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Views: 466303############################################################################# ## ## GradedRingForHomalg package ## ## Copyright 2009-2010, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern ## Markus Lange-Hegermann, RWTH-Aachen University ## ## Implementations for matrices over graded rings. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # global variables: # #################################### if IsBound( HOMALG_MATRICES ) and IsBound( HOMALG_MATRICES.colored_info ) then HOMALG_MATRICES.colored_info.LinearSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows := [ 2, HOMALG_MATRICES.colors.BOH ]; HOMALG_MATRICES.colored_info.LinearSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns := [ 2, HOMALG_MATRICES.colors.BOH ]; fi; #################################### # # representations: # #################################### ## <#GAPDoc Label="IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep"> ## <ManSection> ## <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="A" Name="IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep"/> ## <Returns>true or false</Returns> ## <Description> ## The representation of &homalg; matrices with entries in a &homalg; graded ring. <P/> ## (It is a representation of the &GAP; category <C>IsMatrixOverGradedRing</C>.) ## <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[ DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep", IsMatrixOverGradedRing, [ ] ); ## ]]></Listing> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> #################################### # # families and types: # #################################### BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgMatrixOverGradedRing", NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgMatrices, IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ) ); #################################### # # methods for operations: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep and IsEmptyMatrix ], function( A ) local B; if not HasEval( A ) then B := HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( A ), NrColumns( A ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( HomalgRing( A ) ) ); SetEval( A, B ); fi; return Eval( A ); end ); ## InstallMethod( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], Eval ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="UnderlyingNonGradedRing:matrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="mat" Name="UnderlyingNonGradedRing" Label="for matrices over graded rings"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; ring</Returns> ## <Description> ## The nongraded ring underlying <C>HomalgRing</C>(<A>mat</A>). ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( UnderlyingNonGradedRing, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], function( A ) return UnderlyingNonGradedRing( HomalgRing(A) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( BlindlyCopyMatrixPropertiesToMatrixOverGradedRing, ## under construction "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], function( S, T ) local c; for c in [ NrRows, NrColumns ] do if Tester( c )( S ) then Setter( c )( T, c( S ) ); fi; od; for c in [ IsZero, IsOne, IsDiagonalMatrix ] do if Tester( c )( S ) and c( S ) then Setter( c )( T, c( S ) ); fi; od; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="SetMatElm"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="mat, i, j, r, R" Name="SetMatElm" Label="for matrices over graded rings"/> ## <Description> ## Changes the entry (<A>i,j</A>) of the matrix <A>mat</A> to the value <A>r</A>. Here <A>R</A> is the graded &homalg; ring involved in these computations. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( SetMatElm, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsHomalgGradedRingElementRep, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( M, r, c, s, R ) SetMatElm( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( M ), r, c, UnderlyingNonGradedRingElement( s ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="AddToMatElm"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="mat, i, j, r, R" Name="AddToMatElm" Label="for matrices over graded rings"/> ## <Description> ## Changes the entry (<A>i,j</A>) of the matrix <A>mat</A> by adding the value <A>r</A> to it. Here <A>R</A> is the (graded) &homalg; ring involved in these computations. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( AddToMatElm, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep and IsMutable, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsHomalgGradedRingElementRep, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( M, r, c, s, R ) AddToMatElm( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( M ), r, c, UnderlyingNonGradedRingElement( s ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="MatElmAsString"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="mat, i, j, R" Name="MatElmAsString" Label="for matrices over graded rings"/> ## <Returns>a string</Returns> ## <Description> ## Returns the entry (<A>i,j</A>) of the matrix <A>mat</A> as a string. Here <A>R</A> is the (graded) &homalg; ring involved in these computations. