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Views: 466311############################################################################# ## ## LocalizeRingForHomalg package ## ## Copyright 2013, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern ## Vinay Wagh, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati ## ## Implementations for localized rings. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # global variables: # #################################### #possibility to use the underlying global ringtable? InstallValue( CommonHomalgTableForLocalizedRingsAtPrimeIdealsTools, rec( IsZero := a -> IsZero( EvalRingElement( a ) ), IsOne := a -> IsOne( EvalRingElement( a ) ), Minus := function( a, b ) return EvalRingElement( a ) - EvalRingElement( b ); end, #HomalgLocalRingElement will cancel here DivideByUnit := function( a, u ) return EvalRingElement( a ) / EvalRingElement( u ); end, DegreeOfRingElement := function( r, R ) return Degree( Numerator( r ) / AssociatedComputationRing( R ) ); end, IsUnit := function( R, u ) local uu; if Degree ( u ) > 0 then return false; fi; # RP := homalgTable( R ); # if not IsBound(RP!.Numerator) then # Error( "Table entry for Numerator not found\n" ); # fi; uu := Numerator( u ) / AssociatedComputationRing( R ); ## Use DecideZero(u, matrix) if DecideZero( uu, BasisOfColumns( GeneratorsOfPrimeIdeal( R ) ) ) <> 0 then return true; fi; return false; end, Sum := function( a, b ) return EvalRingElement( a ) + EvalRingElement( b ); end, #HomalgLocalRingElement will cancel here Product := function( a, b ) return EvalRingElement( a ) * EvalRingElement( b ); end, ShallowCopy := C -> ShallowCopy( Eval( C ) ), InitialMatrix := function( C ) local R; R := AssociatedComputationRing( C ); return HomalgInitialMatrix( NrRows( C ), NrColumns( C ), R ); end, InitialIdentityMatrix := function( C ) local R; R := AssociatedComputationRing( C ); return HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix( NrRows( C ), R ); end, ZeroMatrix := function( C ) local R; R := AssociatedComputationRing( C ); return HomalgZeroMatrix( NrRows( C ), NrColumns( C ), R ); end, IdentityMatrix := function( C ) local R; R := AssociatedComputationRing( C ); return HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrRows( C ), R ); end, AreEqualMatrices := function( A, B ) return Eval( A ) = Eval( B ); end, Involution := function( M ) return Involution( Eval( M ) ); end, CertainRows := function( M, plist ) return CertainRows( Eval( M ), plist ); end, CertainColumns := function( M, plist ) return CertainColumns( Eval( M ), plist ); end, UnionOfRows := function( A, B ) return UnionOfRows( Eval( A ), Eval( B ) ); end, UnionOfColumns := function( A, B ) return UnionOfColumns( Eval( A ), Eval( B ) ); end, DiagMat := function( e ) return DiagMat( List( e, EvalRingElement ) ); end, KroneckerMat := function( A, B ) return KroneckerMat( Eval( A ), Eval( B ) ); end, MulMat := function( a, A ) return EvalRingElement( a ) * Eval( A ); end, AddMat := function( A, B ) return Eval( A ) + Eval( B ); end, SubMat := function( A, B ) return Eval( A ) - Eval( B ); end, Compose := function( A, B ) return Eval( A ) * Eval( B ); end, NrRows := C -> NrRows( Eval( C ) ), NrColumns := C -> NrColumns( Eval( C ) ), IsZeroMatrix := M -> IsZero( Eval( M ) ), IsDiagonalMatrix := M -> IsDiagonalMatrix( Eval( M ) ), ZeroRows := C -> ZeroRows( Eval( C ) ), ZeroColumns := C -> ZeroColumns( Eval( C ) ), CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial := function( p, y ) local R, coef; R := HomalgRing( p ); if not Indeterminates( R ) = [ y ] then Error( "the ring is not a univariate polynomial ring over a base ring\n" ); fi; return CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial( EvalRingElement( p ), EvalRingElement( y ) ); end, ) );