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Views: 466317############################################################################# ## #W Karel Dekimpe #W Bettina Eick ## ############################################################################# ## ## The following functions can be used to determine Betti-numbers of a ## torsion-free polycyclic group given by a pcp presentation. All ## Betti-numbers can be obtained if G has Hirsch length at most 5. ## ## The Betti-numbers B(G,m) are defined as the ranks of H_m(G,Z) for the ## trivial G-module Z. If M is the orientation G-module, then we can also ## characterise B(G,m) for n >= m >= n-2 as the ranks of H^n-m(G,M). ## Further, the alternating sum of all Betti-numbers is 0 using the ## Euler characteristic. ## ############################################################################# ## #F OrientationModule( G ) ## InstallMethod( OrientationModule, "for pcp groups", true, [IsPcpGroup], 0, function( G ) local pcps, gens, mats, acts, dets, i, pcp; pcps := PcpsOfEfaSeries( G ); pcps := Filtered( pcps, x -> RelativeOrdersOfPcp(x)[1] = 0 ); gens := Igs(G); mats := List( gens, x -> IdentityMat( 1 ) ); for pcp in pcps do acts := LinearActionOnPcp( gens, pcp ); dets := List( acts, x -> Determinant( x ) ); for i in [1..Length(mats)] do mats[i] := dets[i] * mats[i]; od; od; return mats; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F IsOrientedMatGroup( G ) ## IsOrientedMatGroup := function( G ) return ForAll( GeneratorsOfGroup(G), x -> Determinant(x) = 1 ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F BettiNumber( G, m ) ## BettiNumberPcpGroup := function(G,m) local n, pcp, mats, CR, one, two; if not IsTorsionFree( G ) then Print("the input group must be torsion-free \n"); return fail; fi; # catch the trivial case if IsFinite(G) then if m = 0 then return 1; else return 0; fi; fi; # the hirsch length n := HirschLength( G ); if m < 0 or m > n then return 0; fi; if m = 0 then return 1; fi; if m = 1 then pcp := Pcp( G, DerivedSubgroup(G) ); return Length( Filtered( RelativeOrdersOfPcp( pcp ),x -> x=0 )); fi; if m = n then mats := OrientationModule( G ); if ForAny( mats, x -> x[1][1] = -1 ) then return 0; else return 1; fi; fi; if m = 2 then mats := List( Pcp(G), x -> IdentityMat(1) ); CR := CRRecordByMats( G, mats ); two := TwoCohomologyCR( CR ).factor.rels; return Length( Filtered( two, x -> x = 0 ) ); fi; if m = n-1 then mats := OrientationModule( G ); CR := CRRecordByMats( G, mats ); one := OneCohomologyCR( CR ).factor.rels; return Length( Filtered( one, x -> x = 0 ) ); fi; if m = n-2 then mats := OrientationModule( G ); CR := CRRecordByMats( G, mats ); two := TwoCohomologyCR( CR ).factor.rels; return Length( Filtered( two, x -> x = 0 ) ); fi; Print("Betti-number is out of range for our methods \n"); return fail; end; InstallMethod( BettiNumber, "for torsion-free pcp groups", true, [IsPcpGroup, IsInt], 0, function(G, m) if not IsTorsionFree(G) then TryNextMethod(); fi; if m in [3..HirschLength(G)-3] then TryNextMethod(); fi; return BettiNumberPcpGroup(G,m); end); ############################################################################# ## #F BettiNumbers( G ) ## InstallMethod( BettiNumbers, "for torsion-free pcp groups", true, [IsPcpGroup], 0, function( G ) local n, betti; n := HirschLength( G ); if not IsTorsionFree( G ) or n > 6 then TryNextMethod(); fi; # set up the Betti-numbers betti := [1]; if n = 0 then return betti; fi; betti[2] := BettiNumber( G, 1 ); if n = 1 then return betti; fi; betti[3] := BettiNumber( G, 2 ); if n = 2 then return betti; fi; betti[4] := betti[1] - betti[2] + betti[3]; if n = 3 then return betti; fi; if n > 3 then betti[5] := BettiNumber( G, 4 ); betti[4] := betti[4] + betti[5]; fi; if n > 4 then betti[6] := BettiNumber( G, 5 ); betti[4] := betti[4] - betti[6]; fi; if n > 5 then betti[7] := BettiNumber( G, 6 ); betti[4] := betti[4] + betti[7]; fi; return betti; end );