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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466298
##               MatricesForHomalg package    Mohamed Barakat
##  Copyright 2007-2009 Mohamed Barakat, RWTH Aachen
##  Implementation stuff for homalg rings.

# representations:

##  <#GAPDoc Label="IsHomalgInternalRingRep">
##  <ManSection>
##    <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="R" Name="IsHomalgInternalRingRep"/>
##    <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns>
##    <Description>
##      The internal representation of &homalg; rings. <P/>
##      (It is a representation of the &GAP; category <C>IsHomalgRing</C>.)
##    </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgInternalRingRep",
        IsHomalgRing and IsHomalgRingOrFinitelyPresentedModuleRep,
        [ "ring", "homalgTable" ] );

DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForWeakPointersOnIdentityMatricesRep",
        [ "weak_pointers" ] );

# families and types:

# a new family:
BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfHomalgRingElements",
        NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfHomalgRingElements" ) );

# a new family:
BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfHomalgRings",
        CollectionsFamily( TheFamilyOfHomalgRingElements ) );

# a new type:
BindGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgInternalRing",
        NewType( TheFamilyOfHomalgRings,
                IsHomalgInternalRingRep ) );

# a new family:
BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointersOfIdentityMatrices",
        NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointersOfIdentityMatrices" ) );

# a new type:
BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnIdentityMatrices",
        NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointersOfIdentityMatrices,
                IsContainerForWeakPointersOnIdentityMatricesRep ) );

# methods for attributes:

InstallMethod( Zero,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], 10001,
  function( R )
    return Zero( R!.ring );
end );

InstallMethod( Zero,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], 10001,
  function( R )
    local RP;
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if IsBound( RP!.Zero ) then
        return RP!.Zero;
    TryNextMethod( );
end );

InstallMethod( One,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], 1001,
  function( R )
    return One( R!.ring );
end );

InstallMethod( One,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], 1001,
  function( R )
    local RP;
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if IsBound( RP!.One ) then
        return RP!.One;
    TryNextMethod( );
end );

InstallMethod( MinusOne,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgInternalRingRep ],
  function( R )
    return -One( R );
end );

InstallMethod( MinusOne,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgInternalRingRep ],
  function( R )
    local RP;
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if IsBound( RP!.MinusOne ) then
        return RP!.MinusOne;
    TryNextMethod( );
end );

InstallMethod( ZeroMutable,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    return Zero( HomalgRing( r ) );
end );

InstallMethod( OneMutable,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    return One( HomalgRing( r ) );
end );

InstallMethod( Inverse,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    return One( r ) / r;
end );

InstallMethod( MinusOneMutable,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    return MinusOne( HomalgRing( r ) );
end );

InstallMethod( AssociatedPolynomialRing,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFieldForHomalg ],
  function( R )
    local a, r;
    if not HasRationalParameters( R ) then
        Error( "the field has no rational parameters" );
    elif not HasCoefficientsRing( R ) then
        Error( "the field has no subfield of coefficients" );
    r := CoefficientsRing( R );
    a := RationalParameters( R );
    return r * List( a, String );
end );

# methods for operations:

InstallMethod( HomalgRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    return R;
end );

InstallMethod( HomalgRing,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    return r!.ring;
end );

InstallMethod( LT,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( a, b )
    return LT( String( a ), String( b ) );
end );

InstallMethod( INV,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    return Inverse( r );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IS_RAT, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( a, b )
    if IS_INT( a ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    return ( NUMERATOR_RAT( a ) * b ) / ( DENOMINATOR_RAT( a ) * One( b ) );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IS_RAT ],
  function( a, b )
    if IS_INT( b ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    return ( NUMERATOR_RAT( b ) * a ) / ( DENOMINATOR_RAT( b ) * One( a ) );
end );

InstallMethod( \+,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IS_RAT, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( a, b )
    return a * One( b ) + b;
end );

InstallMethod( \+,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IS_RAT ],
  function( a, b )
    return a + b * One( a );
end );

InstallMethod( Indeterminates,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and HasIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing ],
  function( R )
    return IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R );
end );

InstallMethod( Indeterminates,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and HasIndeterminatesOfExteriorRing ],
  function( R )
    return IndeterminatesOfExteriorRing( R );
end );

InstallMethod( Indeterminates,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and HasIndeterminateCoordinatesOfRingOfDerivations ],
  function( R )
              IndeterminateCoordinatesOfRingOfDerivations( R ),
              IndeterminateDerivationsOfRingOfDerivations( R )
end );

InstallMethod( Indeterminates,
        "for homalg fields",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFieldForHomalg ],
  function( R )
    return [ ];
end );

InstallMethod( AssignGeneratorVariables,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    local indets;
    indets := Indeterminates( R );
    DoAssignGenVars( indets );
end );

InstallMethod( ExportIndeterminates,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    local indets, x_name, x;
    indets := Indeterminates( R );
    for x in indets do
        x_name := String( x );
        if IsBoundGlobal( x_name ) then
            if not IsHomalgRingElement( ValueGlobal( x_name ) ) then
                Error( "the name ", x_name, " is not bound to a homalg ring element\n" );
            elif IsReadOnlyGlobal( x_name ) then
                MakeReadWriteGlobal( x_name );
            UnbindGlobal( x_name );
        BindGlobal( x_name, x );
    return indets;
end );

