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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346LoadPackage( "ModulePres" ); LoadPackage( "Homological" ); Q := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInSingular(); R := Q*"x,y"; S := GradedRing( R ); WeightsOfIndeterminates( S ); eins := last[1]; M := HomalgMatrix( "[x^2,xy,y^2]", 3,1, S ); XX := GradedFreeLeftPresentation( 1, S ); S0 := GradedFreeLeftPresentation( 1, S ); S1 := GradedFreeLeftPresentation( 3, S, [ 2*eins, 2*eins, 2*eins ] ); alpha := GradedPresentationMorphism( S1, M, S0 ); M := CokernelObject( alpha ); FFhomo := ResolutionFunctorToComplex( GradedLeftPresentations( S ), CoverByFreeModule ); FF := ResolutionFunctorToCocomplex( GradedLeftPresentations( S ), CoverByFreeModule ); res := ApplyFunctor( FFhomo, M ); SetIsAdditiveCategory( CocomplexCategory( CapCategory( S0 ) ), true ); SetIsAdditiveCategory( ComplexCategory( CapCategory( S0 ) ), true ); M := DirectSum( [ M, S0 ] ); res := FreeResolutionComplexOfModule( M ); res := res[ 1 ]; homres := InternalHomOnComplexWithObject( res, S0 ); CE := CartanEilenbergResolution( homres, FreeResolutionCocomplexOfModule ); homCE := InternalHomOnCocomplexCocomplexWithObject( CE, S0 );