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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466297
# openmath, chapter 3

# [ "doc/extend.xml", 23, 38 ]

gap> Display( OMsymRecord.nums1 );          
  NaN := nan,
  based_integer := fail,
  e := 2.718281828459045,
  gamma := fail,
  i := E(4),
  infinity := infinity,
  pi := 3.141592653589793,
  rational := function ( x )
        return OMgapId( [ OMgap2ARGS( x ), x[1] / x[2] ] )[2];
    end )

# [ "doc/extend.xml", 64, 88 ]

gap> OMPrint( [ [1..10], ZmodnZObj(2,6), (1,2) ] );                
<OMOBJ xmlns="" version="2.0">
		<OMS cd="list1" name="list"/>
			<OMS cd="interval1" name="integer_interval"/>
			<OMS cd="integer2" name="class"/>
			<OMS cd="permut1" name="permutation"/>