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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466297
# ##############################################################
# ConjugateSL2ZGroup:=function(H,P)
#     local m,gens,i,j, G,gensG,NameH,p;
# p:=P[2][2];
# if H=SL(2,Integers) then return SL2Z(p);fi;
# NameH:=Name(H);
# i:=Position(NameH,'/');
# j:=Position(NameH,']');
# m:=Int(NameH{[i+1..j-1]});
# gens:=GeneratorsOfGroup(SL2Z(1/m));
# gensG:=List(gens,x->P*x*(P^-1));
# G:=Group(gensG);
# SetName(G,Concatenation("SL(2,Z[",String(1/m),"])^",String(P))  );
# G!.coprimes:=[m,p];
# SetIsHAPRationalMatrixGroup(G,true);
# SetIsHAPRationalSpecialLinearGroup(G,true);
# return G;
# end;
# ##############################################################
# CongruenceSubgroup:=function(m,p)
# local H,K,G;
# if m=1 then return CongruenceSubgroupGamma0(p);fi;
# H:=SL2Z(1/m);
# K:=ConjugateSL2ZGroup(H,[[1,0],[0,p]]);
# G:=Intersection(H,K);
# G!.levels:=[m,p];
# SetIsHAPRationalMatrixGroup(G,true);
# SetIsHAPRationalSpecialLinearGroup(G,true);
# return G;
# end;
# ##############################################################
# InstallOtherMethod( \in,
#                "for SL(2,Z)_p",
#               [ IsMatrix,  IsHAPRationalSpecialLinearGroup ],
# function ( g, G )
# local P,n,d,facs,m,p,H,K;
# if IsBound(G!.coprimes) then
# m:=G!.coprimes[1];
# p:=G!.coprimes[2];
# P:=[[1,0],[0,p]];
# return P^-1*g*P in SL2Z(1/m);
# fi;
# ###############
# if IsBound(G!.levels) then
# m:=G!.levels[1];
# p:=G!.levels[2];
# H:=SL2Z(1/m);
# K:=ConjugateSL2ZGroup(H,[[1,0],[0,p]]);
# return (g in H and g in K);
# fi;
# end );
# #################################################################