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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466306############################################################################# ## #W #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## #Y Copyright 2015-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and Universidad de Granada, Spain ############################################################################# #if not TestPackageAvailability("SingularInterface") = fail then # LoadPackage("SingularInterface"); #fi; ############################################################ # computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence # of the monoid morphism associated to the matrix m with # nonnegative integer coefficients ############################################################ InstallOtherMethod(GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence, "Computes a set of generators of the kernel congruence of the monoid morphism associated to a matrix", [IsRectangularTable],6, function(m) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using SingularInterface to compute minimal presentations."); if not(ForAll(m, l->ForAll(l, x->(x=0) or IsPosInt(x)))) then Error("The argument must be a matrix of nonnegative integer."); fi; ##computes the s degree of a pol in the semigroup ideal sdegree:=function(r) local exp; exp:=_SI_Plistintvec(SI_leadexp(SI_leadmonom(r))); return exp*msg; end; #tanslates binomial to pair of exponents bintopair:=function(p) local m1,m2, d1, d2; m1:=p[1];#SI_leadmonom(p); m2:=p[2];#m1-p; d1:=_SI_Plistintvec(SI_leadexp(m1)); d2:=_SI_Plistintvec(SI_leadexp(m2)); return [d1{[1..ed]},d2{[1..ed]}]; end; msg:=ShallowCopy(m); ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); dim:=Length(msg[1]); vars:=List([1..ed+dim],i->Concatenation("x",String(i))); R:=SI_ring(0,vars,[["wp",List(msg, m->Sum(m))],["dp",dim]]); p:=List([1..ed], i->SI_var(R,i)- SI_monomial(R,SI_intvec(Concatenation(zero,msg[i])))); id:=SI_ideal(p); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Eliminating the variables ", Product(List([1..dim],i-> SI_var(R,ed+i))), " from the ideal ", id); ie:= SI_eliminate(id, Product(List([1..dim],i-> SI_var(R,ed+i)) )); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"and we obtain ",ie); vars:=vars{[1..ed]}; R:=SI_ring(0,vars,[["wp",List(msg, m->Sum(m))]]); p:=[]; for i in [1..SI_ncols(ie)] do exps:=bintopair(ie[i]); Add( p, SI_monomial(R,SI_intvec(exps[1]))- SI_monomial(R,SI_intvec(exps[2]))); od; id:=SI_ideal(p); mingen:=SI_minbase(id); return Set([1..SI_ncols(mingen)],i->bintopair(mingen[i])); end); ###################################################################### # Computes a minimal presentation of the affine semigroup a # REQUERIMENTS: SingularInterface ###################################################################### InstallOtherMethod(MinimalPresentationOfAffineSemigroup, "Computes the minimal presentation of an affine semigroup", [IsAffineSemigroup],3, function( a ) local i, p, rel, rgb, msg, pol, ed, sdegree, monomial, candidates, mp, R,id, ie, vars, mingen, exps, bintopair, dim, zero, ls; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using SingularInterface to compute minimal presentations."); if not(IsAffineSemigroup(a)) then Error("The argument must be an affine semigroup"); fi; ls:=GeneratorsOfAffineSemigroup(a); ##computes the s degree of a pol in the semigroup ideal sdegree:=function(r) local exp; exp:=_SI_Plistintvec(SI_leadexp(SI_leadmonom(r))); return exp*msg; end; #tanslates binomial to pair of exponents bintopair:=function(p) local m1,m2, d1, d2; m1:=p[1];#SI_leadmonom(p); m2:=p[2];#m1-p; d1:=_SI_Plistintvec(SI_leadexp(m1)); d2:=_SI_Plistintvec(SI_leadexp(m2)); return [d1{[1..ed]},d2{[1..ed]}]; end; msg:=ls; #for now we do not check minimality of the generators ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; zero:=List([1..ed],_->0); dim:=Length(ls[1]); vars:=List([1..ed+dim],i->Concatenation("x",String(i))); R:=SI_ring(0,vars,[["wp",List(msg, m->Sum(m))],["dp",dim]]); p:=List([1..ed], i->SI_var(R,i)- SI_monomial(R,SI_intvec(Concatenation(zero,msg[i])))); id:=SI_ideal(p); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Eliminating the variables ", Product(List([1..dim],i-> SI_var(R,ed+i))), " from the ideal ", id); ie:= SI_eliminate(id, Product(List([1..dim],i-> SI_var(R,ed+i)) )); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"and we obtain ",ie); vars:=vars{[1..ed]}; R:=SI_ring(0,vars,[["wp",List(msg, m->Sum(m))]]); p:=[]; for i in [1..SI_ncols(ie)] do exps:=bintopair(ie[i]); Add( p, SI_monomial(R,SI_intvec(exps[1]))- SI_monomial(R,SI_intvec(exps[2]))); od; id:=SI_ideal(p); mingen:=SI_minbase(id); return Set([1..SI_ncols(mingen)],i->bintopair(mingen[i])); end);