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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 418346
##                  Modules package              Mohamed Barakat
##  Copyright 2007-2010, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern
##  Implementations of homalg procedures for modules.

InstallGlobalFunction( ReducedBasisOfModule,	### defines: ReducedBasisOfModule (ReducedBasisOfModule)
  function( arg )
    local nargs, M, COMPUTE_BASIS, COMPUTE_SMALLER_BASIS, ar, bas, R;
    nargs := Length( arg );
    if nargs > 0 and IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep( arg[1] ) then
        M := CallFuncList( ReducedBasisOfModule,
                     Concatenation( [ RelationsOfModule( arg[1] ) ], arg{[2..nargs]} ) );
        if not HasRankOfObject( arg[1] ) and HasIsInjectivePresentation( M ) and IsInjectivePresentation( M ) then
            SetRankOfObject( arg[1], NrGenerators( M ) - NrRelations( M ) );
        if not HasIsTorsion( arg[1] ) and HasIsTorsion( M ) then
            SetIsTorsion( arg[1], IsTorsion( M ) );
        return M;
    if not ( nargs > 0 and IsRelationsOfFinitelyPresentedModuleRep( arg[1] ) ) then
        Error( "the first argument must be a module or a set of relations\n" );
    ## M is a set of relations (of a module)
    M := arg[1];
    if NrRelations( M ) = 0 then
        return M;
    COMPUTE_BASIS := false;
    for ar in Reversed( arg{[ 2 .. nargs ]} ) do
        if ar = "COMPUTE_BASIS" then
            COMPUTE_BASIS := true;
        elif ar = "COMPUTE_SMALLER_BASIS" then
            COMPUTE_SMALLER_BASIS := true;
       IsBound( M!.ReducedBasisOfModule ) then
        return M!.ReducedBasisOfModule;
    elif IsBound( M!.ReducedBasisOfModule ) then
        return M!.ReducedBasisOfModule;
      IsBound( M!.ReducedBasisOfModule_DID_NOT_COMPUTE_BASIS) then
        return M!.ReducedBasisOfModule_DID_NOT_COMPUTE_BASIS;
        bas := BasisOfModule( M );
        if NrRelations( bas ) <= NrRelations( M ) then
            M := bas;
    elif COMPUTE_BASIS then
        M := BasisOfModule( M );
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    if IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule( M ) then
        M := MatrixOfRelations( M );
        if HasRingRelations( R ) then
            M := GetRidOfObsoleteRows( M );
        M := ReducedBasisOfRowModule( M );
        M := HomalgRelationsForLeftModule( M );
        M := MatrixOfRelations( M );
        if HasRingRelations( R ) then
            M := GetRidOfObsoleteColumns( M );
        M := ReducedBasisOfColumnModule( M );
        M := HomalgRelationsForRightModule( M );
        arg[1]!.ReducedBasisOfModule := M;
        M!.ReducedBasisOfModule := M;	## thanks GAP4
        arg[1]!.ReducedBasisOfModule_DID_NOT_COMPUTE_BASIS := M;
        M!.ReducedBasisOfModule_DID_NOT_COMPUTE_BASIS := M;	## thanks GAP4
    return M;
end );

# methods for operations:

InstallMethod( MapHavingCertainGeneratorsAsItsImage,
        "for two homalg modules, submodules, or maps",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList ],
  function( M, l )
    local n, certain_part, mat;
    n := NrGenerators( M );
    if not First( l, a -> a > n ) = fail then
        Error( "demand more generators than exist" );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then
        certain_part := CertainRows;
        certain_part := CertainColumns;

    mat := HomalgIdentityMatrix( NrGenerators( M ), HomalgRing( M ) );
    return HomalgMap( certain_part( mat, l ), "free", M );
end );

InstallMethod( CheckIfTheyLieInTheSameCategory,
        "for two homalg modules, submodules, or maps",
        [ IsHomalgModuleOrMap, IsHomalgModuleOrMap ],
  function( M, N )
    if AssertionLevel( ) >= HOMALG.AssertionLevel_CheckIfTheyLieInTheSameCategory then
        if not IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( M ), HomalgRing( N ) ) then
            Error( "the rings of the two modules/submodules/maps are not identical\n" );
        elif not ( ( IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) and
                IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( N ) ) or
                ( IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) and
                  IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( N ) ) ) then
            Error( "the two modules/submodules/maps must either be both left or both right modules/submodules/maps\n" );
end );