InstallMethod( ExportRationalParameters,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and HasRationalParameters ],
  function( R )
    local params, x_name, x;
    params := RationalParameters( R );
    for x in params do
        x_name := String( x );
        if IsBoundGlobal( x_name ) then
            if not IsHomalgRingElement( ValueGlobal( x_name ) ) then
                Error( "the name ", x_name, " is not bound to a homalg ring element\n" );
            elif IsReadOnlyGlobal( x_name ) then
                MakeReadWriteGlobal( x_name );
            UnbindGlobal( x_name );
        BindGlobal( x_name, x );
    return params;
end );

InstallMethod( ExportVariables,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    return ExportIndeterminates( R );
end );

InstallMethod( ExportVariables,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and HasRationalParameters ],
  function( R )
    return Concatenation(
                   ExportIndeterminates( R ),
                   ExportRationalParameters( R ) );
end );

InstallMethod( Indeterminate,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsPosInt ],
  function( R, i )
    return Indeterminates( R )[i];
end );

InstallMethod( ProductOfIndeterminates,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    return Product( Indeterminates( R ) );
end );

InstallMethod( ProductOfIndeterminatesOverBaseRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and HasIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing ],
  function( R )
    return Product( IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) );
end );

InstallMethod( ProductOfIndeterminatesOverBaseRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and HasRelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing ], 100, ## otherwise the above method is triggered :(
  function( R )
    return Product( RelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) );
end );

## provided to avoid branching in the code and always returns fail
InstallMethod( PositionOfTheDefaultPresentation,
        "for ring elements",
        [ IsRingElement ],
  function( r )
    return fail;
end );

InstallMethod( \=,
        "for two homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r1, r2 )
    if IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( r1 ), HomalgRing( r2 ) ) then
        return IsZero( r1 - r2 );
    return false;
end );

InstallMethod( \=,
        "for a rational and a homalg ring element",
        [ IS_RAT, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r1, r2 )
    return r1 / HomalgRing( r2 ) = r2;
end );

InstallMethod( \=,
        "for a homalg ring element and a rational",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IS_RAT ],
  function( r1, r2 )
    return r1 = r2 / HomalgRing( r1 );
end );

InstallMethod( StandardBasisRowVectors,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing ],
  function( n, R )
    local id;
    id := HomalgIdentityMatrix( n, R );
    return List( [ 1 .. n ], r -> CertainRows( id, [ r ] ) );
end );

InstallMethod( StandardBasisColumnVectors,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsInt, IsHomalgRing ],
  function( n, R )
    local id;
    id := HomalgIdentityMatrix( n, R );
    return List( [ 1 .. n ], c -> CertainColumns( id, [ c ] ) );
end );

InstallMethod( RingName,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    local RP, var, r, c;
    if HasName( R ) then
        return Name( R );
    ## ask the ring table
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if IsBound(RP!.RingName) then
        if IsFunction( RP!.RingName ) then
            r := RP!.RingName( R );
            r := RP!.RingName;
        if r <> fail then
            return r;
    ## residue class rings/fields of the integers
    if HasIsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers( R ) and
       IsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers( R ) and
       HasCharacteristic( R ) then
        c := Characteristic( R );
        if c = 0 then
            return "Z";
        elif IsPrime( c ) then
            if HasDegreeOverPrimeField( R ) and DegreeOverPrimeField( R ) > 1 then
                r := [ "GF(", String( c ), "^", String( DegreeOverPrimeField( R ) ), ")" ];
                r := [ "GF(", String( c ), ")" ];
            r := [ "Z/", String( c ), "Z" ];
        return String( Concatenation( r ) );
    ## the rationals
    if HasIsRationalsForHomalg( R ) and IsRationalsForHomalg( R ) then
        return "Q";
    return "(homalg ring)";
end );

InstallMethod( homalgRingStatistics,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    return R!.statistics;
end );

InstallMethod( IncreaseRingStatistics,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsString ],
  function( R, s )
    R!.statistics.(s) := R!.statistics.(s) + 1;
end );

InstallMethod( DecreaseRingStatistics,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsString ],
  function( R, s )
    R!.statistics.(s) := R!.statistics.(s) - 1;
end );

InstallOtherMethod( AsList,
        "for homalg internal rings",
        [ IsHomalgInternalRingRep ],
  function( r )
    return AsList( r!.ring );
end );

InstallMethod( homalgSetName,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsString ],
  SetName );

InstallMethod( Factors,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    if not IsBound( r!.Factors ) then
        r!.Factors := Factors( EvalString( String( r ) ) );
    return r!.Factors;
end );

InstallMethod( Roots,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    local roots;
    if not IsBound( r!.Roots ) then
        roots := RootsOfUPol( EvalString( String( r ) ) );
        Sort( roots );
        r!.Roots := roots;
    return r!.Roots;
end );

