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Views: 466317############################################################################# ## ## GradedRingForHomalg package ## ## Copyright 2009-2011, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern ## Markus Lange-Hegermann, RWTH-Aachen University ## ## Implementations for the rings provided by the Maple implementation of homalg. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # global variables: # #################################### ## InstallValue( GradedRingMacrosForMaple, rec( _CAS_name := "Maple", _Identifier := "GradedRingForHomalg", DegreesOfEntries := "\n\ DegreesOfEntries := proc(M)\n\ local m;\n\ m := convert(M,listlist);\n\ m := map(op,m);\n\ m := map(degree,m);\n\ m := map(a->if a = -infinity then -1 else a fi,m);\n\ RETURN(m);\n\ end:\n\n", WeightedDegreesOfEntries := "\n\ WeightedDegreesOfEntries := proc(M, var)\n\ local m;\n\ m := convert(M,listlist);\n\ m := map(op,m);\n\ m := map(r->degree(r,var),m);\n\ m := map(a->if a = -infinity then -1 else a fi,m);\n\ RETURN(m);\n\ end:\n\n", NonTrivialDegreePerRowWithColPosition := "\n\ NonTrivialDegreePerRowWithColPosition := proc(M,r,c)\n\ local m,i,j,e;\n\ m := matrix(2,r,0);\n\ for i in [$1..r] do\n\ for j in [$1..c] do\n\ e := M[i,j];\n\ if e <> 0 then\n\ m[1,i] := degree(e); m[2,i] := j; break;\n\ fi;\n\ od;\n\ od;\n\ RETURN(map(op,convert(m,listlist)));\n\ end:\n\n", NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerRowWithColPosition := "\n\ NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerRowWithColPosition := proc(M,r,c,var)\n\ local m,i,j,e;\n\ m := matrix(2,r,0);\n\ for i in [$1..r] do\n\ for j in [$1..c] do\n\ e := M[i,j];\n\ if e <> 0 then\n\ m[1,i] := degree(e,var); m[2,i] := j; break;\n\ fi;\n\ od;\n\ od;\n\ RETURN(map(op,convert(m,listlist)));\n\ end:\n\n", NonTrivialDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition := "\n\ NonTrivialDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition := proc(M,r,c)\n\ local m,i,j,e;\n\ m := matrix(2,c,0);\n\ for j in [$1..c] do\n\ for i in [$1..r] do\n\ e := M[i,j];\n\ if e <> 0 then\n\ m[1,j] := degree(e); m[2,j] := i; break;\n\ fi;\n\ od;\n\ od;\n\ RETURN(map(op,convert(m,listlist)));\n\ end:\n\n", NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition := "\n\ NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition := proc(M,r,c,var)\n\ local m,i,j,e;\n\ m := matrix(2,c,0);\n\ for j in [$1..c] do\n\ for i in [$1..r] do\n\ e := M[i,j];\n\ if e <> 0 then\n\ m[1,j] := degree(e,var); m[2,j] := i; break;\n\ fi;\n\ od;\n\ od;\n\ RETURN(map(op,convert(m,listlist)));\n\ end:\n\n", ) ); ## UpdateMacrosOfCAS( GradedRingMacrosForMaple, MapleMacros ); UpdateMacrosOfLaunchedCASs( GradedRingMacrosForMaple ); ## InstallValue( GradedRingTableForMapleHomalgTools, rec( WeightedDegreeOfRingElement := function( r, weights, R ) local deg, var; if Set( weights ) <> [ 0, 1 ] then Error( "there is no direct way to compute the weighted degree in Maple\n" ); fi; var := Indeterminates( R ); var := var{Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( var ) ], p -> weights[p] = 1 )}; deg := Int( homalgSendBlocking( [ "degree(", r, var, ")" ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.DegreeOfRingElement ) ); if deg <> fail then return deg; fi; return -1; end, DegreesOfEntries := function( M ) local R, list_string, L; R := HomalgRing( M ); list_string := homalgSendBlocking( [ "DegreesOfEntries(`homalg/ReduceRingElements`(", M, R, "))" ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.DegreesOfEntries ); L := StringToIntList( list_string ); return ListToListList( L, NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ) ); end, WeightedDegreesOfEntries := function( M, weights ) local R, var, list_string, L; if Set( weights ) <> [ 0, 1 ] then Error( "there is no direct way to compute the weighted degree in Maple\n" ); fi; R := HomalgRing( M ); var := Indeterminates( R ); var := var{Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( var ) ], p -> weights[p] = 1 )}; list_string := homalgSendBlocking( [ "WeightedDegreesOfEntries(`homalg/ReduceRingElements`(", M, R, "),", var, ")" ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.DegreesOfEntries ); L := StringToIntList( list_string ); return ListToListList( L, NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ) ); end, NonTrivialDegreePerRowWithColPosition := function( M ) local R, L; R := HomalgRing( M ); L := homalgSendBlocking( [ "NonTrivialDegreePerRowWithColPosition(`homalg/ReduceRingElements`(", M, R, "),", NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), ")" ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.NonTrivialDegreePerRow ); L := StringToIntList( L ); return ListToListList( L, 2, NrRows( M ) ); end, NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerRowWithColPosition := function( M, weights ) local R, var, L; if Set( weights ) <> [ 0, 1 ] then Error( "there is no direct way to compute the weighted degree in Maple\n" ); fi; R := HomalgRing( M ); var := Indeterminates( R ); var := var{Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( var ) ], p -> weights[p] = 1 )}; L := homalgSendBlocking( [ "NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerRowWithColPosition(`homalg/ReduceRingElements`(", M, R, "),", NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), var, ")" ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.NonTrivialDegreePerRow ); L := StringToIntList( L ); return ListToListList( L, 2, NrRows( M ) ); end, NonTrivialDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition := function( M ) local R, L; R := HomalgRing( M ); L := homalgSendBlocking( [ "NonTrivialDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition(`homalg/ReduceRingElements`(", M, R, "),", NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), ")" ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.NonTrivialDegreePerColumn ); L := StringToIntList( L ); return ListToListList( L, 2, NrColumns( M ) ); end, NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition := function( M, weights ) local R, L, var; if Set( weights ) <> [ 0, 1 ] then Error( "there is no direct way to compute the weighted degree in Maple\n" ); fi; R := HomalgRing( M ); var := Indeterminates( R ); var := var{Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( var ) ], p -> weights[p] = 1 )}; L := homalgSendBlocking( [ "NonTrivialWeightedDegreePerColumnWithRowPosition(`homalg/ReduceRingElements`(", M, R, "),", NrRows( M ), NrColumns( M ), var, ")" ], "need_output", HOMALG_IO.Pictograms.NonTrivialDegreePerColumn ); L := StringToIntList( L ); return ListToListList( L, 2, NrColumns( M ) ); end, ) ); ## enrich the global and the created homalg tables for MapleHomalg: AppendToAhomalgTable( CommonHomalgTableForMapleHomalgTools, GradedRingTableForMapleHomalgTools ); AppendTohomalgTablesOfCreatedExternalRings( GradedRingTableForMapleHomalgTools, IsHomalgExternalRingInMapleRep );