 1; g := Gcd( Int( entries[ row_indices[i] ][ 1 ] ), char ); if min[2] > g then min := [ i, g ]; fi; od; #we found a new basis vector. e := entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ][ 1 ]; x := Gcdex( Int( e ), char ).coeff1; Add( coeffs.indices, T.indices[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); Add( coeffs.entries, T.entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] * x ); Add( vectors.indices, indices[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); Add( vectors.entries, entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] * x ); heads[column] := Length( vectors.indices ); list_of_rows := Difference( list_of_rows, [ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); #reduce the other rows with the newfound basis vector. head := heads[column]; e := vectors.entries[head][1]; for i in [ 1 .. Length( row_indices ) ] do if i <> min[1] then x := - entries[ row_indices[i] ][1] / e; m := MultRow( vectors.indices[head], vectors.entries[head], x ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, indices[ row_indices[i] ], entries[ row_indices[i] ] ); m := MultRow( coeffs.indices[head], coeffs.entries[head], x ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, T.indices[ row_indices[i] ], T.entries[ row_indices[i] ] ); fi; od; fi; od; #add relations --- THIS IS NOT ALWAYS THE KERNEL BECAUSE OF ZERODIVISORS (compare KernelMat) ---: relations.indices := T.indices{ list_of_rows }; relations.entries := T.entries{ list_of_rows }; # gauss upwards: list := Filtered( heads, x -> x <> 0 ); rank := Length( list ); for j in [ncols,ncols-1..1] do head := heads[j]; if head <> 0 then e := vectors.entries[ head ][1]; a := Difference( [1..head-1], heads{[j+1..ncols]} ); for i in a do row_indices := vectors.indices[i]; p := PositionSet( row_indices, j ); if p <> fail then row_entries := vectors.entries[i]; x := row_entries[p]; factor := - QuoInt( Int( x ), Int( e ) ); if factor <> 0 then m := MultRow( vectors.indices[ head ], vectors.entries[ head ], factor ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, row_indices, row_entries ); m := MultRow( coeffs.indices[ head ], coeffs.entries[ head ], factor ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, coeffs.indices[i], coeffs.entries[i] ); fi; fi; od; fi; od; return rec( heads := heads, vectors := SparseMatrix( rank, ncols, vectors.indices, vectors.entries, ring ), coeffs := SparseMatrix( rank, nrows, coeffs.indices, coeffs.entries, ring ), relations := SparseMatrix( nrows - rank, nrows, relations.indices, relations.entries, ring ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ReduceMatWithHermiteMat, "for sparse matrices over a ring, second argument must be in REF", [ IsSparseMatrix, IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat, N ) local nrows1, ncols, nrows2, M, char, i, j, e, k, x, p, m, row1_indices, row1_entries, row2_indices, factor; nrows1 := mat!.nrows; nrows2 := N!.nrows; if nrows1 = 0 or nrows2 = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat ); fi; ncols := mat!.ncols; if ncols <> N!.ncols then Error( "different number of columns - can't reduce!" ); elif ncols = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat ); fi; M := CopyMat( mat ); char := Characteristic( M!.ring ); for i in [ 1 .. nrows2 ] do row2_indices := N!.indices[i]; if Length( row2_indices ) > 0 then j := row2_indices[1]; e := N!.entries[i][1]; for k in [ 1 .. nrows1 ] do row1_indices := M!.indices[k]; row1_entries := M!.entries[k]; p := PositionSet( row1_indices, j ); if p <> fail then x := row1_entries[p]; factor := - QuoInt( Int( x ), Int( e ) ); if factor <> 0 then m := MultRow( row2_indices, N!.entries[i], factor ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, row1_indices, row1_entries ); fi; fi; od; fi; od; return rec( reduced_matrix := M ); end); ## InstallMethod( ReduceMatWithHermiteMatTransformation, "for sparse matrices over a ring, second argument must be in REF", [ IsSparseMatrix, IsSparseMatrix ], function( mat, N ) local nrows1, ncols, nrows2, r, one, char, M, T, i, j, e, k, x, p, m, row1_indices, row1_entries, row2_indices, factor; nrows1 := mat!.nrows; nrows2 := N!.nrows; r := mat!.ring; one := One( r ); char := Characteristic( r ); T := SparseZeroMatrix( nrows1, nrows2, r ); if nrows1 = 0 or nrows2 = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat, transformation := T ); fi; ncols := mat!.ncols; if ncols <> N!.ncols then Error( "different number of columns - can't reduce!" ); elif ncols = 0 then return rec( reduced_matrix := mat, transformation := T ); fi; M := CopyMat( mat ); T := SparseZeroMatrix( nrows1, nrows2, r ); for i in [ 1 .. nrows2 ] do row2_indices := N!.indices[i]; if Length( row2_indices ) > 0 then j := row2_indices[1]; e := N!.entries[i][1]; for k in [ 1 .. nrows1 ] do row1_indices := M!.indices[k]; row1_entries := M!.entries[k]; p := PositionSet( row1_indices, j ); if p <> fail then x := row1_entries[p]; factor := - QuoInt( Int( x ), Int( e ) ); if factor <> 0 then m := MultRow( row2_indices, N!.entries[i], factor ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, row1_indices, row1_entries ); Add( T!.indices[k], i ); Add( T!.entries[k], one * factor ); fi; fi; od; fi; od; return rec( reduced_matrix := M, transformation := T ); end ); ## InstallMethod( KernelHermiteMatDestructive, "method for sparse matrices", [ IsSparseMatrix, IsList ], function( mat, L ) local nrows, # number of rows in <mat> ncols, # number of columns in <mat> indices, entries, vectors, # list of basis vectors heads, # list of pivot positions in 'vectors' char, # characteristic of the Ring column, # loop over columns coeffs, relations, ring, pp, i, # loop over rows j, # loop over columns min, g, e, T, head, x, m, mc, mv, rank, list, row_indices, row_entries, p, list_of_rows, len, factor, row; nrows := mat!.nrows; ncols := mat!.ncols; indices := mat!.indices; entries := mat!.entries; heads := List( [ 1 .. ncols ], i -> 0 ); vectors := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); coeffs := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); relations := rec( indices := [], entries := [] ); ring := mat!.ring; char := Characteristic( ring ); pp := PrimePowersInt( char ); if Length( pp ) > 2 then Error( "only Z / p^n * Z is supported right now!" ); fi; list_of_rows := [ 1 .. nrows ]; T := rec( indices := List( [ 1 .. nrows ] , i -> [] ), entries := List( [ 1 .. nrows ], i -> [] ) ); for i in [ 1 .. Length( L ) ] do T.indices[L[i]] := [i]; T.entries[L[i]] := [ One( ring ) ]; od; list_of_rows := [ 1 .. nrows ]; for column in [ 1 .. ncols ] do #find the basis vector with leftmost nonzero as-close-to-unit-as-possible entry row_indices := Filtered( list_of_rows, i -> Length( indices[i] ) > 0 and indices[i][1] = column ); if Length( row_indices ) > 0 then i := 1; min := [ i, Gcd( Int( entries[ row_indices[i] ][ 1 ] ), char ) ]; while i < Length( row_indices ) and min[2] > 1 do i := i + 1; g := Gcd( Int( entries[ row_indices[i] ][ 1 ] ), char ); if min[2] > g then min := [ i, g ]; fi; od; #we found a new basis vector. e := entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ][ 1 ]; x := Gcdex( Int( e ), char ).coeff1; Add( coeffs.indices, T.indices[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); Add( coeffs.entries, T.entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] * x ); Add( vectors.indices, indices[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); Add( vectors.entries, entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] * x ); heads[column] := Length( vectors.indices ); #check for "hidden" kernel relations if min[2] > 1 then len := heads[column]; #Print( "we have a basis vector with a non-unit pivot: #", len, "!\n" ); mv := MultRow( vectors.indices[len], vectors.entries[len], char / min[2] ); mc := MultRow( coeffs.indices[len], coeffs.entries[len], char / min[2] ); #it is not possible to check only the vector: if it is zero we might need relations #it is not possible to check only the coefficient vector: it might appear to be zero because of L if mv.indices <> [] or mc.indices <> [] then entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] := mv.entries; indices[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] := mv.indices; T.indices[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] := mc.indices; T.entries[ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] := mc.entries; else list_of_rows := Difference( list_of_rows, [ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); fi; else list_of_rows := Difference( list_of_rows, [ row_indices[ min[1] ] ] ); fi; #reduce the other rows with the newfound basis vector. head := heads[column]; e := vectors.entries[head][1]; for i in [ 1 .. Length( row_indices ) ] do if i <> min[1] then x := - entries[ row_indices[i] ][1] / e; m := MultRow( vectors.indices[head], vectors.entries[head], x ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, indices[ row_indices[i] ], entries[ row_indices[i] ] ); m := MultRow( coeffs.indices[head], coeffs.entries[head], x ); AddRow( m.indices, m.entries, T.indices[ row_indices[i] ], T.entries[ row_indices[i] ] ); fi; od; fi; od; #add kernel relations: relations.indices := Concatenation( relations.indices, T.indices{ list_of_rows } ); relations.entries := Concatenation( relations.entries, T.entries{ list_of_rows } ); return rec( relations := SparseMatrix( Length( relations.indices ), Length( L ), relations.indices, relations.entries, ring ) ); end );