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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418384#Graham Ellis, 2005-2006 ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramDisplay, function(arg) local D,V,M,i,j,tmpDir,tmpInlog,tmpIn2log,basicgif; tmpDir:=DirectoryTemporary(); tmpInlog:=Filename(tmpDir,"tmpIn.log"); tmpIn2log:=Filename(tmpDir,"tmpIn2.log"); basicgif:=Filename(tmpDir,"basic.gif"); D:=arg[1]; V:=CoxeterDiagramVertices(D); M:=function(i,j); return CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,i,j); end; ################ WRITE TO TMPIN.LOG ################################# AppendTo(tmpInlog," graph G { \n size=\"4,4\" \n node [shape=circle, style=filled, color=blue,label=\" \"] \n edge [style=\"setlinewidth(5)\"] \n"); for i in V do AppendTo(tmpInlog,i, " \n"); for j in V do if j>=i and M(i,j)=3 then AppendTo(tmpInlog,i," -- ", j, "\n"); fi; if j>=i and (M(i,j)>3 or M(i,j)<2) then AppendTo(tmpInlog,i," -- ", j, "[label=\" ",M(i,j), " \",fontsize=20 ] \n"); fi; od;od; if CoxeterDiagramIsSpherical(D) then AppendTo(tmpInlog,"10000 [label=\" Spherical Coxeter\\n Diagram \", color=white, fontsize=20,fontcolor=red,width=1.5 ] \n"); else AppendTo(tmpInlog,"10000 [label=\" Non-spherical Coxeter\\n Diagram \", color=white, fontsize=20, fontcolor=red,width=1.5 ] \n"); fi; AppendTo(tmpInlog,"} \n"); ################ WRITTEN ############################################ Exec(Concatenation(NEATO_PATH,"-Tgif ",tmpInlog," > ",basicgif)); if Length(arg)=1 then Exec(Concatenation(DISPLAY_PATH,basicgif)); Exec(Concatenation("rm ",tmpInlog,"; rm ",basicgif)); else AppendTo(tmpIn2log, "Browser=",arg[2],"\n"); AppendTo(tmpIn2log,"$Browser ",basicgif); Exec(Concatenation("chmod a+x ",tmpIn2log,"; ",tmpIn2log)); Exec(Concatenation("rm ",tmpInlog,"; rm ",basicgif,"; rm ",tmpIn2log,";")); fi; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramMatrix, function(arg) #Assume i<j local i,j,r,s,L, D, i1,j1; D:=arg[1]; ############################################ if Length(arg)=1 then #This is unnecessarily clumsy! L:=[]; for i in CoxeterDiagramVertices(D) do L[i]:=[]; for j in CoxeterDiagramVertices(D) do L[i][j]:=CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,i,j); od; od; return L; fi; ############################################ D:=arg[1];i1:=arg[2];j1:=arg[3]; if i1<j1 then i:=i1; j:=j1; else i:=j1;j:=i1;fi; r:=PositionProperty(D,x->(x[1]=i)); if not r=fail then L:=ShallowCopy(D[r]); L[1]:=[L[1],2]; else return 2; fi; s:=PositionProperty(L,x->(x[1]=j)); if s=fail then return 2; else return L[s][2]; fi; end); #################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramVertices, function(D) local Vertices, d, i; Vertices:=[]; for d in D do AddSet(Vertices,d[1]); for i in [2..Length(d)] do AddSet(Vertices,d[i][1]); od; od; return Vertices; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramFpArtinGroup, function(D) local F, gensF, relsF, Relator, Vertices, d,i,j,n; Vertices:=CoxeterDiagramVertices(D); F:=FreeGroup(Length(Vertices)); gensF:=GeneratorsOfGroup(F); relsF:=[]; ############################################################# Relator:=function(x,y,n) local l,r,N; l:=Identity(F); r:=Identity(F); N:=ShallowCopy(n); while N>0 do if IsOddInt(N) then l:=l*y; r:=r*x; else l:=l*x; r:=r*y; fi; N:=N-1; od; if IsOddInt(n) then return r*l^-1; else return l*r^-1; fi; end; ############################################################# for i in [1..Length(Vertices)] do for j in [i+1..Length(Vertices)] do Append(relsF, [Relator(gensF[i],gensF[j],CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,Vertices[i],Vertices[j]))]); od; od; return [F,relsF]; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramFpCoxeterGroup, function(D) local L,x,F,relsF; L:=CoxeterDiagramFpArtinGroup(D); F:=L[1]; relsF:=L[2]; for x in GeneratorsOfGroup(F) do Append(relsF,[x^2]); od; return [F,relsF]; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterSubDiagram, function(D,V) local SD, n, u, v, singles, temp; SD:=[]; for v in V do SD[v]:=[v]; for u in V do if u>v then n:=CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,u,v); if not n=2 then Append(SD[v],[[u,n]]); fi; fi; od; od; SD:=SortedList(SD); singles:=Filtered(SD,x->Length(x)=1); for u in singles do temp:=ShallowCopy(SD); RemoveSet(temp,u); if Length(CoxeterDiagramVertices(temp))=Length(CoxeterDiagramVertices(SD)) then SD:=temp; fi; od; return SD; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramComponents, function(D) local Components, RemainingVertices, C, Count, Vert, n, u, v, w; Components:=[]; RemainingVertices:=CoxeterDiagramVertices(D); while not Length(RemainingVertices)=0 do Count:=0; C:=CoxeterSubDiagram(D,[RemainingVertices[1]]); while Length(CoxeterDiagramVertices(C))>Count do Vert:=CoxeterDiagramVertices(C); Count:=Length(Vert); for v in CoxeterDiagramVertices(C) do for u in RemainingVertices do n:=CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,v,u); if not n=2 then AddSet(Vert,u); fi; od; od; C:=CoxeterSubDiagram(D,Vert); od; C:=CoxeterSubDiagram(D,Vert); Append(Components,[C]); for v in CoxeterDiagramVertices(C) do RemoveSet(RemainingVertices,v); od; od; return Components; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramDegree, function(D,v) local