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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

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#W        Manuel Delgado <[email protected]>
#W                          Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]>
#W                          Jose Morais <[email protected]>
#Y  Copyright 2005 by Manuel Delgado,
#Y  Pedro Garcia-Sanchez and Jose Joao Morais
#Y  We adopt the copyright regulations of GAP as detailed in the
#Y  copyright notice in the GAP manual.

#F  NSGPfactorizationsNC(n,l)
##  <n> is a nonnegative integer and <l> is a list of positive integers.
##  Returns a list with the different factorizations of n as a linear
##  combination with elements in l.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "NSGPfactorizationsNC" );

#F  CatenaryDegreeOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
##  Computes the catenary degree of the numerical semigroup <s>.
##  The definition of catenary degree can be found in
##  the book:
##   -A. Geroldinger and F. Halter-Koch, Non-unique
##    Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial and
##    Analytic Theory, Pure and AppliedMathematics,
##    vol. 278, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006.
##  The algorithm used appears in
##   -S. T. Chapman, P. A. Garc�a-S�nchez,
##    D. Llena, V. Ponomarenko, and J. C. Rosales,
##    The catenary and tame degree in finitely generated
##    cancellative monoids, Manuscripta Mathematica 120 (2006) 253--264
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CatenaryDegreeOfNumericalSemigroup" );
#F  IsConnectedGraphNCForNumericalSemigroups(l)
## This function returns true if the graph is connected an false otherwise
## It is part of the NumericalSGPS package just to avoid the need of using 
## other graph packages only to this effect. It is used in 
## CatenaryDegreeOfElementNS
#F  CatenaryDegreeOfElementInNumericalSemigroup(s)
## This function returns the catenary cegree in a numerical semigroup S of 
## a positive integer n
## The NC version of CatenaryDegreeOfElementNS works well for numbers
## bigger than the Frobenius number
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CatenaryDegreeOfElementInNumericalSemigroup_NC" );
DeclareGlobalFunction( "CatenaryDegreeOfElementInNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  TameDegreeOfElementInNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
##  Computes the tame degre of the element <n> of the numerical semigroup <s>.
##  Used for the computation of the tame degree of s, but can
##  be used separately.
##  The definition of tame degree appears in
##   -A. Geroldinger and F. Halter-Koch, Non-unique
##    Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial and
##    Analytic Theory, Pure and AppliedMathematics,
##    vol. 278, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006.
##  The algorithm used appears in
##   -S. T. Chapman, P. A. Garc�a-S�nchez,
##    D. Llena, V. Ponomarenko, and J. C. Rosales,
##    The catenary and tame degree in finitely generated
##    cancellative monoids, Manuscripta Mathematica 120 (2006) 253--264
DeclareGlobalFunction( "TameDegreeOfElementInNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  TameDegreeOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
##  Computes the tame degree of a numerical semigroup <s>.
##  The definition of tame degree appears in
##   -A. Geroldinger and F. Halter-Koch, Non-unique
##    Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial and
##    Analytic Theory, Pure and AppliedMathematics,
##    vol. 278, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006.
##  The algorithm used appears in
##   -S. T. Chapman, P. A. Garc�a-S�nchez,
##    D. Llena,  The catenary and tame degree of numerical
##    semigroups, Forum Math. 2007 1--13.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "TameDegreeOfNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  FactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
##  Computes the set of factorizations
##  of an element <n> as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the minimal generators
##  of the semigroup <s>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "FactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  LengthsOfFactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
##  Computes the lengths of the set of
##  factorizations of an element <n> as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the minimal generators
##  of the semigroup <s>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "LengthsOfFactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  ElasticityOfFactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
##  Computes the quotient (maximum length)/(minimum lenght) of the
##  factorizations of an element <n> as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the minimal generators
##  of the semigroup <s>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ElasticityOfFactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  ElasticityOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
##  Computes the supremum of the elasticities of the
##  factorizations of the elements of <s>.
##  From [CHM06, GHKb] this is precisely np/n1
##  with n1 the multiplicity of <s> and np the greatest
##  generator.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "ElasticityOfNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  DeltaSetOfFactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
##  Computes the set of differences between
##  two consecutive lengths of factorizations of
##  an element <n> as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the minimal generators
##  of the semigroup <s>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "DeltaSetOfFactorizationsElementWRTNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  MaximumDegreeOfElementWRTNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
##  Computes the maximum length of the
##  factorizations of an element <n> as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the minimal generators
##  of the semigroup <s>.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "MaximumDegreeOfElementWRTNumericalSemigroup" );

#F  OmegaPrimalityOfElementInNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
##  Computes the omega primality of an elmenent n in S, as explained in 
##  V. Blanco, P. A. Garc\'{\i}a-S\'anchez, A. Geroldinger, 
##  Semigroup-theoretical characterizations of arithmetical invariants with 
##  applications to numerical monoids and Krull monoids, {arXiv}:1006.4222v1.

#F  OmegaPrimalityOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
##  Computes the maximum of omega primality of the minimal generators of S.

