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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418425amb_space 8 constraints 16 0.10976576 0.2153132834 0.2028206781 0.1825337879 0.1552322265 0.1219651777 0.0840110756 0.04282847494 >= -1/2 0.10976576 0.1825337879 0.0840110756 -0.04282847494 -0.1552322265 -0.2153132834 -0.2028206781 -0.1219651777 >= -1/2 0.10976576 0.1219651777 -0.0840110756 -0.2153132834 -0.1552322265 0.04282847494 0.2028206781 0.1825337879 >= -1/2 0.10976576 0.04282847494 -0.2028206781 -0.1219651777 0.1552322265 0.1825337879 -0.0840110756 -0.2153132834 >= -1/2 0.10976576 -0.04282847494 -0.2028206781 0.1219651777 0.1552322265 -0.1825337879 -0.0840110756 0.2153132834 >= -1/2 0.10976576 -0.1219651777 -0.0840110756 0.2153132834 -0.1552322265 -0.04282847494 0.2028206781 -0.1825337879 >= -1/2 0.10976576 -0.1825337879 0.0840110756 0.04282847494 -0.1552322265 0.2153132834 -0.2028206781 0.1219651777 >= -1/2 0.10976576 -0.2153132834 0.2028206781 -0.1825337879 0.1552322265 -0.1219651777 0.0840110756 -0.04282847494 >= -1/2 0.10976576 0.2153132834 0.2028206781 0.1825337879 0.1552322265 0.1219651777 0.0840110756 0.04282847494 <= 1/2 0.10976576 0.1825337879 0.0840110756 -0.04282847494 -0.1552322265 -0.2153132834 -0.2028206781 -0.1219651777 <= 1/2 0.10976576 0.1219651777 -0.0840110756 -0.2153132834 -0.1552322265 0.04282847494 0.2028206781 0.1825337879 <= 1/2 0.10976576 0.04282847494 -0.2028206781 -0.1219651777 0.1552322265 0.1825337879 -0.0840110756 -0.2153132834 <= 1/2 0.10976576 -0.04282847494 -0.2028206781 0.1219651777 0.1552322265 -0.1825337879 -0.0840110756 0.2153132834 <= 1/2 0.10976576 -0.1219651777 -0.0840110756 0.2153132834 -0.1552322265 -0.04282847494 0.2028206781 -0.1825337879 <= 1/2 0.10976576 -0.1825337879 0.0840110756 0.04282847494 -0.1552322265 0.2153132834 -0.2028206781 0.1219651777 <= 1/2 0.10976576 -0.2153132834 0.2028206781 -0.1825337879 0.1552322265 -0.1219651777 0.0840110756 -0.04282847494 <= 1/2 ProjectionFloat