## ( cf. [BR08, Subsection 3.2.2] )
InstallMethod( \/,				### defines: / (SubfactorModule)
        "for a homalg matrix",
        [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( mat, M )
    local B, N, gen, S, SF;
    # basis of the set of relations of M:
    B := BasisOfModule( M );
    # normal form of mat with respect to B:
    N := DecideZero( mat, B );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then
        N := HomalgGeneratorsForLeftModule( N );
        N := HomalgGeneratorsForRightModule( N );
    # get a better basis for N (by default, it only throws away the zero generators):
    N := GetRidOfZeroGenerators( N );
    # this matrix of generators is often enough the identity matrix
    # and knowing this will avoid computations:
    IsOne( MatrixOfGenerators( N ) );
    # compute the syzygies of N modulo B, i.e. the relations among N modulo B:
    S := SyzygiesGenerators( N, B );	## using ReducedSyzygiesGenerators here causes too many operations (cf. the ex. Triangle.g)
    # the subfactor module
    SF := Presentation( N, S );
    SetParent( S, SF );
    # keep track of the original generators:
    gen := N * GeneratorsOfModule( M );
    # set properties and attributes
    if HasRankOfObject( M ) and RankOfObject( M ) = 0 then
        SetRankOfObject( SF, 0 );
    return AddANewPresentation( SF, gen );
end );

InstallMethod( \/,				## needed by _Functor_Kernel_OnObjects since SyzygiesGenerators returns a set of relations
        "for a set of homalg relations",
        [ IsHomalgRelations, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( rel, M )
    return MatrixOfRelations( rel ) / M;
end );

InstallMethod( \/,
        "for homalg ideals",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal ],
  function( R, J )
    if not IsIdenticalObj( HomalgRing( J ), R ) then
        Error( "the given ring and the ring of the ideal are not identical\n" );
    return ResidueClassRing( J );
end );

InstallMethod( \/,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsHomalgRing, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep and HasUnderlyingSubobject ],
  function( R, N )
    return R / UnderlyingSubobject( N );
end );

InstallMethod( BoundForResolution,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local rel, R, q;
    rel := RelationsOfModule( M );
    R := HomalgRing( rel );
    if IsBound( rel!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps )
       and IsInt( rel!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps ) then
        q := rel!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps;
    elif IsBound( R!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps )
      and IsInt( R!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps ) then
        q := R!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps;
    elif IsBound( HOMALG_MODULES.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps )
      and IsInt( HOMALG_MODULES.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps ) then
        q := HOMALG_MODULES.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps;
    elif IsBound( HOMALG.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps )
      and IsInt( HOMALG.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps ) then
        q := HOMALG.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps;
        q := infinity;
    return q;
end );

## ( cf. [BR08, Subsection 3.2.1] )
InstallMethod( CurrentResolution,		### defines: Resolution (ResolutionOfModule/ResolveModule)
        "for homalg relations",
        [ IsInt, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( _q, M )
    local q, rel, d, degrees, j, d_j, epi, F_j, S, R, left, i;
    ## all options of Maple's homalg are now obsolete:
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    if _q < 0 then
        q := BoundForResolution( M );
    elif _q = 0 then
        q := 1;		## this is the minimum
        q := _q;
    if HasCurrentResolution( M ) then
        d := CurrentResolution( M );
        degrees := ObjectDegreesOfComplex( d );
        j := Length( degrees );
        j := degrees[j];
        d_j := CertainMorphism( d, j );
        rel := RelationsOfModule( M );
        ## "COMPUTE_BASIS" saves computations
        d_j := ReducedBasisOfModule( rel, "COMPUTE_BASIS" );
        j := 1;
        d_j := HomalgMap( d_j );
        d := HomalgComplex( d_j );
        if not HasCokernelEpi( d_j ) then
            ## the zero'th component of the quasi-isomorphism,
            ## which in this case is simplfy the natural epimorphism onto the module
            epi := HomalgIdentityMap( Range( d_j ), M );
            SetIsEpimorphism( epi, true );
            SetCokernelEpi( d_j, epi );
        SetCurrentResolution( M, d );
    #=====# begin of the core procedure #=====#
    F_j := Source( d_j );
    ## the main loop to compute iterated "minimal" syzygies
    while j < q do
        S := ReducedSyzygiesGenerators( d_j );
        if NrRelations( S ) = 0 then
        ## really enter the loop
        j := j + 1;
        d_j := HomalgMap( S, "free", F_j );
        Add( d, d_j );
        F_j := Source( d_j );
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    if NrGenerators( Source( d_j ) ) = 1 and
       HasIsIntegralDomain( R ) and IsIntegralDomain( R ) then
        S := SyzygiesGenerators( d_j );	## this will be handled by internal logic
    if IsBound( S ) and NrRelations( S ) = 0 and not IsBound( d!.LengthOfResolution ) then
        d!.LengthOfResolution := j;
    ## fill up with zero morphisms:
    if _q >= 0 then
        left := IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( F_j );
        for i in [ 1 .. q - j ] do
            if left then
                d_j := TheZeroMorphism( 0 * R, F_j );
                d_j := TheZeroMorphism( R * 0, F_j );
            Add( d, d_j );
            F_j := Source( d_j );
    if IsBound( S ) and NrRelations( S ) = 0 then
        ## check assertion
        Assert( 5, IsRightAcyclic( d ) );
        SetIsRightAcyclic( d, true );
        ## check assertion
        Assert( 5, IsAcyclic( d ) );
        SetIsAcyclic( d, true );
    return d;
end );

