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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418426InstallOtherMethod(RightTransversal, "Right Transversal for SL2Z(1/m) and its congruence subgroup", [IsHAPRationalSpecialLinearGroup,IsMatrixGroup], function(G,H) local T,trans,NameG,i,j,m,n,p,S,d,enum; NameG:=Name(G); i:=Position(NameG,'/'); j:=Position(NameG,']'); m:=Int(NameG{[i+1..j-1]}); n:=H!.levels[1]; p:=H!.levels[2]; if not n=m then return "two groups are not in the same level";fi; T:=[[1,0],[1,1]]; S:=[[0,-1],[1,0]]; enum:=EnumeratorByFunctions(CollectionsFamily( FamilyObj( G ) ),rec( ElementNumber:=function(enum,n) if n<p+1 then return CanonicalRightCountableCosetElement(H,T^n); else return CanonicalRightCountableCosetElement(H,S); fi; end, NumberElement:=function(enum,elm) local i; if elm*S^-1 in H then return p+1;fi; for i in [1..p] do if elm*T^-i in H then return i; fi; od; return fail; end, Length:=function(enum) return p+1; end, PrintObj:=function(enum) Print("RightTransversal of ",Name(H)," in ",Name(G)); end, group:=G, subgroup:=H, )); SetIsSSortedList( enum, true ); return enum; end); ###################################################################