InstallMethod( DecideZero,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( r )
    IsZero( r );
    return r;
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing, IsHomalgRing, IsList ],
  function( S, R, var )
    local param, paramS, d;
    d := Length( var );
    if d > 0 then
        SetIsFinite( S, false );
    SetCoefficientsRing( S, R );
    if HasRationalParameters( R ) then
        param := RationalParameters( R );
        paramS := List( param, a -> a / S );
        Perform( [ 1 .. Length( param ) ], function( i ) SetName( paramS[i], Name( param[i] ) ); end );
        SetRationalParameters( S, paramS );
    if HasCharacteristic( R ) then
        SetCharacteristic( S, Characteristic( R ) );
    SetIsCommutative( S, true );
    SetIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( S, var );
    if HasContainsAField( R ) and ContainsAField( R ) then
        SetContainsAField( S, true );
    if d > 0 then
        SetIsLeftArtinian( S, false );
        SetIsRightArtinian( S, false );
    if HasGlobalDimension( R ) then
        SetGlobalDimension( S, d + GlobalDimension( R ) );
    if HasKrullDimension( R ) then
        SetKrullDimension( S, d + KrullDimension( R ) );
    SetGeneralLinearRank( S, 1 );	## Quillen-Suslin Theorem (see [McCRob, 11.5.5]
    if d = 1 then			## [McCRob, 11.5.7]
        SetElementaryRank( S, 1 );
    elif d > 2 then
        SetElementaryRank( S, 2 );
    SetIsIntegralDomain( S, true );
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( S, true );
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsWeylRing, IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing, IsList ],
  function( S, R, der )
    local r, b, param, paramS, var, d;
    r := CoefficientsRing( R );
    if HasBaseRing( R ) then
        b := BaseRing( R );
        b := r;
    var := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R );
    var := List( var, a -> a / S );
    d := Length( var );
    if d > 0 then
        SetIsFinite( S, false );
    SetCoefficientsRing( S, r );
    if HasRationalParameters( r ) then
        param := RationalParameters( r );
        paramS := List( param, a -> a / S );
        Perform( [ 1 .. Length( param ) ], function( i ) SetName( paramS[i], Name( param[i] ) ); end );
        SetRationalParameters( S, paramS );
    SetCharacteristic( S, Characteristic( R ) );
    SetIsCommutative( S, der = [ ] );
    SetCenter( S, Center( b ) );
    SetIndeterminateCoordinatesOfRingOfDerivations( S, var );
    if HasRelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) then
                S, RelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) );
    SetIndeterminateDerivationsOfRingOfDerivations( S, der );
    if d > 0 then
        SetIsLeftArtinian( S, false );
        SetIsRightArtinian( S, false );
    SetIsLeftNoetherian( S, true );
    SetIsRightNoetherian( S, true );
    if HasGlobalDimension( r ) then
        SetGlobalDimension( S, d + GlobalDimension( r ) );
    if HasIsFieldForHomalg( b ) and IsFieldForHomalg( b ) and Characteristic( S ) = 0 then
        SetGeneralLinearRank( S, 2 );	## [Stafford78], [McCRob, 11.2.15(i)]
        SetIsSimpleRing( S, true );	## [Coutinho, Thm 2.2.1]
    if HasIsIntegralDomain( r ) and IsIntegralDomain( r ) then
        SetIsIntegralDomain( S, true );
    if d > 0 then
        SetIsLeftPrincipalIdealRing( S, false );
        SetIsRightPrincipalIdealRing( S, false );
        SetIsPrincipalIdealRing( S, false );
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( S, true );
    SetAreUnitsCentral( S, true );
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsLocalizedWeylRing, IsString ],
  function( S, _var )
    local var, d;
    var := SplitString( _var, ",", "[]" );
    var := List( var, a -> a / S );
    SetIndeterminateCoordinatesOfRingOfDerivations( S, var );
    d := Length( var );
    ## SetCoefficientsRing( S, r );
    SetCharacteristic( S, 0 );
    SetIsCommutative( S, false );
    ## SetCenter( S, r );
    SetIndeterminateCoordinatesOfRingOfDerivations( S, var );
    ## SetIndeterminateDerivationsOfRingOfDerivations( S, der );
    if d > 0 then
        SetIsLeftArtinian( S, false );
        SetIsRightArtinian( S, false );
    SetIsLeftNoetherian( S, true );
    SetIsRightNoetherian( S, true );
    SetGlobalDimension( S, d + 0 );	## Janet only knows Q as the coefficient ring
    ## SetGeneralLinearRank( S, 2 );	## [Stafford78], [McCRob, 11.2.15(i)]
    SetIsSimpleRing( S, true );		## [Coutinho, Thm 2.2.1]
    if d > 0 then
        SetIsPrincipalIdealRing( S, false );
    if d = 1 then
        SetIsLeftPrincipalIdealRing( S, true );
        SetIsRightPrincipalIdealRing( S, true );
    elif d > 0 then
        SetIsLeftPrincipalIdealRing( S, false );
        SetIsRightPrincipalIdealRing( S, false );
    SetIsIntegralDomain( S, true );
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( S, true );
    SetAreUnitsCentral( S, false );
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsExteriorRing, IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing, IsList ],
  function( A, S, anti )
    local r, d, param, paramA, comm, T;
    r := CoefficientsRing( S );