InstallMethod( BoundForResolution,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsHomalgModule ],
  function( M )
    local R, q;
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    #if HasProjectiveDimension( M ) then
    #    q := ProjectiveDimension( M );			## +1 ???
    #elif IsBound( M!.UpperBoundForProjectiveDimension )
    #  and IsInt( M!.UpperBoundForProjectiveDimension ) then
    #    q := M!.UpperBoundForProjectiveDimension;	## +1 ???
    if IsBound( M!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps )
      and IsInt( M!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps ) then
        q := M!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps;
    elif IsBound( R!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps )
      and IsInt( R!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps ) then
        q := R!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps;
    elif IsBound( HOMALG.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps )
      and IsInt( HOMALG.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps ) then
        q := HOMALG.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps;
        q := infinity;
    return q;
end );

InstallMethod( Resolution,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsInt, IsHomalgModule ],
  function( _q, M )
    local q, d, rank;
    if _q < 0 then
        M!.MaximumNumberOfResolutionSteps := BoundForResolution( M );
        q := _q;
    elif _q = 0 then
        q := 1;		## this is the minimum
        q := _q;
    d := CurrentResolution( q, M );
    if IsBound( d!.LengthOfResolution ) then
        M!.UpperBoundForProjectiveDimension := d!.LengthOfResolution;
    elif IsBound( M!.UpperBoundForProjectiveDimension ) then			## the last map is not a monomorphism:
        if _q < 0 or M!.UpperBoundForProjectiveDimension <= q then		## but still its kernel is projective
            d!.LengthOfResolution := Length( MorphismDegreesOfComplex( d ) );
    if HasIsRightAcyclic( d ) and IsRightAcyclic( d ) then
        SetFiniteFreeResolutionExists( M, true );
        ResetFilterObj( M, AFiniteFreeResolution );
        SetAFiniteFreeResolution( M, d );
        rank := Sum( ObjectDegreesOfComplex( d ),
                     i -> (-1)^i *  NrGenerators( CertainObject( d, i ) ) );
        SetRankOfObject( M, rank );
        if HasTorsionFreeFactorEpi( M ) then
            SetRankOfObject( Range( TorsionFreeFactorEpi( M ) ), rank );
    return d;
end );

InstallMethod( SyzygiesObjectEpi,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsInt, IsHomalgModule ],
  function( q, M )
    local d, mu, epi, mat;
    if q < 0 then
        Error( "a negative integer does not make sense\n" );
    elif q = 0 then
        return CokernelEpi( FirstMorphismOfResolution( M ) );
    d := Resolution( q, M );
    mu := SyzygiesObjectEmb( q, M );
    epi := CertainMorphism( d, q ) / mu;	## lift
    SetIsEpimorphism( epi, true );
    ## this might simplify things later:
    IsOne( MatrixOfMap( epi ) );
    return epi;
end );

InstallMethod( AnyParametrization,
        "for homalg relations",
        [ IsHomalgRelations ],
  function( rel )
    local mat;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( rel );
    if IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule( rel ) then
        return SyzygiesOfColumns( mat );
        return SyzygiesOfRows( mat );
end );

InstallMethod( AnyParametrization,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local rel, par;
    rel := RelationsOfModule( M );
    par := AnyParametrization( rel );
    par := HomalgMap( par, M, "free" );
    SetPropertiesIfKernelIsTorsionObject( par );
    return par;
end );

