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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466323############################################################ ## ## ## ## ## HAP subpackage for GAP (Groups Algorithms Programming) ## ## under the GNU GPL license (v. 3), 2012 ## ## by Alexander D. Rahm & Bui Anh Tuan ## ############################################################ InstallGlobalFunction("EquivariantSpectralSequencePage", function( C, m,n) ######################################################################### ######################################################################### local reducedTorsionCells,celldata,j,N,l,P,Q,RP,RQ,g,Pt, stabgrp,cell,i, E1page, T, EnPage, Differential, CohomologyOfGroup, stabres,stabcohom, inclusionMaps, groupname,name,sb,se, maps,map,eqmap,tmp,BI,SGN,LstEl,s,r,t,sign,E2page,CH1,Mat1 ; if IsString(C) then groupname:=Filtered(C,x->not(x='(' or x=')' or x=',' or x='[' or x=']')); Read(Concatenation( DirectoriesPackageLibrary("HAP")[1]![1], "Perturbations/Gcomplexes/",groupname)); celldata := StructuralCopy(HAP_GCOMPLEX_LIST); name:=StructuralCopy(groupname); RemoveCharacters(name,"torsion"); sb:=Position(name,'_'); se:=Length(name); l:=Int(name{[]}); reducedTorsionCells:=[]; for i in [1..Size(celldata)] do reducedTorsionCells[i]:=[]; for j in [1..Size(celldata[i])] do reducedTorsionCells[i][j]:=[i-1,j]; od; od; N:=Size(reducedTorsionCells); if N>2 then return fail;fi; else #if not IsHapTorsionSubcomplex(C) then return fail; #else N:=Size(C!.reducedTorsionCells); ## We only consider the case when length of the subcomplex is ## less than 2 in order to get rid of the differential d2 if N>2 then return fail;fi; reducedTorsionCells:=C!.torsionCells; celldata:=C!.celldata; l:=C!.torsion; groupname:=C!.groupname; fi; ############### LIST THE STABILIZERS####################### stabgrp:=[]; #stabres:=[]; #stabcohom:=[]; for j in [1..N] do stabgrp[j]:=[]; for i in [1..Size(reducedTorsionCells[j])] do cell:=reducedTorsionCells[j][i]; Add(stabgrp[j],celldata[cell[1]+1][cell[2]]!.TheMatrixStab); od; od; ###################### E_1 Page of Cohomology############## E1page:=function(p,q) local w,i; if p=0 then return Differential(1,0,q)[1]; elif p=1 then return Differential(1,0,q)[2]; else return fail; fi; end; ######################End of E_1 Page###################### E2page:=function(p,q) local t,M; M:=Differential(1,0,q)[3]; if IsEmpty(M) then if p=0 then return 0; else return E1page(1,q); fi; fi; if p=0 then return Size(M[1])-RankMat(M); elif p=1 then return E1page(1,q)-RankMat(M); else return fail; fi; end;##############End of E_1 Page###################### ###################### Cohomology of Group ################ CohomologyOfGroup:=function(k) local p,w; w:=0; for p in [0..Minimum(k,1)] do w:=w+E2page(p,k-p); od; return w; return fail; end; ######################End of Cohomology#################### inclusionMaps:=[]; maps:=[]; sign:=[]; N:=2; for i in [1..Size(reducedTorsionCells[N])] do cell:= reducedTorsionCells[N][i]; maps[i]:=[]; inclusionMaps[i]:=[]; sign[i]:=[]; tmp:=celldata[N][cell[2]].BoundaryImage; BI:=tmp.ListIFace; SGN:=tmp.ListSign; LstEl:=tmp.ListElt; P:=StructuralCopy(stabgrp[N][i]); if IsPNormal(P,l) then P:=Normalizer(P,Center(SylowSubgroup(P,l))); fi; RP:=ResolutionFiniteGroup(P,n); for r in [1..Size(reducedTorsionCells[N-1])] do s:=reducedTorsionCells[N-1][r][2]; sign[i][r]:=0; if s in BI then Q:=StructuralCopy(stabgrp[N-1][r]); if IsPNormal(Q,l) then