    d := Length( anti );
    SetCoefficientsRing( A, r );
    if HasRationalParameters( r ) then
        param := RationalParameters( r );
        paramA := List( param, a -> a / A );
        Perform( [ 1 .. Length( param ) ], function( i ) SetName( paramA[i], Name( param[i] ) ); end );
        SetRationalParameters( A, paramA );
    SetCharacteristic( A, Characteristic( S ) );
    if d <= 1 or Characteristic( A ) = 2 then
        ## the Center is then automatically set to S
        SetIsCommutative( A, true );
        ## the center is the even part, which is
        ## bigger than the coefficients ring r
        SetIsCommutative( A, false );
    SetIsSuperCommutative( A, true );
    SetIsIntegralDomain( A, d = 0 );
    comm := [ ];
    if HasBaseRing( S ) then
        T := BaseRing( S );
        if HasIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( T ) then
            comm := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( T );
    SetIndeterminateAntiCommutingVariablesOfExteriorRing( A, anti );
    SetIndeterminatesOfExteriorRing( A, Concatenation( comm, anti ) );
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( A, true );
    SetAreUnitsCentral( S, true );
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsPrincipalIdealRing and IsCommutative, IsInt ],
  function( R, c )
    local RP, powers;
    SetCharacteristic( R, c );
    if HasIsFieldForHomalg( R ) and IsFieldForHomalg( R ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    elif HasIsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers( R ) and
      IsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers( R ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    if c = 0 then
        SetContainsAField( R, false );
        SetIsIntegralDomain( R, true );
        SetIsArtinian( R, false );
        SetKrullDimension( R, 1 );	## FIXME: it is not set automatically although an immediate method is installed
    elif not IsPrime( c ) then
        SetIsSemiLocalRing( R, true );
        SetIsIntegralDomain( R, false );
        powers := List( Collected( FactorsInt( c ) ), a -> a[2] );
        if Set( powers ) = [ 1 ] then
            SetIsSemiSimpleRing( R, true );
            SetIsRegular( R, false );
            if Length( powers ) = 1 then
                SetIsLocal( R, true );
        SetKrullDimension( R, 0 );
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if HasIsIntegralDomain( R ) and IsIntegralDomain( R ) then
        if IsBound( RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
            RP!.RowRankOfMatrix := RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
        if IsBound( RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
            RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrix := RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( R, true );
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers, IsInt ],
  function( R, c )
    local RP, powers;
    SetCharacteristic( R, c );
    SetIsRationalsForHomalg( R, false );
    if c = 0 then
        SetIsIntegersForHomalg( R, true );
        SetContainsAField( R, false );
        SetIsArtinian( R, false );
        SetKrullDimension( R, 1 );	## FIXME: it is not set automatically although an immediate method is installed
    elif IsPrime( c ) then
        SetIsFieldForHomalg( R, true );
        SetRingProperties( R, c );
        SetIsSemiLocalRing( R, true );
        SetIsIntegralDomain( R, false );
        powers := List( Collected( FactorsInt( c ) ), a -> a[2] );
        if Set( powers ) = [ 1 ] then
            SetIsSemiSimpleRing( R, true );
            SetIsRegular( R, false );
            if Length( powers ) = 1 then
                SetIsLocal( R, true );
        SetKrullDimension( R, 0 );
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if HasIsIntegralDomain( R ) and IsIntegralDomain( R ) then
        if IsBound( RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
            RP!.RowRankOfMatrix := RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
        if IsBound( RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
            RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrix := RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( R, true );
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFieldForHomalg, IsInt ],
  function( R, c )
    local RP;
    SetCharacteristic( R, c );
    if HasRationalParameters( R ) and Length( RationalParameters( R ) ) > 0 then
        SetIsRationalsForHomalg( R, false );
        SetIsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers( R, false );
        SetDegreeOverPrimeField( R, 1 );
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if IsBound( RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
        RP!.RowRankOfMatrix := RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
    if IsBound( RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
        RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrix := RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
    SetFilterObj( R, IsField );
    SetLeftActingDomain( R, R );
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( R, true );
end );

