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Views: 466297############################################################################ ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 0.998 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2005, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ## ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## #F GrahamBlocks(mat_input) ## ## This function returns [mat, phi] ## where mat is in Graham blocks form ## and phi[i][j] = [i', j'] where mat_input[i'][j'] = mat[i][j] InstallGlobalFunction(GrahamBlocks, function(mat_input) local i, j, k, r, c, x, mrows, mcols, rows, cols, marked_rows, marked_cols, lens, bag_rows, bag_cols, el, max, mat, mat2, seen_rows, bool, gcol, grow, phi, phi2, growb, gcolb, line, column, markRowsAndCols, exchangeRows, exchangeCols; markRowsAndCols := function(L) local i, j, r, c, list, list2; list := []; for i in L do if seen_rows[i] = 0 then # Mark row i for j in [1..cols] do if mat[i][j] = 1 then AddSet(mrows[i], j); AddSet(list, j); AddSet(marked_rows, i); fi; od; fi; od; list2 := []; for j in list do if not j in marked_cols then # Mark column j for r in [1..rows] do if mat[r][j] = 1 then AddSet(mcols[j], r); AddSet(list2, r); AddSet(marked_cols, j); fi; od; fi; od; if not list2 = [] then markRowsAndCols(list2); fi; end; ## End of markRowsAndCols() -- # Exchange rows a and b exchangeRows := function(a, b) local j; # Print("Exchanging rows ", a, " and ", b, "\n"); mat2[a] := List(mat[b], x -> x); for j in [1..cols] do phi2[a][j][1] := phi[b][j][1]; od; end; ## End of exchangeRows() -- # Exchange columns a and b exchangeCols := function(a, b) local i; # Print("Exchanging cols ", a, " and ", b, "\n"); for i in [1..rows] do mat[i][a] := mat2[i][b]; phi[i][a][2] := phi2[i][b][2]; od; end; ## End of exchangeCols() -- # =========== Main Code ============ mat := List(mat_input, line -> List(line, x -> x)); grow := 1; gcol := 1; rows := Length(mat); cols := Length(mat[1]); seen_rows := List([1..rows], x -> 0); phi := List([1..rows], i -> List([1..cols], j -> [i, j])); repeat bool := false; mrows := List([1..rows], x -> []); mcols := List([1..cols], x -> []); marked_rows := []; marked_cols := []; for i in [1..rows] do if 1 in mat[i] and seen_rows[i] = 0 then markRowsAndCols([i]); bool := true; break; fi; od; # Update seen rows c := 0; for i in marked_rows do seen_rows[grow + c] := 1; c := c + 1; od; # If at least 2 rows were marked if IsBound(marked_rows[2]) then #Determine the biggest length of all rows lens := []; for x in marked_rows do lens[x] := Length(mrows[x]); od; max := Maximum(lens); # Check the least numbered cols bag_rows := []; for i in marked_rows do for k in [1..max-lens[i]] do # [..., 3, ...] should come first than # [..., , ...] Add(mrows[i], 10^7); od; AddSet(bag_rows, [mrows[i], i]); od; # Move lines up mat2 := List(mat, line -> List(line, x -> x)); # duplicate mat phi2 := List(phi, line -> List(line, x -> [x[1], x[2]])); # duplicate phi growb := grow; for el in bag_rows do exchangeRows(grow, el[2]); grow := grow + 1; od; line := Difference([growb..rows], marked_rows); j := 1; for i in [grow..rows] do exchangeRows(i, line[j]); j := j + 1; od; # Move cols left mat := List(mat2, line -> List(line, x -> x)); phi := List(phi2, line -> List(line, x -> [x[1], x[2]])); gcolb := gcol; for j in marked_cols do exchangeCols(gcol, j); gcol := gcol + 1; od; column := Difference([gcolb..cols], marked_cols); j := 1; for i in [gcol..cols] do exchangeCols(i, column[j]); j := j + 1; od; # If only one row was seen elif IsBound(marked_rows[1]) then # Move lines up mat2 := List(mat, line -> List(line, x -> x)); # duplicate mat phi2 := List(phi, line -> List(line, x -> [x[1], x[2]])); # duplicate phi exchangeRows(grow, marked_rows[1]); grow := grow + 1; # Move cols left mat := List(mat2, line -> List(line, x -> x)); phi := List(phi2, line -> List(line, x -> [x[1], x[2]])); gcolb := gcol; for j in marked_cols do exchangeCols(gcol, j); gcol := gcol + 1; od; column := Difference([gcolb..cols], marked_cols); j := 1; for i in [gcol..cols] do exchangeCols(i, column[j]); j := j + 1; od; fi; until Sum(seen_rows) = rows; return([mat, phi]); end);