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Views: 418346
##  PackageInfo.g  file for the package XMod 
##  Chris Wensley and Murat Alp 

SetPackageInfo( rec(
PackageName := "XMod",
Packagename := "xmod",
Subtitle := "Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups",

Version := "2.64",
Date := "30/11/2017",

##  duplicate these values for inclusion in the manual: 
##  <!ENTITY XMODTARFILENAME "xmod-2.64.tar.gz">
##  <!ENTITY XMODRELEASEDATE "30/11/2017">
##  <!ENTITY XMODLONGRELEASEDATE "30th November 2017">
##  <#/GAPDoc>

Persons := [
    LastName      := "Wensley",
    FirstNames    := "Christopher D.",
    IsAuthor      := true,
    IsMaintainer  := true,
    Email         := "[email protected]",
    WWWHome       := "",
    PostalAddress := Concatenation( [
                       "Dr. C.D. Wensley\n",
                       "School of Computer Science\n",
                       "Bangor University\n",
                       "Dean Street\n",
                       "Gwynedd LL57 1UT\n",
                       "UK"] ),
    Place         := "Bangor",
    Institution   := "Bangor University"
    LastName      := "Alp",
    FirstNames    := "Murat",
    IsAuthor      := true,
    IsMaintainer  := false,
    Email         := "[email protected]",
    PostalAddress := Concatenation( [ 
                       "Prof. Dr. M. Alp\n",
                       "Ömer Halisdemir University\n",
                       "Art and Science Faculty\n",
                       "Mathematics Department\n",
                       "Turkey"] ),
    Place         := "Nigde",
    Institution   := "Ömer Halisdemir University"
    LastName      := "Odabas",
    FirstNames    := "Alper",
    IsAuthor      := true,
    IsMaintainer  := false,
    Email         := "[email protected]",
    PostalAddress := Concatenation( [ 
                       "Dr. A. Odabas \n",
                       "Osmangazi University \n",
                       "Arts and Sciences Faculty \n",
                       "Department of Mathematics and Computer Science \n",
                       "Eskisehir \n",
                       "Turkey"] ),
    Place         := "Eskisehir",
    Institution   := "Osmangazi University"
    LastName      := "Uslu",
    FirstNames    := "Enver Onder",
    IsAuthor      := true,
    IsMaintainer  := false,
    Email         := "[email protected]",
    PostalAddress := Concatenation( [ 
                       "Dr. E. O. Uslu \n",
                       "Osmangazi University \n",
                       "Arts and Sciences Faculty \n",
                       "Department of Mathematics and Computer Science \n",
                       "Eskisehir \n",
                       "Turkey"] ),
    Place         := "Eskisehir",
    Institution   := "Osmangazi University"

Status := "accepted",
CommunicatedBy := "Derek Holt (Warwick)",
AcceptDate := "12/1996",

SourceRepository := rec( 
  Type := "git", 
  URL := ""
IssueTrackerURL := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL, "/issues" ),
PackageWWWHome  := "",
README_URL      := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "" ),
PackageInfoURL  := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "PackageInfo.g" ),
ArchiveURL      := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL, 
                                  "/releases/download/v", ~.Version, 
                                  "/", ~.PackageName, "-", ~.Version ), 
SupportEmail := "[email protected]",
ArchiveFormats  := ".tar.gz",

AbstractHTML :=
 "The <span class=\"pkgname\">XMod</span> package provides a collection \
  of functions for computing with crossed modules and cat1-groups, \
their derivations and sections, morphisms of these structures, \
and higher-dimensional generalisations.",

PackageDoc := rec(
  BookName  := "XMod",
  ArchiveURLSubset := ["doc"],
  HTMLStart := "doc/chap0.html",
  PDFFile   := "doc/manual.pdf",
  SixFile   := "doc/manual.six",
  LongTitle := "Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups in GAP",
  Autoload  := true

Dependencies := rec(
  GAP := ">=4.8.8",
  NeededOtherPackages := [ ["Utils", ">= 0.48"], 
                           ["groupoids", ">= 1.54"], 
                           ["Hap", ">= 1.11.13"],
                           ["AutPGrp", ">= 1.6"] ], 
  SuggestedOtherPackages := [ ["GAPDoc", ">= 1.5.1"] ],
  ExternalConditions := [ ]

AvailabilityTest := ReturnTrue,

BannerString := Concatenation( 
  "Loading XMod ", String( ~.Version ), 
  " (methods for crossed modules and cat1-groups)\n",
  "by Chris Wensley (,", 
  " with contributions from:\n", 
  "    Murat Alp ([email protected]),\n", 
  "    Alper Odabas ([email protected]),\n", 
  "and Enver Uslu ([email protected]).\n", 
  "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ), 

TestFile := "tst/testall.g",

Keywords := ["crossed module", "cat1-group", "derivation", "section", 
             "actor", "crossed square" ]