InstallMethod( MinimalParametrization,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local rel, par, pr;
    if not HasRankOfObject( M ) then
        ## automatically sets the rank if it succeeds
        ## to compute a complete free resolution:
        Resolution( M );
        ## Resolution didn't succeed to set the rank
        if not HasRankOfObject( M ) then
            Error( "Unable to figure out the rank\n" );
    rel := RelationsOfModule( M );
    par := AnyParametrization( rel );
    if IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule( rel ) then
        pr := CertainColumns;
        pr := CertainRows;
    ## a minimal parametrization due to Alban:
    ## project the parametrization onto a free factor of rank = Rank( M )
    par := pr( par, [ 1 .. RankOfObject( M ) ] );
    par := HomalgMap( par, M, "free" );
    SetPropertiesIfKernelIsTorsionObject( par );
    return par;
end );

InstallMethod( Parametrization,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsHomalgModule ],
  function( M )
    if not HasRankOfObject( M ) then
        ## automatically sets the rank if it succeeds
        ## to compute a complete free resolution:
        Resolution( M );
    if HasRankOfObject( M ) then
        return MinimalParametrization( M );
    ## Resolution didn't succeed to set the rank
    return AnyParametrization( M );
end );

InstallMethod( PushPresentationByIsomorphism,
        "for homalg maps",
        [ IsMapOfFinitelyGeneratedModulesRep and IsIsomorphism ],
  function( phi )
    local M, iso, pos, TI, T;
    M := Range( phi );
    ## copying phi is important for the lazy evaluation below
    ## otherwise phi will be part of the transition matrix data
    ## of M, which might be needed to compute phi!
    iso := ShallowCopy( phi );
    pos := PairOfPositionsOfTheDefaultPresentations( iso );
    TI := MatrixOfMap( iso );
    T := HomalgMatrix( HomalgRing( TI ) );
    SetNrRows( T, NrColumns( TI ) );
    SetNrColumns( T, NrRows( TI ) );
    SetEvalMatrixOperation( T, [ a -> Eval( MatrixOfMap( a^-1, pos[2], pos[1] ) ), [ iso ] ] );
    return AddANewPresentation( M, RelationsOfModule( Source( iso ), pos[1] ), T, TI );
end );

InstallMethod( Intersect2,
        "for homalg relations",
        [ IsHomalgRelationsOfRightModule, IsHomalgRelationsOfRightModule ],
  function( R1, R2 )
    local pb, r1, r2, im;
    r1 := HomalgMap( MatrixOfRelations( R1 ), "r" );
    r2 := HomalgMap( MatrixOfRelations( R2 ), "free", Range( r1 ) );
    pb := PullbackPairOfMorphisms( AsChainMorphismForPullback( r1, r2 ) )[1];
    im := PreCompose( pb, r1 );
    im := HomalgRelationsForRightModule( MatrixOfMap( im ) );
    if IsBound( HOMALG_MODULES.Intersect_uses_ReducedBasisOfModule ) and
       HOMALG_MODULES.Intersect_uses_ReducedBasisOfModule = true then
        return ReducedBasisOfModule( im, "COMPUTE_BASIS" );
    return im;
end );

InstallMethod( Intersect2,
        "for homalg relations",
        [ IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule, IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule ],
  function( R1, R2 )
    local pb, r1, r2, im;
    r1 := HomalgMap( MatrixOfRelations( R1 ) );
    r2 := HomalgMap( MatrixOfRelations( R2 ), "free", Range( r1 ) );
    pb := PullbackPairOfMorphisms( AsChainMorphismForPullback( r1, r2 ) )[1];
    im := PreCompose( pb, r1 );
    im := HomalgRelationsForLeftModule( MatrixOfMap( im ) );
    if IsBound( HOMALG_MODULES.Intersect_uses_ReducedBasisOfModule ) and
       HOMALG_MODULES.Intersect_uses_ReducedBasisOfModule = true then
        return ReducedBasisOfModule( im, "COMPUTE_BASIS" );
    return im;
end );

InstallMethod( Annihilator,
        "for homalg relations",
        [ IsHomalgMatrix, IsHomalgRelations ],
  function( mat, rel )
    local syz;
    if IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule( rel ) then
        syz := List( [ 1 .. NrRows( mat ) ], i -> CertainRows( mat, [ i ] ) );
        syz := List( [ 1 .. NrColumns( mat ) ], j -> CertainColumns( mat, [ j ] ) );
    syz := List( syz, r -> ReducedSyzygiesGenerators( r, rel ) );
    syz := Iterated( syz, Intersect2 );
    syz := MatrixOfRelations( syz );
    if IsHomalgRelationsOfLeftModule( rel ) then
        return LeftSubmodule( syz );
        return RightSubmodule( syz );
end );