InstallMethod( SetRingProperties,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFieldForHomalg, IsInt, IsInt ],
  function( R, c, d )
    local RP;
    SetCharacteristic( R, c );
    SetDegreeOverPrimeField( R, d );
    if HasRationalParameters( R ) and Length( RationalParameters( R ) ) > 0 then
        SetIsRationalsForHomalg( R, false );
        SetIsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers( R, false );
    RP := homalgTable( R );
    if IsBound( RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
        RP!.RowRankOfMatrix := RP!.RowRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
    if IsBound( RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain ) then
        RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrix := RP!.ColumnRankOfMatrixOverDomain;
    SetFilterObj( R, IsField );
    SetLeftActingDomain( R, R );
    SetBasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals( R, true );
end );

InstallMethod( UnusedVariableName,
        "for a homalg ring and a string",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsString ],
  function( R, t )
    local var;
    var := [ ];
    if HasRationalParameters( R ) then
        Append( var, List( RationalParameters( R ), Name ) );
    if HasIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) then
        Append( var, List( IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ), Name ) );
    while true do
        if not t in var then
            return t;
        t := Concatenation( t, "_" );
end );

# constructor functions and methods:

InstallGlobalFunction( CreateHomalgRing,
  function( arg )
    local nargs, r, IdentityMatrices, statistics, asserts,
          homalg_ring, table, properties, ar, type, matrix_type,
          ring_element_constructor, finalizers, c, el;
    nargs := Length( arg );
    if nargs = 0 then
        Error( "expecting a ring as the first argument\n" );
    r := arg[1];
    IdentityMatrices := ContainerForWeakPointers( TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnIdentityMatrices );
    Unbind( IdentityMatrices!.active );
    Unbind( IdentityMatrices!.deleted );
    Unbind( IdentityMatrices!.accessed );
    Unbind( IdentityMatrices!.cache_misses );
    statistics := rec(
                      BasisOfRowModule := 0,
                      BasisOfColumnModule := 0,
                      BasisOfRowsCoeff := 0,
                      BasisOfColumnsCoeff := 0,
                      DecideZeroRows := 0,
                      DecideZeroColumns := 0,
                      DecideZeroRowsEffectively := 0,
                      DecideZeroColumnsEffectively := 0,
                      SyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows := 0,
                      SyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns := 0,
                      RelativeSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows := 0,
                      RelativeSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns := 0,
                      PartiallyReducedBasisOfRowModule := 0,
                      PartiallyReducedBasisOfColumnModule := 0,
                      ReducedBasisOfRowModule := 0,
                      ReducedBasisOfColumnModule := 0,
                      ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows := 0,
                      ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns := 0
    ##  <#GAPDoc Label="asserts">
    ##   Below you can find the record of the available level-4 assertions,
    ##   which is a &GAP;-component of every &homalg; ring. Each assertion can
    ##   thus be overwritten by package developers or even ordinary users.
    ##      <Listing Type="Code"><![CDATA[
    asserts :=
          BasisOfRowModule :=
            function( B ) return ( NrRows( B ) = 0 ) = IsZero( B ); end,
          BasisOfColumnModule :=
            function( B ) return ( NrColumns( B ) = 0 ) = IsZero( B ); end,
          BasisOfRowsCoeff :=
            function( B, T, M ) return B = T * M; end,
          BasisOfColumnsCoeff :=
            function( B, M, T ) return B = M * T; end,
          DecideZeroRows_Effectively :=
            function( M, A, B ) return M = DecideZeroRows( A, B ); end,
          DecideZeroColumns_Effectively :=
            function( M, A, B ) return M = DecideZeroColumns( A, B ); end,
          DecideZeroRowsEffectively :=
            function( M, A, T, B ) return M = A + T * B; end,
          DecideZeroColumnsEffectively :=
            function( M, A, B, T ) return M = A + B * T; end,
          DecideZeroRowsWRTNonBasis :=
            function( B )
              local R;
              R := HomalgRing( B );
              if not ( HasIsBasisOfRowsMatrix( B ) and
                       IsBasisOfRowsMatrix( B ) ) and
                 IsBound( R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis ) then
                  if R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "warn" then
                      Info( InfoWarning, 1,
                            "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                            "with IsBasisOfRowsMatrix not set to true" );
                  elif R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "error" then
                      Error( "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                             "with IsBasisOfRowsMatrix not set to true\n" );
          DecideZeroColumnsWRTNonBasis :=
            function( B )
              local R;
              R := HomalgRing( B );
              if not ( HasIsBasisOfColumnsMatrix( B ) and
                       IsBasisOfColumnsMatrix( B ) ) and
                 IsBound( R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis ) then
                  if R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "warn" then
                      Info( InfoWarning, 1,
                            "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                            "with IsBasisOfColumnsMatrix not set to true" );
                  elif R!.DecideZeroWRTNonBasis = "error" then
                      Error( "about to reduce with respect to a matrix",
                             "with IsBasisOfColumnsMatrix not set to true\n" );
          ReducedBasisOfRowModule :=
            function( M, B )
              return GenerateSameRowModule( B, BasisOfRowModule( M ) );
          ReducedBasisOfColumnModule :=
            function( M, B )
              return GenerateSameColumnModule( B, BasisOfColumnModule( M ) );
          ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows :=
            function( M, S )
              return GenerateSameRowModule( S, SyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows( M ) );
          ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns :=
            function( M, S )
              return GenerateSameColumnModule( S, SyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns( M ) );
    ##  ]]></Listing>
    ##  <#/GAPDoc>
    homalg_ring := rec(
                       ring := r,
                       IdentityMatrices := IdentityMatrices,
                       statistics := statistics,
                       asserts := asserts,
                       DecideZeroWRTNonBasis := "warn/error"
    if nargs > 1 and IshomalgTable( arg[nargs] ) then
        table := arg[nargs];
        table := CreateHomalgTable( r );
    if not IsBound( table!.InitialMatrix ) and IsBound( table!.ZeroMatrix ) then
        table!.InitialMatrix := table!.ZeroMatrix;
    if not IsBound( table!.InitialIdentityMatrix ) and IsBound( table!.IdentityMatrix ) then
        table!.InitialIdentityMatrix := table!.IdentityMatrix;
    properties := [ ];
    for ar in arg{[ 2 .. nargs ]} do
        if IsFilter( ar ) then
            Add( properties, ar );
        elif not IsBound( type ) and IsList( ar ) and Length( ar ) = 2 and ForAll( ar, IsType ) then
            type := ar;
        elif not IsBound( ring_element_constructor ) and IsFunction( ar ) then
            ring_element_constructor := ar;
        elif not IsBound( finalizers ) and IsList( ar ) and ForAll( ar, IsFunction ) then
            finalizers := ar;
    if IsBound( type ) then
        matrix_type := type[2];
        type := type[1];
    elif IsSemiringWithOneAndZero( r ) then
        matrix_type := ValueGlobal( "TheTypeHomalgInternalMatrix" ); ## will be defined later in
        type := TheTypeHomalgInternalRing;
        Error( "the types of the ring and matrices were not specified\n" );
    ## Objectify:
            homalg_ring, type,
            homalgTable, table );
    if IsBound( matrix_type ) then
        SetTypeOfHomalgMatrix( homalg_ring, matrix_type );
    if properties <> [ ] then
        for ar in properties do
            Setter( ar )( homalg_ring, true );
    if IsBound( HOMALG_MATRICES.RingCounter ) then
        HOMALG_MATRICES.RingCounter := HOMALG_MATRICES.RingCounter + 1;
        HOMALG_MATRICES.RingCounter := 1;
    ## this has to be done before we call
    ## ring_element_constructor below
    homalg_ring!.creation_number := HOMALG_MATRICES.RingCounter;
    ## do not invoke SetRingProperties here, since I might be
    ## the first step of creating a residue class ring!
    ## this has to be invoked before we set the distinguished ring elements below;
    ## these functions are used to finalize the construction of the ring
    if IsBound( finalizers ) then
        Perform( finalizers, function( f ) f( homalg_ring ); end );
    ## add distinguished ring elements like 0 and 1
    ## (sometimes also -1) to the homalg table:
    if IsBound( ring_element_constructor ) then
        for c in NamesOfComponents( table ) do
            if IsRingElement( table!.(c) ) then
                table!.(c) := ring_element_constructor( table!.(c), homalg_ring );
        ## set the attribute
        SetRingElementConstructor( homalg_ring, ring_element_constructor );
    if IsBound( HOMALG_MATRICES.ByASmallerPresentation ) and HOMALG_MATRICES.ByASmallerPresentation = true then
        homalg_ring!.ByASmallerPresentation := true;
    ## e.g. needed to construct residue class rings
    homalg_ring!.ConstructorArguments := arg;
    return homalg_ring;
end );