u, degree; degree:=0; for u in CoxeterDiagramVertices(D) do if not CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,u,v)=2 then degree:=degree+1; fi; od; return degree; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramIsSpherical, function(D) local C, Components, ComponentIsSpherical; Components:=CoxeterDiagramComponents(D); ##################################################################### ComponentIsSpherical:=function(C) local Vertices, Verts, Degrees, Labels, LargeLabels, LargeDegrees, Leaves, e,n,u,v,w,N; Vertices:=CoxeterDiagramVertices(C); Degrees:=List(Vertices,x->CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,x)); LargeDegrees:=Filtered(Degrees,x->x>2); Leaves:=Filtered(Degrees,x->x=1); Labels:=[]; for u in Vertices do for v in Vertices do n:=CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,u,v); if (not n=2) and (u>v) then Append(Labels,[n]); fi; od; od; LargeLabels:=Filtered(Labels,x->x>3); if 0 in Labels then return false; fi; if Length(Vertices)<3 then return true; fi; if Length(LargeDegrees)>1 then return false; fi; if Length(Leaves)<2 or Length(Leaves)>3 then return false; fi; if Length(LargeLabels)>1 then return false; fi; if Length(LargeDegrees)>0 and Length(LargeLabels)>0 then return false; fi; if (not Length(LargeLabels)=0) then if Maximum(LargeLabels)>5 then return false; fi; fi; if (not Length(Degrees)=0) then if (Maximum(Degrees)>3) then return false; fi; fi; # From this point on we can assume that: # the Coxeter diagram is connected; # there are more than two vertices; # either two or three vertices have degree 1; # no vertex has degree > 3; # at most one vertex has degree 3 and, in this case, all labels are <4; # no edge label is > 5 (and so no label is infinity=0); # at most one edge label is >3. # So now its just a case by case slog! # Case A0 (Forgot this in initia versions of HAP) if Length(LargeDegrees)>0 then Verts:=Filtered(Vertices,v->not v= Vertices[Position(Degrees,LargeDegrees[1])]); Verts:=List( CoxeterDiagramComponents(CoxeterSubDiagram(D,Verts)), x->Length(CoxeterDiagramVertices(x))); Verts:=Filtered(Verts,x->x>1); if Length(Verts)>2 then return false; fi; fi; # Case A if Maximum(Labels)=3 and Maximum(Degrees)=2 then return true; fi; # Case B if Maximum(Labels)=4 and Maximum(Degrees)=2 then for u in Vertices do for v in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,u,v)=4 then e:=[u,v];fi; od; od; if (CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,e[1])=1) or (CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,e[2])=1) then return true; fi; fi; # Case D if Maximum(Labels)=3 and Maximum(Degrees)=3 then for v in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,v)=3 then w:=v; break; fi; od; e:=0; for v in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,w,v)=3 then e:=e+CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,v);fi; od; if e<5 then return true; fi; fi; # Case H3 if Length(Vertices)=3 and Maximum(Labels)=5 then return true; fi; # Case H4 if Length(Vertices)=4 and Maximum(Labels)=5 then for u in Vertices do for v in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,u,v)=5 then e:=[u,v];fi; od; od; if (CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,e[1])=1) or (CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,e[2])=1) then return true; fi; fi; # Case F4 if Length(Vertices)=4 and Maximum(Labels)=4 then for u in Vertices do for v in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,u,v)=4 then e:=[u,v];fi; od; od; if (CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,e[1])=2) and (CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,e[2])=2) then return true; fi; fi; # Cases E6, E7 and E8 if (Length(Vertices)=6 or Length(Vertices)=7 or Length(Vertices)=8) and Maximum(Labels)=3 and Maximum(Degrees)=3 then for v in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,v)=3 then w:=v; break; fi; od; e:=[]; for v in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,w,v)=3 then Append(e,[v]); fi; od; e:=Filtered(e,x->CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,x)=2); if Length(e)<2 then return false; fi; for v in e do for u in Vertices do if CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D,u,v)=3 and CoxeterDiagramDegree(D,u)=1 then return true; fi; od; od; fi; return false; end; ##################################################################### for C in Components do if not ComponentIsSpherical(C) then return false; fi; od; return true; end); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### ##################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CoxeterDiagramMatCoxeterGroup, function(D) local M, cosine, G, i,j; M:=CoxeterDiagramMatrix(D); M:=M-IdentityMat(Length(M)); ################################# cosine := function(n) if n>0 then return (1/2)*( E(2*n) + E(2*n)^(2*n-1) ); elif n = 0 then return 1; fi; end; ################################# G := []; for i in [1..Length(M)] do G[i] := IdentityMat(Length(M)); for j in [1..Length(M)] do G[i][i][j] := G[i][i][j] + 2*cosine(M[i][j]); od; od; return Group(G); end); ##################################################################### #####################################################################