InstallMethod( AnnihilatorsOfGenerators,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsHomalgModule ],
  function( M )
    return List( GeneratingElements( M ), Annihilator );
end );

##  <#GAPDoc Label="SubmoduleOfIdealMultiples">
##  <ManSection>
##    <Oper Arg="J, M" Name="\*" Label="constructor for ideal multiples"/>
##    <Returns>a &homalg; submodule</Returns>
##    <Description>
##      Compute the submodule <A>J</A><A>M</A> (resp. <A>M</A><A>J</A>) of the given left (resp. right)
##      <M>R</M>-module <A>M</A>, where <A>J</A> is a left (resp. right) ideal in <M>R</M>.
##    </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
InstallOtherMethod( \*,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( J, M )
    local R, n, r_list, scalar;
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    n := NrGenerators( M );
    r_list := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( MatrixOfGenerators( J ) );
    scalar := List( r_list, r -> HomalgScalarMatrix( r, n, R ) );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then
        scalar := Iterated( scalar, UnionOfRows );
        scalar := Iterated( scalar, UnionOfColumns );
    scalar := HomalgMap( scalar, "free", M );
    return ImageSubobject( scalar );
end );

##  <#GAPDoc Label="SubobjectQuotient">
##  <ManSection>
##    <Oper Arg="K, J" Name="SubobjectQuotient" Label="for submodules"/>
##    <Returns>a &homalg; ideal</Returns>
##    <Description>
##      Compute the submodule quotient ideal <M><A>K</A>:<A>J</A></M> of the submodules <A>K</A> and <A>J</A>
##      of a common <M>R</M>-module <M>M</M>.
##    </Description>
##  </ManSection>
##  <#/GAPDoc>
InstallOtherMethod( SubobjectQuotient,
        "for homalg submodules",
        [ IsStaticFinitelyPresentedSubobjectRep, IsStaticFinitelyPresentedSubobjectRep ],
  function( K, J )
    local M, R, MmodK, coker_epi_K, mapJ, ker;
    M := SuperObject( J );
    if not IsIdenticalObj( M, SuperObject( K ) ) then
        Error( "the super objects must coincide\n" );
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    MmodK := FactorObject( K );
    coker_epi_K := EpiOnFactorObject( K );
    mapJ := PreCompose( MorphismHavingSubobjectAsItsImage( J ), coker_epi_K );
    mapJ := MatrixOfMap( mapJ );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M ) then
        R := 1 * R;
        mapJ := List( [ 1 .. NrRows( mapJ ) ], i -> CertainRows( mapJ, [ i ] ) );
        R := R * 1;
        mapJ := List( [ 1 .. NrColumns( mapJ ) ], i -> CertainColumns( mapJ, [ i ] ) );
    if NrGenerators( MmodK ) > 0 then
        mapJ := List( mapJ, g -> HomalgMap( g, R, MmodK ) );
        mapJ := List( mapJ, g -> HomalgZeroMap( R, MmodK ) );
    if IsBound( HOMALG.SubobjectQuotient_uses_Intersect ) and
       HOMALG.SubobjectQuotient_uses_Intersect = true then
        ker := List( mapJ, KernelSubobject );
        return Intersect( ker );
    mapJ := Iterated( mapJ, ProductMorphism );
    return KernelSubobject( mapJ );
end );

InstallMethod( Eliminate,
        "for homalg submodules",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal, IsList ],
  function( N, indets )
    local gen;
    gen := MatrixOfGenerators( N );
    gen := Eliminate( gen, indets );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( N ) then
        return LeftSubmodule( gen );
        return RightSubmodule( gen );
end );

InstallMethod( Eliminate,
        "for homalg submodules",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal, IsHomalgRingElement ],
  function( N, v )
    return Eliminate( N, [ v ] );
end );

InstallMethod( Eliminate,
        "for homalg submodules",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal ],
  function( N )
    local gen;
    gen := MatrixOfGenerators( N );
    gen := Eliminate( gen );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( N ) then
        return LeftSubmodule( gen );
        return RightSubmodule( gen );
end );