##  <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgRingOfIntegers">
##  <ManSection>
##    <Func Arg="" Name="HomalgRingOfIntegers" Label="constructor for the integers"/>
##    <Returns>a &homalg; ring</Returns>
##    <Func Arg="c" Name="HomalgRingOfIntegers" Label="constructor for the residue class rings of the integers"/>
##    <Returns>a &homalg; ring</Returns>
##    <Description>
##      The no-argument form returns the ring of integers <M>&ZZ;</M> for &homalg;. <P/>
##      The one-argument form accepts an integer <A>c</A> and returns
##      the ring <M>&ZZ; / c </M> for &homalg;:
##      <List>
##        <Item><A>c</A><M> = 0</M> defaults to <M>&ZZ;</M></Item>
##        <Item>if <A>c</A> is a prime power then the package &GaussForHomalg; is loaded (if it fails to load an error is issued)</Item>
##        <Item>otherwise, the residue class ring constructor <C>/</C>
##          (&see; <Ref Oper="\/" Label="constructor for residue class rings" Style="Number"/>) is invoked</Item>
##      </List>
##      The operation <C>SetRingProperties</C> is automatically invoked to set the ring properties. <P/>
##      If for some reason you don't want to use the &GaussForHomalg; package (maybe because you didn't install it), then use<P/>
##      <C>HomalgRingOfIntegers</C>( ) <C>/</C> <A>c</A>; <P/>
##      but note that the computations will then be considerably slower.
##    </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgRingOfIntegers,
  function( arg )
    local nargs, R, c, d, rel;
    nargs := Length( arg );
    if nargs = 0 or arg[1] = 0 then
        c := 0;
        R := CreateHomalgRing( Integers );
    elif IsInt( arg[1] ) then
        c := arg[1];
        if Length( Collected( FactorsInt( c ) ) ) = 1 then
            if LoadPackage( "GaussForHomalg" ) <> true then
                Error( "the package GaussForHomalg failed to load\n" );
            if IsPrime( c ) then
                if nargs > 1 and IsPosInt( arg[2] ) then
                    d := arg[2];
                    d := 1;
                R := CreateHomalgRing( GF( c, d ) );
                R!.NameOfPrimitiveElement := Concatenation( "Z", String( c ), "_", String( d ) );
                SetIsFieldForHomalg( R, true );
                SetRingProperties( R, c, d );
                R := CreateHomalgRing( ZmodnZ( c ) );
            R := HomalgRingOfIntegers( );
            rel := HomalgRingRelationsAsGeneratorsOfLeftIdeal( [ c ], R );
            return R / rel;
        Error( "the first argument must be an integer\n" );
    SetIsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers( R, true );
    SetRingProperties( R, c );
    return R;
end );

##  <#GAPDoc Label="HomalgFieldOfRationals">
##  <ManSection>
##    <Func Arg="" Name="HomalgFieldOfRationals" Label="constructor for the field of rationals"/>
##    <Returns>a &homalg; ring</Returns>
##    <Description>
##      The package &GaussForHomalg; is loaded and the field of rationals <M>&QQ;</M> is returned.
##      If &GaussForHomalg; fails to load an error is issued. <P/>
##      The operation <C>SetRingProperties</C> is automatically invoked to set the ring properties.
##    </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgFieldOfRationals,
  function( arg )
    local R;
    if LoadPackage( "GaussForHomalg" ) <> true then
        Error( "the package GaussForHomalg failed to load\n" );
    R := CreateHomalgRing( Rationals );
    SetIsRationalsForHomalg( R, true );
    SetRingProperties( R, 0 );
    return R;
end );

InstallOtherMethod( \in,
        "for an integer and a homalg internal ring",
        [ IsObject, IsHomalgInternalRingRep ], 100001,
  function( z, R )
    if not IsInt( Zero( R ) ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    if IsInt( z ) then
        return true;
    if not ( HasIsFieldForHomalg( R ) and IsFieldForHomalg( R ) ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    if IsRat( z ) then
        return true;
    TryNextMethod( );
end );