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( MatElmAsString, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( M, r, c, R ) return MatElmAsString( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( M ), r, c, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="MatElm"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="mat, i, j, R" Name="MatElm" Label="for matrices over graded rings"/> ## <Returns>a graded ring element</Returns> ## <Description> ## Returns the entry (<A>i,j</A>) of the matrix <A>mat</A>. Here <A>R</A> is the (graded) &homalg; ring involved in these computations. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( MatElm, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( M, r, c, R ) return GradedRingElement( MatElm( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( M ), r, c, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SaveHomalgMatrixToFile, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsString, IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( filename, M, R ) return SaveHomalgMatrixToFile( filename, UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( M ), UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LoadHomalgMatrixFromFile, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsString, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( filename, r, c, R ) return MatrixOverGradedRing( LoadHomalgMatrixFromFile( filename, r, c, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MonomialMatrixWeighted, "for homalg rings", [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing and IsHomalgResidueClassRingRep, IsList ], function( d, R, weights ) return R * MonomialMatrixWeighted( d, AmbientRing( R ), weights ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="MonomialMatrix"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="d, R" Name="MonomialMatrix"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## The column matrix of <A>d</A>-th monomials of the &homalg; graded ring <A>R</A>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "x,y,z";; ## gap> S := GradedRing( R );; ## gap> m := MonomialMatrix( 2, S ); ## <A ? x 1 matrix over a graded ring> ## gap> NrRows( m ); ## 6 ## gap> m; ## <A 6 x 1 matrix over a graded ring> ## gap> Display( m ); ## x^2, ## x*y, ## x*z, ## y^2, ## y*z, ## z^2 ## (over a graded ring) ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( MonomialMatrix, "for homalg rings", [ IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRing ], function( d, S ) local weights, weightlist; weights := WeightsOfIndeterminates( S ); if IsHomalgElement( weights[ 1 ] ) then weightlist := List( weights, UnderlyingListOfRingElements ); if Length( weightlist[ 1 ] ) = 1 then weightlist := List( weightlist, i -> i[ 1 ] ); fi; fi; return MatrixOverGradedRing( MonomialMatrixWeighted( d, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), weightlist ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MonomialMatrix, "for homalg rings", [ IsList, IsHomalgGradedRing ], function( d, S ) local weights, weightlist; weights := WeightsOfIndeterminates( S ); if IsHomalgElement( weights[ 1 ] ) then weightlist := List( weights, UnderlyingListOfRingElements ); if Length( weightlist[ 1 ] ) = 1 then weightlist := List( weightlist, i -> i[ 1 ] ); fi; fi; return MatrixOverGradedRing( MonomialMatrixWeighted( d, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), weightlist ), S ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeLeftModules"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="degreesS,degreesT,R" Name="RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeLeftModules"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A random <M>r \times c </M>-matrix between the graded free <E>left</E> modules ## <M><A>R</A>^{(-<A>degreesS</A>)} \to <A>R</A>^{(-<A>degreesT</A>)}</M>, ## where <M>r = </M><C>Length</C><M>(</M><A>degreesS</A><M>)</M> and ## <M>c = </M><C>Length</C><M>(</M><A>degreesT</A><M>)</M>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "a,b,c";; ## gap> S := GradedRing( R );; ## gap> rand := RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeLeftModules( [ 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 2 ], S ); ## <A 3 x 2 matrix over a graded ring> ## gap> #Display( rand ); ## gap> #a-2*b+2*c, 2, ## gap> #a^2-a*b+b^2-2*b*c+5*c^2, 3*c, ## gap> #2*a^3-3*a^2*b+2*a*b^2+3*a^2*c+a*b*c-2*b^2*c-3*b*c^2-2*c^3,a^2-4*a*b-3*a*c-c^2 ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeLeftModules, "for homalg graded rings", [ IsList, IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( degreesS, degreesT, S ) local weights, weightlist; weights := WeightsOfIndeterminates( S ); if IsHomalgElement( weights[ 1 ] ) then weightlist := List( weights, UnderlyingListOfRingElements ); if Length( weightlist[ 1 ] ) = 1 then weightlist := List( weightlist, i -> i[ 1 ] ); fi; fi; if ForAny( degreesS, IsHomalgElement ) then degreesS := List( degreesS, function( i ) if IsHomalgElement( i ) then return UnderlyingListOfRingElements( i ); else return i; fi; end ); if ForAny( degreesS, IsList ) then degreesS := List( degreesS, function( i ) if IsList( i ) and