InstallMethod( LeadingModule,
        "for a homalg module",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local right, mat, L;
    right := IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M );
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    mat := LeadingModule( mat );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    if right then
        L := RightPresentation( mat );
        L := LeftPresentation( mat );
    return L;
end );

InstallMethod( LeadingModule,
        "for a homalg submodule",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep ],
  function( J )
    local right, mat, L;
    right := IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( J );
    mat := MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( J );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    mat := LeadingModule( mat );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    if right then
        L := RightSubmodule( mat );
        L := LeftSubmodule( mat );
    return L;
end );

InstallMethod( AssociatedGradedModule,
        "for a homalg module",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local right, mat, L;
    right := IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M );
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    mat := MatrixOfSymbols( mat );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    if right then
        L := RightPresentation( mat );
        L := LeftPresentation( mat );
    return L;
end );

InstallMethod( AssociatedGradedModule,
        "for a homalg submodule",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep ],
  function( J )
    local right, mat, L;
    right := IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( J );
    mat := MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( J );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    mat := MatrixOfSymbols( mat );
    if right then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    if right then
        L := RightSubmodule( mat );
        L := LeftSubmodule( mat );
    return L;
end );

InstallMethod( CoefficientsOfUnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local mat;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return CoefficientsOfUnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( mat, weights, degrees );
end );

InstallMethod( CoefficientsOfNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local mat;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return CoefficientsOfNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( mat, weights, degrees );
end );

InstallMethod( UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    local mat;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( mat, weights, degrees, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a string",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList, IsString ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    return UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( M, weights, degrees, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    return UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( M, weights, degrees, VariableForHilbertPoincareSeries( ) );
end );

InstallMethod( UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, lambda )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0 * lambda;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( mat, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and a string",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsString ],
  function( M, lambda )
    return UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( M, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    local mat;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( mat, weights, degrees, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a string",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList, IsString ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    return NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( M, weights, degrees, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    return NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( M, weights, degrees, VariableForHilbertPoincareSeries( ) );
end );

InstallMethod( NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, lambda )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0 * lambda;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( mat, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and a string",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsString ],
  function( M, lambda )
    return NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries( M, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0 * lambda;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return HilbertPoincareSeries( mat, weights, degrees, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a string",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsList, IsList, IsString ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    return HilbertPoincareSeries( M, weights, degrees, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    return HilbertPoincareSeries( M, weights, degrees, VariableForHilbertPoincareSeries( ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, lambda )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0 * lambda;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return HilbertPoincareSeries( mat, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPoincareSeries,
        "for a homalg module and a string",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsString ],
  function( M, lambda )
    return HilbertPoincareSeries( M, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0 * lambda;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return HilbertPolynomial( mat, weights, degrees, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a string",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsList, IsList, IsString ],
  function( M, weights, degrees, lambda )
    return HilbertPolynomial( M, weights, degrees, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    return HilbertPolynomial( M, weights, degrees, VariableForHilbertPolynomial( ) );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsRingElement ],
  function( M, lambda )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0 * lambda;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return HilbertPolynomial( mat, lambda );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module and a string",
        [ IsHomalgModule, IsString ],
  function( M, lambda )
    return HilbertPolynomial( M, Indeterminate( Rationals, lambda ) );
end );

InstallMethod( AffineDimension,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local R, mat;
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    ## we may use AffineDimension to decide IsZero( M )
    if ( HasIsZero( M ) and IsZero( M ) ) or NrGenerators( M ) = 0 then
        return HOMALG_MODULES.DimensionOfZeroModules;;
    elif NrRelations( M ) = 0 and HasKrullDimension( R ) then
        return KrullDimension( R );
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return AffineDimension( mat, weights, degrees );
end );

InstallMethod( AffineDimension,
        "for a homalg module",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local R, mat;
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    ## we may use AffineDimension to decide IsZero( M )
    if ( HasIsZero( M ) and IsZero( M ) ) or NrGenerators( M ) = 0 then
        return HOMALG_MODULES.DimensionOfZeroModules;;
    elif NrRelations( M ) = 0 and HasKrullDimension( R ) then
        return KrullDimension( R );
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return AffineDimension( mat );
end );

InstallMethod( AffineDegree,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0;
    elif NrRelations( M ) = 0 then
        return Rank( M );
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return AffineDegree( mat, weights, degrees );
end );

InstallMethod( AffineDegree,
        "for a homalg module",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0;
    elif NrRelations( M ) = 0 then
        return Rank( M );
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return AffineDegree( mat );
end );

InstallMethod( ProjectiveDegree,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return ProjectiveDegree( mat, weights, degrees );
end );

