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Views: 466317%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1%%2%W messages.tex ACE appendix - messages Alexander Hulpke3%W Joachim Neub"user4%W Greg Gamble5%%6%H $Id$7%%8%Y Copyright (C) 2000 Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing9%Y Department of Information Tech. & Electrical Eng.10%Y University of Queensland, Australia.11%%1213%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%14\Chapter{The Meanings of ACE's output messages}1516In this chapter, we discuss the meanings of the messages that appear17in output from the {\ACE} binary, the verbosity of which is determined18by the `messages' option (see~"option messages"). Actually our aim19here is to concentrate on describing those ``messages'' that are20controlled by the `messages' option, namely the *progress* and21*results messages*; other output from {\ACE} is fairly22self-explanatory. (We describe some other output to give points of23reference.)2425Both interactively and non-interactively, {\ACE} output is `Info'-ed26at `InfoACE' level 3. To see the `Info'-ed {\ACE} output, set the27`InfoLevel' of `InfoACE' to at least 3, e.g.2829\beginexample30gap> SetInfoACELevel(3);31\endexample3233This causes each line of {\ACE} output to be prepended with34```\#I '''. Below, we describe the `Info'-ed output observed when35each of `ACECosetTableFromGensAndRels', `ACECosetTable', `ACEStats' or36`ACEStart' is called with three arguments, and presume that users will37be able to extend the description to explain output observed from38other {\ACE} interface functions. The first-observed (`Info'-ed)39output from {\ACE}, is {\ACE}'s banner, e.g.4041\begintt42#I ACE 3.001 Sat Feb 27 11:44:12 201643#I =========================================44#I Host information:45#I name = banksia46#I ***47\endtt4849If there were any errors in the directives put to {\ACE}, or output50from the options described in Appendix~"Other ACE Options", they will51appear next. Then, the next observed output is a row of three52asterisks:5354\begintt55#I ***56\endtt5758*Guru note:*59The three asterisks are generated by a ```text:***''' (see~"option60text") directive, emitted to {\ACE}, so that {\ACE}'s response can be61used as a sentinel to flush out any user errors, or any output from a62user's use of Appendix~"Other ACE Options" options.6364Next, if the `messages' option (see~"option messages") is set to a65non-zero value, what is observed is a heading like:6667\begintt68#I #--- ACE 3.001: Run Parameters ---69\endtt7071(where `3.001' may be replaced be some later version number of the72{\ACE} binary) followed by the ``input parameters'' developed from the73arguments and options passed to `ACECosetTableFromGensAndRels',74`ACEStats' or `ACEStart'. After these appears a separator:7576\begintt77#I #---------------------------------78\endtt7980followed by any *progress messages* (progress messages only occur if81`messages' is non-zero; recall that by default `messages' = 0),82followed by a *results message*.8384In the case of `ACECosetTableFromGensAndRels', the *results message*85is followed by a compaction (`CO' or `co') progress message and a86coset table.8788{\ACE}'s exit banner which should look something like:8990\begintt91=========================================92ACE 3.001 Sat Feb 27 11:44:17 201693\endtt9495is only seen when running {\ACE} as a standalone.9697Both *progress messages* and the *results message* consist of an98initial tag followed by a list of statistics. All messages have values99for the statistics `a', `r', `h', `n', `h', `l' and `c' (excepting100that the second `h', the one following the `n' statistic, is only101given if hole monitoring has been turned on by setting `messages' $\<1020$, which as noted above is expensive and should be avoided unless103really needed). Additionally, there may appear the statistics: `m' and104`t' (as for the results message); `d'; or `s', `d' and `c' (as for the105`DS' progress message). The meanings of the various statistics and106tags will follow later. The following is a sample progress message:107108\begintt109#I AD: a=2 r=1 h=1 n=3; h=66.67% l=1 c=+0.00; m=2 t=2110\endtt111112with tag `AD' and values for the statistics `a', `r', `h', `n', `h'113(appears because `messages' $\< 0$), `l', `c', `m' and `t'. The114following is a sample results message:115116\begintt117#I INDEX = 12 (a=12 r=16 h=1 n=16; l=3 c=0.01; m=14 t=15)118\endtt119120which, in this case, declares a successful enumeration of the coset121numbers of a subgroup of index 12 within a group, and, as it turns122out, values for the same statistics as the sample progress message.123124You should see all the above (and a little more), except that your125dates and host information will no doubt differ, by running:126127\beginexample128gap> ACEExample("A5-C5" : echo:=0, messages:=-1);129\endexample130131In the following table we list the statistics that can follow a132progress or results message tag, in order:133134\begintt135--------------------------------------------------------------------136statistic meaning137--------------------------------------------------------------------138a number of active coset numbers139r number of applied coset numbers140h first (potentially) incomplete row141n next coset number definition142h percentage of holes in the table (if `messages'$ \< 0$)143l number of main loop passes144c total CPU time145m maximum number of active coset numbers146t total number of coset numbers defined147s new deduction stack size (with DS tag)148d current deduction stack size, or149no. of non-redundant deductions retained (with DS tag)150c no. of redundant deductions discarded (with DS tag)151--------------------------------------------------------------------152\endtt153154Now that we have discussed the various meanings of the statistics,155it's time to discuss the various types of progress and results156messages possible. First we describe progress messages.157158%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%159\Section{Progress Messages}160161A progress message (and its tag) indicates the function just completed162by the enumerator. In the following table, the possible message `tag's163appear in the first column. In the `action' column, a `y' indicates164the function is aggregated and counted. Every time this count reaches165the value of `messages', a message line is printed and the count is166zeroed. Those tags flagged with a `y*' are only present if the167appropriate option was included when the {\ACE} binary was compiled (a168default compilation includes the appropriate options; so normally read169`y*' as `y'). Tags with an `n' in the `action' column indicate the170function is not counted, and cause a message line to be output every171time they occur. They also cause the action count to be reset.172173\begintt174------------------------------------------------------------------175tag action meaning176------------------------------------------------------------------177AD y coset 1 application definition (`SG'/`RS' phase)178RD y R-style definition179RF y row-filling definition180CG y immediate gap-filling definition181CC y* coincidence processed182DD y* deduction processed183CP y preferred list gap-filling definition184CD y C-style definition185Lx n lookahead performed (type `x')186CO n table compacted187co n compaction routine called, but nothing recovered188CL n complete lookahead (table as deduction stack)189UH n updated completed-row counter190RA n remaining coset numbers applied to relators191SG n subgroup generator phase192RS n relators in subgroup phase193DS n stack overflowed (compacted and doubled)194------------------------------------------------------------------195\endtt196197% \begin{table}198% \hrule199% \caption{Possible progress messages}200% \label{tab:prog}201% \smallskip202% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.875}203% \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}lll}204% \hline\hline205% message & action & meaning \\206% \hline207% \ttt{AD} & y & coset \#1 application definition208% (\ttt{SG}/\ttt{RS} phase) \\209% \ttt{RD} & y & R-style definition \\210% \ttt{RF} & y & row-filling definition \\211% \ttt{CG} & y & immediate gap-filling definition \\212% \ttt{CC} & y* & coincidence processed \\213% \ttt{DD} & y* & deduction processed \\214% \ttt{CP} & y & preferred list gap-filling definition \\215% \ttt{CD} & y & C-style definition \\216% \ttt{Lx} & n & lookahead performed (type \ttt{x}) \\217% \ttt{CO} & n & table compacted \\218% \ttt{CL} & n & complete lookahead (table as deduction stack) \\219% \ttt{UH} & n & updated completed-row counter \\220% \ttt{RA} & n & remaining cosets applied to relators \\221% \ttt{SG} & n & subgroup generator phase \\222% \ttt{RS} & n & relators in subgroup phase \\223% \ttt{DS} & n & stack overflowed (compacted and doubled) \\224% \hline\hline225% \end{tabular*}226% \end{table}227228%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%229\Section{Results Messages}230231The possible results are given in the following table; any result not232listed represents an internal error and should be reported to the233{\ACE} authors.234235% The level column is omitted ... since it won't mean anything to a236% GAP user237\begintt238result tag meaning239-------------------------------------------------------------------240INDEX = x finite index of `x' obtained241OVERFLOW out of table space242SG PHASE OVERFLOW out of space (processing subgroup generators)243ITERATION LIMIT `loop' limit triggered244TIME LIMT `ti' limit triggered245HOLE LIMIT `ho' limit triggered246INCOMPLETE TABLE all coset numbers applied, but table has holes247MEMORY PROBLEM out of memory (building data structures)248-------------------------------------------------------------------249\endtt250251% \begin{table}252% \hrule253% \caption{Possible enumeration results}254% \label{tab:rslts}255% \smallskip256% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.875}257% \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}lll}258% \hline\hline259% result & level & meaning \\260% \hline261% \ttt{INDEX = x} & 0 & finite index of \ttt{x} obtained \\262% \ttt{OVERFLOW} & 0 & out of table space \\263% \ttt{SG PHASE OVERFLOW} & 0 & out of space (processing subgroup264% generators) \\265% \ttt{ITERATION LIMIT} & 0 & \ttt{loop} limit triggered \\266% \ttt{TIME LIMT} & 0 & \ttt{ti} limit triggered \\267% \ttt{HOLE LIMIT} & 0 & \ttt{ho} limit triggered \\268% \ttt{INCOMPLETE TABLE} & 0 & all cosets applied, but table has holes \\269% \ttt{MEMORY PROBLEM} & 1 & out of memory (building data structures) \\270% \hline\hline271% \end{tabular*}272% \end{table}273274*Notes:*275Recall that hole monitoring is switched on by setting a negative value276for the `messages' (see~"option messages") option, but note that hole277monitoring is expensive, so don't turn it on unless you really need278it. If you wish to print out the presentation and the options, but not279the progress messages, then set `messages' non-zero, but very large.280(You'll still get the `SG', `DS', etc. messages, but not the `RD',281`DD', etc. ones.) You can set `messages' to $1$, to monitor all282enumerator actions, but be warned that this can yield very large283output files.284285%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%286%%287%E288289290