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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 418346
##                  GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP package
##  Copyright 2015, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern
##                  Sebastian Posur,   RWTH Aachen

DeclareRepresentation( "IsGeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpansObjectRep",
                       IsCapCategoryObjectRep and IsGeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpansObject,
                       [ ] );

BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfGeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpansObject",
        NewType( TheFamilyOfCapCategoryObjects,
                IsGeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpansObjectRep ) );

DeclareRepresentation( "IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpanRep",
                       IsCapCategoryMorphismRep and IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan,
                       [ ] );

BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfGeneralizedMorphismBySpan",
        NewType( TheFamilyOfCapCategoryMorphisms,
                IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpanRep ) );

## Installer

  function( category )
    local entry, underlying_honest_category;
    underlying_honest_category := UnderlyingHonestCategory( category );
    AddIsEqualForCacheForObjects( category, IsIdenticalObj );
    AddIsEqualForCacheForMorphisms( category, IsIdenticalObj );
    AddIsEqualForObjects( category,
      function( object_1, object_2 )
          return IsEqualForObjects( UnderlyingHonestObject( object_1 ), UnderlyingHonestObject( object_2 ) );
    end );
    AddIsCongruentForMorphisms( category,
      function( morphism1, morphism2 )
        local arrow_tuple, pushout_diagram1, pushout_diagram2, factorobject1, factorobject2;
        arrow_tuple := [ Arrow( morphism1 ), ReversedArrow( morphism1 ) ];
        pushout_diagram1 := [ InjectionOfCofactorOfPushout( arrow_tuple, 1 ), InjectionOfCofactorOfPushout( arrow_tuple, 2 ) ];
        arrow_tuple := [ Arrow( morphism2 ), ReversedArrow( morphism2 ) ];
        pushout_diagram2 := [ InjectionOfCofactorOfPushout( arrow_tuple, 1 ), InjectionOfCofactorOfPushout( arrow_tuple, 2 ) ];
        factorobject1 := UniversalMorphismFromDirectSum( pushout_diagram1 );
        factorobject2 := UniversalMorphismFromDirectSum( pushout_diagram2 );
        return IsEqualAsFactorobjects( factorobject1, factorobject2 );
    end );
    ## PreCompose
    AddPreCompose( category, [
      [ function( morphism1, morphism2 )
          local pullback_diagram, projection_left, projection_right;
          pullback_diagram := [ Arrow( morphism1 ), ReversedArrow( morphism2 ) ];
          projection_left := ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( pullback_diagram, 1 );
          projection_right := ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( pullback_diagram, 2 );
          return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( PreCompose( projection_left, ReversedArrow( morphism1 ) ), PreCompose( projection_right, Arrow( morphism2 ) ) );
      end, [ ] ],
      [ function( morphism1, morphism2 )
          local arrow;
          arrow := PreCompose( Arrow( morphism1 ), Arrow( morphism2 ) );
          return AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( arrow );
      end, [ HasIdentityAsReversedArrow, HasIdentityAsReversedArrow ] ],
      [ function( morphism1, morphism2 )
          local arrow;
          arrow := PreCompose( Arrow( morphism1 ), Arrow( morphism2 ) );
          return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( ReversedArrow( morphism1 ), arrow );
      end, [ , HasIdentityAsReversedArrow ] ] ] );
    ## AdditionForMorphisms
    AddAdditionForMorphisms( category, [
      [ function( morphism1, morphism2 )
          local pullback_diagram, pullback_left, pullback_right, arrow, reversed_arrow;
          pullback_diagram := [ ReversedArrow( morphism1 ), ReversedArrow( morphism2 ) ];
          pullback_left := ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( pullback_diagram, 1 );
          pullback_right := ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( pullback_diagram, 2 );
          arrow := PreCompose( pullback_left, Arrow( morphism1 ) ) + PreCompose( pullback_right, Arrow( morphism2 ) );
          reversed_arrow := PreCompose( pullback_left, pullback_diagram[ 1 ] );
          return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( reversed_arrow, arrow );
      end, [ ] ],
      [ function( morphism1, morphism2 )
          return AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( Arrow( morphism1 ) + Arrow( morphism2 ) );
      end, [ HasIdentityAsReversedArrow, HasIdentityAsReversedArrow ] ] ] );
    AddAdditiveInverseForMorphisms( category, [
      [ function( morphism )
         return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( ReversedArrow( morphism ), - Arrow( morphism ) );
      end, [ ] ],
      [ function( morphism )
          return AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( - Arrow( morphism ) );
      end, [ HasIdentityAsReversedArrow ] ] ] );
    AddZeroMorphism( category,
      function( obj1, obj2 )
        local morphism;
        morphism := ZeroMorphism( UnderlyingHonestObject( obj1 ), UnderlyingHonestObject( obj2 ) );
        return AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( morphism );
    end );
    ## identity
    AddIdentityMorphism( category,
      function( generalized_object )
        local identity_morphism;
        identity_morphism := IdentityMorphism( UnderlyingHonestObject( generalized_object ) );
        return AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( identity_morphism );
    end );
    if CurrentOperationWeight( underlying_honest_category!.derivations_weight_list, "IsWellDefinedForObjects" ) < infinity then
        AddIsWellDefinedForObjects( category,
          function( object )
              return IsWellDefined( UnderlyingHonestObject( object ) );
          end );
    if CurrentOperationWeight( underlying_honest_category!.derivations_weight_list, "IsWellDefinedForMorphisms" ) < infinity then
        AddIsWellDefinedForMorphisms( category,
          function( generalized_morphism )
            local category;
            category := CapCategory( Arrow( generalized_morphism ) );
            if not ForAll( [ Arrow( generalized_morphism ), ReversedArrow( generalized_morphism ) ],
                        x -> IsIdenticalObj( CapCategory( x ), category ) ) then
              return false;
            if not ( ForAll( [ Arrow( generalized_morphism ), ReversedArrow( generalized_morphism ) ],
                    IsWellDefined ) ) then
              return false;
            return true;
        end );
    ## Additional method for a category, when generalized morphism category is present.
end );

