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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466297############################################################################# ## #W #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## #Y Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain ############################################################################# #if not TestPackageAvailability("singular") = fail then # LoadPackage("singular"); #fi; # we will always use Gröbner by Singular package which is faster #GBASIS:= SINGULARGBASIS; ############################################################ # computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence # of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m with # nonnegative integer coefficients ############################################################ InstallOtherMethod(GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence, "Computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence of the monoid morphism associated to a matrix", [IsRectangularTable],6, function(m) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, Rtmp, R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero, gens, GBASIStmp; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using singular to compute minimal presentations."); ##computes the s degree of a monomial in the semigroup ideal sdegree:=function(m) local exp; exp:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m,i)); return exp*msg; end; bintopair:=function(pp) local m1,m2, d1, d2, p; p:=pp/LeadingCoefficientOfPolynomial(pp,MonomialLexOrdering()); m1:=LeadingMonomialOfPolynomial(p, MonomialLexOrdering()); m2:=m1-p; d1:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m1,i));; d2:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m2,i));; return [d1,d2]; end; if not(ForAll(m, l->ForAll(l, x->(x=0) or IsPosInt(x)))) then Error("The argument must be a matrix of nonnegative integer."); fi; msg:=ShallowCopy(m); ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); dim:=Length(msg[1]); vars:=List([1..ed+dim],i->X(Rationals,i)); R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); Rtmp:=SingularBaseRing; GBASIStmp:=GBASIS; GBASIS:=SINGULARGBASIS; SetTermOrdering(R,"dp"); SingularSetBaseRing(R); p:=List([1..ed], i->X(Rationals,i)-Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)^msg[i][j]))); id:=Ideal(R,p); ie:=SingularInterface("eliminate",[id,Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)))],"ideal"); gens:=GeneratorsOfIdeal(ie); vars:=vars{[1..ed]}; R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); SetTermOrdering(R, ["wp",List(msg, m->Sum(m))] ); SingularSetBaseRing(R); ie:=Ideal(R,gens); mingen:=GeneratorsOfIdeal(SingularInterface("minbase",[ie],"ideal")); SingularSetBaseRing(Rtmp); GBASIS:=GBASIStmp; if Zero(R) in mingen then return []; fi; return Set([1..Length(mingen)],i->bintopair(mingen[i])); end); ############################################################ # computes a canonical basis of the kernel congruence # of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m with # nonnegative integer coefficients wrt the term ordering # the kernel is the pairs (x,y) such that xm=ym ############################################################ InstallMethod(CanonicalBasisOfKernelCongruence, "Computes a canonical basis for the congruence of of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix", [IsRectangularTable, IsMonomialOrdering],6, function(m,ord) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, Rtmp, R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero, gens, GBASIStmp; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using singular to compute kernels."); ##computes the s degree of a monomial in the semigroup ideal sdegree:=function(m) local exp; exp:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m,i)); return exp*msg; end; bintopair:=function(pp) local m1,m2, d1, d2, p; p:=pp/LeadingCoefficientOfPolynomial(pp,ord); m1:=LeadingMonomialOfPolynomial(p, ord); m2:=m1-p; d1:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m1,i));; d2:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m2,i));; return [d1,d2]; end; if not(ForAll(m, l->ForAll(l, x->(x=0) or IsPosInt(x)))) then Error("The argument must be a matrix of nonnegative integer."); fi; msg:=ShallowCopy(m); ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); dim:=Length(msg[1]); vars:=List([1..ed+dim],i->X(Rationals,i)); R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); Rtmp:=SingularBaseRing; GBASIStmp:=GBASIS; GBASIS:=SINGULARGBASIS; SingularSetBaseRing(R); p:=List([1..ed], i->X(Rationals,i)-Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)^msg[i][j]))); id:=Ideal(R,p); ie:=SingularInterface("eliminate",[id,Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)))],"ideal"); gens:=GeneratorsOfIdeal(ie); vars:=vars{[1..ed]}; R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); SingularSetBaseRing(R); SetTermOrdering(R,ord); ie:=Ideal(R,gens); gens:=GroebnerBasis(ie, ord); SingularSetBaseRing(Rtmp); GBASIS:=GBASIStmp; return Set([1..Length(gens)],i->bintopair(gens[i])); end); # InstallOtherMethod(PrimitiveElementsOfAffineSemigroup, # "Computes the set of primitive elements of an affine semigroup", # [IsAffineSemigroup],4, # function(a) # local matrix, facs, mat, trunc, ls, GBASIStmp; # # ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); # # Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using singular 4ti2 interface for Graver."); # # mat:=TransposedMat(ls); # GBASIStmp:=GBASIS; # GBASIS:=SINGULARGBASIS; # matrix := GraverBasis(mat); # GBASIS:=GBASIStmp; # # trunc:=function(ls) # return List(ls, y->Maximum(y,0)); # end; # # matrix:=Set(matrix,trunc); # return Union(Set(matrix, x->x*ls),ls); # end); ############################################################ # computes the Graver basis of matrix with integer entries ############################################################ # InstallMethod(GraverBasis, # "Computes the Graver basis of the matrix", # [IsRectangularTable],4, # function(a) # #singular implementation # local graver, T, R, bintopair, ed, c; # # bintopair:=function(pp) # local m1,m2, d1, d2, p; # p:=pp/LeadingCoefficientOfPolynomial(pp,MonomialLexOrdering()); # m1:=LeadingMonomialOfPolynomial(p, MonomialLexOrdering()); # m2:=m1-p; # d1:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m1,i));; # d2:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m2,i));; # return [d1,d2]; # end; # # if not(IsRectangularTable(a)) then # Error("The argument must be a matrix."); # fi; # # if not(IsInt(a[1][1])) then # Error("The entries of the matrix must be integers."); # fi; # # ed:=Length(a[1]); # T:=SingularBaseRing; # R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,ed); # SingularSetBaseRing(R); # SingularLibrary("sing4ti2"); # c:=SingularInterface("graver4ti2",[a],"ideal"); # graver:=List(GeneratorsOfTwoSidedIdeal(c), x-> bintopair(x)); # graver:=List(graver,x->x[1]-x[2]); # SingularSetBaseRing( T ); # return Union(graver,-graver); # end); ###################################################################### # Computes a minimal presentation of the affine semigroup a ###################################################################### InstallOtherMethod(MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the minimal presentation of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],2, function(a) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, Rtmp,R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero, gens, GBASIStmp; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using singular to compute minimal presentations."); ##computes the s degree of a monomial in the semigroup ideal sdegree:=function(m) local exp; exp:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m,i)); return exp*msg; end; bintopair:=function(pp) local m1,m2, d1, d2, p; p:=pp/LeadingCoefficientOfPolynomial(pp,MonomialLexOrdering()); m1:=LeadingMonomialOfPolynomial(p, MonomialLexOrdering()); m2:=m1-p; d1:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m1,i));; d2:=List([1..ed], i->DegreeIndeterminate(m2,i));; return [d1,d2]; end; if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup."); fi; msg:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); #for now we do not check minimality of the generators ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); dim:=Length(msg[1]); vars:=List([1..ed+dim],i->X(Rationals,i)); Rtmp:=SingularBaseRing; GBASIStmp:=GBASIS; GBASIS:=SINGULARGBASIS; R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); SetTermOrdering(R,"dp"); SingularSetBaseRing(R); p:=List([1..ed], i->X(Rationals,i)-Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)^msg[i][j]))); id:=Ideal(R,p); ie:=SingularInterface("eliminate",[id,Product(List([1..dim], j->X(Rationals,j+ed)))],"ideal"); gens:=GeneratorsOfIdeal(ie); vars:=vars{[1..ed]}; R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,vars); SetTermOrdering(R, ["wp",List(msg, m->Sum(m))] ); SingularSetBaseRing(R); ie:=Ideal(R,gens); mingen:=GeneratorsOfIdeal(SingularInterface("minbase",[ie],"ideal")); SingularSetBaseRing(Rtmp); GBASIS:=GBASIStmp; if