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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466313InstallGlobalFunction("ExportHapCellcomplexToDisk", function( C,groupName) local GcomplexesPath, exportFile, ExportToHAP, i, j, celldata, torsion, m,n,k, cell, boundary; if IsHapTorsionSubcomplex(C) then celldata:=C!.celldata; torsion:=C!.torsion; else celldata:=[]; i:=0; while C!.dimension(i) > 0 do cell:=[]; for j in [1..C!.dimension(i)] do if not i=0 then boundary:=C!.boundary(i,j); Add(cell,rec(TheMatrixStab :=C!.stabilizer(i,j), TheRotSubgroup:=C!.stabilizer(i,j), BoundaryImage :=rec( ListIFace:=List(boundary,w->AbsInt(w[1])), ListSign:=List(boundary,w->SignInt(w[1])), ListElt:=List(boundary,w->C!.elts[w[2]]) ) ) ); else Add(cell,rec(TheMatrixStab :=C!.stabilizer(i,j), TheRotSubgroup:=C!.stabilizer(i,j), BoundaryImage :=rec( ListIFace:=[], ListSign:=[], ListElt:=[] ) ) ); fi; od; Add(celldata,cell); i:=i+1; od; fi; GcomplexesPath := Concatenation(DirectoriesPackageLibrary("HAP")[1]![1],"Perturbations/Gcomplexes/"); exportFile := Concatenation("./", groupName); ExportToHAP := function(i,j) local currentCell, currentStab; currentCell := celldata[i][j]; currentStab:=currentCell!.TheMatrixStab; if IdSmallGroup(currentStab) = [1,1] then AppendTo( exportFile, "\n rec( TheMatrixStab := Group("); AppendTo( exportFile, Elements(currentStab)); AppendTo( exportFile, "), \n TheRotSubgroup := Group("); AppendTo( exportFile, Elements(currentStab) ); else AppendTo( exportFile, "\n rec( TheMatrixStab := Group("); AppendTo( exportFile, GeneratorsOfGroup(currentStab) ); AppendTo( exportFile, "), \n TheRotSubgroup := Group("); AppendTo( exportFile, GeneratorsOfGroup(currentStab) ); fi; AppendTo( exportFile, "), \n BoundaryImage := rec("); AppendTo( exportFile, "\n ListIFace := "); AppendTo( exportFile, currentCell!.BoundaryImage!.ListIFace ); AppendTo( exportFile, ","); AppendTo( exportFile, "\n ListSign := "); AppendTo( exportFile, currentCell!.BoundaryImage!.ListSign ); AppendTo( exportFile, ","); AppendTo( exportFile, "\n ListElt := "); AppendTo( exportFile, currentCell!.BoundaryImage!.ListElt ); AppendTo( exportFile, " ) \n )"); end; # end of function ExportToHAP AppendTo( exportFile, "HAP_GCOMPLEX_SETUP:=[false]; \n"); # AppendTo( exportFile, "torsion:=",torsion,"; \n"); AppendTo( exportFile, "HAP_GCOMPLEX_LIST := [ \n"); n:=Length(celldata); for i in [1..(n-1)] do m:=Length(celldata[i]); AppendTo( exportFile, " ["); for j in [1..(m-1)] do ExportToHAP(i,j); AppendTo( exportFile, ","); od; ExportToHAP(i,m); AppendTo( exportFile, "\n ], \n"); od; m:=Length(celldata[n]); AppendTo( exportFile, " ["); for j in [1..(m-1)] do ExportToHAP(n,j); AppendTo( exportFile, ","); od; ExportToHAP(n,m); AppendTo( exportFile, "\n ] \n"); AppendTo( exportFile, "]; \n"); Print("Cell complex written in file ./bin/",exportFile,", you have to move it to \n",GcomplexesPath); end); # end of program HAPtoDisk