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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466291
#F            The SymbCompCC package     D�rte Feichtenschlager

## define the infinite coclass families in G(2,1)

## define global variables
InstallValue( One1_PPGV21, Int2PPowerPoly( 2, 1 ) );
InstallValue( Zero0_PPGV21, Int2PPowerPoly( 2, 0 ) );
InstallValue( TwoXP1_PPGV21, [ 2, [0,2], true, [1,1] ] );
InstallValue( TwoX_PPGV21, [ 2, [0,1] , true, [1,0] ] );
InstallValue( ParPresGlobalVar_2_1_Names, [ "D", "Q", "SD" ] );
## relations and exponents
InstallValue( ParPresGlobalVar_2_1, [ 
rec( rel := [[[[1,0]]],[[[2,1],[3,PPP_Subtract(TwoXP1_PPGV21,One1_PPGV21)]],[[3,One1_PPGV21]]],[[[3,PPP_Subtract(TwoXP1_PPGV21,One1_PPGV21)]],[[3,One1_PPGV21]],[[3,Zero0_PPGV21]]]], 
     expo := TwoXP1_PPGV21, 
     n := 2, 
     d := 1, 
     m := 0, 
     prime := 2, 
     cc := 1,
     expo_vec := [],
     name := "D" ) , 
rec( rel := [[[[3,TwoX_PPGV21]]],[[[2,1],[3,PPP_Subtract(TwoXP1_PPGV21,One1_PPGV21)]],[[3,One1_PPGV21]]],[[[3,PPP_Subtract(TwoXP1_PPGV21,One1_PPGV21)]],[[3,One1_PPGV21]],[[3,Zero0_PPGV21]]]], 
     expo := TwoXP1_PPGV21, 
     n := 2, 
     d := 1, 
     m := 0, 
     prime := 2, 
     cc := 1,
     expo_vec := [],
     name := "Q" ), 
rec( rel := [[[[1,0]]],[[[2,1],[3,PPP_Subtract(TwoX_PPGV21,One1_PPGV21)]],[[3,One1_PPGV21]]],[[[3,PPP_Subtract(TwoXP1_PPGV21,One1_PPGV21)]],[[3,One1_PPGV21]],[[3,Zero0_PPGV21]]]], 
     expo := TwoXP1_PPGV21, 
     n := 2, d := 1, 
     m := 0, 
     prime := 2, 
     cc := 1,
     expo_vec := [],
     name := "SD"  ) 
] );

## ParPresGlobalVar_2_1 immutable machen
MakeImmutable( ParPresGlobalVar_2_1 );

#E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ends here