## Constructors

InstallMethod( GeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpans,
               [ IsCapCategory ],
  function( category )
    local name, generalized_morphism_category, category_weight_list, i, preconditions;
    if not IsFinalized( category ) then
        Error( "category must be finalized" );
    elif not IsAbelianCategory( category ) then
        Error( "the category must be abelian" );
    preconditions := [ "IsEqualAsSubobjects",
                       "ImageEmbedding" ];
    category_weight_list := category!.derivations_weight_list;
    for i in preconditions do
        if CurrentOperationWeight( category_weight_list, i ) = infinity then
            Error( Concatenation( "category must be able to compute ", i ) );
    name := Name( category );
    name := Concatenation( "Generalized morphism category of ", name, " by span" );
    generalized_morphism_category := CreateCapCategory( name );
    SetUnderlyingHonestCategory( generalized_morphism_category, category );
    SetIsEnrichedOverCommutativeRegularSemigroup( generalized_morphism_category, true );
    SetFilterObj( generalized_morphism_category, WasCreatedAsGeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpans );
    AddPredicateImplicationFileToCategory( generalized_morphism_category,
        DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP", "LogicForGeneralizedMorphismCategory" ),
        "PredicateImplicationsForGeneralizedMorphismCategory.tex" )
    Finalize( generalized_morphism_category );
    return generalized_morphism_category;
end );

InstallMethod( GeneralizedMorphismBySpansObject,
               [ IsCapCategoryObject ],
  function( object )
    local gen_object, generalized_category;
    gen_object := rec( );
    ObjectifyWithAttributes( gen_object, TheTypeOfGeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpansObject,
                             UnderlyingHonestObject, object );
    generalized_category := GeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpans( CapCategory( object ) );
    Add( generalized_category, gen_object );
    AddToToDoList( ToDoListEntryForEqualAttributes( gen_object, "IsWellDefined", object, "IsWellDefined" ) );
    return gen_object;
end );

InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( GeneralizedMorphismBySpan,
                                  [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( reversed_arrow, arrow )
    local generalized_morphism, generalized_category;
    if not IsEqualForObjects( Source( arrow ), Source( reversed_arrow ) ) then
        Error( "Sources of morphisms must coincide" );

    generalized_morphism := rec( );
    ObjectifyWithAttributes( generalized_morphism, TheTypeOfGeneralizedMorphismBySpan,
                             Source, GeneralizedMorphismBySpansObject( Range( reversed_arrow ) ),
                             Range, GeneralizedMorphismBySpansObject( Range( arrow ) ) );
    SetArrow( generalized_morphism, arrow );
    SetReversedArrow( generalized_morphism, reversed_arrow );
    generalized_category := GeneralizedMorphismCategoryBySpans( CapCategory( arrow ) );
    Add( generalized_category, generalized_morphism );
    return generalized_morphism;
end );

InstallMethod( AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan,
               [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( arrow )
    local generalized_morphism;
    generalized_morphism := GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( IdentityMorphism( Source( arrow ) ), arrow );
    SetIsHonest( generalized_morphism, true );
    SetHasIdentityAsReversedArrow( generalized_morphism, true );
    SetHonestRepresentative( generalized_morphism, arrow );
    return generalized_morphism;
end );

## Additional methods

InstallMethod( HasIdentityAsReversedArrow,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism )
    local reversed_arrow;
    reversed_arrow := ReversedArrow( morphism );
    if not IsEqualForObjects( Source( reversed_arrow ), Range( reversed_arrow ) ) then
        return false;
    return IsCongruentForMorphisms( reversed_arrow, IdentityMorphism( Source( reversed_arrow ) ) );
end );

InstallMethod( NormalizedSpanTuple,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism )
    local arrow_tuple, pushout_diagram;
    arrow_tuple := [ ReversedArrow( morphism ), Arrow( morphism ) ];
    pushout_diagram := [ InjectionOfCofactorOfPushout( arrow_tuple, 1 ), InjectionOfCofactorOfPushout( arrow_tuple, 2 ) ];
    return [ ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( pushout_diagram, 1 ), ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( pushout_diagram, 2 ) ];
end );

InstallMethod( NormalizedSpan,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism )
    return CallFuncList( GeneralizedMorphismBySpan, NormalizedSpanTuple( morphism ) );
end );

InstallMethod( PseudoInverse,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism )
    return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( Arrow( morphism ), ReversedArrow( morphism ) );
end );

InstallMethod( GeneralizedInverseBySpan,
               [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( morphism )
    return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( morphism, IdentityMorphism( Source( morphism ) ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HonestRepresentative,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism )
    local normalization;
    normalization := NormalizedSpanTuple( morphism );
    return PreCompose( Inverse( normalization[ 1 ] ), normalization[ 2 ] );
end );

InstallMethod( HasFullDomain,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( generalized_morphism )
    return IsEpimorphism( ReversedArrow( generalized_morphism ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HasFullCodomain,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( generalized_morphism )
    local kernel_embedding;
    kernel_embedding := KernelEmbedding( ReversedArrow( generalized_morphism ) );
    return IsZero( PreCompose( kernel_embedding, Arrow( generalized_morphism ) ) );
end );

InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( GeneralizedMorphismFromFactorToSubobjectBySpan,
                              [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( factor, subobject )
    local pushout_diagram;
    factor := AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( factor );
    subobject := AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( subobject );
    return PreCompose( PseudoInverse( factor ), PseudoInverse( subobject ) );
end );

InstallMethod( IdempotentDefinedBySubobjectBySpan,
              [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( subobject )
    return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( subobject, subobject );
end );

