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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################## ## #W GAP4 package `XMod' Chris Wensley ## #Y Copyright (C) 2001-2017, Chris Wensley et al, #Y School of Computer Science, Bangor University, U.K. ############################################################################# ## Standard error messages XMODOBJ_CONSTRUCTORS := Concatenation( "The standard operations which construct a (pre)xmod with objects are:\n", "1. SinglePiecePreXModWithObjects( (pre)xmod, objects, isdiscrete );\n", "2. DomainWithSingleObject( (pre)xmod, single object );\n", "3. UnionOfPieces( list of (pre)xmods with objects );\n", "4. PreXModWithObjects( one of the previous parameter options );" ); ############################################################################# ## #F PreXModWithObjects( <pieces> ) list of (pre)xmods of groupoids #F PreXModWithObjects( <px>, <obj> ) (pre)xmod with a single object #F PreXModWithObjects( <px>, <obs>, <disc> ) disc=true when source is discrete ## InstallGlobalFunction( PreXModWithObjects, function( arg ) local nargs, id, rays; nargs := Length( arg ); # list of pieces if ( ( nargs = 1 ) and IsList( arg[1] ) and ForAll( arg[1], G -> IsPreXModWithObjects(G) ) ) then Info( InfoXMod, 2, "ByUnion" ); return UnionOfPieces( arg[1] ); # prexmod plus singler object elif ( ( nargs = 2 ) and IsPreXMod( arg[1] ) and IsObject( arg[2] ) ) then Info( InfoXMod, 2, "prexmod plus single object" ); return DomainWithSingleObject( arg[1], arg[2] ); # prexmod + list of objects + boolean (true => discrete source) elif ( ( nargs = 3 ) and IsPreXMod( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) and IsBool( arg[3] ) ) then Info( InfoXMod, 2, "SinglePieceXPreModWithObjects" ); return SinglePiecePreXModWithObjects( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3] ); else Info( InfoXMod, 1, XMODOBJ_CONSTRUCTORS ); return fail; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsXModWithObjects . . . check that the second crossed module axiom holds ## InstallMethod( IsXModWithObjects, "generic method for pre-crossed modules", true, [ IsPreXModWithObjects ], 0, function( XM ) local gensrc, genrng, x2, y2, a2, w2, z2, bdy, act; Info( InfoXMod, 2, "using IsXMod from" ); bdy := Boundary( XM ); act := XModAction( XM ); gensrc := GeneratorsOfGroupoid( Source( XM ) ); genrng := GeneratorsOfGroupoid( Range( XM ) ); for x2 in gensrc do for y2 in gensrc do Info( InfoXMod, 3, "x2,y2 = ", x2, ", ", y2 ); a2 := ImageElm( act, ImageElm( bdy, y2 ) ); z2 := ImageElm( a2![1], x2 ); w2 := x2^y2; Info( InfoXMod, 3, "w2,z2 = ", w2, ", ", z2 ); if ( z2 <> w2 ) then Info( InfoXMod, 2, "CM2) fails at x2 = ", x2, ", y2 = ", y2, "\n", "x2^(bdy(y2)) = ", z2, "\n"," x2^y2 = ", w2, "\n" ); return false; fi; od; od; return true; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M SinglePiecePreXModWithObjects( <xmod>, <obs> ) .. make prexmod with obs #M SinglePiecePreXModWithObjectsNC( <xmod>, <obs> ) .. make prexmod with obs ## InstallMethod( SinglePiecePreXModWithObjects, "for prexmod, objects, isdisc?", true, [ IsPreXMod, IsList, IsBool ], 0, function( px, obs, isdisc ) if not IsSet( obs ) then Sort( obs ); fi; if not IsDuplicateFree( obs ) then Error( "objects must be distinct" ); fi; return SinglePiecePreXModWithObjectsNC( px, obs, isdisc ); end ); InstallMethod( SinglePiecePreXModWithObjectsNC, "for prexmod, obs, isdisc?", true, [ IsPreXMod, IsList, IsBool ], 0, function( px, obs, isdisc ) local spx, rpx, src, rng, gens, bpx, imbdy, i, a, im, bdy, apx, AS, AR, AS0, obs0, imobs, fact, act, pxwo; spx := Source( px ); rpx := Range( px ); pxwo := rec( objects := obs, prexmod := px, rays := List( obs, function( o ) return One(rpx); end ) ); rng := SinglePieceGroupoid( rpx, obs ); if isdisc then src := HomogeneousDiscreteGroupoid( spx, obs ); else src := SinglePieceGroupoid( spx, obs ); fi; ## construct the