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Views: 466286############################################################################# ## ## LinearAlgebraForCAP package ## ## Copyright 2015, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern ## Sebastian Posur, RWTH Aachen ## ## ############################################################################# #################################### ## ## Constructors ## #################################### InstallMethod( MatrixCategory, [ IsFieldForHomalg ], function( homalg_field ) local category, to_be_finalized; category := CreateCapCategory( Concatenation( "Category of matrices over ", RingName( homalg_field ) ) ); category!.field_for_matrix_category := homalg_field; SetIsAbelianCategory( category, true ); SetIsRigidSymmetricClosedMonoidalCategory( category, true ); SetIsStrictMonoidalCategory( category, true ); INSTALL_FUNCTIONS_FOR_MATRIX_CATEGORY( category ); ## TODO: Logic for MatrixCategory AddPredicateImplicationFileToCategory( category, Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "LinearAlgebraForCAP", "LogicForMatrixCategory" ), "PredicateImplicationsForMatrixCategory.tex" ) ); to_be_finalized := ValueOption( "FinalizeCategory" ); if to_be_finalized = false then return category; else Finalize( category ); fi; return category; end ); #################################### ## ## Basic operations ## #################################### InstallGlobalFunction( INSTALL_FUNCTIONS_FOR_MATRIX_CATEGORY, function( category ) local homalg_field; homalg_field := category!.field_for_matrix_category; ## AddIsEqualForCacheForObjects( category, IsIdenticalObj ); ## AddIsEqualForCacheForMorphisms( category, IsIdenticalObj ); ## Well-defined for objects and morphisms ## AddIsWellDefinedForObjects( category, function( object ) if not IsIdenticalObj( category, CapCategory( object ) ) then return false; elif not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingFieldForHomalg( object ), category!.field_for_matrix_category ) then return false; elif Dimension( object ) < 0 then return false; fi; # all tests passed, so is well-defined return true; end ); ## AddIsWellDefinedForMorphisms( category, function( morphism ) if not IsIdenticalObj( category, CapCategory( Source( morphism ) ) ) then return false; elif not IsIdenticalObj( category, CapCategory( morphism ) ) then return false; elif not IsIdenticalObj( category, CapCategory( Range( morphism ) ) ) then return false; elif not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingFieldForHomalg( Source( morphism ) ), category!.field_for_matrix_category ) then return false; elif not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingFieldForHomalg( morphism ), category!.field_for_matrix_category ) then return false; elif not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingFieldForHomalg( Range( morphism ) ), category!.field_for_matrix_category ) then return false; elif NrRows( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ) <> Dimension( Source( morphism ) ) then return false; elif NrColumns( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ) <> Dimension( Range( morphism ) ) then return false; fi; # all tests passed, so is well-defined return true; end ); ## Equality Basic Operations for Objects and Morphisms ## AddIsEqualForObjects( category, function( object_1, object_2 ) return Dimension( object_1 ) = Dimension( object_2 ); end ); ## AddIsCongruentForMorphisms( category, function( morphism_1, morphism_2 ) return UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_1 ) = UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_2 ); end ); ## Basic Operations for a Category ## AddIdentityMorphism( category, function( object ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( object, HomalgIdentityMatrix( Dimension( object ), homalg_field ), object ); end ); ## AddPreCompose( category, [ [ function( morphism_1, morphism_2 ) local composition; composition := UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_1 ) * UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_2 ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( morphism_1 ), composition, Range( morphism_2 ) ); end, [ , ] ], [ function( left_morphism, identity_morphism ) return left_morphism; end, [ , IsIdenticalToIdentityMorphism ] ], [ function( identity_morphism, right_morphism ) return right_morphism; end, [ IsIdenticalToIdentityMorphism, ] ], [ function( left_morphism, zero_morphism ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( left_morphism ), HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( UnderlyingMatrix( left_morphism ) ), NrColumns( UnderlyingMatrix( zero_morphism ) ), homalg_field ), Range( zero_morphism ) ); end, [ , IsZero ] ], [ function( zero_morphism, right_morphism ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( zero_morphism ), HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( UnderlyingMatrix( zero_morphism ) ), NrColumns( UnderlyingMatrix( right_morphism ) ), homalg_field ), Range( right_morphism ) ); end, [ IsZero, ] ], ] ); ## Basic Operations for an Additive Category ## AddIsZeroForMorphisms( category, function( morphism ) return IsZero( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddAdditionForMorphisms( category, function( morphism_1, morphism_2 ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( morphism_1 ), UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_1 ) + UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_2 ), Range( morphism_2 ) ); end ); ## AddAdditiveInverseForMorphisms( category, function( morphism ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( morphism ), (-1) * UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ), Range( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddZeroMorphism( category, function( source, range ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( source, HomalgZeroMatrix( Dimension( source ), Dimension( range ), homalg_field ), range ); end ); ## AddZeroObject( category, function( ) return VectorSpaceObject( 0, homalg_field ); end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismIntoZeroObjectWithGivenZeroObject( category, function( sink, zero_object ) local morphism; morphism := VectorSpaceMorphism( sink, HomalgZeroMatrix( Dimension( sink ), 0, homalg_field ), zero_object ); return morphism; end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismFromZeroObjectWithGivenZeroObject( category, function( source, zero_object ) local morphism; morphism := VectorSpaceMorphism( zero_object, HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, Dimension( source ), homalg_field ), source ); return morphism; end ); ## AddDirectSum( category, function( object_list ) local dimension; dimension := Sum( List( object_list, object -> Dimension( object ) ) ); return VectorSpaceObject( dimension, homalg_field ); end ); ## AddDirectSumFunctorialWithGivenDirectSums( category, function( direct_sum_source, diagram, direct_sum_range ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( direct_sum_source, DiagMat( List( diagram, mor -> UnderlyingMatrix( mor ) ) ), direct_sum_range ); end ); ## AddProjectionInFactorOfDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( category, function( object_list, projection_number, direct_sum_object ) local dim_pre, dim_post, dim_factor, number_of_objects, projection_in_factor; number_of_objects := Length( object_list ); dim_pre := Sum( object_list{ [ 1 .. projection_number - 1 ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_post := Sum( object_list{ [ projection_number + 1 .. number_of_objects ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_factor := Dimension( object_list[ projection_number ] ); projection_in_factor := HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_pre, dim_factor, homalg_field ); projection_in_factor := UnionOfRows( projection_in_factor, HomalgIdentityMatrix( dim_factor, homalg_field ) ); projection_in_factor := UnionOfRows( projection_in_factor, HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_post, dim_factor, homalg_field ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( direct_sum_object, projection_in_factor, object_list[ projection_number ] ); end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismIntoDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( category, function( diagram, sink, direct_sum ) local underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism, morphism; underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism := UnderlyingMatrix( sink[1] ); for morphism in sink{ [ 2 .. Length( sink ) ] } do underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism := UnionOfColumns( underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism, UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ); od; return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( sink[1] ), underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism, direct_sum ); end ); ## AddInjectionOfCofactorOfDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( category, function( object_list, injection_number, coproduct ) local dim_pre, dim_post, dim_cofactor, number_of_objects, injection_of_cofactor; number_of_objects := Length( object_list ); dim_pre := Sum( object_list{ [ 1 .. injection_number - 1 ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_post := Sum( object_list{ [ injection_number + 1 .. number_of_objects ] }, c -> Dimension( c ) ); dim_cofactor := Dimension( object_list[ injection_number ] ); injection_of_cofactor := HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_cofactor, dim_pre ,homalg_field ); injection_of_cofactor := UnionOfColumns( injection_of_cofactor, HomalgIdentityMatrix( dim_cofactor, homalg_field ) ); injection_of_cofactor := UnionOfColumns( injection_of_cofactor, HomalgZeroMatrix( dim_cofactor, dim_post, homalg_field ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( object_list[ injection_number ], injection_of_cofactor, coproduct ); end ); ## AddUniversalMorphismFromDirectSumWithGivenDirectSum( category, function( diagram, sink, coproduct ) local underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism, morphism; underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism := UnderlyingMatrix( sink[1] ); for morphism in sink{ [ 2 .. Length( sink ) ] } do underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism := UnionOfRows( underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism, UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ); od; return VectorSpaceMorphism( coproduct, underlying_matrix_of_universal_morphism, Range( sink[1] ) ); end ); ## Basic Operations for an Abelian category ## AddKernelObject( category, function( morphism ) local homalg_matrix; homalg_matrix := UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ); return VectorSpaceObject( NrRows( homalg_matrix ) - RowRankOfMatrix( homalg_matrix ), homalg_field ); end ); ## AddKernelEmbedding( category, function( morphism ) local kernel_emb, kernel_object; kernel_emb := SyzygiesOfRows( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ); kernel_object := VectorSpaceObject( NrRows( kernel_emb ), homalg_field ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( kernel_object, kernel_emb, Source( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddKernelEmbeddingWithGivenKernelObject( category, function( morphism, kernel ) local kernel_emb; kernel_emb := SyzygiesOfRows( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( kernel, kernel_emb, Source( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddLift( category, function( alpha, beta ) local right_divide; right_divide := RightDivide( UnderlyingMatrix( alpha ), UnderlyingMatrix( beta ) ); if right_divide = fail then return fail; fi; return VectorSpaceMorphism( Source( alpha ), right_divide, Source( beta ) ); end ); ## AddCokernelObject( category, function( morphism ) local homalg_matrix; homalg_matrix := UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ); return VectorSpaceObject( NrColumns( homalg_matrix ) - RowRankOfMatrix( homalg_matrix ), homalg_field ); end ); ## AddCokernelProjection( category, function( morphism ) local cokernel_proj, cokernel_obj; cokernel_proj := SyzygiesOfColumns( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ); cokernel_obj := VectorSpaceObject( NrColumns( cokernel_proj ), homalg_field ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( Range( morphism ), cokernel_proj, cokernel_obj ); end ); ## AddCokernelProjectionWithGivenCokernelObject( category, function( morphism, cokernel ) local cokernel_proj; cokernel_proj := SyzygiesOfColumns( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( Range( morphism ), cokernel_proj, cokernel ); end ); ## AddColift( category, function( alpha, beta ) local left_divide; left_divide := LeftDivide( UnderlyingMatrix( alpha ), UnderlyingMatrix( beta ) ); if left_divide = fail then return fail; fi; return VectorSpaceMorphism( Range( alpha ), left_divide, Range( beta ) ); end ); ## Basic Operation Properties ## AddIsZeroForObjects( category, function( object ) return Dimension( object ) = 0; end ); ## AddIsMonomorphism( category, function( morphism ) return RowRankOfMatrix( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ) = Dimension( Source( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddIsEpimorphism( category, function( morphism ) return ColumnRankOfMatrix( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ) = Dimension( Range( morphism ) ); end ); ## AddIsIsomorphism( category, function( morphism ) return Dimension( Range( morphism ) ) = Dimension( Source( morphism ) ) and ColumnRankOfMatrix( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ) = Dimension( Range( morphism ) ); end ); ## Basic Operations for Monoidal Categories ## AddTensorProductOnObjects( category, [ [ function( object_1, object_2 ) return VectorSpaceObject( Dimension( object_1 ) * Dimension( object_2 ), homalg_field ); end, [ ] ], [ function( object_1, object_2 ) return object_1; end, [ IsZero, ] ], [ function( object_1, object_2 ) return object_2; end, [ , IsZero ] ] ] ); ## AddTensorProductOnMorphismsWithGivenTensorProducts( category, function( new_source, morphism_1, morphism_2, new_range ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( new_source, KroneckerMat( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_1 ), UnderlyingMatrix( morphism_2 ) ), new_range ); end ); ## AddTensorUnit( category, function( ) return VectorSpaceObject( 1, homalg_field ); end ); ## AddBraidingWithGivenTensorProducts( category, function( object_1_tensored_object_2, object_1, object_2, object_2_tensored_object_1 ) local permutation_matrix, dim, dim_1, dim_2; dim_1 := Dimension( object_1 ); dim_2 := Dimension( object_2 ); dim := Dimension( object_1_tensored_object_2 ); permutation_matrix := PermutationMat( PermList( List( [ 1 .. dim ], i -> ( RemInt( i - 1, dim_2 ) * dim_1 + QuoInt( i - 1, dim_2 ) + 1 ) ) ), dim ); return VectorSpaceMorphism( object_1_tensored_object_2, HomalgMatrix( permutation_matrix, dim, dim, homalg_field ), object_2_tensored_object_1 ); end ); ## AddDualOnObjects( category, space -> space ); ## AddDualOnMorphismsWithGivenDuals( category, function( dual_source, morphism, dual_range ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( dual_source, Involution( UnderlyingMatrix( morphism ) ), dual_range ); end ); ## AddEvaluationForDualWithGivenTensorProduct( category, function( tensor_object, object, unit ) local dimension, column, zero_column, i; dimension := Dimension( object ); column := [ ]; zero_column := List( [ 1 .. dimension ], i -> 0 ); for i in [ 1 .. dimension - 1 ] do Add( column, 1 ); Append( column, zero_column ); od; if dimension > 0 then Add( column, 1 ); fi; return VectorSpaceMorphism( tensor_object, HomalgMatrix( column, Dimension( tensor_object ), 1, homalg_field ), unit ); end ); ## AddCoevaluationForDualWithGivenTensorProduct( category, function( unit, object, tensor_object ) local dimension, row, zero_row, i; dimension := Dimension( object ); row := [ ]; zero_row := List( [ 1 .. dimension ], i -> 0 ); for i in [ 1 .. dimension - 1 ] do Add( row, 1 ); Append( row, zero_row ); od; if dimension > 0 then Add( row, 1 ); fi; return VectorSpaceMorphism( unit, HomalgMatrix( row, 1, Dimension( tensor_object ), homalg_field ), tensor_object ); end ); ## AddMorphismToBidualWithGivenBidual( category, function( object, bidual_of_object ) return VectorSpaceMorphism( object, HomalgIdentityMatrix( Dimension( object ), homalg_field ), bidual_of_object ); end ); end );