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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 472526<Chapter Label="Intro">1<Heading>Installation</Heading>23<Section Label="Install">4<Heading>Installation and system requirements</Heading>56Both &SCSCP; client and server for &GAP; work in Linux, OS X and Windows.7<P/>89To use the &SCSCP; package it is necessary to install recent versions of10&GAP;4 packages &IO; <Cite Key="IO"/>, &GAPDoc; <Cite Key="GAPDoc"/>11and &OpenMath; <Cite Key="openmath"/>.12<P/>1314The &SCSCP; package is distributed in standard formats (<File>tar.gz</File>,15<File>tar.bz2</File>) and can be obtained from16<URL></URL> or from the &GAP;17web site (the latter also offers <File>zoo</File>- and <File></File>-archives.18To unpack the <File>zoo</File>-archive the program <File>unzoo</File> is needed,19which can be obtained from the &GAP; homepage <URL></URL>20(see section `Distribution'). To install &SCSCP; package, put its <File>zoo</File>-archive21into the <File>pkg</File> subdirectory of your &GAP;4.4 installation and22enter the command <C>unzoo -x scscp-X.X.X.zoo</C>, then the subdirectory <File>scscp</File>23(containing subdirectories <File>doc</File>, <File>lib</File> etc.) will be created in24the <File>pkg</File> subdirectory. Installation using other archive formats is performed25in a similar way.26<P/>2728When there are no access rights to the root directory of the main &GAP;29installation, it is also possible to install the package30<E>outside the &GAP; main directory</E> by unpacking it inside a31directory <File>MYGAPDIR/pkg</File>. Then to load the package32&GAP; should be started with <C>-l ";MYGAPDIR"</C> option.3334</Section>3536<Section Label="Config">37<Heading>Configuration files</Heading>3839There are four files in the package which may need to be modified40to setup and customise the package.4142The first three files are related with the server's functionality:4344<List>4546<Item>47<File>scscp/config.g</File> specifies:48<List>49<Item>50default <C>InfoLevel</C> for the <Ref InfoClass="InfoSCSCP" /> class;51</Item>52<Item>53default &SCSCP; server name and port to be used by <Ref Func="RunSCSCPserver" /> if &GAP;54is started with the <File>scscp/example/myserver.g</File> file;55</Item>56<Item>57whether the server accepts calls to procedures which are standard &OpenMath; symbols,58or only procedures installed in the transient content dictionary (see <Ref Func="InstallSCSCPprocedure" />);59</Item>60<Item>61service description to be returned to the client by <Ref Func="GetServiceDescription" />.62</Item>63</List>64</Item>6566<Item>67<File>scscp/</File> is the script to start the &GAP; &SCSCP; server68as a daemon. To use it, adjust the local call of &GAP; and, if necessary,69call options (for example, memory usage, startup from the workspace etc.)70and the location of the root directory of the &SCSCP; package in section 171of this script.72</Item>7374<Item>75<File>scscp/example/myserver.g</File> is an example of the server configuration76file which loads all necessary packages, reads all needed code, installs77all procedures which will be exposed to the client and finally starts the78&SCSCP; server (see Chapter <Ref Chap="Server" />).79</Item>8081</List>8283The fourth file is related with the client's functionality for parallel computations:8485<List>86<Item>87The file <File>scscp/configpar.g</File> assigns the global variable88<C>SCSCPservers</C> which specifies a list of hosts and ports to89search for &SCSCP; services (which may be not only represented by90&GAP; services, but also by another &SCSCP;-compliant systems).91It will be used to run parallel computations with the &SCSCP;92package (see Chapter <Ref Chap="Parallel" />).93</Item>94</List>9596See comments in these configuration files for further details and examples.9798</Section>99100</Chapter>101102