InstallMethod( ProjectiveDegree,
        "for a homalg module",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return ProjectiveDegree( mat );
end );

InstallMethod( ConstantTermOfHilbertPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module and two lists",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0;
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return ConstantTermOfHilbertPolynomial( mat, weights, degrees );
end );

InstallMethod( ConstantTermOfHilbertPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( M )
    local mat;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0;
    elif NrRelations( M ) = 0 then
        return Rank( M );
    mat := MatrixOfRelations( M );
    if IsHomalgRightObjectOrMorphismOfRightObjects( M ) then
        mat := Involution( mat );
    mat := BasisOfRows( mat );
    return ConstantTermOfHilbertPolynomial( mat );
end );

InstallMethod( HilbertFunction,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local HP;
    HP := HilbertPoincareSeries( M, weights, degrees );
    return HilbertFunction( HP );
end );

InstallMethod( ElementOfGrothendieckGroup,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local chi, dim;
    chi := HilbertPolynomial( M, weights, degrees );
    dim := Length( Indeterminates( HomalgRing( M ) ) ) - 1;
    return CreateElementOfGrothendieckGroupOfProjectiveSpace( chi, dim );
end );

InstallMethod( ChernPolynomial,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local P;
    P := ElementOfGrothendieckGroup( M, weights, degrees );
    return ChernPolynomial( P );
end );

InstallMethod( ChernCharacter,
        "for a homalg module, two lists, and a ring element",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep, IsList, IsList ],
  function( M, weights, degrees )
    local c;
    c := ChernPolynomial( M, weights, degrees );
    return ChernCharacter( c );
end );

InstallMethod( FittingIdeal,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsInt, IsFinitelyPresentedModuleRep ],
  function( i, M )
    local R, n, Fitt, left, mor, m, mat, Fitt_i;
    R := HomalgRing( M );
    if not HasIsCommutative( R ) then
        Error( "the ring is not known to be commutative\n" );
    elif not IsCommutative( R ) then
        Error( "the ring is not commutative\n" );
    n := NrGenerators( M );
    if not IsBound( M!.FittingIdeals ) then
        M!.FittingIdeals := rec( );
    Fitt := M!.FittingIdeals;
    if IsBound( Fitt.(String( i )) ) then
        return Fitt.(String( i ));
    left := IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( M );
    mor := PresentationMorphism( M );
    ## better than NrRelations( M )
    m := NrGenerators( Source( mor ) );
    if n - i <= 0 then	## <=> i >= n
        if left then
            Fitt_i := LeftSubmodule( R );
            Fitt_i := RightSubmodule( R );
    elif n - i > Minimum( n, m ) then	## <=> i < Maximum( n - m, 0 )
        if left then
            Fitt_i := ZeroLeftSubmodule( R );
            Fitt_i := ZeroRightSubmodule( R );
        mat := MatrixOfMap( mor );
        if left then
            Fitt_i := LeftIdealOfMinors( n - i, mat );
            Fitt_i := RightIdealOfMinors( n - i, mat );
    Fitt.(String( i )) := Fitt_i;
    return Fitt_i;
end );

InstallMethod( NumberOfFirstNonZeroFittingIdeal,
        "for homalg modules",
        [ IsHomalgModule ],
  function( M )
    local R, i;
    if IsZero( M ) then
        return 0;
    for i in [ 0 .. NrGenerators( M ) - 1 ] do
        if not IsZero( FittingIdeal( i, M ) ) then
            SetRankOfObject( M, i );
            return i;
    SetRankOfObject( M, NrGenerators( M ) );
    return NrGenerators( M );
end );

InstallMethod( AMaximalIdealContaining,
        "for homalg ideals and a list of variables",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal ],
  function( I )
    local R, A, indets, ideal, m, v, l, n_is_one, n, a, k, d;
    if I = 1 then
        Error( "expected a proper ideal\n" );
    R := HomalgRing( I );
    if not HasCoefficientsRing( R ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    A := CoefficientsRing( R );
    if not ( HasIsFieldForHomalg( A ) and IsFieldForHomalg( A ) ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    indets := Indeterminates( R );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( I ) then
        ideal := LeftSubmodule;
        ideal := RightSubmodule;
    if IsZero( I ) then
        return ideal( indets, R );
    m := I;
    while AffineDimension( m ) > 0 do
        v := MaximalIndependentSet( m );
        n_is_one := true;
        while true do
            n := m + ideal( v, R );
            if not IsOne( n ) then
                n_is_one := false;
            l := Length( v );
            if l > 1 then
                Remove( v, l );
        if n_is_one then
            v := v[1];
            a := One( R );
            k := 1;
            while true do
                n := m + ideal( [ v^k + a ], R );
                if not IsOne( n ) then
                a := a + 1;
                if IsZero( a ) then
                    k := k + 1;
        m := n;
    m := RadicalDecomposition( m );
    d := List( m, AffineDegree );
    d := Minimum( d );
    m := First( m, p -> AffineDegree( p ) = d );
    Assert( 4, AffineDimension( m ) = 0 );
    SetAffineDimension( m, 0 );
    return m;
end );