InstallMethod( ParseListOfIndeterminates,
        "for lists",
        [ IsList ],
  function( _indets )
    local err, l, indets, i, v, l1, l2, p1, p2, c;
    if _indets = [ ] then
        return [ ];
    err := function( ) Error( "a list of variable strings or range strings is expected\n" ); end;
    if ForAll( _indets, IsRingElement and HasName ) then
        return ParseListOfIndeterminates( List( _indets, Name ) );
    if not ForAll( _indets, e -> IsStringRep( e ) or ( IsList( e ) and ForAll( e, IsInt ) ) ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    l := Length( _indets );
    indets := [ ];
    for i in [ 1 .. l ] do
        v := _indets[i];
        if Position( v, ',' ) <> fail then
            err( );
        elif ForAll( v, IsInt ) then
            ## do nothing
        elif Position( v, '.' ) = fail then
            if i < l and ForAll( _indets[ i + 1 ], IsInt ) then
                Append( indets, List( _indets[ i + 1 ], i -> Concatenation( v, String( i ) ) ) );
                Add( indets, v );
        elif PositionSublist( v, ".." ) = fail then
            err( );
            v := SplitString( v, "." );
            v := Filtered( v, s -> not IsEmpty( s ) );
            if Length( v ) <> 2 then
                err( );
#             p1 := PositionProperty( v[1], c -> Position( "0123456789", c ) <> fail );
#             p2 := PositionProperty( v[2], c -> Position( "0123456789", c ) <> fail );
            l1 := Flat( List( "0123456789", c -> Positions( v[1], c ) ) );
            Sort( l1 );
            l2 := Flat( List( "0123456789", c -> Positions( v[2], c ) ) );
            Sort( l2 );
            if l1 = [] or l2 = [] then
                err( );
            p1 := l1[1];
            p2 := l2[1];
            for i in [ 2 .. Length( l1 ) ] do
                if l1[i-1] + 1 <> l1[i] then
                    p1 := l1[i];
            for i in [ 2 .. Length( l2 ) ] do
                if l2[i-1] + 1 <> l2[i] then
                    p2 := l2[i];
            if p1 = 1 then
                err( );
            c := v[1]{[ 1 .. p1 - 1 ]};
            if p1 = p2 and c <> v[2]{[ 1 .. p2 - 1 ]} then
                err( );
            p1 := EvalString( v[1]{[ p1 .. Length( v[1] ) ]} );
            p2 := EvalString( v[2]{[ p2 .. Length( v[2] ) ]} );
            Append( indets, List( [ p1 .. p2 ], i -> Concatenation( c, String( i ) ) ) );
    return indets;
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsList ], 1001,	## a high rank is necessary to overwrite the default behaviour of applying R to each list element
  function( R, indets )
    return PolynomialRing( R, ParseListOfIndeterminates( indets ) );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsString ], 1001, ## for this method to be triggered first it has to have at least the same rank as the above method
  function( R, indets )
    if indets = "" then
        return R;
        return R * SplitString( indets, "," );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing and HasCoefficientsRing,
          IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing and HasCoefficientsRing ],
  function( R1, R2 )
    local r, var2;
    r := CoefficientsRing( R1 );
    if not IsIdenticalObj( r, CoefficientsRing( R2 ) ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    var2 := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R2 );
    var2 := List( var2, Name );
    var2 := JoinStringsWithSeparator( var2 );
    return PolynomialRing( R1, var2 );
end );

InstallMethod( PolynomialRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsString ], 1001,
  function( R, _var )
    local var;
    if _var = "" then
        return R;
    var := ParseListOfIndeterminates( SplitString( _var, "," ) );
    return PolynomialRing( R, var );
end );

InstallMethod( RingOfDerivations,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsCommutative, IsString ], 1001,
  function( S, _der )
    local der, A;
    der := ParseListOfIndeterminates( SplitString( _der, "," ) );
    A := RingOfDerivations( S, der );
    S!.RingOfDerivations := A;
    return A;
end );

InstallMethod( RingOfDerivations,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( R )
    local var, A;
    if IsBound(R!.RingOfDerivations) then
        return R!.RingOfDerivations;
    if HasRelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R ) then
        var := RelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R );
        var := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( R );
    var := List( var, x -> Concatenation( "D", Name( x ) ) );
    A := RingOfDerivations( R, var );
    R!.RingOfDerivations := A;
    return A;
end );

InstallMethod( ExteriorRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing, IsList ],
  function( S, _anti )
    local anti, Base, A;
    if IsString( _anti ) then
        return ExteriorRing( S, SplitString( _anti, "," ) );
        anti := ParseListOfIndeterminates( _anti );
    if HasBaseRing( S ) then
        Base := BaseRing( S );
        Base := CoefficientsRing( S );
    A := ExteriorRing( S, CoefficientsRing( S ), Base, anti );
    SetRingProperties( A, S, anti );
    return A;
end );

InstallMethod( KoszulDualRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing, IsList ],
  function( S, anti )
    local A;
    if IsBound(S!.KoszulDualRing) then
        return S!.KoszulDualRing;
    A := ExteriorRing( S, anti );
    ## thanks GAP4
    A!.KoszulDualRing := S;
    S!.KoszulDualRing := A;
    return A;
end );

InstallMethod( KoszulDualRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ], 10000,
  function( S )
    if IsBound(S!.KoszulDualRing) then
        return S!.KoszulDualRing;
    TryNextMethod( );
end );

InstallMethod( KoszulDualRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing and IsFreePolynomialRing ],
  function( S )
    local l, Base, l_base, s1, s2, i;
    l := IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing( S );
    if HasBaseRing( S ) then
        Base := BaseRing( S );
        Base := CoefficientsRing( S );
    if HasIsFreePolynomialRing( Base ) and IsFreePolynomialRing( Base ) then
        l_base := List( Indeterminates( Base ), a -> a / S );
        l_base := [];
    l := Difference( l, l_base );
    s1 := List( l, String );
    l := Length( l );
    s2 := List( [ 0 .. l - 1 ], a -> Concatenation( "e", String( a ) ) );
    for i in s1 do
        if not ( Position( s2, i ) = fail ) then
            Info( InfoWarning, 1,
                  "KoszulDualRing: Variable name ", i, " already in use"
    return KoszulDualRing( S, s2 );
end );