Zero(R) in mingen then return []; fi; return Set([1..Length(mingen)],i->bintopair(mingen[i])); end); ########################################################################## # Computes the Hilbert basis of the system A X=0 mod md, where the rows # of A are the elements of ls. # md can be empty of have some modulus, if the length of md is smaller than # the lengths of the elements of ls, then the rest of equations are considered # to be homogeneous linear Diophantine equations # REQUERIMENTS: Singular with the library normaliz ########################################################################## # InstallOtherMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousEquations, # "Computes the Hilbert basis of a system of linear Diophantine equations, some of them can be in congruences", # [IsMatrix,IsHomogeneousList],3, # function(ls,md) # local matcong, hb, ncong, ncoord, nequ, matfree, T, R; # # Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using singular with normaliz.lib to find the Hilbert basis."); # # if not(IsHomogeneousList(ls)) or not(IsHomogeneousList(md)) then # Error("The arguments must be homogeneous lists."); # fi; # # if not(ForAll(ls,IsListOfIntegersNS)) then # Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of integers."); # fi; # # ncong:=Length(md); # # if ncong>0 and not(IsListOfIntegersNS(md)) then # Error("The second argument must be a lists of integers."); # fi; # # if not(ForAll(md,x->x>0)) then # Error("The second argument must be a list of positive integers"); # fi; # # nequ:=Length(ls); # ncoord:=Length(ls[1]); # matcong:=[]; # matfree:=[]; # # if ncoord=0 then # return []; # fi; # # if ncong>0 and not(IsListOfIntegersNS(md)) then # Error("The second argument must be either an empty list or a list of integers"); # fi; # # if ncong>nequ then # Error("More mudulus than equations"); # fi; # # T:=SingularBaseRing; # R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,1); # SingularSetBaseRing(R); # SingularLibrary("normaliz"); # # if nequ>ncong and ncong>0 then # matcong:=ls{[1..ncong]}; # matcong:=TransposedMat( # Concatenation(TransposedMat(matcong),[md])); # matfree:=ls{[ncong+1..nequ]}; # hb:=SingularInterface("normaliz",[matfree,5,matcong,6],"matrix"); # #NmzCone(["congruences",matcong,"equations",matfree]); # fi; # # if nequ=ncong then # matcong:=TransposedMat(Concatenation( # TransposedMat(ls),[md])); # hb:=SingularInterface("normaliz",[matcong,6],"matrix"); # #NmzCone(["congruences",matcong]); # fi; # if ncong=0 then # matfree:=ls; # hb:=SingularInterface("normaliz",[matfree,5],"matrix"); # #NmzCone(["equations",matfree]); # fi; # # #NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); # SingularSetBaseRing(T); # return Set(hb);#NmzHilbertBasis(cone); # end); ########################################################################## # Computes the Hilbert basis of the system ls*X>=0 over the nonnegative # integers # REQUERIMENTS: Singular with the library normaliz ########################################################################## # InstallOtherMethod(HilbertBasisOfSystemOfHomogeneousInequalities, # "Computes the Hilbert basis of a system of inequalities", # [IsMatrix],3, # function(ls) # local hb, ncoord, R, T; # # Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using singular with normaliz.lib to find the Hilbert basis."); # # if not(IsHomogeneousList(ls)) then # Error("The argument must be a homogeneous lists."); # fi; # # if not(ForAll(ls,IsListOfIntegersNS)) then # Error("The argument must be a list of lists of integers."); # fi; # # if not(Length(Set(ls, Length))=1) then # Error("The first argument must be a list of lists all with the same length."); # fi; # # ncoord:=Length(ls[1]); # # if ncoord=0 then # return []; # fi; # # T:=SingularBaseRing; # R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,1); # SingularSetBaseRing(R); # SingularLibrary("normaliz"); # # hb:=SingularInterface("normaliz",[ls,4],"matrix"); # #NmzCone(["inequalities",ls,"signs",[List([1..ncoord],_->1)]]); # #NmzCompute(cone,"DualMode"); # # SingularSetBaseRing(T); # # return Set(hb); # #NmzHilbertBasis(cone); # end);