#F  FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(n,ls)
##  Computes the set of factorizations
##  of an integer n as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the elements in the list ls
##  Makes use of RestrictedPartitions

#F  LengthsOfFactorizationsIntegerWRTList(n,ls)
##  Computes the lengths of the set of
##  factorizations of an  integer <n> as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the elements in the list <ls>

#F  DeltaSetOfSetOfIntegers(n,s)
##  Computes the set of differences between
##  two consecutive lengths of factorizations of
##  an integer <n> as linear combinations
##  with nonnegative coefficients of the elements in the list <ls>

#F  CatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations(fact)
##  Computes the catenary degree of the set of factorizations 

#F  TameDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations(fact)
##  Computes the tame degree of the set of factorizations 

#F  RClassesOfSetOfFactorizations(l)
##  Determine the set of R-classes (Chapter 7 [RGBook] of a set of factorizations

#  MaximalDenumerantOfElementInNumericalSemigroup(x,s)
#  returns the number of factorizations of maximal length of x in 
#  the numerical semigroup s

#  MaximalDenumerantOfSetOfFactorizations(ls)
#  returns the number of factorizations of maximal length in ls

# MaximalDenumerantOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
# computes the maximal denumerant of a numerical semigroup
# by using de algorithm given by Bryant and Hamblin 
# Semigroup Forum 86 (2013), 571-582

# AdjustmentOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
# computes the adjustment a numerical semigroup
# by using de algorithm given by Bryant and Hamblin 
# Semigroup Forum 86 (2013), 571-582

# IsAdditiveNumericalSemigroup(s)
# Detects if s is an additive numerical semigroup, that is, 
# ord(m+x)=ord(x)+1 for all x in s. For these semigroups gr_m(K[[s]]) is 
# Cohen-Macaulay.	
# We use Proposition 4.7 in  Semigroup Forum 86 (2013), 571-582

# IsSuperSymmetricNumericalSemigroup(s)
# Detects if s is a numerical semigroup is supersymmetric, that is, 
# it is symmetric, additive and whenever w+w'=f+m 
# (with m the multiplicity and f the Frobenius number) we have 
# ord(w+w')=ord(w)+ord(w')

# BelongsToHomogenizationOfNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
# checks if the pair n belongs to the homogenization of s

# FactorizationsInHomogenizationOfNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
# computes the set of factorizations of  n with respect to generators of  
# the homogenization of s

# HomogeneousBettiElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(s) 
#  Computes the Betti elements of the Homogenization of s 
#  uses Cox-Little-O'Shea, Chapter 8, Theorem 4  for finding 
#  a system of generators of the ideal of S^h

#F HomogeneousCatenaryDegreeOfNumericalSemigroup(s) computes the 
##  homogeneous catenary degree of the numerical semigroup s ([GSOSN])

#F DenumerantElementInNumericalSemigroup(n,s)
## returns the denumerant

#F MoebiusFunctionAssociatedToNumericalSemigroup(s,x)
## Computes the value in x of  Moebius function of the poset 
## associated to a numerial semigroup s 
## -Chappelon and Ramirez Alfonsin, Semigroup Forum 87 (2013), 313-330

#F  AdjacentCatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations(ls)
## computes the adjacent catenary degree of the set of factorizations ls

#F EqualCatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations(ls) 
## computes the equal catenary degree of of the set of factorizations

#F MonotoneCatenaryDegreeOfSetOfFactorizations(ls) 
## computes the equal catenary degree of of the set of factorizations

#F LShapesOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
## computes the set of LShapes associated to S (see [AG-GS])

#F  MonotonePrimitiveElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
## Computes the sets of elements in s, such that there exists a minimal 
## solution to msg*x-msg*y = 0, |x|<=|y| such that x,y are factorizations of s
## Used to compute the monotone catenary degree of the semigroup s

#F  EqualPrimitiveElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(s)
## Computes the sets of elements in s, such that there exists a minimal 
## solution to msg*x-msg*y = 0, |x|=|y| such that x,y are factorizations of s
## Used to compute the equal catenary degree of the semigroup

#F EqualCatenaryDegreeOfNumericalSemigroup(s) computes the 
##  adjacent catenary degree of the numerical semigroup s
##  the equal catenary degree is reached in the set of primitive
##  elements of s (see [PH])

#F MonotoneCatenaryDegreeOfNumericalSemigroup(s) computes the 
##  adjacent catenary degree of the numerical semigroup s
##  the monotone catenary degree is reached in the set of primitive
##  elements of s (see [PH])

#O FengRaoDistance(NS,r,m)
#Computes the r-th Feng-Rao distance of the element m in the numerical semigroup NS
#function originally implemented by Benjamin Heredia
#Based on the paper...

#O FengRaoNumber(NS,r)
#O FengRaoNumber(r,NS)
# returns the r-Feng Rao number of a numerical semigroup NS
# based on [DelgadoFarranGarcia-SanchezLlena2013MC]