Length( i ) = 1 then return i[ 1 ]; else return i; fi; end ); fi; fi; if IsHomalgElement( degreesT[ 1 ] ) then degreesT := List( degreesT, function( i ) if IsHomalgElement( i ) then return UnderlyingListOfRingElements( i ); else return i; fi; end ); if ForAny( degreesT, IsList ) then degreesT := List( degreesT, function( i ) if IsList( i ) and Length( i ) = 1 then return i[ 1 ]; else return i; fi; end ); fi; fi; return MatrixOverGradedRing( RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeLeftModulesWeighted( degreesS, degreesT, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), weightlist ), S ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeRightModules"> ## <ManSection> ## <Oper Arg="degreesT,degreesS,R" Name="RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeRightModules"/> ## <Returns>a &homalg; matrix</Returns> ## <Description> ## A random <M>r \times c </M>-matrix between the graded free <E>right</E> modules ## <M><A>R</A>^{(-<A>degreesS</A>)} \to <A>R</A>^{(-<A>degreesT</A>)}</M>, ## where <M>r = </M><C>Length</C><M>(</M><A>degreesT</A><M>)</M> and ## <M>c = </M><C>Length</C><M>(</M><A>degreesS</A><M>)</M>. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ) * "a,b,c";; ## gap> S := GradedRing( R );; ## gap> rand := RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeRightModules( [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ], S ); ## <A 2 x 3 matrix over a graded ring> ## gap> #Display( rand ); ## gap> #a-2*b-c,a*b+b^2-b*c,2*a^3-a*b^2-4*b^3+4*a^2*c-3*a*b*c-b^2*c+a*c^2+5*b*c^2-2*c^3, ## gap> #-5, -2*a+c, -2*a^2-a*b-2*b^2-3*a*c ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeRightModules, "for homalg graded rings", [ IsList, IsList, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( degreesS, degreesT, S ) local weights, weightlist; weights := WeightsOfIndeterminates( S ); if IsHomalgElement( weights[ 1 ] ) then weightlist := List( weights, UnderlyingListOfRingElements ); if Length( weightlist[ 1 ] ) = 1 then weightlist := List( weightlist, i -> i[ 1 ] ); fi; fi; if IsHomalgElement( degreesS[ 1 ] ) then degreesS := List( degreesS, UnderlyingListOfRingElements ); if Length( degreesS[ 1 ] ) = 1 then degreesS := List( degreesS, i -> i[ 1 ] ); fi; fi; if IsHomalgElement( degreesT[ 1 ] ) then degreesT := List( degreesT, UnderlyingListOfRingElements ); if Length( degreesT[ 1 ] ) = 1 then degreesT := List( degreesT, i -> i[ 1 ] ); fi; fi; return MatrixOverGradedRing( RandomMatrixBetweenGradedFreeRightModulesWeighted( degreesS, degreesT, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ), weightlist ), S ); end ); ## InstallMethod( DegreesOfEntries, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRing ], function( C, S ) if IsZero( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( C ), ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( C ), DegreeOfRingElement( Zero( S ) ) ) ); fi; return DegreesOfEntriesFunction( S )( C ); end ); ## InstallMethod( NonTrivialDegreePerRow, "for a homalg matrix and a graded ring", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRing ], function( C, S ) local degrees; if IsOne( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( C ), DegreeOfRingElement( One( S ) ) ); elif IsZero( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( C ), DegreeOfRingElement( One( S ) ) ); ## One( S ) is not a mistake fi; ## CASHING ## if IsBound( C!.NonTrivialDegreePerRow ) then degrees := _ElmPObj_ForHomalg( C!.NonTrivialDegreePerRow, S, fail ); if degrees <> fail then return degrees; fi; else C!.NonTrivialDegreePerRow := ContainerForPointers( TheTypeContainerForPointersOnComputedValues, [ "operation", "NonTrivialDegreePerRow" ] ); fi; ## ENDCASHING ## degrees := NonTrivialDegreePerRowWithColPositionFunction( S )( C ); ## CASHING ## if not IsMutable( C ) then _AddTwoElmPObj_ForHomalg( C!.NonTrivialDegreePerRow, S, degrees ); fi; ## ENDCASHING ## return degrees; end ); ## InstallMethod( NonTrivialDegreePerRow, "for a homalg matrix and a graded ring", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRing, IsList ], function( C, S, col_degrees ) local degs, col_pos, f; if Length( col_degrees ) <> NrColumns( C ) then Error( "the number of entries in the list of column degrees does not match the number of columns of the matrix\n" ); fi; if IsOne( C ) then return col_degrees; elif IsEmptyMatrix( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( C ), DegreeOfRingElement( One( S ) ) ); ## One( S ) is not a mistake elif IsZero( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrRows( C ), col_degrees[1] ); ## this is not a mistake fi; degs := NonTrivialDegreePerRow( C, S ); col_pos := PositionOfFirstNonZeroEntryPerRow( C ); f := function( i ) local c; c := col_pos[i]; if c = 0 then return col_degrees[1]; else return degs[i] + col_degrees[c]; fi; end; return List( [ 1 .. NrRows( C ) ], f ); end ); ## InstallMethod( NonTrivialDegreePerColumn, "for a homalg matrix and a graded ring", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRing ], function( C, S ) local degrees; if IsOne( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( C ), DegreeOfRingElement( One( S ) ) ); elif