Q:=Normalizer(Q,Center(SylowSubgroup(Q,l))); fi; RQ:=ResolutionFiniteGroup(Q,n); t:=Position(BI,s); Pt:=ConjugateGroup(P,LstEl[t]); for g in stabgrp[N-1][r] do if IsSubgroup(Q,ConjugateGroup(Pt,g)) then break; fi; od; map:=GroupHomomorphismByFunction(P, Q,x->(LstEl[t]*g)^-1*x*(LstEl[t]*g)); inclusionMaps[i][r]:=LstEl[t]; eqmap:=EquivariantChainMap(RP,RQ,map); T:=HomToIntegersModP(eqmap,l); maps[i][r]:=T; sign[i][r]:=SGN[t]; else maps[i][r]:=0; fi; od; od; stabres:=[]; for j in [1..Size(maps[1])] do i:=1; while i<=Size(maps) do if maps[i][j]=0 then i:=i+1; else break; fi; od; if i>Size(maps) then P:=StructuralCopy(stabgrp[N-1][j]); if IsPNormal(P,l) then P:=Normalizer(P,Center(SylowSubgroup(P,l))); fi; RP:=ResolutionFiniteGroup(P,n); stabres[j]:=HomToIntegersModP(RP,l); fi; od; ###################### d1 differential#### ################ Differential:=function(k,p,q) local w,i,j,A,B,CH,temp,x,M,Mat,BMat,t; if k=1 then if not p=0 then return [];fi; CH:=[]; Mat:=[]; for i in [1..Size(reducedTorsionCells[N])] do CH[i]:=[]; Mat[i]:=[]; for j in [1..Size(reducedTorsionCells[N-1])] do if maps[i][j]=0 then CH[i][j]:=0; else CH[i][j]:=Cohomology(maps[i][j],q); fi; od; od; A:=[]; for j in [1..Size(CH[1])] do i:=1; while i<=Size(CH) do if CH[i][j]=0 then i:=i+1; else A[j]:=Size(AbelianInvariants(Source(CH[i][j]))); break; fi; od; if i>Size(CH) then A[j]:=Cohomology(stabres[j],q); fi; od; B:=[]; for i in [1..Size(CH)] do j:=1; while j<=Size(CH[1]) do if CH[i][j]=0 then j:=j+1; else B[i]:=Size(AbelianInvariants(Target(CH[i][j]))); break; fi; od; od; for i in [1..Size(reducedTorsionCells[N])] do Mat[i]:=[]; for j in [1..Size(reducedTorsionCells[N-1])] do if maps[i][j]=0 then if A[j]*B[i]=0 then Mat[i][j]:=[]; else Mat[i][j]:=0*RandomMat(B[i],A[j]);fi; else Mat[i][j]:=sign[i][j]*GroupHomomorphismToMatrix(CH[i][j],l); fi; od; od; BMat:=[]; for i in [1..Size(Mat)] do M:=[]; for t in [1..Size(Mat[1])] do t:=Size(Mat[i][1]); if not t=0 then break;fi; od; for r in [1..t] do M[r]:=[]; for j in [1..Size(Mat[1])] do if not IsEmpty(Mat[i][j]) then Append(M[r],Mat[i][j][r]); fi; od; od; Append(BMat,M); od; return [Sum(A),Sum(B),BMat]; else return fail; fi; end; ######################End of d1 differential############### ######################### E_n Page ######################## EnPage:=function(k,p,q) if k=1 then return E1page(p,q); elif k=2 then return E2page(p,q); else return fail; fi; end; ######################End of d1 differential############### ########################################################### return Objectify(HapEquivariantSpectralSequencePage, rec( page:=EnPage, differential:=Differential, groupname:=groupname, torsion:=l, cohomology:=CohomologyOfGroup, maps:=maps, sign:=sign, inclusionMaps:= inclusionMaps )); end); ########################################################### InstallGlobalFunction("GroupHomomorphismToMatrix", function( phi,p) local i,x,vectors,fgensA,fgensB,A,B,M,FreeGenerators, ElementToWord; ElementToWord:=function( G,L, g) local i,x,vectors,a; vectors:=CombinationDisjointSets(List([1..Size(L)],w->p)); for x in vectors do a:=One(G); for i in [1..Size(x)] do a:=a*L[i]^x[i]; od; if g=a then return x;fi; od; return false; end; A:=Source(phi); B:=Target(phi); FreeGenerators:=function(G) local gens,i,fgens; gens:=GeneratorsOfGroup(G); fgens:=[]; for x in gens do if not Order(x)=1 then if ElementToWord(G,fgens,x)=false then Add(fgens,x); fi; fi; od; return fgens; end; fgensA:=FreeGenerators(A); fgensB:=FreeGenerators(B); M:=[]; for i in [1..Size(fgensA)] do Add(M,ElementToWord(B,fgensB,Image(phi,fgensA[i]))); od; return TransposedMat(M); end);