InstallMethod( IdempotentDefinedByFactorobjectBySpan,
              [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( factorobject )
    local generalized;
    generalized := AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( factorobject );
    return PreCompose( generalized, PseudoInverse( generalized ) );
end );

InstallMethod( GeneralizedInverseBySpan,
              [ IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( morphism )
    return PseudoInverse( AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( morphism ) );
end );

InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( CommonRestrictionOp,
                                  [ IsList, IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism_list, method_selection_object )
    local arrow_list, reversedarrow_list, i, j, current_pullback_left, current_pullback_right, test_source;
    if not ForAll( morphism_list, IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ) then
    if Length( morphism_list ) = 1 then
        return morphism_list;
    test_source := Source( morphism_list[ 1 ] );
    if not ForAll( [ 2 .. Length( morphism_list ) ], i -> IsEqualForObjects( test_source, Source( morphism_list[ i ] ) ) ) then
        Error( "not all sources are equal" );
    arrow_list := List( morphism_list, Arrow );
    reversedarrow_list := List( morphism_list, ReversedArrow );
    for i in [ 2  .. Length( morphism_list ) ] do
        current_pullback_left := ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( [ reversedarrow_list[ i - 1 ], reversedarrow_list[ i ] ], 1 );
        current_pullback_right := ProjectionInFactorOfFiberProduct( [ reversedarrow_list[ i - 1 ], reversedarrow_list[ i ] ], 2 );
        for j in [ 1 .. i - 1 ] do
            arrow_list[ j ] := PreCompose( current_pullback_left, arrow_list[ j ] );
            reversedarrow_list[ j ] := PreCompose( current_pullback_left, reversedarrow_list[ j ] );
        arrow_list[ i ] := PreCompose( current_pullback_right, arrow_list[ i ] );
        reversedarrow_list[ i ] := PreCompose( current_pullback_right, reversedarrow_list[ i ] );
    return List( [ 1 .. Length( morphism_list ) ], i -> GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( reversedarrow_list[ i ], arrow_list[ i ] ) );
end : ArgumentNumber := 2 );

InstallMethod( CombinedImageEmbedding,
               [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism )
    return ImageEmbedding( Arrow( morphism ) );
end );

InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( ConcatenationProductOp,
                                  [ IsList, IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( generalized_morphism_list, method_selection_object )
    return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( DirectSumFunctorial( List( generalized_morphism_list, ReversedArrow ) ),
                                      DirectSumFunctorial( List( generalized_morphism_list, Arrow ) ) );
end : ArgumentNumber := 2 );

InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( ConcatenationProductOp,
                                  [ IsList, IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( generalized_morphism_list, method_selection_object )
    return GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( DirectSumFunctorial( List( generalized_morphism_list, ReversedArrow ) ),
                                      DirectSumFunctorial( List( generalized_morphism_list, Arrow ) ) );
end : ArgumentNumber := 2 );

## Compatibility

InstallMethod( GeneralizedMorphismBySpan,
               [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( source_aid, morphism_aid, range_aid )
    local morphism1, morphism2;
    morphism1 := PseudoInverse( AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( range_aid ) );
    morphism2 := GeneralizedMorphismBySpan( source_aid, morphism_aid );
    return PreCompose( morphism1, morphism2 );
end );

InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject( DomainAssociatedMorphismCodomainTriple,
                                  [ IsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan ],
  function( morphism )
    local three_arrow;
    three_arrow := GeneralizedMorphismByThreeArrowsWithSourceAid( ReversedArrow( morphism ), Arrow( morphism ) );
    return DomainAssociatedMorphismCodomainTriple( three_arrow );
end );

InstallMethod( GeneralizedMorphismBySpanWithRangeAid,
               [ IsCapCategoryMorphism, IsCapCategoryMorphism ],
  function( morphism_aid, range_aid )
    local morphism1, morphism2;
    morphism1 := GeneralizedInverseBySpan( range_aid );
    morphism2 := AsGeneralizedMorphismBySpan( morphism_aid );
    return PreCompose( morphism2, morphism1 );
end );