boundary gens := GeneratorsOfGroupoid( src ); bpx := Boundary( px ); imbdy := ShallowCopy( gens ); for i in [1..Length(imbdy)] do a := gens[i]; if ( a![2] = a![3] ) then im := ImageElm( bpx, a![1] ); imbdy[i] := ArrowNC( true, im, a![2], a![3] ); else imbdy[i] := ArrowNC( true, One(rpx), a![2], a![3] ); fi; od; if isdisc then bdy := GroupoidHomomorphismFromHomogeneousDiscrete(src,rng,gens,imbdy); else bdy := GroupoidHomomorphismFromSinglePiece(src,rng,gens,imbdy); fi; ## construct the action apx := XModAction( px ); AS := AutomorphismGroupOfGroupoid( src ); AR := AutomorphismGroupOfGroupoid( rng ); AS0 := DomainWithSingleObject( AS, 0 ); obs0 := List( obs, o -> 0 ); fact := function(a) local i,j,g,imobs,aut1,autg,aut2,aut; g := a![1]; i := Position( obs, a![2] ); j := Position( obs, a![3] ); imobs := ShallowCopy( obs ); imobs[i] := obs[j]; imobs[j] := obs[i]; aut1 := GroupoidAutomorphismByObjectPerm( src, imobs ); autg := ImageElm( apx, g ); aut2 := GroupoidAutomorphismByGroupAuto( src, autg ); aut := aut1 * aut2; return ArrowNC( true, aut, 0, 0 ); end; act := MappingWithObjectsByFunction( rng, AS0, fact, obs0 ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( pxwo, PreXModWithObjectsType, Is2DimensionalDomain, true, IsSinglePieceDomain, true, IsPreXModWithObjects, true, ObjectList, obs, Root2dGroup, px, Source, src, Range, rng, Boundary, bdy, XModAction, act, IsDirectProductWithCompleteDigraphDomain, true ); SetIsXModWithObjects( pxwo, IsXMod( px ) ); #? name := Name( pxwo ); return pxwo; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M \=( <P>, <Q> ) . . . . . . . . . . test if two 2d-groups over a groupoid ## InstallMethod( \=, "generic method for two xmods over a groupoid", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsPreXModWithObjects, IsPreXModWithObjects ], 0, function ( P, Q ) return ( ( ObjectList(P) = ObjectList(Q) ) and ( Boundary(P) = Boundary(Q) ) and ( XModAction(P) = XModAction(Q) ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M UnionOfPiecesOp . . for connected prexmods with objects plus one of these ## InstallOtherMethod( UnionOfPiecesOp, "method for list of prexmods with objects", true, [ IsList, IsDomainWithObjects ], 0, function( comps, dom ) local len, pieces, L, fam, filter, xwo, i, obs, par; if not ForAll( comps, c -> "IsPreXModWithObjects" in CategoriesOfObject( c ) ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; ## order pieces by first object len := Length( comps ); obs := List( comps, g -> ObjectList(g)[1] ); L := [1..len]; SortParallel( obs, L ); if ( L = [1..len] ) then pieces := comps; else Info( InfoXMod, 2, "reordering pieces by first object" ); pieces := List( L, i -> comps[i] ); fi; fam := Family2DimensionalGroupWithObjects; filter := IsPiecesRep and IsPreXModWithObjects and IsAssociative; xwo := Objectify( PreXModWithPiecesType, rec () ); SetIsSinglePieceDomain( xwo, false ); SetPieces( xwo, pieces ); if HasParent( pieces[1] ) then par := Ancestor( pieces[1] ); if ForAll( pieces, c -> ( Ancestor( c ) = par ) ) then SetParent( xwo, par ); fi; fi; #? removed tests as to whether perm-, pc-, etc xmod with objects return xwo; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M DomainWithSingleObject ## ## Note that there is another method for [ IsGroup, IsObject ] in ## InstallMethod( DomainWithSingleObject, "generic method for domain, object", true, [ IsDomain, IsObject ], 0, function( dom, obj ) local o; if ( IsList( obj ) and ( Length(obj) = 1 ) ) then Info( InfoXMod, 2, "object given as a singleton list" ); o := obj[1]; else o := obj; fi; if not IsObject( o ) then Error( "<obj> not a scalar or singleton list," ); fi; if ( HasIsAssociative( dom ) and IsAssociative( dom ) and ( "IsMagmaWithInverses" in CategoriesOfObject( dom ) ) and IsMagmaWithInverses( dom ) ) then return SinglePieceGroupoidNC( dom, [o] ); elif ( HasIsMonoid( dom ) and IsMonoid( dom ) ) then return SinglePieceMonoidWithObjects( dom, [o] ); elif ( HasIsSemigroup( dom ) and IsSemigroup( dom ) ) then return SinglePieceSemigroupWithObjects( dom, [o] ); elif ( ( "IsMagma" in CategoriesOfObject(dom) ) and IsMagma(dom) ) then return SinglePieceMagmaWithObjects( dom, [o] ); else Error( "unstructured domains with objects not yet implemented," ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PieceOfObject ## InstallMethod( PieceOfObject, "generic method for magma with objects", true, [ IsDomainWithObjects, IsObject ], 0, function( dwo, obj ) local pieces, p, objp; if IsSinglePiece( dwo ) then if not ( obj in dwo!.objects ) then Error( "<obj> not an object of <dwo>," ); else return dwo; fi; elif not ( obj in ObjectList( dwo ) ) then Info( InfoXMod, 1, "<obj> not an object of <dwo>" ); return fail; fi; pieces := Pieces( dwo ); for p in pieces do objp := p!.objects; if ( obj in objp ) then return p; fi; od; Info( InfoXMod, 1, "it appears that <obj> is not an object in <dwo>" ); return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PieceNrOfObject ## InstallMethod( PieceNrOfObject, "generic method for domain with objects", true, [ IsDomainWithObjects, IsObject ], 0, function( dwo, obj ) local pieces, i, objp, np; pieces := Pieces( dwo ); for i in [1..Length( pieces )] do objp := pieces[i]!.objects; if ( obj in objp ) then return i; fi; od; Info( InfoXMod, 1, "it appears that <obj> is not an object in <dwo>" ); return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Root2dGroup ## InstallMethod( Root2dGroup, "generic method for domain with objects", true, [ Is2DimensionalDomainWithObjects ], 0, function( dwo ) local src, rng, bdy, act, ro, sgo, bdyo, rgo, acto; src := Source( dwo ); rng := Range( dwo ); bdy := Boundary( dwo ); act := XModAction( dwo ); ro := RootObject( rng ); sgo := FullSubgroupoid( src, [ro] ); bdyo := RestrictedMappingGroupoids( bdy, sgo ); rgo := FullSubgroupoid( rng, [ro] ); acto := RestrictedMappingGroupoids( act, rgo ); Error("here"); return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsPermPreXModWithObjects #M IsPcPreXModWithObjects #M IsFpPreXModWithObjects ## InstallMethod( IsPermPreXModWithObjects, "for domain with objects", true, [ Is2DimensionalDomainWithObjects ], 0, function( dwo ) return IsPerm2DimensionalGroup( Root2dGroup( dwo ) ); end ); InstallMethod( IsPcPreXModWithObjects, "for domain with objects", true, [ Is2DimensionalDomainWithObjects ], 0, function( dwo ) return IsPc2DimensionalGroup( Root2dGroup( dwo ) ); end ); InstallMethod( IsFpPreXModWithObjects, "for domain with objects", true, [ Is2DimensionalDomainWithObjects ], 0, function( dwo ) return IsFp2DimensionalGroup( Root2dGroup( dwo ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #O PrintObj( <pxwo> ) . . print details of a precrossed module of groupoids #O ViewObj( <pxwo> ) . . print details of a precrossed module of groupoids ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "method for prexmods and precat2groups", true, [ Is2DimensionalGroupWithObjects ], 0, function ( pxwo ) Print( "precrossed module with source groupoid:\n" ); Print( Source( pxwo ), "\n" ); Print( "and range groupoid:\n" ); Print( Range( pxwo ) ); return; end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "method for prexmods and precat2groups", true, [ Is2DimensionalGroupWithObjects ], 0, function ( pxwo ) PrintObj( pxwo ); return; end ); ############################################################################# ## #O Display( <xwo> ) . . . . . print details of a crossed module of groupoids ## InstallMethod( Display, "method for prexmods and precat2groups", true, [ Is2DimensionalGroupWithObjects ], 0, function( xwo ) Print( "crossed module of groupoids, " ); if HasName( xwo ) then Print( Name( xwo ) ); fi; Print( "\n" ); Print( "source groupoid:\n" ); Display( Source( xwo ) ); Print( "range groupoid:\n" ); Display( Range( xwo ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here