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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Path: gap4r8 / pkg / NormalizInterface-1.0.2 / Normaliz.git / source / cmake / Modules / FindSCIP.cmake
Views: 418451# - Try to find the scipoptsuite library # This module defines: # SCIP_FOUND - system has SCIP lib # SCIP_INCLUDE_DIR - the SCIP include directory # SCIP_LIBRARY_DIR - directory where the SCIP libraries are located # SCIP_LIBRARIES - Link these to use SCIP, it contains # SCIP_LIBRARY - libscipopt # Readline_LIBRARY - libreadline # Z_LIBRARY - libz #TODO version is fixed! INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) IF(SCIP_INCLUDE_DIR AND SCIP_LIBRARY) SET(SCIP_in_cache TRUE) ELSE() SET(SCIP_in_cache FALSE) ENDIF() IF(NOT SCIP_LIBRARY) SET(SCIP_in_cache FALSE) ENDIF() # Is it already configured? IF (SCIP_in_cache) SET(SCIP_FOUND TRUE) ELSE() FIND_PATH(SCIP_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES scip/scip.h HINTS ENV SCIP_INC_DIR ENV SCIP_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES include src scip-3.2.1/src scip-3.2.0/src DOC "The directory containing the SCIP header files" ) FIND_LIBRARY(SCIP_LIBRARY NAMES libscipopt-3.2.0.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.a libscipopt-3.2.1.linux.x86_64.gnu.opt.a libscipopt-3.2.0.linux.x86.gnu.opt.a libscipopt-3.2.1.linux.x86.gnu.opt.a libscipopt-3.2.0.darwin.x86_64.gnu.opt.a libscipopt-3.2.1.darwin.x86_64.gnu.opt.a HINTS ENV SCIP_LIB_DIR ENV SCIP_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "Path to the SCIP library" ) IF ( SCIP_LIBRARY ) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT( SCIP_LIBRARY_DIR ${SCIP_LIBRARY} PATH CACHE ) ENDIF() #SET(SCIP_LIBRARIES "${SCIP_LIBRARY}") SET(SCIP_LIBRARIES "${SCIP_LIBRARY} ${Readline_LIBRARY} ${Z_LIBRARY}") FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(SCIP DEFAULT_MSG SCIP_INCLUDE_DIR SCIP_LIBRARY) ENDIF()