InstallGlobalFunction( HomalgRingElement,
  function( arg )
    local nargs, R;
    nargs := Length( arg );
    R := arg[nargs];
    if HasRingElementConstructor( R ) then
        return CallFuncList( RingElementConstructor( R ), arg );
    elif not IsHomalgInternalRingRep( R ) then
        Error( "the non-internal homalg ring must contain a ring element constructor as the attribute RingElementConstructor\n" );
    elif IsString( arg[1] ) then
        return One( R ) * EvalString( arg[1] );
    return One( R ) * arg[1];
end );

InstallMethod( \/,
        "for ring elements",
        [ IsRingElement, IsHomalgRing ],
  function( r, R )
    return HomalgRingElement( String( r ), R );
end );

InstallMethod( \/,
        "for strings",
        [ IsString, IsHomalgRing ],
  function( r, R )
    return HomalgRingElement( r, R );
end );

InstallMethod( \/,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsHomalgRing ],
  function( r, R )
    if IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( r ), R ) then
        return r;
    return HomalgRingElement( String( r ), R );
end );

InstallGlobalFunction( StringToElementStringList,
  function( arg )
    return SplitString( arg[1], ",", "[ ]\n" );
end );

InstallGlobalFunction( _CreateHomalgRingToTestProperties,
  function( arg )
    local homalg_ring, type;
    homalg_ring := rec( );
    type := TheTypeHomalgInternalRing;
    ## Objectify:
    CallFuncList( ObjectifyWithAttributes, Concatenation([ homalg_ring, type ], arg ) );
    return homalg_ring;
end );

InstallMethod( UnivariatePolynomial,
        "for a list and a string",
        [ IsList, IsString ],
  function( coeffs, r )
    local pol;
    pol := List( Reversed( [ 1 .. Length( coeffs ) ] ),
                 i -> Concatenation( "(", String( coeffs[i] ), ")*", r, "^", String( i - 1 ) )
    return JoinStringsWithSeparator( pol, "+" );
end );

InstallMethod( Homogenization,
        "for a homalg ring element and a homalg ring",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsHomalgRing ],
  function( r, S )
    local R, d, indetsR, indetsS, indR, indS, z, coeffs, monoms, diff;
    if IsZero( r ) then
        return Zero( S );
    R := HomalgRing( r );
    if not HasIsFreePolynomialRing( R ) and IsFreePolynomialRing( R ) and
       not HasIsFreePolynomialRing( S ) and IsFreePolynomialRing( S ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    d := Degree( r );
    if d = 0 then
        return r / S;
    indetsR := Indeterminates( R );
    indetsS := Indeterminates( S );
    indS := List( indetsS, String );
    indR := List( indetsR, String );
    if not IsSubset( indS, indR ) then
        Error( "the indeterminates of the second argument do not contain the indeterminates of the ring underlying the given ring element\n" );
    z := Difference( indS, indR );
    if Length( z ) <> 1 then
        Error( "the indeterminates of the second argument are not exactly one more than the indeterminates of the ring underlying the given ring element\n" );
    z := Filtered( indetsS, a -> String( a ) = z[1] )[1];
    coeffs := Coefficients( r );
    monoms := coeffs!.monomials;
    coeffs := List( EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( coeffs ), c -> c / S );
    monoms := List( monoms, m -> ( m / S ) * z^( d - Degree( m ) ) );
    return Sum( ListN( coeffs, monoms, \* ) );
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for an FFE and a homalg ring element",
        [ IsFFE, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( f, r )
    local R, e;
    R := HomalgRing( r );
    e := LogFFE( f, Z( Characteristic( R ), DegreeOverPrimeField( R ) ) );
    return PrimitiveElement( R )^e * r;
end );

InstallMethod( \*,
        "for a homalg ring element and an FFE",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsFFE ],
  function( r, f )
    return f * r;
end );

## the second argument is there for method selection
InstallMethod( LcmOp,
        "for homalg objects",
        [ IsList, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( L, r )
    return Iterated( L, LcmOp );
end );

InstallMethod( LcmOp,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( p, q )
    if IsZero( p ) or IsZero( q ) then
        return Zero( p );
    return p * q / GcdOp( p, q );
end );

# View, Print, and Display methods:

InstallMethod( String,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  RingName );

InstallMethod( ViewObj,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ], 100,
  function( o )
    Print( RingName( o ) );
end );

InstallMethod( Display,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( o )
    Print( "<A" );
    if HasIsZero( o ) and IsZero( o ) then
        Print( " zero" );
    if IsBound( o!.description ) then
        Print( o!.description );
    elif IsHomalgInternalRingRep( o ) then
        Print( "n internal" );
    if IsPreHomalgRing( o ) then
        Print( " pre-homalg" );
    Print( " ring>", "\n" );
end );

InstallMethod( DisplayRing,
        "for homalg rings",
        [ IsHomalgRing ],
  function( o )
    Display( o );
end );

InstallMethod( ViewObj,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( o )
    Print( Name( o ) );	## this sets the attribute Name and the view method is never triggered again (as long as Name is set)
end );

InstallMethod( Display,
        "for homalg ring elements",
        [ IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( o )
    Print( Name( o ), "\n" );	## this sets the attribute Name and the display method is never triggered again (as long as Name is set)
end );

InstallMethod( Display,
        "for weak pointer containers of identity matrices",
        [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnIdentityMatricesRep ],
  function( o )
    local weak_pointers;
    weak_pointers := o!.weak_pointers;
    Print( Filtered( [ 1 .. LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ) ], i -> IsBoundElmWPObj( weak_pointers, i ) ), "\n" );
end );