InstallMethod( AMaximalIdealContaining,
        "for homalg ideals",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal ],
  function( I )
    local R, A, ideal, union, indets, S, gens, gens0, lcm, p, Rp;
    R := HomalgRing( I );
    if not HasCoefficientsRing( R ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    A := CoefficientsRing( R );
    if not ( HasIsIntegersForHomalg( A ) and IsIntegersForHomalg( A ) ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    if I = 1 then
        Error( "expected a proper ideal\n" );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( I ) then
        ideal := LeftSubmodule;
        union := UnionOfRows;
        ideal := RightSubmodule;
        union := UnionOfColumns;
    indets := Indeterminates( R );
    S := A * indets;
    if IsZero( I ) then
        return ideal( Concatenation( [ "2" ], indets ), R );
    gens := EntriesOfHomalgMatrix( S * MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( I ) );
    gens0 := Filtered( gens, g -> Degree( g ) = 0 );
    if not gens0 = [ ] then
        gens0 := List( List( gens0, String ), EvalString );
        gens0 := Gcd( gens0 );
        p := PrimeDivisors( gens0 )[1];
        lcm := Lcm_UsingCayleyDeterminant( List( gens, LeadingCoefficient ) );
        lcm := Int( String( lcm ) );
        p := 2;
        while IsInt( lcm / p ) do
            p := NextPrimeInt( p );
    Assert( 4, not ( p / R ) in I );
    Rp := HomalgRingOfIntegersInUnderlyingCAS( p, A );
    S := Rp * indets;
    I := ideal( S * MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( I ) );
    p := HomalgMatrix( [ p ], 1, 1, R );
    return ideal( union( p, R * MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( AMaximalIdealContaining( I ) ) ) );
end );

InstallMethod( AMaximalIdealContaining,
        "for homalg ideals",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal ],
  function( I )
    local R, ideal, basis, bas, nr_entries, p, Rp;
    R := HomalgRing( I );
    if not ( HasIsIntegersForHomalg( R ) and IsIntegersForHomalg( R ) ) then
        TryNextMethod( );
    if I = 1 then
        Error( "expected a proper ideal\n" );
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( I ) then
        ideal := LeftSubmodule;
        basis := BasisOfRows;
        nr_entries := NrRows;
        ideal := RightSubmodule;
        basis := BasisOfColumns;
        nr_entries := NrColumns;
    if IsZero( I ) then
        return ideal( "2", R );
    bas := basis( MatrixOfSubobjectGenerators( I ) );
    if not nr_entries( bas ) = 1  then
        Error( "Hermite normal form failed to produce the cyclic generator ",
               "of the principal ideal\n" );
    bas := MatElm( bas, 1, 1 );
    bas := Int( String( bas ) );
    return ideal( PrimeDivisors( bas ){[1]}, R );
end );

InstallMethod( IdealOfRationalPoints,
        "for an ideal",
        [ IsFinitelyPresentedSubmoduleRep and ConstructedAsAnIdeal, IsHomalgRing and IsFieldForHomalg ],
  function( I, F )
    local R, c, d, indets, S;
    c := Characteristic( F );
    if not IsPrime( c ) then
        Error( "the characteristic of the given field ", F, " is not prime\n" );
    d := DegreeOverPrimeField( F );
    if not d in Integers then
        Error( "the given field ", F, " is not finite\n" );
    R := HomalgRing( I );
    indets := Indeterminates( R );
    S := F * List( indets, Name );
    indets := List( indets, x -> x / S );
    indets := List( indets, x -> x^(c^d) - x );
    if indets = [ ] then
        return S * I;
    if IsHomalgLeftObjectOrMorphismOfLeftObjects( I ) then
        indets := LeftSubmodule( indets );
        indets := RightSubmodule( indets );
    return ( S * I ) + indets;
end );