IsZero( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( C ), DegreeOfRingElement( One( S ) ) ); ## One( S ) is not a mistake fi; if IsBound( C!.NonTrivialDegreePerColumn ) then degrees := _ElmPObj_ForHomalg( C!.NonTrivialDegreePerColumn, S, fail ); if degrees <> fail then return degrees; fi; else C!.NonTrivialDegreePerColumn := ContainerForPointers( TheTypeContainerForPointersOnComputedValues, [ "operation", "NonTrivialDegreePerColumn" ] ); fi; degrees := NonTrivialDegreePerColumnWithRowPositionFunction( S )( C ); if not IsMutable( C ) then _AddTwoElmPObj_ForHomalg( C!.NonTrivialDegreePerColumn, S, degrees ); fi; return degrees; end ); ## InstallMethod( NonTrivialDegreePerColumn, "for a homalg matrix and a graded ring", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRing, IsList ], function( C, S, row_degrees ) local degs, row_pos, f; if Length( row_degrees ) <> NrRows( C ) then Error( "the number of entries in the list of row degrees does not match the number of rows of the matrix\n" ); fi; if IsOne( C ) then return row_degrees; elif IsEmptyMatrix( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( C ), DegreeOfRingElement( One( S ) ) ); ## One( S ) is not a mistake elif IsZero( C ) then return ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrColumns( C ), row_degrees[1] ); ## this is not a mistake fi; degs := NonTrivialDegreePerColumn( C, S ); row_pos := PositionOfFirstNonZeroEntryPerColumn( C ); f := function( j ) local r; r := row_pos[j]; if r = 0 then return row_degrees[1]; else return degs[j] + row_degrees[r]; fi; end; return List( [ 1 .. NrColumns( C ) ], f ); end ); #################################### # # constructor functions and methods: # #################################### ## <#GAPDoc Label="MatrixOverGradedRing"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="mat, S" Name="MatrixOverGradedRing" Label="constructor for matrices over graded rings"/> ## <Returns>a matrix over a graded ring</Returns> ## <Description> ## Creates a matrix for the graded ring <A>S</A>, where <A>mat</A> is a matrix over <C>UnderlyingNonGradedRing</C>(<A>S</A>). ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( MatrixOverGradedRing, "constructor for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( A, R ) local G, type, matrix, ComputationRing, rr, AA; if IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep( A ) then return A; fi; G := HomalgRing( A ); ComputationRing := UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ); if not IsIdenticalObj( ComputationRing , G ) then Error( "underlying rings do not match" ); fi; matrix := rec( ring := R, ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( matrix, TheTypeHomalgMatrixOverGradedRing, Eval, A ); BlindlyCopyMatrixPropertiesToMatrixOverGradedRing( A, matrix ); return matrix; end ); InstallMethod( MatrixOverGradedRing, "constructor for matrices over graded rings", [ IsList, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( A, r, c, R ) return MatrixOverGradedRing( HomalgMatrix( A, r, c, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) ), R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for homalg matrices", [ IsHomalgGradedRingRep, IsHomalgMatrix ], function( R, m ) return MatrixOverGradedRing( UnderlyingNonGradedRing( R ) * m, R ); end ); ## InstallMethod( \*, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgRing, IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], function( R, m ) return R * UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( m ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PostMakeImmutable, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep and HasEval ], function( A ) MakeImmutable( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( A ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SetIsMutableMatrix, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep, IsBool ], function( A, b ) if b = true then SetFilterObj( A, IsMutable ); else ResetFilterObj( A, IsMutable ); fi; SetIsMutableMatrix( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( A ), b ); end ); ## InstallMethod( SaveHomalgMatrixToFile, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsString, IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], function( filename, M ) return SaveHomalgMatrixToFile( filename, UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( M ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LoadHomalgMatrixFromFile, "for a string and a graded ring", [ IsString, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( filename, S ) return LoadHomalgMatrixFromFile( filename, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( LoadHomalgMatrixFromFile, "for a string, two integers, and a graded ring", [ IsString, IsInt, IsInt, IsHomalgGradedRingRep ], function( filename, r, c, S ) return LoadHomalgMatrixFromFile( filename, r, c, UnderlyingNonGradedRing( S ) ); end ); #################################### # # View, Print, and Display methods: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( Display, "for matrices over graded rings", [ IsHomalgMatrixOverGradedRingRep ], function( A ) Display( UnderlyingMatrixOverNonGradedRing( A ) ); Print( "(over a graded ring)\n" ); end );