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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466317############################################################################ ## ## SCO package Simon Goertzen ## ## Copyright 2007-2008 Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen ## ## Implementation stuff for matrix creation. ## ############################################################################# ## <#GAPDoc Label="BoundaryOperator"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Arg="i, L, mu" Name="BoundaryOperator"/> ## <Returns>List B</Returns> ## <Description> ## This returns the <A>i</A>th boundary of <A>L</A>, which has to be an ## element of a simplicial set. <A>mu</A> is the function <M>\mu</M> that ## has to be taken into account when computing orbifold boundaries. This ## function is used for matrix creation, there should not be much reason ## for calling it independently. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallGlobalFunction( BoundaryOperator, "Arguments: i, L, mu. Calculate i-th boundary of L with the help of mu", function( i, L, mu) local n, tau, rho, j, boundary; boundary := ShallowCopy( L ); n := ( Length( L ) - 1 ) / 2; if i < 0 or i > n then Error( "BoundaryOperator index i is out of bounds ([0..", n, "])! i = ", i ); fi; tau := Intersection( Filtered( L, x->IsList( x ) ) ); if i = 0 then boundary := L{[3..Length( L )]}; rho := Intersection( Filtered( boundary, x->IsList( x ) ) ); elif i = n then boundary := L{[1..Length( L ) - 2]}; rho := Intersection( Filtered( boundary, x->IsList( x ) ) ); fi; if i = 0 or i = n then for j in [2,4..Length( boundary ) - 1] do boundary[j] := mu( [ tau, rho, boundary[j-1], boundary[j+1] ] )( boundary[j] ); od; return boundary; fi; boundary := boundary{Difference( [1..Length( boundary )],[2*i+1,2*i+2] )}; rho := Intersection( Filtered( boundary, x->IsList( x ) ) ); for j in [2,4..Length( boundary ) - 1] do if j = 2*i then boundary[j] := mu( [ tau, rho, L[j-1], L[j+3] ] )( L[j] * L[j+2] ); else boundary[j] := mu( [ tau, rho, boundary[j-1], boundary[j+1] ] )( boundary[j] ); fi; od; return boundary; end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="CreateCoboundaryMatrices"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="S[, d], R" Name="CreateCoboundaryMatrices"/> ## <Returns>List <A>M</A></Returns> ## <Description> ## This returns the list <A>M</A> of homalg matrices over the homalg ring ## <A>R</A> up to dimension <A>d</A>, corresponding to the coboundary matrices ## induced by the simplicial set <A>S</A>. If <A>d</A> is not given, the ## current dimension of <A>S</A> is used. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> S := SimplicialSet( Teardrop ); ## <The simplicial set of the orbifold triangulation "Teardrop", computed up to d\ ## imension 0 with Length vector [ 4 ]> ## gap> M := CreateCoboundaryMatrices( S, 4, HomalgRingOfIntegers() );; ## gap> S; ## <The simplicial set of the orbifold triangulation "Teardrop", computed up to d\ ## imension 5 with Length vector [ 4, 12, 22, 33, 51, 73 ]> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( CreateCoboundaryMatrices, "for internal and external rings", [ IsSimplicialSet, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( ss, d, R ) local S, x, matrices, one, minusone, k, p, i, ind, pos, res; S := x -> SimplicialSet( ss, x ); matrices := []; one := One( R ); minusone := MinusOne( R ); for k in [ 1 .. d + 1 ] do if Length( S(k) ) = 0 then matrices[k] := HomalgZeroMatrix( Length( S(k-1) ), 0, R ); else matrices[k] := HomalgInitialMatrix( Length( S(k-1) ), Length( S(k) ), R ); for p in [ 1 .. Length( S(k) ) ] do #column iterator for i in [ 0 .. k ] do #row iterator ind := PositionSet( S(k-1), BoundaryOperator( i, S(k)[p], ss!.orbifold_triangulation!.mu ) ); if not ind = fail then if IsEvenInt( i ) then AddToMatElm( matrices[k], ind, p, one ); else AddToMatElm( matrices[k], ind, p, minusone ); fi; fi; od; od; ResetFilterObj( matrices[k], IsInitialMatrix ); fi; od; return matrices; end ); InstallMethod( CreateCoboundaryMatrices, [ IsSimplicialSet, IsHomalgRing ], function( ss, R ) return CreateCoboundaryMatrices( ss, ss!.dimension - 1, R ); end ); ## <#GAPDoc Label="CreateBoundaryMatrices"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Arg="S, d, R" Name="CreateBoundaryMatrices"/> ## <Returns>List <A>M</A></Returns> ## <Description> ## This returns the list <A>M</A> of homalg matrices over the homalg ring ## <A>R</A> up to dimension <A>d</A>, corresponding to the boundary matrices ## induced by the simplicial set <A>S</A>. If <A>d</A> is not given, the ## current dimension of <A>S</A> is used. ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> S := SimplicialSet( Teardrop ); ## <The simplicial set of the orbifold triangulation "Teardrop", computed up to d\ ## imension 0 with Length vector [ 4 ]> ## gap> M := CreateBoundaryMatrices( S, 4, HomalgRingOfIntegers() );; ## gap> S; ## <The simplicial set of the orbifold triangulation "Teardrop", computed up to d\ ## imension 5 with Length vector [ 4, 12, 22, 33, 51, 73 ]> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## InstallMethod( CreateBoundaryMatrices, "for internal and external rings", [ IsSimplicialSet, IsInt, IsHomalgRing ], function( ss, d, R ) local S, x, matrices, one, minusone, k, p, i, ind, pos, res; S := x -> SimplicialSet( ss, x ); matrices := []; one := One( R ); minusone := MinusOne( R ); for k in [ 1 .. d + 1 ] do if Length( S(k) ) = 0 then matrices[k] := HomalgZeroMatrix( 0, Length( S(k-1) ), R ); else matrices[k] := HomalgInitialMatrix( Length( S(k) ), Length( S(k-1) ), R ); for p in [ 1 .. Length( S(k) ) ] do #column iterator for i in [ 0 .. k ] do #row iterator ind := PositionSet( S(k-1), BoundaryOperator( i, S(k)[p], ss!.orbifold_triangulation!.mu ) ); if not ind = fail then if IsEvenInt( i ) then AddToMatElm( matrices[k], p, ind, one ); else AddToMatElm( matrices[k], p, ind, minusone ); fi; fi; od; od; ResetFilterObj( matrices[k], IsInitialMatrix ); fi; od; return matrices; end ); InstallMethod( CreateBoundaryMatrices, [ IsSimplicialSet, IsHomalgRing ], function( ss, R ) return CreateBoundaryMatrices( ss, ss!.dimension - 1, R ); end );